Chapters [331-332]

Chapter 331. Beaten Like a Boss


Yingying's noodle wasn't very tasty, but at least, it was edible. This made Lu Ze and the rest feel relieved. After finishing the noodles, Lu Ze and Lin Ling got up to leave.

At this moment, Yingying flashed with faint starlight. Then, she rubbed her eyes. "I'm tired…"

Upon seeing this, Lu Ze quickly held Yingying who was about to fall down. He discovered she had already closed her eyes.

The four looked among each other.

Nangong Jing said, "Last time, when Yingying slept, it was like this too."

Lu Ze then said, "In that case, we'll let Yingying sleep here."

He and Lin Ling might go out to do missions. It was convenient to let Yingying stay here.

Nangong Jing nodded and took Yingying from his hands. She smiled. "Then, leave her here."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling nodded.

Accordingly, they left.

Back in the dorm, Lu Ze sat on the bed.

Subsequently, four [Red Orbs] disappeared from his mental dimension. A domineering power surged into his body, making him tremble with pain.

Lu Ze frowned but didn't move. This pain was much weaker than the pain from dying inside the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

The [Red Orbs] he used were from the [God Art Beasts]. Despite so, using just one alone was not enough for him-his progress was slow. If he used four at the same time, his body could still handle it. He closed his eyes and used a chi attraction chant.

As his body grew stronger, the spirit force in the air became drawn toward his body, improving his spirit force cultivation level.

When Lu Ze opened his eyes again, it was already dark outside. He let out a breath and got down from the bed. He proceeded to stretch.

Just then, the level of his spirit force cultivation increased by two Apertures. Soon, his spirit force cultivation level would reach the Peak Stage of the Aperture Opening State. After reaching 810 Apertures, he would be able to enter the Mortal Evolution State.

When his cultivation level reached Mortal Evolution State, what degree would his combat power rise to?

Lu Ze became very hopeful. He rested for a moment and took out the food cooked by Alice for dinner.

Thereafter, he chatted with Lu Li and Alice. Because they used higher-level orbs, their cultivation speed grew fast as well. Soon, they might even be able to reach the Aperture Opening State.

Lu Ze gasped at this realization. Unlike him, they received higher levels of [Orbs] whereas Lu Ze had to kill the beast before he could get the [Orb].

Thus, they cultivated even faster than him. He really wished he didn't have to move, and there would still be [Red Orbs] for him. After chatting for a while, Lu Ze sat on the bed again. He was prepared to die.

In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].


A thunderous sound spread across the boundless grassy plain. Spirit light flashed as the powerful winds swept tens of kilometers.

Lu Ze looked at the lifeless body of the black tiger he punched to death. Then, he turned to the dense cluster of beasts.

[Green Jade Slash]!

Ten green wind blades appeared in the air. They sliced across like green snakes among the beasts. In a few seconds, a few hundred terrifying beasts died. They painted the grass red.

Simultaneously, all their bodies fell from the sky and upon landing on the ground, a ditch was then created.

Lu Ze looked at the ground which was filled with [Orbs]. He harvested them and eventually left the area.

Two days later, Lu Ze looked into the distance.

The four overlords appeared together again. He raised a brow. Couldn't they just split off?




The overlords roared as they charged toward Lu Ze.

In this situation, his face went cold. [Runes] flashed in his eyes. His [Wings of Wind and Lightning] flapped, and he disappeared from the spot, greeting the four overlords.

Afterward, he punched with his right fist.

[Star Crippling Punch]!


The fist force turned into a deep black stream of light and smashed against the blue bird overlord at the front.


Sensing the danger, the overlord blue bird flashed with blue light. Its body became ethereal. It flapped its wings and easily dodged the fist force.

The fist force proceeded to attack the black tiger overlord.


The fist force clashed with the crystal shield appearing on the tiger's body. Before the explosion dissipated, the four overlords charged out unscathed

The lightning dragon-horse had three purple lightning spears before it. As it roared, the spear, in the shape of a triangle, headed toward Lu Ze. He narrowed his eyes.

Subsequently, he flapped his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and dodged two of the lightning spears.

The last one was about to hit his body, but he immediately used his [1st Shield]!

At the same time, he punched out again. [Star Crippling Punch]!

The fist force collided with the lightning spear. Lightning and black fist force shot out in all directions. As such, a deep hole was created on the land due to the blast.

