Chapters [329-330]

Chapter 329. This Is an Insult


Lu Ze would spar with Nangong Jing everyday, but it was more like a teaching session.

In those times, he only used the power he should. He didn't go all out. However, at this time, Lu Ze wanted to fight seriously with Nangong Jing.

Since he was too strong now, the power in his body almost made him feel he was invincible. He himself didn't even know what his current combat power was at.

Nangong Jing's hair fluttered as she smiled at Lu Ze. "Kid, I can tell you haven't been using your full power to spar with me all this time. Let me see how strong you are now."

Lu Ze also smiled. "Teacher Nangong, I'm going to fight seriously."

[Runes] flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] appeared. He flapped his wings and disappeared from the spot.

In the distance, Lin Ling's eyes widened. She discovered she could only see a vague shadow – Lu Ze's movements appeared blurry to her!

Thereafter, she used her spirit eye god art immediately. Only then could she see his movements.

Meanwhile, Qiuyue Hesha was also a little shocked. This speed was on par with those at level two of the ordinary Mortal Evolution State. Was this kid already this strong??

How long had it been?

Immediately, Lu Ze appeared to the left of Nangong Jing. [Black Runes] glimmered in his eyes as he clenched his fist.

[Star Crippling Punch]!!


The fist force roared like a dragon, but it condensed toward Lu Ze's fist. Then, with a violent chi, it rushed toward Nangong Jing.

Nangong Jing clearly didn't expect Lu Ze's speed reached this level. There was some trace of surprise in her eyes.

Subsequently, golden light glimmered in her eyes as she swung her arm and blocked Lu Ze's wrist. A terrifying power exploded, wanting to direct Lu Ze's fist force toward elsewhere.

Seeing this, the force on the fist exploded and shook off Nangong Jing's palm. She grinned at this. Afterward, her right hand turned into a palm, directly blocking Lu Ze's fist.


The stage they were at could block Aperture Opening State attacks, but it was now filled with cracks.

The cracks stretched out a few kilometers. Eventually, they slowly disappeared.

The main system of Virtual Reality increased the power of the stage based on the level of the battle.

After one clash, the two retreated a few hundred meters away. Nangong Jing smiled. "You've learned [Star Crippling Punch] quite well."

Although she used the same power, she didn't expect Lu Ze could shake away her arm.


Lu Ze's attack was near the peak of level one of the Mortal Evolution State. She was going to give the kid a good beating, or she wouldn't have much opportunity in the future!

Nangong Jing made up her mind!

Subsequently, her long legs darted off the ground as a dominant golden light swirled around her. She instantly appeared at Lu Ze's side.


A heavy explosion could be heard. She stood sharply on the ground, cracking the sturdy floor once again as her leg whipped toward Lu Ze's waist. Feeling the dominant power on it, Lu Ze's mouth twitched. Why did she like targeting his waist?

His wings flapped, and he retreated a few meters back, barely dodging the attack. However, the force wind still swept his waist. Still, this was no problem for him. He didn't even open his [1st Shield].

After this, Lu Ze tapped the ground, and his body rushed forward. He used his palm and elbow for an attack. [Star Crippling Punch] involved a fist, but if you learned it well enough, you could use any part of your body to unleash it.

Lu Ze's understanding of [Star Crippling Punch] was quite deep. His mastery had been at the experienced level for a month.



In that short instant, there were tens of clashes.

The air between them spread out while the space within seemed to be a vacuum-violent airwaves swept past. Even a few kilometers away, Lin Ling felt some of the intensity of the pressure from the aftermath.

She bit her lips. She used four [Red Orbs] every day and had her great grandpa's origin power. Her progress was extremely fast.

In one month, her cultivation level went up by 100. Even if she didn't wear combat armor, she had a power of 600 Apertures. However, her progress was still less than Lu Ze. This guy was already this strong!

She couldn't even handle the shockwave.

Qiuyue Hesha narrowed her eyes. This kid got stronger way too fast. However, thinking about it, it seemed right. She was progressing much faster than before after using this kid's [Red Orbs].

Still, it was a bit hard to accept it. Even a young duke prodigy didn't have such speed. At this rate, his power will probably be on par with them.

Qiuyue Hesha felt very complicated. She could be considered his teacher. She was happy to see him progress, but as a super prodigy, she didn't feel satisfied.

On the stage, the battle could instantly destroy a small city outside. With enough time, even an ordinary planet wouldn't be enough to be their battleground. Of course, they couldn't destroy the planet, but their battle was cataclysmic for livings organisms on the planet.


After another clash, Lu Ze and Nangong Jing both retreated.

Nangong Jing was still calm, but Lu Ze's chest rapidly moved-he was panting a little. His stamina improved, and he could use the [Star Crippling Punch] quite a few times now, but it was still exhausting.

