Chapters [335-336]

Chapter 335. Captain… Are We Still Charging?


Nangong Jing smiled. "But we don't need to worry about the planetary states. We just need to kill the void beasts invading the planets."

At this information, Lu Ze asked, "What about those Planetary States then?"

Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "There are Planetary State people coming over. Even a Planetary State teacher from our school is coming. They should be here soon."

Lu Ze nodded at this.

The Planetary State was the major player. The Star States had either left the Milky Way galaxy to look for ways to become stronger, or they can't leave the battlefield.

As for the four sages, they each have places they needed to guard. Unless it was something very major, they wouldn't leave their post.

Half an hour later, the flying ship left the warp dimension. Upon looking outside at the enormous Xigui System, they could see flashes of light.

Nangong Jing took a deep breath and said, "We'll go to planet Nanchu, where the situation is the worst. There are 14 Mortal Evolution State Beasts and hundreds of other ones."

The others nodded.

Accordingly, the ship entered a short warp travel.

In Jing City, on the southern hemisphere of planet Nanchu, more than half the high-rise buildings of the area had crumbled. Ruins were the only thing left behind.

Outside, Void Beasts roared non-stop. 11 huge Void Beasts floated in the air. Around them was a fleet of drone ships that attacked them, attempting to draw their attention. Further away, there were 30 more battleships harassing these beasts.

The entire planet had a few hundred void beasts. Some of them had been led away by the Defense Force while some were killed by powerful beings. Those beings have moved to other cities. However, no one has helped this city yet.

The defense force needed to stall out these Void Beasts. However, these Void Beasts were at the Aperture Opening State, and the drones were getting destroyed non-stop. A middle-aged man wearing black battle armor roared on a warship.

"Do we have more drones? We almost can't keep their attention anymore!!"

"Captain, we're out."

"Same here!"

"Me too…"

The man's face looked bad. Without the drones to distract these beasts, those monsters would definitely destroy Jing City. Most citizens had gone to underground emergency shelters, but they weren't designed for Void Beasts at the Level of Aperture Opening State and Mortal Evolution State.

In that case… the man sweated even more. He clutched his pilot handle. After a while, his eyes flashed.

At this moment, a surprised and joyful voice came out from the communicator. "Captain… I still have some!"

The man cursed upon hearing the words. "Then, hurry the f*ck up and release it."

Thereafter, the voice cried. "But… there is only one!"

The man's body stiffened. His smile disappeared.

Moments later, he took a deep breath and roared. "F*ck, if there's only one ship, then why the f*ck did you say it?!"

Then, the man suddenly smiled. "There are no drones. You know what is next, right?"

The communications fell silent. Of course, they knew what would happen.

Subsequently, the one who said he still had a drone cried out. "Captain… I don't want to die… I'm the only child in my family…"

The middle-aged man rubbed his nose. "Little bastards, I have trained you guys like dogs. Today, I'll give you another demonstration."

He took a deep breath. "I'll charge first, you guys… charge as you wish. Remember, the goal is to draw their attention elsewhere."

The middle-aged man smiled. "My wife and daughter are in Jing City. You, bastards, know, right?… I'm scared of dying, but a man… has to protect his family, right?"

"If something happens to me, you bastards help me watch them. Don't let them get abused."

Another voice could be heard at this moment. "I'll be second, you guys know my situation. My parents died at the border, so I don't have anything left…"

"I'll be third…"

"Then, I'll be fourth…"


"Kid, you still have a drone, don't you? That can substitute you."

The youth became stunned after hearing this voice. His heart beat faster. Who would want to die?

He just graduated from university and came to serve in the Defense Force. He thought that it would be much easier than going to the border. Who could have known this would happen?

He still had his youth… He wasn't married, and his parents were waiting for him… If possible, he really didn't want to die. His teammates knew about his situation. They could understand him, don't they?

At this time, he opened his mouth. With a coarse voice, he said, "I… I'll be last."

