Chapters [343-344]

Chapter 343. Instantly Full of Hate


In the distance, the battle with the Planetary State Void Beast was still going on. Despite being a few thousand kilometers away, the tremors could still be felt.

The Void Beast continued to roar and wail.

Clearly, it was troublesome for it to face Nangong Jing and the rest when it was heavily injured.

The roars also drew more void beasts over. Even toward Lu Ze's side, a few would pass by. However, other than the initial two Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts, the rest of them were only at the aperture opening state. This was not a threat to Lu Ze.

In a few short minutes, a private ship flew toward the Planetary State Void Beast.

Lu Ze saw a figure fly out. He held a sword and flickered, instantly disappearing from the sky. Thereafter, a huge blue sword ray sliced across the air in the region of the Planetary State Void Beast.



The Void Beast wailed in turn. At the same time, the earth started trembling initially, but then, it began to wobble immensely.

Lu Ze looked at that region.

The mountains cracked, and rivers stopped flowing. It was like the entire planet was going to crack like an egg.

The battle lasted a few minutes.

Subsequently, everything calmed down amidst the wail from the beast in the distance.

The spirit light dissipated, and this thousand-kilometer region of land was completely changed. Cracks stretched all the way to the city which Lu Ze was guarding.

The city was split into a few regions by the fractures. Many tall buildings collapsed. In the end, the city became rubble. Luckily, the citizens weren't weak. With the help of the defense force, there were no casualties.

The other cities, which were closer, were probably beyond help. As the battle calmed down, the citizens rejoiced.

The Planetary State Void Beast was dead. They were saved this time.

Lu Ze felt relieved too. He looked at the pile of Void Beasts on the ground. There were about 30 of them. However, no more beasts ran to his side. Lu Ze flew back to the city. Lin Ling was watching over the captives of the underground forces.

Upon seeing Lu Ze fly back, Lin Ling smiled. "Yo, our big hero is back. You are their hero now."

Lu Ze rolled his eyes. Naturally, he knew this too.

He then smiled. "You're enjoying yourself, hiding here peacefully."

Lin Ling: "…"

She felt Lu Ze must have some misunderstanding about peace.

The Planetary State Battle was so intense, so where could she find peace?

She still had to block most of the shockwaves. Otherwise, the destruction would be worse.

At this moment, a golden and pink ray flew over and landed next to them. It was Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha. Their faces were pale while both of their chi was messy. They seemed to be injured.

Lin Ling asked worriedly, "Are you okay, sister Jing and Hesha?".

The two shook their heads at the question. Nangong Jing took out a bottle and drank the entire thing before laughing. "Haha, this was a satisfying fight. That Void Beast was heavily injured but still had power at level two of the Planetary State. Both of us couldn't beat it."

"There were a few more at the Peak Stage of the Mortal Evolution State and even someone who was nearly at the Planetary State. Only then did we barely manage to stop it from running."

Lu Ze looked strangely at the two. "In that case, aren't you two very strong? He didn't know what Planetary State Level two is, but since there was a second level, there must be level one, right?"

Those two were just Mortal Evolution States, and yet, they had Planetary State Combat Power?

Qiuyue Hesha grinned. "Who do you think I am?"

Nangong Jing felt great thinking about just how shocked those Mortal Evolution States were.

Most of it was due to Lu Ze. If it weren't for Lu Ze's energy balls which supplemented their foundation, their combat power wouldn't reach that level. Of course, that one month in the Dao Enlightenment Room also helped too.

Subsequently, they received news that all the Void Beasts on this planet were annihilated. Planet Nanchu had the worst condition in the System, so most powerful beings came to this planet.

At this time, Lu Ze and the rest then went to the other planets.

In half a day's time, pretty much all the Void Beasts were eliminated. One had to admit that the rescue operation was much more effective than the ones in the Earth era.

In a short day, a disaster that covered an entire Solar System was resolved. After the situation was handled, everyone left through their flying ship, along with the gratitude of the Xigui System officials.

Inside the Golden Swirl, Lu Ze and the rest sat in the living room. They were much more relaxed than when they came here.

Qiuyue Hesha flicked through her social media accounts. After all, she was also a singer. She wouldn't have concerts during the school term, but during holidays, she would if she had the time.

Qiuyue Hesha relaxed on the couch and read news coverage about her and smiled. On the other hand, Nangong Jing didn't really care about this. She never cared about what people thought of her.

She lay on the couch and guzzled down bottles of wine. "A bottle after a battle is truly a great pleasure of life."