Nangong Jing was just using power on par with Lu Ze's to fight with him. Her real power wasn't something Lu Ze could compare with.

In his retreat, Lu Ze's eyes flashed a [Green Rune].

[Green Jade Slash]!

Wind surged, turning into ten [Green Jade Blades]. A perfect mastery of [Green Jade Slash] was on par with an experienced mastery of [Star Crippling Punch].

The sharp chi emitted by the blade twisted the space as well.

Lu Ze grinned, and the ten blades disappeared and headed toward Nangong Jing. He charged in again. His mental force was powerful enough, so he could do multiple things at one time.

Subsequently, he used [Green Jade Slash] and [Star Crippling Punch].

Of course, doing this was quite exhausting. Even he couldn't last a few seconds. However, he also wanted to see the peak of his power. He was going to be a real man for five seconds!

Nangong Jing looked at the attacks and raised a brow.

There was more golden light in her eyes. She tapped the ground, leaving behind stacks of shadows within tens of meters. Her hands then flowed with golden light. It was a different color, but Lu Ze knew this was the [Star Crippling Punch].

Lu Ze didn't know what movement technique she was using, but it was probably [Divine Art]. Their right fists clashed while Nangong Jing's left hand smashed toward the [Green Jade Slash].


Both the fist force and [Green Jade Slash] exploded.

At the same time, winds shot out in all directions. Lu Ze immediately felt an extremely terrifying power enter his body, striking him more than a thousand meters away.

At this moment, a [Green Jade Slash] cut across Nangong Jing's back silently. Nangong Jing, who was planning on chasing after Lu Ze, quickly dodged to the side with her [Divine Art].


The [Green Jade Slash] sliced across the air on the stage, leaving a mark of tens of meters behind.

Nangong Jing looked at the crevice on her right sleeve, and her mouth twitched. She was a bit too confident!

This month of using [Red Orbs] didn't improve her cultivation level much, but she had filled up quite some gaps. Her combat power had reached the Primary Stage of the Planetary State. And yet, the attack just then tore her sleeve?

This was an insult!

Lu Ze panted heavily. He was drenched in sweat. Seeing that his sneaky green jade slash didn't cause any damage to Nangong Jing, he became a little disappointed. Indeed, he was too noob. Still, he wanted to get revenge. How long did he have to wait?

At this moment, he coughed out some blood. Even though it wasn't her full power, it was still terrifying after she used [Divine Art]. One punch and he was injured. He used [Regeneration God Art], and his injuries instantly recovered.

At the same time, he felt weak. These explosive bursts had drained his body. After panting, Lu Ze glanced at the dazed Nangong Jing and asked, "What's wrong?"


Chapter 330. Yingying Is Really Powerful!


Nangong Jing looked up and saw Lu Ze was covered in sweat, panting heavily. She smiled. "What? Out of energy?"

Lu Ze nodded and smiled as well. "Yeah, this is pretty much my limit."

If he used [Red Orbs], he wouldn't run out of energy, but this was Virtual Reality. He couldn't use it here. After all, they were just sparring. Even if Lu Ze could use it, he wouldn't.

Nangong Jing grinned when she heard the words. "Oh."

She flashed before Lu Ze. A wave of aroma entered his nose, and then, he felt his face being pushed toward something soft.

Thereafter, a severe pain emerged on his forehead. He gritted his teeth. When he becomes stronger than her, he will wipe the floor with her.

Moments later, Nangong Jing let go of Lu Ze and smiled with satisfaction.

Lu Ze quickly used [Regeneration God Art] to recover. He then breathed out after. Seeing the battle end, Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha came over.

Qiuyue Hesha said softly, "Little brother Lu Ze is progressing so fast."

Lu Ze asked hopefully, "What is my current combat power?"

Nangong Jing smiled. "It should be hard for you to find a match at level one of the Mortal Evolution State. You can fight with level 2 of the Mortal Evolution State."

Lu Ze gasped at her answer. "Still a bit weak."

During this time, he always saw all the overlords together. This was probably because Lu Ze 2 hadn't appeared for a month.

That guy didn't show himself for a long time after getting hurt. If it was just a single overlord, Lu Ze still probably wouldn't be able to kill it with his current power. He wanted to find an opportunity and try.

The three: "…"

They were at a loss for words, especially Lin Ling. This guy still thought he was weak?

Qiuyue Hesha laughed. "Haha, by the way, I want to spar with little brother Lu Ze too."

"… Don't, I surrender!"

It was not like he hadn't fought her before. Every time, he wanted to die due to the discomfort. Unless his mental force exceeded hers, he wasn't going to fight with her again.

Nangong Jing and Lin Ling looked at Lu Ze with approval. As women, they were slightly better, but they were still influential.