He then smiled. "My parents are young, and the compensation System of the Federation is very good. Perhaps, they can have another child better than me…"

In the distance, the number of drones was diminishing substantially by the minute. They tried to draw the beasts to other places. However, they were eliminated before they could run. These were 11 Aperture Opening State Void Beasts after all.

The middle-aged man looked at the drones. His face was pale. He was only a Core Martial State. Of course, he would be scared.

Thinking about his wife and daughter, his eyes looked firm. He roared. "Everyone, listen up! I'll count to three! I'll charge, then you guys go!"

"Yes, Captain!"



Suddenly, a flash of Green and Purple light appeared among the 11 Aperture Opening States.

With him came a few meter-long wind blades that appeared like green jade stones. They instantly sliced across all the bodies of the Aperture Opening State Beasts. These Void Beasts suddenly exploded in the air.


Thereafter, the bodies crashed heavily onto the ground. As such, the sounds struck heavily on the hearts of these soldiers who were prepared to die. Everything happened so quickly.

The man couldn't even react in time. He then continued with his counting and roared. "1!"

When he finished shouting, he felt dumbfounded.

'Why did I yell 1?'

The other teammates felt dazed.

Suddenly, a being instantly killed those extremely powerful Aperture Opening State Void Beasts. In turn, they didn't know what to do right now.

The void beasts were dead, but the captain made an order. Should they still charge?

One voice could be heard at this time. "Umm… Captain.. are we still charging?"

Captain: "…"


Chapter 336. Can You Guys Die for Me?


Lu Ze looked down at the bodies of the Void Beast. Then, he shifted his gaze toward the city-it still wasn't heavily damaged yet at this time. Planet Nanchu had a diameter of nearly 100,000 kilometers. The circumference of the equator was over 500,000 kilometers.

Clearly, it wasn't very small. Even at his current speed of over a few kilometers per second, more than ten times the speed of sound, it still took time to circle the planet.

As soon as Golden Swirl arrived on the planet, Lu Ze and the rest split off.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha mainly dealt with the Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts while Lu Ze and Lin Ling took care of the Aperture Opening State Beasts.

At the same time, Nangong Jing gave them each a military communicator. It had every rescue signal on the planet. This place was the first wave Lu Ze dealt with. These Void Beasts were stopped outside the city.

Obviously, it was due to these warships. He looked at the warships but didn't go over to say his greetings. His wings of wind and lightning flapped.

Afterward, he flew off. Right now, he needed to deal with other Void Beasts. He should not waste time with how serious the situation was. Whether it was the martial arts site of the Federation or the Dawn Network, the missions had been published. People were making their way over.

After seeing Lu Ze leave, the soldiers fell silent. At this moment, the drone soldier said, "That… seems to be Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, right?"

As a young person, he spent most of his time on social media. Of course, he had seen Lu Ze's combat video. He was an 18-year-old lieutenant colonel!

Countless people had considered him their idol. But…

A while ago, that was 11 Aperture Opening State Void Beasts. Wasn't his power at the Primary Stage of the Aperture Opening State?

Did he just instantly kill 11 Aperture Opening State Void Beasts?

He almost thought he recognized the wrong person. Did Lu Ze have a big brother?

The other people felt stunned but joyful. They survived now.

The captain felt relieved and slunk into his chair. He didn't have to die and could go back to see his wife and daughter. What else could make him happier than this?

Thereafter, he smiled. "Lu Ze is a student of Federal University. Since he is here, then the Dawn System's people should be here. The pressure on us will be much relieved."

He looked up worriedly at the sky. "I wonder how the three Planetary State Void Beasts are…"

A few thousand Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts couldn't compare to the three Planetary States.

However, they were too weak to solve this problem. "Let us tell the brothers and sisters in other teams about the arrival of the Dawn System's people! Tell them that they will be saved soon!"

