Chapters [339-340]

Chapter 339. Narcissist!


After Lu Ze fired his questions, Fire looked up and smiled. "Haha- Lu Ze, do you think I will answer you?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Oh."

Of course, he didn't expect this woman to listen obediently.

Regardless, he would take her back first. He said, "That's fine. I'll take you back to the Dawn System."

Thinking about this, he turned on the communicator. "Lin Ling, teachers Nangong and Qiuyue, can you guys hear me?"

Soon, Lin Ling responded. "What's wrong?"

As she spoke, the roars of beasts and explosive sounds could be heard in the background.

Thereafter, Nangong Jing's voice could be heard as well. "Kid, we're busy right now. What's up?"


"Little brother Lu Ze, do you miss me?" Qiuyue Hesha's seductive voice soon followed.

At this moment, he informed them about the recent events.

When everyone heard his words, the atmosphere went silent. Nangong Jing then said, "Lin Ling, you're close to me, so I'll come to find you. And, Ze, you're close to the fox demon, go to her."

With their power, no one from the underground forces dared to mess with them. However, Lu Ze and Lin Ling were different. Lin Ling only had power at the Mortal Evolution State and this was just possible due to the combat armor she wore.

Meanwhile, Lu Ze was barely at level two of the Mortal Evolution State. If they were ambushed, it would be dangerous for the two of them.

She continued, "I will contact the defense force and let them remind the reinforcements here."

On a barren plain, Lin Ling was wearing white combat armor while holding a spear. Her spear penetrated a Void Beast at the Aperture Opening State with 600 Apertures. She then said, "Okay."

She frowned. She didn't expect the underground forces to come and stir up trouble now. She shook her head and headed toward Nangong Jing's area.

Lu Ze nodded at the command. "Then, I'll bring these three to teacher Qiuyue."

Accordingly, he checked Qiuyue Hesha's location and flew over with the three.

Fire's face turned pale. She gave Lu Ze a pitiful glance. "Lu Ze, how about I tell you everything I know, and you will let me go instead?"

Teacher Qiueyue. This name reminded her of Qiuyue Hesha. She was one of the strongest young dukes and one who was an expert at seduction. Who knows what would happen once she was in her hands?

She couldn't care about the other two. After all, these teams were just temporary ones. They weren't even that close.

Lu Ze glanced at her. She was extremely beautiful. With her pale face and pitiful eyes, she was indeed very enticing. However, the Federation was so big, and the human genes were constantly improving. There were many beautiful people.

He showed a vibrant smile at her. "It's okay, your pals need to go over anyways. I can't leave you behind. You'll be so lonely. No need to thank me, I'm a gentle handsome man like that. Don't fall in love with me, or you will get hurt."

Fire: "…"

Was this guy retarded?

Soon, Lu Ze arrived at Qiuyue Hesha's location. It was a huge city and most of the tall buildings had collapsed. It looked seriously damaged.

In the rubbles, there were a few void beast bodies that were a few kilometers long, which were laying there silently. There were no marks on their bodies. They seemed to have left peacefully.

Lu Ze flew over and felt surprised. How did they die?

Upon entering the city, Lu Ze found Qiuyue Hesha.

Next to her was a group of Defense soldiers wearing black combat armor. They were busy rescuing survivors from the collapsed buildings.

The sounds of wails and cries were non-stop. However, it was already considered very lucky to survive after the city was destroyed. Lu Ze approached Qiuyue Hesha. She was squatting next to a little girl covered in dust.

Qiuyue Hesha said softly, "Little sister, where is your family?"

She looked up at Qiuyue Hesha but didn't dare to speak.

The disaster happened so suddenly that she wasn't able to react.

Qiuyue Hesha gently wiped the dust off her face and then spoke to a soldier. "Help find her family."

The soldier nodded while looking down. "Yes!"

Subsequently, he immediately ran off. He, fearing he would do something stupid, didn't dare to look at Qiuyue Hesha.

At this time, it seemed that her gentle actions recovered the child's lost spirit a little. She looked dazedly at Qiuyue Hesha.

At this, Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "Do you like cherry blossoms?"

"Cherry blossoms?" the girl asked in bewilderment.

