Chapters [337-338]

Chapter 337. Persuading You to Be Nice


Lu Ze's wings flapped upon seeing the rescue signals from the communicator.

One of the signals came from the northwest of his current location, which was only 3000 kilometers away. With his speed, he should be able to reach the place sooner. After taking a deep breath, he sped up even more.

Soon, Lu Ze was closely approaching the location of the signal. He was only tens of kilometers away. He looked up to scan the surroundings ahead.

A mountain range was before him. Most of the peaks had collapsed at this time. Other than peaks, the earth received some damage too. It was filled with numerous holes. Perhaps, a dreadful battle occurred here.

Lu Ze raised a brow. Eventually, he arrived at the battlefield. He landed on the ground and looked around.

A few kilometers deep holes were etched throughout the land. Coupled with the collapsing mountain walls and fractured ground, the area before him appeared to be a wasteland.

Most of the regions were filled with pools of blood—both red and black. At the same time, waves of battle could still be felt in this region.

The unique chaotic violent chi of the void beasts remained in the air.

Lu Ze frowned. It seemed he came late. He didn't know if those people asking for help ran away or were eaten by the Void Beasts. He looked at the device again and planned to go to another place.

At this moment, the hairs on his back stood up. He could feel a trace of coldness.

Subsequently, his wings flapped. Instantly, he shifted a few hundred meters to the left.


A sharp sword ray struck where Lu Ze was just now. This sword ray expanded on the ground for more than tens of kilometers.

In the distance, a hill was even sliced in half.

Lu Ze turned around and looked at the three people who appeared in the air.

If it weren't for his accumulated experience in entering the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] all the time and hovering constantly between life and death, from which he built his strong vigilance, the sword a while ago would have sliced him in half.

He almost died!

Let me see who wanted to kill me. Those three figures seemed to be between reality and the warp dimension, slowly emerging from the warp dimension.

Two men and one woman. They weren't too old. One of the men had long green hair and was rather handsome.

The other had spiky golden hair and looked ferocious.

Meanwhile, the woman had dark red hair. Her body was very voluptuous, and she was extremely beautiful. She was wearing revealing clothes. Her dark red hide armor only covered her chest and buttocks.

The three studied him.

Thereafter, the beautiful woman laughed. "Konan, your sword isn't too good. You couldn't even take care of a little brother."

The eyes of the golden-haired youth became more ferocious at her remark. "It was just a casual attack. Many people can dodge it."

The green-haired man smiled. "It was just one mistake. Fire, stop playing with Konan."

Subsequently, Fire smiled. "It was just a joke. Jayce, you're still so serious."

At this moment, Lu Ze coughed. "Who are you three? Were you planning to kill me just now? As it turned out, the people who came here to help were killed by you guys, right?"

He became curious about who these guys were. They had such power at this age. Their talent shouldn't be bad. Why were they trying to kill him though?

He was a prodigy from the Federal University. If he died in a strange manner, they would be caught if they were still a Federal citizen. Fire giggled at his question. "Haha, we know you. You're that Lu Ze aren't you. A lieutenant colonel as a new student. You're very amazing."

"And, you could use your power at Aperture Opening State with 200 Apertures to dodge Konan's casual attack. You're even stronger."

Then, she smiled. "By the way, Konan used to be in the military too, didn't he?"

Lu Ze's eyes widened at this. He could see Konan's face growing colder.

Lu Ze asked in confusion. "You used to be but not anymore?"

Konan's killing intent burst out upon hearing this. He grinned. "You want to know?"

Lu Ze nodded.

Upon seeing this, Konan grinned. "Because I played with a woman and accidentally killed her. The military wants me to go to the military court, hahahaha!"

Konan laughed hysterically, and then, his smile receded. "Why?!"

"Did I not have enough military merit? Did I not kill enough blade demons? Why???"

"Without our bloodbath battles, can those lowly citizens in the inner region live that peacefully?!"

"Without us, do they dare to go on the battlefield?!"

"It was just a woman, did they need to do this??"

"I'm not gonna fucking play this game! Since there's no good in protecting the Federation, I'm just going to live how I like?!"

Lu Ze scratched his head. This topic wasn't suitable for him. He was just an innocent kid. However, this guy thought he could do whatever he wanted just because he had some merit. If that was the case and every soldier broke the law, the Federation would collapse.

Fire giggled. "Little brother, we have a far better and stronger life and power than ordinary people. Why not pursue getting stronger and then eternal life? You're so talented. You should come and play with us."

