Chapters [317-318]

Chapter 317. How Is This Possible??


Perhaps, due to the destruction of the ship, another flying ship immediately shifted its direction in the screen, accelerating toward the forest.

Although the remaining ship could not be monitored at the moment, it should have received the news as well and proceeded here at the same time.

The explosion shocked Lin Ling who was healing herself. She then opened her eyes and asked, "What happened?"

Lu Ze shook his head. "One ship was ambushed and destroyed by the Void Beast."

Moments later, Lu Ze, who had a complicated expression, continued, "Not a single person got out of the ship after the explosion. They are all dead."

Lin Ling: "…"

She blinked her eyes as she remained silent for a moment. "Isn't that ship pretty strong?"

"That Void Beast has a powerful stealth ability, and the attack happened so suddenly. The ship didn't have the time to open its barrier."

The energy on a ship was limited. Maintaining a barrier costed large amounts of energy. It wouldn't be constantly open unless the situation required it.

Of course, this might also be due to their carelessness.

When Lin Ling heard Lu Ze's explanation, her mouth twitched. Finally, she asked, "Then, what do we do now?"

He was silent for a while.

Subsequently, he answered, "By the looks of it, the people on the ship are not strong. Otherwise, they would not be unable to run from the Void Beast. The remaining two ships should not be too different then. When the two ships arrive, we will assess the situation. If they really are not strong, we will capture them and ask what their motives are."

Regardless, the sudden appearance of these unregistered ships was too suspicious.

Lin Ling nodded at his words. "Mhm."

Outside in the forest, the Void Beast concealed its chi again and lay low on the ground. Compared to the other 3 Void Beasts, this one was much more sneaky.

Soon, the remaining two ships flew over and surveyed the air carefully.

Just now, they didn't even know what happened to the third ship. They carefully opened up the defense barrier and began searching

At this time, a gray ball of energy surged and bombarded the barriers of one of the ships.


The collision of the two created a deafening sound.

Afterward, the barrier flickered, and then, the ship flew out a few kilometers before wobbling and finally stopping. Before the ship could react, the Void Beast appeared on the side of the defense barrier and sliced it heavily.


The ship wobbled once more.

This was the difference between martial artists and flying ships. The agility of flying ships was too low. The ship had a powerful attack, but after being ambushed, it couldn't even release an attack.

If the Void Beast kept attacking, the ship's energy would soon be depleted. It would be unable to sustain the barrier.

Consequently, the ship would be torn to pieces.

At this moment, the other ship finally noticed the situation and started charging up its energy cannons.

In a few seconds, a few meters thick, white energy beam shot heavily toward the Void Beast, penetrating its body without resistance. Moreover, it even lightly scraped the defense barrier of the other ship.

The barrier started flickering vigorously as though it had reached its limit.


The body of the Void Beast exploded, leaving a huge and bloody hole within. A wailing sound could be heard afterward. Black blood gushed out from the wound, splattering everywhere in the air and landing on the energy barrier.

Then, the powerful energy immediately vaporized it into black smoke.

The life force of the void beast weakened. Its bloodshot eyes flashed with chaotic and tyrannical light as it opened its mouth and shot a mouth cannon toward the barrier.


A few seconds later, the Void Beast's body crashed down from the sky.

In the air, the ship appeared to be malfunctioning.

The smoke billowed out as the ship wobbled down from the sky.

When Lu Ze saw this scene, he gasped and could not help but look at the Void Beast with approval.

This beast destroyed a ship and damaged another one all by itself.

This guy was a pal! It would forever live in Lu Ze's heart!

At this moment, Lin Ling exclaimed, "Ze, look at the flying ship!"

Lu Ze looked over, and his eyes soon widened in disbelief. "How is this possible??"

The malfunctioning ship's door opened, and 4 figures were revealed.

However, these 4 figures were not humans but blade demons!

Lu Ze frowned at this.

Why would blade demons appear here?

He wasn't surprised that blade demons, who were below planetary state, could sneak into the Federation. After all, he had encountered them before he went to the Xiaer battlefield.