Qiuyue Hesha extended her palm. Pink rays flowed and then turned into pink petals.

The petals formed a pink figure that danced in her palm. This beautiful scene made the little girl's eyes widen.

Qiuyue Hesha smiled gently. "Your eyes are really pretty. It contains starlight."

This girl reminded her of Yingying and herself.

The little girl looked down with embarrassment. Qiuyue Hesha smiled, and the petals dispersed, leaving behind one pink glowing petal. She placed this petal in the little girl's hand. "This is for you."

This petal contained pure spirit force. It could let her grow up healthy.

The little girl spoke softly. "Thank you, big sister. You're a really nice person."

Qiuyue Hesha rubbed her face. "In that case, can you smile for me?"

The girl struggled and smiled.

Qiuyue Hesha smiled too. "This smile is your present to me."

She rubbed the girl's face. "No matter what you encounter, keep a smile."

At this moment, a ragged young couple ran over.

The woman grabbed the girl and cried. "Shiyu, mom was so scared… you're okay… you're okay…"

The young man bowed to Qiuyue Hesha and thanked her. "Thank you, City Charming Young Duke, thank you…".

Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "You're welcome. Your daughter is very cute."

Then, she glanced at Lu Ze. "Okay, I'm going to be busy."

The young couple immediately understood and left with the young girl.

The little girl waved at Qiuyue Hesha while she was in her mom's arms. Qiuyue Hesha waved back too.

Afterward, Qiuyue Hesha stretched out and grinned at Lu Ze. "You're looking at me like this. Does that mean you've realized how pretty I am?"

Lu Ze rolled his eyes. Nevertheless, it was his first time seeing this side of this fox demon. He smiled. "Teacher Qiuyue is really gentle to little children."

Qiuyue Hesha smiled and winked. "You're interested in me. Do you like me?"

Lu Ze: "…"


He rolled his eyes once more. "If you don't want to talk about it, never mind."

Qiuyue Hesha felt stunned at his response. "Little brother Lu Ze, ask me again. Perhaps, I will tell you."



Chapter 340. Someone Wants to Start Trouble?


Qiuyue Hesha looked at the three people hanging upside down in the air.

Subsequently, she narrowed her eyes. "It is them?"

Lu Ze nodded in response.

Thereafter, Qiuyue Hesha looked a little interested in something and walked up to Fire.

She used her fingers to lift up her chin. Seeing Fire's fearful eyes, she smiled. "This girl looks quite pretty. Did you get defiled by little brother Lu Ze?"

Lu Ze: "…"

Fire's body felt cold. Her eyes were somewhat terrified. After all, she was facing Qiuyue Hesha. As Fire remained silent, Qiuyue Hesha felt it was boring.

Subsequently, a pink light flashed in her eyes.

Fire's pale face immediately looked red. She looked at Qiuyue Hesha with embarrassment.

Lu Ze: "…"

Was Qiuyue Hesha's god art this terrifying?

At this moment, this girl looked at Qiuyue Hesha as though the latter was her true love. Oh my!

If he had this [God Art], then he could make anyone like him.

Qiuyue Hesha noticed Lu Ze's strange glance. She looked at him. "Why do I feel you're thinking about bad things? Do you want to try this too?"

Lu Ze quickly shook his head. "I'll pass. Thanks."

Qiuyue Hesha grinned and felt happy. Little brother Lu Ze was indeed more interesting. Once again, she turned her head at Fire. "How many people came? What is your purpose here?"

Fire answered without hesitation. "Xigui System is very chaotic now and several adventurers would come here to do missions. As such, we came here to see if we could get anything."

Fire meant killing adventurers and robbing their belongings. Of course, they wouldn't mess with people they couldn't mess with.

Qiuyue Hesha narrowed her eyes. "Do you have a special purpose?"

Fire shook her head this time. Qiuyue Hesha asked again, "Which organization are you from?"

Fire replied, "We people are soloists. We just joined the underground forces. Powerful organizations have tests. We haven't joined one yet."

The admission for powerful underground forces was extremely strict. No one wanted to accidentally recruit an undercover agent and have that agent annihilate the base. This had happened more than once.

Most of the people at the Mortal Evolution State were lone rangers. Ordinary organizations couldn't take them in. On the other hand, powerful organizations were very strict and the management was even stricter. People like them who had talent and power wouldn't join them.