Lu Ze was speechless at her offer. She tried to drag him in too!

Lu Ze pretty much understood what they were. They probably belonged to some underground force. But, why were they here?

The green-haired man smiled. "There's an ancient saying, 'People who don't act in their self-interest are destroyed by the heavens and earth."

Lu Ze scratched his head and laughed awkwardly. "Um, green-haired brother, the saying actually doesn't mean that. It means that you must cultivate your inner mind during cultivation. If not, the heavens and earth will not tolerate you."

At his remark, the atmosphere turned very awkward.

Jayce's face went a bit red. He wanted to show off his knowledge. In the end, he was slapped in the face!

Lu Ze sighed. "So, three big brothers and sisters, be kind."

Konan sneered. "Kind? Why should I? Just because you told me to?"

At the same time, Fire sighed. "Little brother is so handsome. What a pity."

Jayce took a few steps back, and his smile disappeared. He looked coldly at Lu Ze. How dare Lu Ze slap his face?!


Lu Ze smiled at the three. Afterward, his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] flapped. He disappeared from his original spot and appeared before Konan. [Black Runes] flashed in his eyes. He clenched his right fist as dark rays surged.

Consequently, he punched heavily.


A dragon roar-like sound occurred. Konan did not have enough time to meet the blow. He could only block with his long sword. His power surged as gold light flashed. It had the power of metal god art.

The fist force struck the long sword. Upon collision, the sword bent into a huge arc.

The terrifying power blasted Konan a few kilometers away toward a distant hill, thrusting him deeply into the mountain.

The atmosphere became silent.

Fire and Jayce looked at Lu Ze with shocked expressions. Their bodies became tense and vigilant to prepare for another sudden attack. This wasn't right!

They knew about Lu Ze. That's why they dared to talk to him for so long.

Three months ago, Lu Ze was only just at the Aperture Opening State!

Meanwhile, they were rather strong among those at Level one of the Mortal Evolution State. If they knew about Lu Ze's real power, they would have run already.

At this moment, Lu Ze smiled at Fire and Jayce. "There is no point in talking. I'll speak with my fists."


Chapter 338. Have You Eaten, Sister?


Upon hearing Lu Ze's words, Fire's and Jayce's chi burst out.

Fire was covered in bright red flames while green light surrounded Jayce.

The light was brimming with life force. At this moment, Lu Ze glanced at Jayce.

[Wood God Art]?

No wonder this guy had green hair. It turned out to be the symbol of his power.


A golden sword ray burst out of the mountains and headed toward Lu Ze. At the same time, Fire and Jayce used a huge fireball and vines respectively.

Lu Ze grinned. In the next moment, his body was covered in [1st Shield]. Black rays surged around him as he used [Star Crippling Punch]. All the vines were soon shattered.

On the other hand, Lu Ze greeted the fireball with his left fist and the sword ray with his right.


Two shocking explosions occurred.

The shockwaves swept across the surrounding hundreds of kilometers.

At the same time, the entire mountain range shook, and peaks cracked while the earth sunk.

Subsequently, Lu Ze appeared before Fire. He grinned and hit her exposed stomach heavily.

The terrifying power sent her body flying more than ten kilometers away. She spat blood as her entire body was forcefully thrown toward a distant mountain.

Jayce was planning to help her when the corner of his eye saw a figure appear next to him. A terrifying power soon came along with it.

Lu Ze whipped his leg towards Jayce's waist. Jayce saw that he didn't have enough time to dodge. He tensed up as a green barrier appeared. He used both hands to try to block Lu Ze's leg.


The leg and the barrier clashed. In just a second, the latter was broken. Lu Ze's leg landed heavily on his arms. Bone cracking sounds could be heard upon this collision. Jayce was forced out for more than ten kilometers. Just when Lu Ze was about to chase up, a golden light flashed.

Suddenly, Konan was already at Lu Ze's side. His chi was ferocious, and his eyes were filled with undeniable killing intent. His wrists turned.

Subsequently, the long sword cut toward Lu Ze.

The current sword rays were much sharper than the one before. Lu Ze raised a brow. This guy had some power.

While thinking this, he reached out to grab the sword ray with his bare left hand.


The sword ray dispersed into golden light.

Konan was originally proud of the strike he let out just now. However, upon witnessing its dispersal on Lu Ze's hands, his eyes could not help but bulge. Immediately after, a fist that was flashing with dark rays struck his face.


