Chapters [321-322]

Chapter 321. Is It a Luck King?


When Lu Ze finished his explanation, Nangong Jing nodded in response. She turned to look at Qiuyue Hesha afterward.

Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "Leave them to me then. I often go help at the intelligence department. I will take them there."

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay, thank you, teacher Qiuyue."

Subsequently, Qiuyue Hesha grinned at Lu Ze. "If you think so, then give me a few more [Red Orbs]."

Lu Ze rolled his eyes at her request. "Don't worry, when I have extra, I will give them to you."

Qiuyue Hesha nodded happily and then waved her right hand. She bound the eight blade demons and flew into the sky.

Accordingly, everyone entered Nangong Jing's home. Upon sitting on the couch, Lu Ze asked, "Teacher Nangong, when can the mission reward be used?"

Nangong Jing gulped some wine and answered, "It would take a few days. Several people are lining up at the dao enlightenment room."

Lu Ze was helpless, but there was nothing he could do in the end.

Then, he smiled. "What about the blade demons who are captured alive? They would be worth more than the dead ones, right?"

Nangong Jing rolled her eyes as she glanced at Lu Ze. "If we can extract something useful from them, then there will be extra academic credits. If not, then they are not worth the same as dead ones."

Lu Ze gasped at her answer. He prayed the blade demons would be useful. That would be worth his electric massage then. Afterward, Lu Ze looked curiously at Yingying. "Yingying, did you feel anything while asleep?"

Yingying dazedly pondered for a moment and bit her right finger. "I dreamed that I ate a lot of delicious food! Then, I stopped dreaming about the food for a few days, so I woke up."

Yingying seemed very distressed.

The three exchanged glances with each other. This little foodie was beyond help. She woke up because she didn't dream about appetizing food?

Those delicious food was his [Red Orbs], wasn't it?

Lu Ze rubbed his head and continued asking. "Other than that, do you feel any changes in yourself?"

Yingying thought for a while and shook her head.

The rest sighed at her response. Her power was at the Cosmic Realm State after all. At the same time, the energy from the red orbs was limited. They were expecting this. At least, this little guy was awake, and they had someone powerful supporting them.

Soon, it was afternoon. Lu Ze started asking Nangong Jing about [Star Crippling Punch] while Lin Ling planned to cook some food to celebrate Yingying's awakening.

At this moment, Lu Ze said in distraught, "Teacher, my [Star Crippling Punch] has not been able to improve lately."

He had learned more about the [Divine Art] but he couldn't use it. He felt that every time he did, his body was about to breakdown.

Lu Ze even suspected that he had been cultivating incorrectly. "Cough…"

Nangong Jing choked on wine and then glared at Lu Ze. "Say it again. Do you believe I'll invite you to eat iron fist?"

Accordingly, Nangong Jing clenched her fist. "Your [Divine Art] cultivation is terrifying enough already. Are you still not satisfied?"

"How long have you been cultivating [Star Crippling Punch] for? Only two months!!" With that, Nangong Jing drank some more and slapped the couch. "Two months and your mastery level had reached the familiar level. Do you still think it is slow?? Do you believe that if I spread this, there will be a large number of planetary and even star states coming to beat you?!"

Lu Ze's mouth spasmed when he heard the words. He quickly moved back. As expected, he cannot provoke this alcoholic.

He then asked in confusion, "However, I feel I have been cultivating normally. How come I can't improve anymore?"

Nangong Jing dragged Lu Ze over and flicked his head a few times until she was satisfied.

Lu Ze felt a bit embarrassed. It was severely painful. He then rubbed his head and remembered this incident.

After calming herself down, Nangong Jing said, "The [Star Crippling Punch] is mainly the usage of [Strength God Art] and [Body God Art]. [Body God Art] is the foundation while [Strength God Art] will help the body release the power. Weakness in both would affect it."

"You just need to build on your foundational [God Art], and soon, your mastery will improve."

After hearing this, Lu Ze finally realized where he was lacking. His foundation wasn't sturdy enough.

Consequently, he smiled. "Then, I'll try my best to improve. After coming out of the Dao Enlightenment Room, I'll try to increase the mastery level by a step."

Nangong Jing: "…"

Her fists were getting itchy once more after seeing Lu Ze's smile.

When it was night time, Qiuyue Hesha returned.

Lu Ze looked hopefully at her. "How is it?"

Qiuyue Hesha narrowed her eyes and smiled at him. "There seems to be something. The place they snuck in from is interesting. However, we are not sure if it is related to underground forces. Perhaps, it is just a coincidence. The intelligence department is still investigating. It would take a few days."

Nangong Jing, who was still drinking, asked with surprise, "There really is something?"

She had done what Lu Ze did many times. She had been the target of assassinations before. At that time, she had also sent blade demons tens of times to the intelligence department. However, only three became useful. Even this fox demon was luckier than her four times!

This matter had been engraved in her heart.

Nangong Jing looked at Lu Ze. This kid was lucky, even though it was only his first time. Was he a Luck king?

