Chapters [325-326]

Chapter 325. There's No Use in Finding Trouble With Him


The gray light was extremely fast. Soon, it stopped a few kilometers away from Lu Ze.

An athletic build and sharp four claws emitting gray mist, as well as golden powerful eyes—it was the gray half-dragon overlord!

Just by hovering in the air, Lu Ze could feel considerable pressure from the powerful chi. What would come would eventually come.

Lu Ze was ready for the arrival of the overlords. He planned to test if his [Star Crippling Punch] was useful against powerful overlords.

At least, he could instantly kill black tigers. Its defense should be at the Mortal Evolution State. Perhaps, he could kill a half-dragon today!

Thinking about this, Lu Ze clenched his right fist.

At this moment, the dragon clearly sensed Lu Ze's chi. It lifted its golden eyes, and both their gazes clashed.

Lu Ze grinned after seeing the emotionless eyes of the dragon. Underestimating me?

Subsequently, his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] expanded.

At the same time, he instantly disappeared. He then reappeared above the dragon's head. A black light flowed, and terrifying power spread across the area.

[Star Crippling Punch]!

Lu Ze's eyes went cold. He twisted his waist and waved his arms before hitting hard.


The black fist force tore through the air. In turn, the air rolled like boiling water and irregular waves, sweeping across the field.


Only when the fist force arrived did the dragon's calm eyes move. It lifted its claw as its powerful spirit force turned into a gray claw, meeting Lu Ze's fist force head-on.


All the beasts rushing over immediately stopped and looked fearful. They didn't dare to go forward anymore.

At this moment, the gray and black spirit light swept across the surrounding tens of kilometers.

The concussive force pushed Lu Ze backward a few hundred meters. He sweated while his chest palpitated heavily. After using a full-powered [Star Crippling Punch] twice, Lu Ze nearly exhausted half of his energy.

However, he didn't have the mind to care at this point. He stared straight at the dragon figure with a tense expression. Soon, the spirit light dissipated, revealing the unscathed body of the gray dragon.

Lu Ze: "…"

Suddenly, the atmosphere turned silent.

The dragon wasn't injured at all?

Lu Ze's [Wings of Wind and Lightning] flapped. He instantly darted toward the distance. I'm sorry boss, I was wrong. I'll leave now. Indeed, he was too cocky. With his current power, he dared to fight an overlord.


After flying more than ten kilometers away, a dominant roar occurred behind him.

Lu Ze felt a powerful pressure ramming him down. He looked up, and a gray spirit claw that was a few hundred meters wide grabbed at him. He then flashed as he passed through the cracks between the claws.

With just the powerful spirit force, his chest felt heavy.

Lu Ze bit his lips and suppressed the discomfort as he used his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] with full power.

When it saw Lu Ze dodge its attack, the dragon roared and chased after him. After sensing the approaching chi, Lu Ze's heart felt cold. Speed had been his strength, and yet, he was slower than the gray dragon. His [Wings of Wind and Lightning Divine Art] had reached perfection.

In order to gain an immense improvement, his only choice was to improve on his [Wind and Lightning God Art]. This was already a limitation. Speed Types of [Divine Art] were extremely rare among the human race.

The [Wings of Wind and Lightning] was a very high-level [Divine Art]. There were better ones, indeed.

Lu Ze had seen [Divine Arts] related to [Light God Art], but he didn't have [Light God Art] after all.


At this moment, several beasts came over to surround him. There were [God Art Beasts] and ordinary Aperture Opening State Beasts.

When they saw Lu Ze flying over, they all roared and used their [God Arts] simultaneously.


More than a hundred terrifying attacks came by. At the forefront of this, Lu Ze could feel the massive pressure. He narrowed his eyes.

Accordingly, he dodged the attacks.

Instantly, Lu Ze passed through the barrage of attacks. He looked at the beasts before him. Sensing the approaching terrifying power behind him, Lu Ze's eyes flashed with hideousness. How dare you block my way!

[Green Jade Slash]!

His body sped across the sky as six green jade slashes appeared next to him. They created a beautiful arc in the air and cut through the beasts.

Lu Ze looked back at their bodies in pity. They were all [Light Orbs]…

His mouth twitched. He was going to remember this!


Lu Ze only stopped for an instant, but the gray dragon was already less than ten kilometers away from Lu Ze. His face instantly stiffened as he charged his [Wings of Wind and Lightning]. Why did this boss have to chase him?