In just an instant, the lightning spear tore open the black fist force. It grew much weaker but still proceeded toward Lu Ze. In the face of the incoming attack, Lu Ze crossed his arms before his chest. His body flashed with black shield light.


Another explosion occurred. [1st Shield] was Lu Ze's weakest [Divine Art]. Even the weakened lightning spear tore through it easily. Hence, the spear was able to hit his chest.

Lu Ze immediately felt his body was numbed. A terrifying power entered him. He could feel his body was constantly being damaged by the spear.

After being assaulted by lightning for more than ten kilometers, a gray spirit light flashed around his body. He could barely recover after using [Regeneration God Art]. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Before he could react in time, a blue figure appeared above his head. Its huge claws with sharp wind blades reached for him. Oh shit!

The blue bird overlord was much faster than him. It played this trick every time!

His mouth twitched.

Afterward, he flapped his wings to stabilize himself while using the [Star Crippling Punch] against the huge claw once more.


In this clash, Lu Ze fought evenly. The four overlord's [Divine Arts] was different. In terms of attack, the blue bird was much weaker than the warhorse.

In terms of speed, none of them could compare with it.

Lu Ze used the force from the collision to retreat ten more kilometers away, wanting to draw some distance between the four overlords. He really couldn't beat them all together.

He felt like he was the boss while the black tiger was the warrior, the blue bird was an assassin, the warhorse was a mage, and the gray lizard is a tank with insane recovery.

With another healer, they would be invincible. If there was only one overlord, Lu Ze felt his chances of killing it would be high. However, they were stuck together. At this moment, he looked behind and immediately flew back.

Other than the blue bird, he was faster than the other overlords. That should be enough for him to run away, but why couldn't he escape?


Because the blue bird overlord would stop him every time.

As Lu Ze flew toward the distance, he fought once more with the blue bird overlord.

The aftermath of their battle managed to destroy countless grasslands. Even countless beasts were not spared.

When the shockwave swept across, they could not dodge in time. Eventually, they died.


Chapter 332. Acting Cool Behind His Back?!


In truth, Lu Ze's combat power was stronger. However, his cultivation level was much weaker than the overlords. With the blue bird stopping him, the three overlords managed to catch up to him.

After some indescribable event, Lu Ze was back lying on the bed in his dorm.


Sure enough, he was a bit weak.


His eyes flashed with light. Soon!

With his progress speed, he would be able to kill those overlords eventually. Nevertheless, he hadn't seen the rabbit boss and Lu Ze 2 during this time. Where did they go?

After resting for a while, Lu Ze sat up and closed his eyes once more to cultivate.

Early the next morning, Lu Ze heard a knock before he could even proceed downstairs. He felt stunned at this. Did Lin Ling come this early today?

When he opened the door, he could see Lin Ling standing at the door. Ye Mu, Ian, Xavier, Xuan Yuqi, Tianyuan Qianhua, and Jessica were all there as well. They all wore strange expressions on their faces.

In turn, Lu Ze looked at them curiously. "Why are you all looking at me like this?"

Due to the 100,000 academic credits that he lent out, they became ahead of most freshmen.

After using up the academic credits, they accepted several missions. Their cultivation level was about to break through the Core Martial State while their combat power was not bad among those who were at the same level.

They were all at the top 10 of the 1st year martial ranking. Of course, they couldn't compare with Lu Ze and Lin Ling. They had some guesses about this.

In the morning he and Lin Ling went to cultivate at Nangong Jing's place, so they rarely went with them to class. But when Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha had missions or other things, Lu Ze and Lin Ling would attend the class with them.

They could feel how terrifying the chi Lu Ze and Lin Ling released unknowingly. Other than Qiuyue Hesha and Nangong Jing, they probably knew Lu Ze's and Lin Ling's power the most.

Tianyuan Qianhua smiled. "I told you Ze is immersed in cultivation and didn't mind. You guys didn't believe me, especially someone."

Thereafter, she glanced at Ye Mu.

Ye Mu's mouth twitched, and he looked at Lu Ze with disbelief. "Ze, it's fine if you don't go to the Virtual Martial City, but why don't you look at the Dawn Network? There are quite some cute girls. If you go get a few…"

Before Ye Mu could finish his sentence, Ye Mu could feel a cold sensation. He quickly shut his mouth.