Luck kings didn't live very long.

Qiuyue Hesha looked at Lu Ze. "Little brother Lu Ze seems quite lucky."

Lu Ze raised his lips when he heard the words. Being handsome was good indeed. Even lady luck loved me. On one side, Nangong Jing glanced at Lu Ze. "Usually, only an extra 2 million academic credits will be given. It usually wouldn't be anything important anyways."

Lu Ze: "…"

2 million was a lot, okay?

Later on, Nangong Jing asked curiously, "Where did they sneak in from?"

Qiuyue Hesha's eyes flashed at this question. She answered, "Near Gracious System."

Nangong Jing frowned. "Where is that?"

Meanwhile, Lu Ze was a little shocked. He had heard of this system.

When he first looked for a mission, he saw this system.

There was a riot there…

Suddenly, the atmosphere turned silent.

Was it a coincidence?

Qiuyue Hesha smiled at Lu Ze. "I have recorded the Demon Hunting List reward for you. These eight give you 4.3 million altogether. If there are other rewards, you will be notified."

Lu Ze nodded and smiled in return. "Thank you, teacher Qiuyue."

Qiuyue Hesha glanced seductively at Lu Ze. "Then, little brother Lu Ze needs to treat sister well."

Lu Ze: "…"

Qiuyue Hesha smiled and lay back on the couch, rubbing Yingying in her arms.

Soon, Lin Ling's dinner was ready. A table of delicacies was placed. Yingying, who was watching cartoons, had her attention immediately diverted.

Nangong Jing smiled. "Let's eat."

On the other hand, Qiuyue Hesha groaned at Lu Ze. "It's all little brother Lu Ze's fault. The female T-rex and I want to eat now."

Nangong Jing nodded quickly. She and Qiuyue Hesha had been negatively influenced by Lu Ze. If this continued, would they become a foodie like Yingying?

That was terrifying!

Lu Ze: "…"

He was very innocent. Wasn't it natural to eat something?

At this moment, Yingying already charged toward the table. Lu Ze resolutely joined the battlefield. Eventually, Lu Ze lost pitifully. He would be back again!

After dinner, Lu Ze and Lin Ling got up to leave. Yingying was planning to go back with Lin Ling

The three returned to the dorms. They then split off.

Lu Ze sat back on his bed after a shower. It was still early, so he thought about his cultivation plan.

His spirit force cultivation and body cultivation were improving steadily. His [Wind God Art] was progressing much slower. He should focus on [Lightning God Art], [Regeneration God Art], and [1st Body God Art].

As for [Divine Art]…

Nangong Jing gave him quite some pointers just then. [Divine Art] was also divided into mastery levels-beginner, familiar, experienced, and perfection. Lu Ze's mastery of the [Star Crippling Punch] was at the extreme of the familiar level.

His mastery of [Green Jade Slash] was rather high and was at the experienced level. As for [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and [1st Shield], they weren't hard, so Lu Ze reached perfect mastery long ago.

He should focus on learning [1st Body God Art] and [Strength God Art] and then go into the Dao Enlightenment Room a few days later to learn [Divine Art].

The sky was completely dark now. Silver moonlight shone through his window. At this time, the dorms exuded a comfortable chi. Lu Ze took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Time to die again. Soon, his thoughts drifted into darkness.


Chapter 322. Must Be Shi Lezhi


Six days later, in the morning, Lu Ze was sitting on his bed as he slowly opened his eyes. A ray of metallic black color flashed at the bottom of his eyes, making him look more dominant.

It had been six days since he completed the mission. During the day, he would go with Lin Ling to Nangong Jing's place to cultivate. During the afternoon, he used the [Red Orbs] to cultivate.

Then, during the evening, he would enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] to hunt gray lizards and lightning warhorses. If he had the chance, he would kill black tigers as well. His [Wind God Art] didn't advance any further these few days, but his [Regeneration God Art] and [Lightning God Art] had improved substantially.

At the same time, because the black tiger boss was strong and it was rather hard to kill it, Lu Ze's [1st Body God Art] didn't progress much. Even so, Lu Ze's body became stronger upon learning more [Regeneration God Art] and using [Red Orbs].

In six days, his combat power increased by 10 Apertures. He got up from the bed and felt his power before nodding happily. Indeed, he was very strong!

Subsequently, Lu Ze went downstairs. After he closed the door, he saw Lin Ling, who just happened to leave her dorm. Yingying was following behind her, so the three flew toward Nangong Jing's home together.

At Nangong Jing's door. Lu Ze knocked. Soon, Nangong Jing came out wearing white casuals. A flush rose to her face, appearing to be a bit drunk. When she saw the three, she smiled. "The Dao Enlightenment Room is free today. I'll take you guys over."

Lu Ze's and Lin Ling's eyes lit up when they heard the words. Finally!

At this moment, Qiuyue Hesha also came out sporting casuals. She said, "By the way, there is some progress on the blade demons."

Lu Ze asked, "How is it?"

