Chapters [327-328]

Chapter 327. Wait, Leave Me the Last Sip…



Another clash occurred once more, but the power was much weaker compared to the other battlefield.

Lu Ze took advantage of the force from the aftermath to retreat a few kilometers away.


At this moment, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth He then used his thumb to wipe off the blood after spitting it out. He was almost out of energy.

Subsequently, he looked coldly at the gray dragon and turned to run. What else could he do?

Lu Ze flapped his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and planned to leave this area.

At the same time, he looked at the other battlefield. He was curious about what the overlords' powers would be after using their [Divine Arts].

On the same note, he also wondered whether Lu Ze 2 could hold up. This was the first time he wanted Lu Ze 2 to withstand the incoming attacks. If Lu Ze 2 died, those three overlords and the rabbit would definitely shift their attention toward him.

When the battlefield cleared up, Lu Ze could see a sliver of silver blood on the mouth of Lu Ze 2. Injured?

However, why was this fella's blood different from his?

What strange blood color was this?

Where were the red blood cells?

Suddenly, Lu Ze felt a terrifying chi coming from his back. His eyes narrowed.

Subsequently, he instantly flashed a few hundred meters to the side with the help of his [Wings of Wind and Lightning]. As soon as he moved, a huge gray spirit claw moved to trample him down.


Lu Ze moved a few hundred more meters away. He was going to run first. However, just at this time, Lu Ze could see Lu Ze 2 flash with bright silver light.

When the silver light disappeared, Lu Ze 2 disappeared too, leaving behind the dazed three overlords and rabbit boss.

The atmosphere turned very silent.

Lu Ze: "…"


That bastard ran off like that??

What was he going to do now?

Sure enough, the four overlords shifted their focus upon him after the disappearance of Lu Ze 2.

Accordingly, he immediately turned to run. He felt he could still save himself…

Before he could finish thinking, a blue light flashed across the sky.

Consequently, his consciousness sunk into darkness.

Lu Ze woke up in his bedroom again. His body trembled with pain. As such, he had to lie down lifelessly. This didn't make sense at all.

The blue bird boss was obviously weak. However, why was the blue bird overlord so strong?

Lu Ze felt this blue bird overlord was not weaker than the other overlords. Due to its lightning speed, it was probably the hardest to deal with. He breathed out and calmed down his mood. What in the world was Lu Ze 2?

Moreover, why did the four overlords and the rabbit hunt him?

After filling his head with a thousand questions, Lu Ze calmed his mind down.

The rewards this time were so bountiful that he couldn't believe it. A few hundred Aperture Opening State Beasts and tens of [God Art Beasts]. Even the [God Art Orbs] was enough for him to use for a long time.

There was also a large pile of [Red and Purple Orbs]. Now, he was pretty much invincible on the second map, other than the overlords, rabbit, and Lu Ze 2.

Following this, he sat up and started cultivating

The overlords all had [Divine Art]. He probably needed to reach level two of the Mortal Evolution State to kill them. However, even power at level two of the Mortal Evolution State was not safe.

Nevertheless, his cultivation speed was extremely fast. Upon cultivating all the [God Arts] on the second map to perfection and improving his cultivation level and physical body, he should be fine.

Early the next morning, Lu Ze opened his eyes and got off the bed. He went out and headed toward Lin Ling's door and knocked. Soon, the door opened and Yingying's little head popped out.

After seeing it was Lu Ze, a trace of joy could be noticed in her voice. "Lu Ze, good morning!"

Lu Ze squatted down and pinched her face. "Good morning, Yingying."

Her round face was really comfortable to touch.

At this moment, Lin Ling's cold voice could be heard. "Ze, if you do this again, I'm going to call the police!"

Lu Ze looked up and saw Lin Ling standing with her arms crossed while wearing a black school uniform. He said innocently, "I didn't do anything. Yingying didn't say anything too."

Lin Ling rolled her eyes and carried Yingying. "Let's go."

The three flew toward Nangong Jing's place.

At Nangong Jing's door, Lu Ze knocked. The door soon opened. Nangong Jing stood inside wearing white casuals. She still had a golden bottle of wine in her hands.

Clearly, she got this from old man Nangong.

Nangong Jing grinned. "Come in."