At that time, they had planned to ambush Nangong Jing. Instead of succeeding, they were planted upside down.

But now, Lu Ze couldn't understand why they came to such a poor planet.

Were there some hidden resources?

Was this like the 25th planet?

Lu Ze rubbed his forehead due to a bit of headache. He just wanted to calmly finish a mission.

Why did things turn out this way?

How did they get an unregistered federal ship with weapons at the level of Mortal Evolution State?

The technology of the two races was different. They shouldn't be able to produce federal ships. Even if they created a shell and the inside components were different, the scientists would be able to tell.

Even Lin Ling was confused as well. Jian Wen and Chris saw what happened too. Both were surprised after seeing the blade demons emerge from the ship.

Jian Wen frowned and touched his glasses. "Why did blade demons appear here?"

Chris also said, "Is there something here that they are interested in?"

Right then, Lu Ze asked, "Professor Jian and Chris, aren't you surprised that the blade demons have an unregistered federal ship?"

The two became dazed due to the question. They also turned to look at Lu Ze and Lin Ling with surprise. It seemed they were shocked to know that the two students were unfamiliar with it.

Accordingly, Jian Wen asked, "Have you two not been in missions involving underground forces? With your powers, you should have come into contact with quite some missions of the sort."

Usually, new students and maybe even second-year students might not receive missions related to underground forces, but Lu Ze and Lin Ling were probably the strongest among the students of the entire Dawn System.

"Underground forces missions?" Lu Ze and Lin Ling froze for a moment. They then remembered the Bloody Night pirates mission. However, that one was an accident as well.

Lu Ze said, "We have annihilated a space pirate group before."

Chris smiled when he heard his reply. "They can count as one of the underground forces. Quite some criminals would build cities on uninhabited planets. These are underground forces and the targets that the Federation wants to suppress."

Lu Ze nodded to express his understanding.

Eventually, Chris smiled. "Several of them are criminals. As long as there is enough profit, they would give up the welfare of the entire human race. They would traffick rare resources and unregistered ships to blade demons."


Chapter 318. The Qian Beis Misled Me!!


Lu Ze and Lin Ling fell silent when they heard the explanation. If one could even abandon his own race, then what did he even cherish?

Lin Ling frowned, and a hint of coldness could be seen in her expression. She came from a military background. Naturally, she extremely despised such actions.

Jian Wen smiled at their reaction. "There is always darkness under light. If everything is light, then there would be no light in the end. Of course, these criminals are very rare."

This was the truth.

The current moral standard had improved significantly since the Earth era.

All the citizens were aware that it wasn't easy to reach this step, so they needed to cherish it.

However, no matter how bright a place was, there were always corners where light can't shine. After all, the Milky Way Galaxy was immensely vast. Some places were bound to end up chaotic.

At this moment, Lu Ze's eyes lit up, seeing the 4 blade demons come out.

He then asked, "Professor Jian, are you saying they are connected to underground forces?"

Jian Wen nodded in reply, feeling a bit surprised with the question. "It is possible. Of course, they could have directly bought it from blade demons."

Lu Ze smiled. He suddenly had a bold idea. If it succeeded, academic credits would come rolling in. It was time to do something big!

Lin Ling seemed to have understood something from Lu Ze's smile.

She smiled at the same time. The two glanced at each other and understood what the other person was thinking.

Chris and Jian Wen were getting tingles from Lu Ze's and Lin Ling's evil smiles.

Jian Wen then asked, "What are you planning to do?"

The smile just then appeared to be villainous.

Lu Ze replied, "Nothing, we just want to capture a few of them."

At this moment, the other ship parked too, and 4 blade demons walked out. They were going to repair the ship.

Lu Ze smiled at the two scientists. "Professor Jian and Chris, stay here. We will be back soon."

Subsequently, he and Lin Ling walked out. Lin Ling had also learned chi stealth technique. The two concealed their chi and walked out of the stealth system. They carefully approached the ships of the blade demons.

When they were only a few kilometers away from the ships of the enemy, Lin Ling's eyes flashed with runes.