A few hundred kilometers away, in a spacious forest, eight powerful beings were fighting nine Aperture Opening State Void Beasts. There were men and women, wearing custom armors. They weren't soldiers. Instead, they were adventure squads.

The martial arts site mission would give federal contribution points.

The people nearby would come even if it was just for the rewards.


The battle turned extremely violent.

The surroundings were being destroyed. Ten kilometers from them, there were tens of warships using all sorts of energy cannons to harass the beasts. However, this firepower was too weak to deter the Aperture Opening State Void Beasts. Most of them couldn't even land.


At this moment, the Aperture Opening State humans panted. Their faces were bad. These nine beasts were too strong. They could only passively defend up until now.

The golden short-haired man at the front spoke. "Change of plans, hold them here, and wait for assistance."

The other people nodded in return despite their unwillingness.

At this time, a silver spear ray instantly pierced through the three Aperture Opening State Void Beasts. Their tough armors were weak like bubbles against the spear ray, popping with the slightest contact.

These eight adventurers widened their eyes and looked at the falling void beasts in disbelief. Beasts at the Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures were instantly killed?

Which powerful being came?

The eight looked in the direction of the spear ray. Ten kilometers away, a figure wearing white armor left. She had fluttering short hair and a beautiful side profile. She soon headed off.

The adventurers and the defense soldiers felt dazed.

When the remaining Void Beasts roared, they finally woke up from their stupor.

The short-haired middle-aged man grinned at this turn of events. "Kill them. We don't have to hold them off!"

In the air, a Void Beast of a few thousand meters swirled. Behind it was a dead city ruin. At this moment, a faint gold figure suddenly appeared before it.

Nangong Jing glanced at the ruins. Her eyes flashed with killing intent.


The roar of the Void Beast blew away the clouds in the sky. Its huge body flashed with dark gray spirit light.

Subsequently, Nangong Jing punched.


Like the roar of an ancient beast, the golden fist force turned everything in its pathway to dust.

The fist force shot out of the planet, and the body of the huge void beast disappeared. Afterward, she glanced at the ruins with a trace of sadness and flew off.

In a huge city, 15 Void Beasts who were a few hundred-meter long and a few thousand-meter long, floated. Their bodies covered the skies.

The two military-uniformed beings looked at the largest Void Beast with an ugly expression.

The black-haired youth on the left smiled bitterly. "Brigadier General Noira, we don't seem to be a match for it. It is this big. It probably has power at level five of the Mortal Evolution State. We should have kept some people here."

The brown-haired middle-aged man on the right rubbed his face. "I have [Wind God Art]. I have some confidence when it comes to speed. I will bring these animals away, so you should guard this place."

Just when the youth was about to nod, a pink light flashed over and appeared before the beasts.

The slender figure with pink hair made the two shocked.

The Void Beasts also calmed their roars down, glaring at the newcomer.

Qiuyue Hesha flicked her long hair, revealing her snow-white side face. With a seductive voice, she said, "Am I pretty?"

Thereafter, the eyes of the void beasts turned blank. Their heavy breathing became lighter. At the same time, the two men behind her nodded like chickens.

Qiuyue Hesha grinned. "In that case, can you guys die for me?".

All the Void Beasts, including the Mortal Evolution State one, flashed with spirit light.

Consequently, their life force dissipated, and they fell from the sky.


The landing struck the hearts of the two men. They sweated cold and looked at Qiuyue Hesha, feeling stunned. Soon, they quickly looked down.

This woman was a demon! She didn't even target them, but they were still affected. Despite not seeing her face, they knew who this was. City Charming Young Duke!

Qiuyue Hesha glanced at the two but didn't speak. She quickly left.


These two were at least at the Mortal Evolution State. However, they weren't as interesting as little brother Lu Ze. After she disappeared, the two men felt relieved.

The youth smiled bitterly. "Qiuyue Hesha is indeed terrifying."

The brown-haired man shook his head. "I'm old now. I really can't take this."