Inside, they saw Qiuyue Hesha, who was wearing a pink robe, already lying on the couch. She came earlier than them every time.

At this time, Nangong sing said, "By the way, Lin Ling, I'll give you a key, so you don't need to knock every day."

Lin Ling nodded.

Lu Ze then pointed at himself. "What about me?"

The three girls looked at Lu Ze in contempt.

Yingying didn't know why this was happening, but she imitated the others as well.

Nangong Jing gritted her teeth. "I'm still a girl living independently. Why does a guy like you want my key??'"

Afterward, Qiuyue Hesha smiled at Lu Ze. "If little brother wants to come at night, I can give you my key."

Lu Ze: "…"

He just remembered this alcoholic was a girl. He forgot it, but he wasn't going to say it. Last time, his head was bruised from her flicks. He did really want Qiuyue Hesha's key, but if he dared to go, his fate would be extremely terrible.

Hence, he laughed dryly and changed the topic instead. "By the way, starting from today, I'll give [Red Orbs] to the two of you each day. My power has increased, and I can produce more [Orbs]."

Right after his statement, the three stared at him directly.

Lin Ling frowned. "This won't affect you, right?"

Lu Ze shook his head. "I know what I'm doing."

After yesterday, he had too many [Orbs]. He got more than [1000 Red Orbs] in one day. He was very wealthy now. If he wasn't still weak, he would even want to give Ian and Ye Mu and the rest some too. However, that would depend on the situation.

The more people knew about this, the riskier it would be for him. As for Nangong Jing and the others, he still trusted them.

Nangong Jing fell silent. She gave the wine in her hand to Lu Ze with a painful expression on her face. "Here, Jinyao Searing Sun. This is the best wine in the entire eastern region of Elf Cosmic Realm. You can have some…"

She turned around in embarrassment afterward. "Your Energy [Orbs] are very precious, but they are very important to me, so I won't reject them."

Then, she patted her busty chest. "From now on, your business is my business."

Lu Ze glanced at the wine, and his mouth could not help but twitch. He took the wine and then Nangong Jing looked up pitifully. "Um… Ze, leave me the last sip…"

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Qiuyue Hesha: "…"

She was beyond help.

Lu Ze rolled his eyes and looked at the golden liquid. He didn't drink wine, but if he didn't take it, Nangong Jing would probably feel bad, right?

Therefore, Lu Ze took it.


Chapter 328. You Always Chase What You Can't Get


Lu Ze looked at the wine and decided to try it in the end. Under Nangong Jing's painful expression, he drank it.

The golden liquid flowed into his mouth and into his stomach.

Then, Lu Ze felt waves of spirit force evaporate in his body. It felt as though the sunlight shone on his entire body-it was very warm. His eyes lit up at this. It seemed quite good?

At this moment, he felt a little tipsy. Eventually, the world started spinning, and he seemed to be floating in the sky.

While feeling dazed, he grabbed the couch to stop himself from falling.

At the same time, Nangong Jing said pridefully, "How is it? Isn't it very good? The spirit force inside is very calm. Even those at the Aperture Opening State can drink it, but it hits hard. This wine will guarantee that you will be drunk. After you sober up, it can increase your mental force. This is a treasure. It is my first time sharing it with someone."

Lu Ze: "…"

He almost went drunk from one sip. Who could take this?!

He was not an alcoholic!

Qiuyue Hesha laughed after seeing how Lu Ze could barely stand up right now. "This is my first time seeing little brother Lu Ze like this. This is too interesting."

Lin Ling also grinned.

Yingying stared at the wine in Lu Ze's hand and placed her finger in her mouth. There was a desire in her eyes. It was as if she wanted to try it as well.

"You… you can have it back… I'm not drinking it, never again…"

Lu Ze passed the wine to the three figures of Nangong Jing before him. He was never going to touch any liquid from this alcoholic!

He swore!

Nangong Jing looked at Lu Ze in disbelief. This guy wasn't going to drink it?

He gave it back to her?

He was a really good kid.

Accordingly, she happily took it back and then took a gulp. It was such a good wine. It seemed this guy didn't know how to appreciate it.

At the same time, she felt that she seemed to have forgotten something but couldn't recall what it was. Meanwhile, Qiuyue Hesha pushed Lu Ze toward the couch.