He felt that some problems didn't have to be resolved with attacks. Wouldn't it be nice to sit down and have a conversation instead?

Afterward, Lu Ze saw the huge sky-covering claw fall upon him once more. Again, he dodged through the cracks.


The claw landed heavily on the ground, blowing out an extremely deep ditch. After glancing at it, he flew forward with all his force. These bosses loved abusing noobs!

In just a few tens of seconds, they had managed to fly for more than a few hundred kilometers. Right now, the dragon was only one kilometer away from Lu Ze.

Lu Ze could even feel its scorching breath.

The closer it was, the harder it would be for Lu Ze to dodge its attacks. After dodging the claw twice and another gray energy cannon, Lu Ze was sweating profusely. It seemed that he was going to be wiped out again today.

While thinking about this, Lu Ze's eyes went fierce. Since he couldn't get away, then he wouldn't!

Even if he was going to die, it would be a feisty one!


Just when Lu Ze was about to stop and resist, terrifying shockwaves occurred from afar. Along with it, vibrant spirit light and terrifying shock waves could be observed.

Lu Ze's eyes widened at this. This chi was the same as the gray dragon. It was a beast at the overlord level!

Were they fighting?

The gray dragon behind Lu Ze paused for a moment and looked toward the direction of the battle.

When the pressure eased a bit, Lu Ze quickly gave up fighting for his life and dashed off. He hoped that the gray dragon would join the fun. However, it came after him instead.

Due to this, Lu Ze's emotion was tangled. Why didn't you go fight people of your own size?

Why chase this weak and helpless noob!

He bit his teeth and had a bold idea. Although he might not be able to live, he could still try.

The battle wasn't far, just a few hundred kilometers away. Now that he gained some distance, Lu Ze felt he could still try running a few hundred kilometers. If he ran in other directions, he would be caught soon.

Hence, he might as well go join the fun.


Chapter 326. Rabbit Boss, Where Is Your Pride?


Lu Ze changed directions and headed toward the battlefield. At the same time, the gray half-dragon roared and followed while sending out terrifying attacks from time to time. Soon, the battle was getting more and more intense.

The roaring sounds became louder and louder.

At this moment, Lu Ze could feel a number of terrifying chi. Among them, there was one coming from an old friend!

He narrowed his eyes.


The sound of a collision occurred once again. Lu Ze was only tens of kilometers away from the battlefield.

The shockwave brushed past him. Then, his black spirit force barrier appeared to block it. Behind him, the gray dragon was just a few hundred meters away from him.

Every time it attacked, Lu Ze felt he was treading on the border of death. When the waves and spirit light cleared, he could finally see the situation within tens of kilometers ahead.

There were three large figures surrounding a small figure in the air. Out of the three large figures, one was a 30-meter tall warhorse. It was covered in black armor containing [Purple Lightning Runes].

Above its head was a pair of purple crystal dragon horns. This was the warhorse overlord.

The other figure was a large blue bird with four pairs of wings which were jade crystal in color. This was the blue bird overlord.

Subsequently, there was also a black tiger that was larger than the ordinary ones. It was flashing with black crystal color. This was the black tiger overlord. Counting the gray half-dragon overlord behind him, the four overlords of this map had all arrived and gathered in one location.

The person, on who the three overlords were ganging up, was Lu Ze 2.

The three overlords roared and used their god arts, painting the sky with their respective own colors.

Meanwhile, Lu Ze 2 calmly glanced at the overlords with a smirk on his face. One could tell he wasn't worried at all.

Lu Ze was very shocked at this scene, but what surprised him more was the gray dragon behind him. It turned to look at Lu Ze, who was before him, and Lu Ze 2, who was surrounded by his pals. His originally domineering eyes revealed a dazed expression.


Things didn't seem to be right. Why was there another two-legged beast there?

What was he chasing just then?

The other three overlords and Lu Ze 2 also noticed the presence of Lu Ze and the gray dragon.

The three overlords looked dazedly between the two figures of Lu Ze. Though possessing an intelligent mind, they still could not process the scene before them. Their brains could not help but crash and be stuck in reboot mode.

When Lu Ze 2 saw Lu Ze, no ripples on his expression could be detected-his grin remained intact.

Lu Ze felt uncomfortable watching this. He wouldn't smile so disgustingly. Afterward, another white light dashed from the distance.

Soon, this white light appeared on the battlefield, revealing its actual form. White furry body with a sharp horn and a small circle of yellow hair at the top-it was the rabbit boss!

