Chapters [319-320]

Chapter 319. Who Isn't a Man?


Moments later, the blade demons were sealed and heavily injured.

Lu Ze looked at their trembling figures on the ground and resisted the urge to plant them upside down. He smiled slightly before asking a question. "Who sold you the flying ship?"

None of the blade demons spoke.

Was there something wrong with the White Blade Assassination List?

Why could someone, who ranked lower than they are, easily subjugate all eight of them?

This didn't make sense. As for the questions, of course, they weren't going to answer.

Lu Ze raised a brow and stopped asking. They appeared at the side of the flying ships and carefully checked them.

Subsequently, he put them inside his storage ring.

Right then, he produced a Wind to lift the blade demon up into the air.

At the same time, he smiled at Lin Ling. "Let's go back."

Lin Ling nodded.

The two proceeded to their original hiding place.

At this time, Lin Ling looked at Lu Ze. "Should we take them back to school and get them interrogated?"

Lu Ze nodded in turn. "The possibility is not great, but if these blade demons have some underground forces star map, it would mean a lot of academic credits for us."

Clearly, he still needed some academic credits to buy the [Fire Clone Divine Art] when his [Fire God Art] becomes stronger.

On the side, Lin Ling smiled. "I still have 80 million academic credits. I can't even use that much. If there really is some reward, you can have it."

Lu Ze was stunned by her reply. He could not help but look at Lin Ling in disbelief.

How did she still have so much left?

She really knew how to save. As for him, he only had 10 million academic credits left.

Lu Ze smiled at her as well. "We will discuss it later. It's not certain yet."

Lin Ling nodded and did not speak any further.

Upon returning to the flying ship, Jian Wen and Chris came out to greet the two.

Jian Wen stared at the half-dead blade demons then smiled at Lu Ze. "Clearly, they don't know Lu Ze very well."

Chris laughed as well. "Lu Ze is too powerful. He just used one move to capture eight blade demons at the Aperture Opening State with 400 Apertures. This really makes us old guys feel ashamed."

Other people looked at the blade demons from time to time. They could not help feeling shocked.

With just a wave, two void beasts with 600 Apertures were dead, and with just a move, eight blade demons with 400 Apertures were captured-what a terrifying strength!

It was quite hard to imagine that this positive-looking new student with a cheerful smile had such power.

Lu Ze scratched his head, feeling embarrassed by the compliments. "Haha, I'm not really strong. These blade demons are just too cocky."

Subsequently, Lu Ze said, "Professor Jian and Chris, the 4 Void Beasts are dead. Are you sure there are no more beasts remaining?"

Jian Wen shook his head.

In response, Lu Ze said, "In that case, we will return to school first."

The two nodded in understanding. "Alright, we will not keep you here any longer."

Lu Ze smiled. "By the way, there is a damaged space ship over there. Have a look and see if there is anything you can use."

The remaining ship was broken, but the weapons inside were probably worth a lot. The two professors became dumbfounded. They glanced at each other before responding. "Thank you then, Lu Ze."

They didn't expect Lu Ze would leave the spaceship behind.

Lu Ze smiled once more. "We will be off then."

Accordingly, Lu Ze and Lin Ling returned to their ship and left planet Gula.

After watching Lu Ze's ship take off, the two professors immediately researched about Lu Ze.

"What? Two months ago, Lu Ze's power had only just reached Aperture Opening State?"

"Xiaer system, 25th planet, he destroyed an entire base…"

"He is not young duke yet, but his power shouldn't be weak."

Inside the ship, Lu Ze beat the blade demons, leaving them heavily injured.

Consequently, he confined them from the inside out with [Wind and Lightning God Art].

Following that, Lu Ze nodded in satisfaction. "In this way, they probably wouldn't be able to do anything."

On the side, Lin Ling looked at the blade demons with pity. They were unlucky to encounter a demon king like Lu Ze.

The mission was finally over, so she removed her armor. It split off into parts and returned to her storage ring.

Lu Ze glanced at Lin Ling, and his mouth twitched. *Cough* "Lin Ling, it would be better for you to change your clothes."