Qiuyue Hesha leaned against the door. "Investigators went to the location they sneaked in and found traces of underground forces' operation. Moreover, it is related to the underground forces pushing for the riots at Gracious System. The specifics are still being investigated."

Lu Ze frowned and remained silent. He didn't expect these blade demons were quite useful. After a moment, he smiled. "Then, do I get academic credits as a reward?"

Nangong Jing rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, there will be one at the end of the investigation."

You lucky bastard! She wanted to beat this kid up. Afterward, Nangong Jing stretched her waist. "Wait for a moment. I'll change clothes, and then, we'll head off."

She then went in and closed the door.

Lu Ze: "…"

This guy always throws her clothes in the living room. After this, he glanced strangely at Qiuyue Hesha. These two had always been arguing, but he always saw the two of them together in the morning. Relationships between women were really complicated.

Qiuyue Hesha hugged the dazed Yingying and rubbed her face. "Since you are going to planet Jinyao, leave Yingying with me first.'

Lu Ze and Lin Ling didn't mind. Soon, Nangong Jing finished changing and took out her ship, Golden Swirl. "Let's go."

This was their second time at Jinyao City. Lu Ze and Lin Ling came to the Dao Enlightenment Room while Nangong Jing went to old man Nangong. Before she left, she said, "I don't have wine. I'm going to trick someone for one."

They waited for a brief moment outside the Dao Enlightenment Room, and the door eventually opened. A young beautiful girl walked out. Upon seeing Lu Ze and Lin Ling, she became slightly stunned. A few days ago, she heard about them capturing the blade demons.

The dao enlightenment room was actually the reward?

Lu Ze didn't mind the gaze. He said to Lin Ling, "You go in first."

Lin Ling glanced at the young girl and nodded.

The young girl was about to greet Lu Ze when another door opened. A young man came out. He also felt dumbfounded when he saw Lu Ze. Didn't this guy just stay in the Dao Enlightenment Room for a month before?

Why was he back again? Was the dao enlightenment room his home, or were there some background dealings?

Lu Ze chose to ignore the gaze and walked inside.

On the other hand, the girl who lost the chance to greet Lu Ze glanced at his back with a trace of regret.

Lu Ze was able to rank 693rd on the leaderboard when he first entered school. With his talent, he would definitely become a young duke and a star state. She was very confident in herself. Her looks were outstanding, and her talent was good.

If she relied on him, she could benefit quite a lot in the future, right?

As for whether she was the third one or not, who cares?

She was willing to be the mistress of a young duke.

The young man also saw the girl. He smiled and came toward her. "Hello fellow student, I'm Barry Howard, ranked first among the fourth-year students of the elite class of Xinyao University. I am pleased to meet you."

The girl's eyes flashed with contempt, but she still smiled. "Sorry, I have a boyfriend."

After speaking, she left the room. He wasn't even from one of the two big universities. Even if he was the first in his year, he would only be ranked around the top 300 on the martial trial ranking.

Such potential was at most Planetary State. She herself was confident she could reach the planetary state. This student wasn't good enough for her.

Inside the enlightenment room, Lu Ze looked at the familiar place, feeling nostalgic. Most of his days were spent here after the enrollment. However, he only had six hours inside, so he immediately sat down and used a [Purple Orb] to start learning the [Star Crippling Punch].

His goal was to bring up his mastery of it to an experienced level. That way, his explosive power could hit 810 Apertures. His current power was only a little stronger than those who just reached level one of the ordinary Mortal Evolution State.

If his [Star Crippling Punch] reached experienced mastery, Lu Ze was confident he wouldn't be weak among those who were at level one of Mortal Evolution State. By then, he could consider fighting the overlords.

Six hours flew by. When Lu Ze opened his eyes again, they flashed with a shining metallic beam. He breathed and got up. He smiled with confidence as he could punch out a stronger fist this time! A reminder sound could soon be heard.

Accordingly, Lu Ze went out.

Outside the door, Lin Ling was already waiting. She asked, "How is it?"

Lu Ze grinned. "Amazing, look at who I am."

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. Lu Ze laughed. "What about you?"

Lin Ling smiled. "Not bad."

Lu Ze wasn't surprised. Meanwhile, the two who were waiting on the side heard this and held their hearts. It was these two again. Did they have considerable progress?

Why were the new students like this now?

The two walked in lifelessly. As Lu Ze and Lin Ling walked out of Jinyao City, Nangong Jing was already waiting for the two. Seeing how bright Nangong Jing smiled, Lu Ze could already imagine how painful the old man's heart right now.

Nangong Jing came up. "Let's get inside the flying ship first."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling nodded. They headed towards planet Venus.

Inside, Nangong Jing asked, "How is it?"

Lu Ze replied, "Not bad. Currently, I have reached the experienced level in [Star Crippling Punch]. My combat power is not weaker than those who are at the level one of ordinary Mortal Evolution State!"

Nangong Jing: "…"

She felt she must be Shi Lezhi. She shouldn't have asked this question.