Xuan Yuqi glanced at Lu Ze. "Ze, someone surpassed your rank yesterday. You are not in the first place anymore."

Lu Ze felt stunned at this information. He then looked at Lin Ling. It had been three months since he went to the martial trial tower.

The only person who could surpass him was her. He looked at Lin Ling in disbelief. How dare she act cool behind his back?!

Lin Ling felt a little awkward and glared at Lu Ze. "What are you looking at? You don't go to the martial trial tower at all. A high total ranking will give you academic credits!"

Of course, this was not the point.

Actually, the main reason was that she felt it would be harder and harder to surpass Lu Ze. Surpassing him on the ranking could help comfort herself.

At this moment, Ye Mu jabbed Lu Ze's waist. "Ze, Lin Ling is riding on your head. Can you allow that? If she rides on you now, in the future, on bed… pff…"

Before Ye Mu could complete his words, he was kicked into the lake by Lin Ling.


Everyone: "…"

Lu Ze glanced at the cold-eyed Lin Ling. His mouth twitched. How many times did this happen to Ye Mu?

Even he wasn't this dumb. Of course, even if he said things like that, Lin Ling couldn't beat him.

Ian dragged Lu Ze's sleeve and looked at Lu Ze. "Ze aren't you going to the martial trial tower? Quite some students in Dawn System are saying you are… you are incapable…"

Lu Ze: "???"

What was this scene? Lu Ze pulled away from his sleeve and patted Ian on the shoulder. "Ian, remember you are a man!"

Ian blushed and looked down. "So… sorry…." Lu Ze: "…"

Lu Ze felt dumbfounded.

At this time, Xuan Yuqi couldn't take it anymore. She glared at Lu Ze. "Don't bully Ian."

Lu Ze: "???"

How did he bully him?

Xavier scratched his head and said, "Ian's right, a lot of people are saying you are only strong for a short period of time. Now, Lin Ling has surpassed you. Of course, we know that your power is definitely not weak."

Jessica nodded fiercely as though she would follow whatever her boyfriend said.

Tianyuan Qianhua took out her phone and projected the discussion forum.

Blogs about Lu Ze and Lin Ling popped out non-stop after Lin Ling went into the martial trial tower.

Lu Ze glanced and saw one blog titled "The fallen prodigy, the real reason why the strongest new student Lu Ze won't go in the martial trial tower."

The one below was "Shocking! Federal University's first-year beautiful student did something that made men silent and women cry!"

Another one was "Handsome brother Lu Ze is invincible, handsome, strong, talented, and humble!"

Lu Ze liked the bottom one the most. After all, only that one was speaking the truth. Other than these, there were quite some blogs about Lu Ze and Lin Ling. They were all sorts of guesses.

Either rise of feminism or the fall of a prodigy. Of course, people argued for Lu Ze too. If one got famous, anything he did would be exaggerated.

At the same time, there were also people making derogatory comments. Lin Ling was pretty and talented, so people also complimented her too.

Lu Ze opened the blog. Afterward, his mouth couldn't help twitching. No wonder so many people were becoming fans of Lin Ling. She had reached tenth place in the overall ranking.

A new student got a tenth place on the total ranking and she was a beautiful lady. Of course, a lot of guys considered her their goddess. This blog praised Lin Ling through the roof.

Lu Ze ended up being dumbfounded. Was this blog really describing Lin Ling or another person?

Soft, gentle, understanding, caring…

Lu Ze glanced at the expressionless Lin Ling and rubbed his head. So naive. If you wanted to get Lin Ling's attention, you might as well work hard in cultivation and make yourself better.

Love is about mutual attraction. It should be balanced.

In the end, Lu Ze could only shake his head.

Subsequently, he opened another blog. "I feel Lu Ze must have had his fortune before, but now it's used up, so his cultivation level stopped progressing. He's too embarrassed to test it."

"I think some accident happened to Lu Ze's cultivation, and his cultivation fell back? Doesn't this always happen in novels?"

"What are you saying? Are you jealous of him? A while ago, he just came out of the Dao Enlightenment Room. If he didn't go to the martial trial tower, does that mean there's something certainly wrong with him? I think he doesn't care about it at all. If Lin Ling can reach the top ten, then Lu Ze should be stronger."

Lu Ze almost laughed after seeing people say his cultivation level regressed.

On the other hand, Lin Ling couldn't stop laughing. She had to hold his shoulder to stay still.