Moments later, Lin Ling smiled. "There are two of them with a power of 200 Apertures. One uses [Fire God Art] while the other use [Earth God Art]. Their combat power should be around 400 Apertures. The cultivation level of the remaining six blade demons is around 400 Apertures. They have no [God Arts]. The threat level is low."

Lu Ze nodded in understanding.

Lin Ling's [God Art] was really convenient. Was there a similar one in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]?

If so, he would definitely want to obtain one. With this kind of [God Art], even if the opponent concealed his chi, one could still roughly estimate the strength.

However, since the blade demons weren't strong, Lu Ze felt assured. These blade demons in front of him were not a match for him at all!

Furthermore, Yingying was sleeping, so no one could interrupt him from being cool.

At this moment, he looked at Lin Ling. "This time, you should watch, and let me do it."

Lin Ling nodded unhappily when she heard his words.

After all, she had only recovered partially but not completely.

Lu Ze grinned at her answer.

Accordingly, a green light flashed in his eyes. He quickly disappeared from his position along with Lin Ling.

The blade demons, who were originally discussing how to best repair the ship, suddenly felt two powerful chi approaching. They looked toward Lu Ze's direction.

When Lu Ze and Lin Ling appeared before them, all of them were dumbfounded.

Right then, one blade demon took out a black scanner and projected Lu Ze's holographic image. The eight carefully compared it.

Eventually, the blade demon with the scanner sneered. "Aha- I finally found you! Lu Ze!"

Lu Ze: "???"

Lin Ling: "???"

Jian Wen and the scientists: "???"

These blade demons came for him?

For what reason?

Did they hear about his special fetish and wanted to be planted upside down?

Weren't they too nice?

Lu Ze felt a little embarrassed.

Another blade demon snarled. "White Blade Assassination List, 3280th, worth 600,000 demon crystals. We were looking for you. We did not expect you would dare to come out on your own."

Lu Ze ended up dazed due to their words. Soon, a sudden realization dawned on him. He almost forgot that he was on the White Blade Assassination List.

When he first entered the list, he became a little worried. However, now that his power surpassed senior schoolmate Margaret, he wasn't anxious anymore.

After all, he was no longer weak. As long as he was careful, he would be fine.

Afterward, he glanced at the blade demons who were laughing joyously. They clearly didn't know his actual power and probably just estimated it based on his ranking on the White Blade Assassination List.

If they were aware of his real power, would they be able to laugh this happily?

Subsequently, Lu Ze managed to recall another matter. The Federation seemed to have a Demon Hunting List. The ones ranked around 3000 were worth a few hundred thousand academic credits, right?


Lu Ze's eyes lit up brighter, and he smiled at the blade demons. "Are you guys on the Demon Hunting List?"

The blade demons flashed a vile smirk at him in response. "Our ranking on the Demon Hunting List is not lower than yours on the White Blade Assassination List. There are eight of us here right now, so you better give up."

At the same time, the demon looked at Lin Ling on the side.

Sensing her weakened chi, he said, "This female human is injured. Kill her as well!"

Accordingly, they moved to surround Lu Ze and Lin Ling.

After confirming they were really on the Demon Hunting List, Lu Ze smiled even brighter. He looked at the blade demons as though they were academic credits.

They were at least 500,000 each, so eight of them would be equivalent to 4 million academic credits.

They even came from a faraway place just to give the academic credits as a gift to him. So touching!

In turn, the blade demons became excited too. They didn't expect this human to be this cocky and let them surround him. Now, it was time for harvest.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed with purple color. Wind and Purple Lightning appeared around the eight blade demons, circulating them.


The Wind and Lightning instantly broke through their weak defenses and entered their body.


The blade demons howled in pain. Both the sounds from their shivering and howling were filled with rhythms.

In the end, they were horrified to discover that their spirit forces were sealed by his god art. Their bodies became completely numb. They couldn't even resist. This wasn't the script they thought out!

According to their qian beis, their seniors, killing humans on the White Blade Assassination List was the easy way to become wealthy!

That was why they came to the human domain the first time they had teamed up.

However, why did it end up like this?

They just hunted the first human, but right now, they were already about to die.

The qian beis misled us!!