Qiuyue Hesha and Lu Ze frowned. They thought they would get something special.

Qiuyue Hesha asked again, "Did anything strange happen with the underground forces these few days?"

Fire thought for a moment and replied, "There was extremely big news yesterday. One was that there were large natural wormholes in Xigui System. The other one was regarding the Fourth Lord of the Eternal Life Palace, who went to the Gracious System. He might be doing something huge there."

After hearing this, Lu Ze's and Qiuyue Hesha's eyes lit up.

The Gracious System was the System where the riots occurred.

Lu Ze looked at Qiuyue Hesha. "What kind of force is the Eternal Life Palace?"

Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "It is an extremely powerful organization among the underground forces. They feel that as long as the powerful people in the human race keep getting stronger to reach immortality, then even if the current human race no longer exists, they can still create a new one much stronger than the current one. They believe protecting this human race is a waste of energy."

Lu Ze felt dazed with the information. He didn't expect them to be quite a big ideal.

Afterward, Lu Ze asked in confusion, "Since they want to become stronger, why don't they leave the Milky Way galaxy? There are many more resources out there, right?"

Qiuyue Hesha sneered. "It's not like they haven't been out. Their supreme lord, who was called Lord of Eternal Life by the members, went out once when he first reached the Planetary State, along with six lords at the Peak Stage of the Mortal Evolution State."

"In just one month, Lord of Eternal Life came back, heavily injured. None of the six Mortal Evolution States at the Peak Stage came back."

"Subsequently, he proclaimed that we gave too many resources to weaklings, so they ended up weaker than the aliens. They say we are the main reason the human race is developing slowly."

"Ever since then, he disappeared, but the way they do things is getting more and more ruthless."

They were trying to start riots and split apart the race.

Lu Ze: "…"

At this time, he didn't know what to say.

The guy took a beating outside and got scared, so he came back making excuses.

The Planetary State and Star State Beings of the Federation have been out too, and many had died. However, they didn't make excuses.

Lu Ze said, "In that case, are they going to cause trouble?"

Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "Mhm, I'll speak to the high-level officials about this later."

She then looked at Fire. "Anything else?"

Fire shook her head. "None."

Qiuyue Hesha asked once more, "How many people from the underground forces came?"

To this question, Fire answered, "We are lone rangers. We formed a team, but we do know about six others who came too. We don't know if there are others anymore."

Qiuyue Hesha nodded. "Mhm, thank you."

Fire showed a vibrant smile and then said with embarrassment, "Honey, can… you kiss me?"

Lu Ze: "???"

He looked strangely at Fire and Qiuyue Hesha.

The atmosphere didn't seem too appropriate.

Qiuyue Hesha glared at Lu Ze. "Keep looking, and I'll let you try it too!"

Lu Ze quickly withdrew his gaze. Thereafter, Qiuyue Hesha sneered.

Accordingly, Fire regained her consciousness. She looked at Qiuyue Hesha in terror. "Fox demon, what did you do to me?"

She had long heard of the terror of Qiuyue Hesha's seduction. Now, she tasted it herself. Did she really just say that?

She said something like that to a girl. That was disgusting… hmm??


It didn't seem so disgusting. It felt a little strange?

Qiuyue Hesha lifted up Fire's chin again. "Little girl, you did well."

Fire's heart rate rapidly increased upon seeing Qiuyue Hesha's smile. She quickly looked down.

Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "Little brother Lu Ze, you caught these three. I'll send them to the intelligence department. After they are dealt with, there will probably be academic credits for you."


Lu Ze was a little excited at the news.

Meanwhile, Fire gritted her teeth. She shouldn't have come. They were too confident. At this moment, three men flew over and stopped before Qiuyue Hesha and Lu Ze.

The three men stared straight at Qiuyue Hesha while smiling. "Teacher Qiuyue, you came so quickly. We just arrived. You have probably killed many Void Beasts already, right?"

They didn't even look at Lu Ze. However, the two guys still took a sneaky glance at Fire.

Qiuyue Hesha said, "Sorry, who are you guys?"

Due to her words, their smiles froze.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He almost laughed out just then.