At this moment, Nangong Jing smiled. "Let's go out."

The cultivation session in the morning was finished. Accordingly, the four left virtual reality.

Coming down, the four smelled something strange.

Lu Ze asked in confusion, "What is that smell?"

He felt something was burning.

The other three frowned too. With confusion, the four scanned the area with their mental force. Immediately, their faces wore strange expressions.

They charged into the kitchen and saw Yingying floating in the air as she poured a lot of iron nails into a pot with boiling water

When she saw the four, Yingying's eyes lit up. "You guys are done!"

Lu Ze looked at the black smoke and gulped. Then, he said dryly, "Yingying, what are you doing?"

Yingying blinked her eyes at his question and said, "I was watching cartoons, and it said that when adults were doing work, children should help with housework. I wanted to cook something good for you guys!"

Subsequently, she looked at them as though waiting for a compliment. Nangong Jing looked at the black liquid. Her mouth could not help but twitch. "Ahahaha… Yingying is really nice…"

Qiuyue Hesha opened her mouth but couldn't say anything in the end.

Lin Ling doubted whether she was hallucinating while Lu Ze fell silent. He was wrong. He thought Lu Li was already a bizarre case in the Cooking Realm, but compared to Yingying, she was nothing.

At least, what Lu Li cooked looked like food. On the other hand, Yingying's cooking was like a demonic concoction.

Lu Ze looked at the joyful Yingying and said, "Um, Yingying, why did you add nails?"

Yingying blinked her eyes at this question. "I heard that humans lack iron. Aren't nails made of iron?"

She seemed even more proud.

The four ended up dazed with her answer.

Yingying seemed to be right. They couldn't even argue.

At this moment, a small hole opened next to Yingying. It seemed to be a wormhole. Yingying reached her hand inside, and after some clanking, she pulled out a gray-white stone. It appeared to be asbestos.

The four watched her put the asbestos into the liquid. Immediately, the black liquid boiled even more. What was this?

Is she doing a chemistry experiment?

Qiuyue Hesha pointed at the liquid and forced out a smile. "Yingying, why did you add asbestos too?"

Yingying blinked her eyes once more. "I heard there is calcium in asbestos. Humans need calcium!"

This… didn't seem wrong. They watched that liquid, and their hearts went cold. Could that really be eaten?

However, for Yingying, who could even eat the three black-robed people, perhaps, this was rather nice to her?

Still, it wasn't so nice to them!

After all, they were normal humans.

At this time, Lin Ling rubbed her head and smiled. "Yingying, what you cooked isn't really suitable for us to eat."

Yingying's body stiffened. She looked at Lin Ling with a disappointed expression. "This can't be eaten?"

Seeing her pitiful look, their hearts melted. Qiuyue Hesha gritted her teeth. With how powerful she was, even if she ate it, it would be disgusting at most. Should she try eating it?

Lin Ling walked up and patted Yingying's head. "If you want to learn how to cook, I can teach you. We can cook for them together later."

Lu Ze, Nangong Jing, and Qiuyue Hesha immediately looked at Lin Ling gratefully. At the same time, Yingying's eyes lit up, and she nodded firmly. "Okay!"

She really did want to cook for them.

Then, Lin Ling shooed the three out of the kitchen.

On the couch, Lu Ze saw how touched Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha were and rolled his eyes. "Do you guys need to exaggerate like this? Can't you be calm like me?"

Qiuyue Hesha looked at Lu Ze due to his remark. "Then, you can cook for yourself later."

"… Okay, I'm actually very touched."

His cooking didn't taste good at all. There was no way he would cook for himself.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha rolled their eyes.

At this moment, Yingying's voice could be heard. "Add salt as you see fit?…"

Lin Ling exclaimed, "Yingying, don't put all the salt in…"

Lu Ze: "…"

Nangong Jing: "…"

Qiuyue Hesha: "…"

Moments later, Lu Ze laughed dryly. "I think I want to cook myself…"

Before Lu Ze could finish, he was stared down by Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha.

The ruckus in the kitchen lasted until the afternoon. Afterward, Lin Ling carried out a large bowl of noodles with a fatigued face. Yingying's little face seemed to be a bit prideful. It was as though she did something amazing.

When they saw Lin Ling's fatigued face, the three looked touched. Thank you, Lin Ling. You're the best!

Lin Ling took a deep breath. "We'll have noodles today, Yingying's cooking is not bad."

The three got up immediately.

Qiuyue Hesha hugged Yingying and said with a spoiling tone, "Yingying is the best!"

Nangong Jing rubbed Yingying's face. "Yingying is so amazing!"

Likewise, Lu Ze chose to repeat their words. "Yingying is the best!"

After hearing this, a happy smile blossomed on Yingying's face.

Seeing this, Lin Ling was no longer angry anymore.