Lin Ling looked down in confusion. Right then, her face turned red.

Since she used her power beyond the limit, her clothes inside ended up torn.

Lu Ze coughed once more and looked away in awkwardness.

In these years, who wasn't a hot-blooded man?!

Lin Ling's face was slightly red. When she saw how Lu Ze looked away, she said, "I'll go change."

Then, she left the living room.

Lu Ze felt relieved and calmed himself down. He proceeded to sit on the couch.

Four days later, the flying ship was back at Dawn System.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling glanced at the blade demons. In order to prevent them from gathering power and running or trying to destroy their ship, Lu Ze would give them shock therapy every day.

His control of the shock therapy power was perfect. It injured the demons but didn't kill them.

Lu Ze even admired his self-control.

Now, these blade demons were still unconscious.

At this moment, Lu Ze said, "I'll call teacher Nangong first and ask her how to deal with this."

Lin Ling nodded.

As soon as Lu Ze picked up his phone, it rang first before he could make a call. He froze for a moment.

The alcoholic called him first, huh?

However, when he answered the phone, the projection didn't show Nangong Jing but a familiar round face. Upon seeing this, Lin Ling's eyes widened.

She called out in joy, "Yingying! You're awake?"

Yingying blinked her blue eyes.

When she saw Lu Ze and Lin Ling, her eyes flashed with joy. "Sister Lin Ling! Lu Ze! I just woke up."

At this time, Nangong Jing appeared in the projection.

Obviously, she was in a good mood. "Lu Ze, Lin Ling, Yingying said you guys were at Dawn System. When are you coming over? She was going to come after you."

A smile formed on Lu Ze's face. "We will be there immediately. There is something we want to show you."

"Something?" Nangong Jing asked in confusion.

Lu Ze pointed at the blade demons he piled up and smiled. "Unexpected delivery."

Nangong Jing glanced at the blade demons and raised a brow. "They came to assassinate you?"

Lu Ze: "…"

He looked at Nangong Jing in disbelief. Impossible!

How was she so smart?!


Chapter 320. Won Another Time


Lu Ze was silent for a moment.

Afterward, he nodded. "Yes, they came to assassinate me. They seem to be from One Star Demon Hunting List. Can I exchange these guys for academic credits?"

Nangong Jing smiled at him. "Of course."

Following this, she, appearing to be confused, looked at the blade demons. "Alive? Why didn't you kill them first?"

When Lu Ze heard her question, he explained his reason. "They came using human flying ships. I heard that these blade demons might know the location of underground forces, so I kept them alive."

Nangong Jing raised a brow. "Who told you this?"

"Professor Jian Wen and Chris, who posted the mission, told us."

Nangong Jing narrowed her eyes and then smiled. "Even though they are human ships, with these blade demons' status, they can buy it directly from blade demon officials."

Lu Ze fell silent. In that case, why did those two scientists tell him this?

He thought he could find an underground base and get a large number of academic credits.

As it turned out, he just thought too much?

His mood collapsed.

Nangong Jing smiled covertly. "I didn't expect those two scientists to tell you about the underground forces. How about it? Do you want to do such missions? They are usually quite hard, but with your power and Lin Ling's, it should be fine."

Lu Ze shook his head. "I will take a look at it first."

The main reason he accepted this mission was due to receiving the Dao Enlightenment Room as a reward. Otherwise, Lu Ze might as well cultivate. Even if he needed combat experience, he had plenty of that in the pocket hunting dimension at night.

Meanwhile, Lin Ling seemed eager.

Nevertheless, since Lu Ze didn't agree, she had decided to cultivate first.

With elder Lin's Origin Power, she didn't need to worry about bottlenecks before the Cosmic System State. Although she lacked life and death battle experience, she could enter the martial trial tower if she had to.

The most important thing now was to cultivate and surpass Lu Ze, this retard.

After Lu Ze responded, Nangong Jing didn't force him anymore. She said, "Okay."