Lu Ze smashed Konan's head into the ground. At this attack, Konan's limbs struggled.

Lu Ze grinned. He raised his fist and struck once more.

The ground shook heavily as cracks extended out. Even rocks kept rolling off the mountains. This time, Konan's limbs finally fell down powerlessly.

In the distance, Fire and Jayce came out of the mountains.

Fire covered her stomach. Blood seeped out of her mouth. At this moment, her face was extremely pale. At the side, Jayce's hands slunk. His face became pale too. However, he had wood god art.

Although it doesn't have strong offensive power, it still had good healing effects.

A green light flashed on his arms.

The broken arms slowly started to recover.

When they opened their eyes a while ago, they witnessed Lu Ze punching Konan's head for the second time.

After seeing this, their pale faces went even paler. The two glanced at each other and flew off.

There was no way they were going to help Konan in this situation. They could give up everything in the world except for themselves.

Lu Ze grinned at their attempt to flee. How could those two be his opponent in terms of speed?

Subsequently, he grabbed Konan's leg and used his [Wind and Lightning God Art]. Konan immediately started shaking like the blade demons last time. All his spirit force and physical power were sealed by Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was extremely fast.

The faces of the two went deeply pale after sensing the approaching chi. They said at the same time, "Run in separate directions!"

Fire went right while Jayce took the left direction.

Lu Ze felt stunned at this scene. This wasn't fair. It was very tiring for him to chase after the two.

Lu Ze didn't use full power when he unleashed his [Star Crippling Punch] before. He feared he would end up killing them with one punch.

Now that they were running, things became different. He looked at Jayce's direction. This guy seemed to have good recovery skills. He probably wouldn't die with a full-powered punch. If he did, then it was his bad luck.

Consequently, Lu Ze punched out ferociously.


The clouds were shaken away as a dark fist force headed toward Jayce.

Jayce just felt he was immersed in cold water. He quickly covered himself with a green crystal membrane and then crossed his hands before him.

As soon as he did this, a few-meter-thick black fist force crossed more than ten kilometers and landed fiercely on his body.


His body was violently thrown away, penetrating through several mountains before eventually stopping after he was embedded on the wall of a cliff.

When Lu Ze came to him, he was covered in blood and unconscious. Lu Ze nodded happily after seeing this. Good, he was not dead. This still took nearly ten seconds.

Fire had run out for more than a hundred kilometers by now.

At this moment, Lu Ze sealed Jayce just like Konan. Thereafter, he charged after Fire.

Fire had [Fire God Art], but speed wasn't her strength. Lu Ze used [Wings of Wind and Lightning] to slowly get near her.

In the distance, Fire could sense the death of her pals.

Meanwhile, that demon was still chasing her. Her stomach hurt a lot. Did this demon not know how to be gentle to girls?!

She was a bit worried. When Lu Ze chased up, would she be flying upside down like her pals?

If so, she might as well commit suicide.

Thinking about this, she flew forward with even more strength.

From the distance, Lu Ze suddenly yelled, "Big sister, wait for me. Fly slower, let's talk about life!"

Fire's face went green. She kept running. "Big sister, have you eaten yet? You need to have three meals a day and sleep early."

Fire was trembling at this time.

Her power was at the Mortal Evolution State already. Did she still need to eat and sleep???

"You need to drink water if you get sick."

Fire: "…"

Still, she kept flying forward. If she just found another pal, she could let them hold him off while she kept running.

"Big sister, do you have someone you like?"

"Are you tired? Do you want to rest for a while before running?"

"Do you think I'm handsome?"

"Stop running. Do you hate me?"

After flying a few hundred kilometers, Lu Ze finally caught up to Fire. He smiled. "I'm actually pretty gentle. Don't move and let me seal your power. How about it?"

Fire gritted her teeth. Her voice went ice cold. "I'm weaker than you. Do it."

Lu Ze smiled. Oh, this fella could understand him after all. Otherwise, he would have to beat her up again. [Wind and Lightning God Art] instantly went into her body, sealing her power instantly.

The pain made her face even paler.

Lu Ze didn't care about this. She dragged Fire over to him.

Fire gritted her teeth and said coldly, "We all underestimated you."

Lu Ze smiled. "Even I feel that I'm strong. It is no wonder you guys lost."

Fire: "…"

If she kept talking, she would die of anger.

Once more, Lu Ze smiled. "Tell me about it. What force do you come from? What are you doing here? How many of you are here?"