Thereafter, she slid her fingers across his red face.

She said seriously, "Thank you, little brother Lu Ze. I will remember this. Like the T-rex, your business is my business."

Lu Ze rubbed his heavy head. He was about to speak, but Qiuyue Hesha spoke again. "By the way, both little brother and the T-rex drank straight from the bottle. This is considered an indirect kiss, right? How does it taste, T-rex?"


Nangong Jing spat out the wine and coughed. No wonder she felt she forgot something. As it turned out, it was this. She was so excited about some things that she forgot.

Meanwhile, Lu Ze's body stiffened. Immediately, the atmosphere became awkward.

Nangong Jing quickly said, "This is an accident! I'm drunk, so I didn't care about these little details."

She didn't have any feelings toward Lu Ze. Furthermore, Alice actually talked to her again. This made her quite happy.

However, Alice mostly asked about Lu Ze. She was a girl as well. She could tell that Alice probably liked Lu Ze. She didn't want to steal a man from Alice whom she regarded as her little sister.

Qiuyue Hesha seemed very happy seeing Nangong Jing looking embarrassed. She wanted to joke even more, but Nangong Jing glared at her and gritted her teeth. "Fox demon, if you say one more thing, our relationship is over!"

When she saw Nangong Jing was truly annoyed, Qiuyue Hesha could only stop unwillingly.

On the other hand, Lu Ze felt a little complicated in his mind. People always wanted what they couldn't get. If Nangong Jing argued back, then Lu Ze wouldn't feel so confused. However, being denied like that made him feel it more.

Nevertheless, this mentality only lasted an instant. After all, he was half-friends with and half-student of Nangong Jing.

Meanwhile, Lin Ling looked at Lu Ze and then at Nangong Jing. Her eyes flashed, but she said nothing.

Afterward, Lu Ze rubbed his head and took out six [Red Orbs]. "Take these [Red Orbs] first."

The awkward atmosphere finally eased. Lin Ling took the two orbs first while Qiuyue Hesha smiled and took her portion too. Finally, Nangong Jing walked over awkwardly and took hers.

At the same time, he could hear Nangong Jing's voice in his mind. "Don't mind what happened just then, and don't spread it!"

Lu Ze ended up dazed. He saw that Nangong Jing didn't open her mouth. What was this?

How did she do it?

However, he didn't think much about it anymore and just nodded.

Yingying's eyes bulged after seeing Lu Ze take out the [Red Orbs].

After the three girls took their share, she also ran over and tugged Lu Ze's sleeve. She looked at Lu Ze with her big eyes. "Lu Ze, I want it too."

Right then, Lu Ze had only remembered that Yingying was there as well. He asked her curiously, "Are these useful to you?"

The other three looked over.

Yingying nodded. "Yes, it can help me grow faster."


Does that mean growing stronger?

He took out two more [Red Orbs] and gave them to Yingying.

Then, Yingying ate the two in one gulp.

Afterward, she closed her eyes in satisfaction.

Nangong Jing gulped down the last bit of Jinyao Searing Sun and said, "Okay, let's cultivate."

Energy orbs can be used in the afternoon.

In the morning, Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha still instructed Lu Ze and Lin Ling to cultivate.

Soon, another month passed. Since Lu Ze was the strongest-other than those overlords, rabbit, and Lu Ze 2–he had been gaining at least [1000 Orbs] a night.

Sometimes, he could even get a few thousand. His mental dimension was filled with all sorts of orbs. They were like stars, shining beautifully.

With his constant use of powerful [Red Orbs], the cultivation level of his spirit force had reached the Aperture Opening State with 200 Apertures. He had been maintaining a speed of two to three apertures increase each day.

After the constant use of [Regeneration God Art Orbs] and [1st Body God Art Orbs], his physical power alone had reached a combat power of 220 Apertures.

His [Wind God Art], [Lightning God Art], and [Regeneration God Art] had no more space for improvement. Only his [1st Body God Art] still had some potential left.

The black tigers were rather rare, so the [1st Body God Art Orbs] he had been getting were much less than the other [God Arts].

In the virtual reality stage, Nangong Jing and Lu Ze wore black martial robes while standing opposite each other.

A few kilometers away, Qiuyue Hesha and Lin Ling watched the two seriously.