Afterward, she looked at the eight blade demons and added, "But there is still a possibility. I will bring them to the interrogation department for you and see."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up. He became hopeful now.

Seeing this, Nangong Jing rolled her eyes. "Don't be too hopeful."

She flicked her long hair and grinned. "Okay, return the flying ship and bring the eight blade demons to my place."

Lu Ze nodded. "Sure."

Nangong Jing nodded at the same time and hung up.

Lu Ze felt touched. This alcoholic was indeed a nice person. There wasn't much hope, but she was still willing to check for him.

The flying ship soon stopped at the space station of planet Venus.

Lu Ze looked at the eight blade demons who just woke up. Purple light flashed in his eyes.

Instantly, their bodies sparked with Lightning again as they shivered.

On the side, Lin Ling saw them trying to open their mouths. They couldn't make a sound in the end. Her mouth spasmed. She suspected that Lu Ze awoke another fetish-electrocuting blade demons.

Lu Ze used the wind to bring up the blade demon. He smiled at Lin Ling. "Let's get off."

Lin Ling nodded.

The ship opened, and the two got off. This region in the space station was for take-off and landing reserved for rented spaceships. Quite some Federal University and Emperor Capital Academy students, who were going to missions or came back from missions, were here.

Naturally, they were not unfamiliar with Lu Ze and Lin Ling. After all, the reputation of the two was not small.

The two, who hadn't appeared in so long, suddenly appeared right here and carried eight shivering blade demons. This immediately caught the eye of several people.

"It's Lu Ze and Lin Ling. What mission did they do? They caught eight blade demons?"

"It should be a mission with high difficulty. They were gone for two months. Perhaps, their power would be among the top 500 in the overall ranking now. They would be much stronger than most senior schoolmates."

"Maybe these blade demons are at the Aperture Opening State with tens of Apertures."

"That really might be true. With their power, they can do it…"

"They are just new students. This is too strong."

At this moment, the blade demons tried to open their mouth and correct things. They weren't weaklings of tens of Apertures. Their combat power was over 400. They had some status and fame among their race.

Right now, they felt they were insulted by the human race. Hearing the heavy panting and groan from the blade demon, Lu Ze could not help but freeze.

These guys could still talk?


To pay them respect, he will use stronger shocks!

Immediately, the blade demons shivered again, and their mouths made powerless yet rhythmic 'arghs'.

Lu Ze looked at the blade demons in satisfaction and nodded. They were finally quiet.

Subsequently, he took out the blade demon ship since he needed to return the storage ring and the rented ship together.

However, neither Lu Ze nor Lin Ling knew how to activate the ship.

How embarrassing.

They looked helplessly at the ship. Weren't ships supposed to carry people? Why were they carrying ships?

What went wrong?

Lu Ze gasped and wondered whether he should buy a storage ring with a larger capacity.

After all, his current ring was still the one given to him by his mom on his birthday. It couldn't fit a flying ship.

Lin Ling smiled at this. "My storage ring can contain it, so put it in mine."

Lin Ling put the ship away and raised a brow pridefully.

Subsequently, Lu Ze said, "Let's go return the ship."

Soon, they left the space station.

After returning the ship, they headed toward Nangong Jing's place. As soon as they arrived, the door opened.

Yingying darted out from the house and into Lin Ling's arms. "Sister Lin Ling."

Lin Ling smiled and carried Yingying. She rubbed her face. "Little lazy pig, you slept for quite long this time."

Lu Ze just watched on the sidelines. This hurt. Yingying went to Lin Ling first. He was the one who fed her red orbs, and yet, Yingying didn't come to him first.

At this moment, Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha came out from inside.

Nangong Jing grinned. "You two are back."

Then, she looked at the orderly ranked shaking blade demons. Her mouth spasmed. She couldn't resist asking, "Why are they shaking? What did you do to them?"

Qiuyue Hesha showed a strange smile. "Was there too much excitement and lust?"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He rolled his eyes.

Accordingly, he explained, "They probably have too much energy. They tried to speak in the space station, so I shocked them some more."