Upon seeing the rabbit, Lu Ze grinned.

In his impression, these four overlords had been hunting the rabbit boss. With the rabbit boss and Lu Ze 2 here, the situation would only get more chaotic.

At that moment, he would be able to escape. But then, the next scene made his eyes bulge.

The rabbit boss looked at the two figures of Lu Ze. Then, it proceeded to surround Lu Ze 2.

At the same time, the four overlords didn't hunt the rabbit boss, huh?

Lu Ze: "???"

This didn't seem right. Weren't you guys fighting to the death just a few days ago?

Why do you seem like good friends now?

Rabbit boss, where is your pride?

Don't be a coward!

Finally, a trace of emotion emerged from the eyes of Lu Ze 2.


Upon the yell of the rabbit boss, the battle began once again. With such a scene, Lu Ze finally realized the terror brought by the overlords.

The sky darkened. Simultaneously, lightning flashed as dark clouds appeared. This scene was extremely familiar to Lu Ze. It was the [Rune] that the rabbit boss devoured last time. The [Rune] back then contained [Lightning Divine Art].

The [Divine Art] brought about the rise of the rabbit boss. Currently, the surrounding tens of kilometers turned dark under the clouds.

This time, the range was smaller, but the lightning snakes which were slithering in the thunder clouds gave Lu Ze a terrifying feeling He probably couldn't even take one lightning.

Right now, his power had at least reached the level one of the Mortal Evolution State.

On the other hand, the rabbit boss probably broke through level two of the Mortal Evolution State after devouring that [Divine Art]. However, that wasn't the end.


The black tiger overlord roared as black crystal covered it. Thereafter, an extremely dominant chi came out. This made Lu Ze sweat cold. This overlord knew [Divine Art] too!

When Lu Ze saw the [Divine Art], he became surprised. Its [Divine Art] was similar to his [1st Shield]. This [Divine Art] wasn't something the [1st Shield] could compare with. As it turned out, the chi of this fella was only a little bit weaker than the rabbit boss.


At this moment, the blue bird overlord screamed as well. Its body became ethereal after a jade-like wind surrounded it. It was another [Divine Art]!

Lu Ze's mouth could not help twitching. He then looked at the lightning warhorse. Without a doubt, this guy probably knew [Divine Art] too, right?

Indeed, with a whine, the horse flashed with lightning as a lightning spear spanning twenty meters materialized.

Even though it stood still in the air, its chi managed to twist the space even more. It was the same lightning spear as the ordinary lightning warhorse, but one was formed with [God Art] while the other was formed with [Divine Art].

The overlord on the first map didn't know divine art, so why was the overlord on the second map this strong?

He thought he would soon be able to kill these guys, but it seemed he still needed some time.

Subsequently, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. Since they all knew [Divine Art], then would they drop [Divine Art Runes] after killing them?

He had killed more than hundreds of ordinary [God Art Beasts]. Other than the first time he killed a heavily injured black tiger which dropped a low-level [Divine Art Rune], he never got one again. He didn't know whether the drop rate was scarily low or the black tiger was just a special case.

Perhaps, it was the overlord's child?

Or maybe it was because the difference between their powers was so great at that time, so the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] rewarded him with a gift?

From the looks of it, their [Divine Arts] was probably not weaker than the [Star Crippling Punch]. Even if it was weaker, it should be at least on par with the [Green Jade Slash].

While thinking about this, Lu Ze almost jumped. If he got all these divine arts, then he would probably become invincible.


Since these three overlords had [Divine Arts], there was no reason why the gray dragon wouldn't have one, right?


Lu Ze stiffly turned around. He saw the gray dragon dart its eyes from the battlefield to him.

Lu Ze: "…"

Suddenly, the atmosphere was awkward. Lu Ze said, "Um, boss, why don't you go help your friends? I'll stay here. I won't run!"

Naturally, he still failed at persuasion. Soon, the gray mist surged. Then, the gray dragon charged toward him. He couldn't tell what [Divine Art] it had, but it seemed weaker than the other three beasts.


At the same time, a deafening sound of collision occurred. Its intensity was enough to shock the world.

Consequently, purple, black, blue and a green light flashed. Even with just the shockwave, Lu Ze could barely stand still.

At the same time, it became difficult for him to dodge the gray dragon.

Lu Ze gritted his teeth as he punched with his right fist enveloped by dark rays toward the spirit claw that was about to flatten him.