Lu Ze rolled his eyes at this statement and looked at the ground that was full of empty bottles. "How many did you drink already?"

Nangong Jing rolled her eyes. "This one, can be ten, or 100. It varies."

Lu Ze's mouth could not help but twitch after seeing how seriously Nangong Jing spoke.

"… whatever makes you happy."

Nangong Jing gave Lu Ze an approving look and kept drinking.

Meanwhile, Lin Ling was taking a shower.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha had finished showering

The first thing they did after the battle was to shower.

On the other hand, Lu Ze planned to shower after Lin Ling. At this moment, Qiuyue Hesha said, "Little brother Lu Ze, there is news about you."

Lu Ze looked over curiously. Even Nangong Jing looked over.

Thereafter, Lu Ze asked, "What is it?"

Qiuyue Hesha projected the screen in the air from which a not so professionally taken recording appeared.

Qiuyue Hesha read the title. "Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze instantly killed two Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts. A first-year new student has mortal evolution state power. This surpasses all young dukes. He's unparalleled!"

She looked jokingly at Lu Ze. "Little brother Lu Ze is unparalleled, so amazing."

At the side, Nangong Jing smiled at Lu Ze too. "Mhm, Ze's power is indeed not bad. It is even stronger than us at the time."

Lu Ze: "…"

With this title, several people would probably disagree. Would he get bashed then?


Chapter 344. Alcoholic, Stop!


"What's wrong?"

Just when Lu Ze was about to feel bothered, Lin Ling walked out of the shower area. She just finished a shower and wore casuals at this moment.

The moisture lingered all over her body while her hair was still a bit wet. She came over and sat next to Lu Ze while watching the three curiously.

Qiuyue Hesha pointed at the projection. Lin Ling glanced at it and then giggled. "Indeed, Ze is about to be appointed as a young duke, right?"

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "Mhm, depends on what the high-levels think, but it should be soon."

Thereafter, Nangong Jing suddenly thought of something. "By the way, what would his young duke title be? I think 'Iron Fist Two Young Duke' is pretty good."

She hated her young duke title. If possible, she wanted Lu Ze to have it too. After all, Lu Ze also used fists, and he was her student.

At her remark, Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He looked at Nangong Jing in disbelief. Did her conscience not hurt?

There was no way he was going to be dragged into this.

Qiuyue Hesha and Lin Ling couldn't resist laughing at the chance of it happening.

Lin Ling bent over as she laughed and held Lu Ze's arm while panting. "Sister, this suits Ze too much, 'two', hahaha!"

Meanwhile, Qiuyue Hesha grinned. "There doesn't seem to be a number two young duke yet. If it's really such a title, then little brother Lu Ze will be the first for something again. Very good."

Lu Ze: "…"

How could someone, as talented and handsome as he was, receive such a low-level young duke title?

He sneered. "Give up your evil thoughts. The public opinion cannot be avoided. Did you not see them calling me unparalleled? The answer is simple."

His young duke title would definitely be 'Unparalleled Young Duke'. Only such a title would be suitable for him.

The three rolled their eyes at this. Afterward, Nangong Jing said, "Okay, stop dreaming. Hurry up and go take a shower."

Thereafter, Lu Ze got up and went into the shower. When he came back out, Nangong Jing and the other two had gone back into their own rooms.

Thus, Lu Ze went back too to cultivate. It was two days later when they got back to planet Venus. Golden Swirl stopped above Nangong Jing's building.

Subsequently, they brought the five captives down.

Qiuyue Hesha glanced at them. Accordingly, they all shivered.

Even the ferocious Konan calmed down after Lu Ze gave him two punches. As for the two that fell to Nangong Jing, their faces were pale as they trembled. Her light punch gave them mental trauma.

At least, it was better than dying on the spot like their pals. Soon after this event, they were locked up in a room on the flying ship and remained heavily injured. If they had the chance, they would never go to Xigui System to get wealthy. What a sad story…

As for Fire, she looked the most normal. She was really lucky. She was only punched once in the stomach.

Lu Ze was indeed a good person.

At this moment, Qiuyue Hesha spoke. "I'll take them to the intelligence department first."

Lu Ze and the rest nodded.

After Qiuyue Hesha left, Lu Ze and the group went into Nangong Jing's house. They soon proceeded upstairs. Yingying was still sleeping on the bed there. She seemed to have dreamed of something tasty and was drooling.

Nangong Jing and Lin Ling walked to Yingying and touched her round face. Then, they looked at Lu Ze. Under their gazes, Lu Ze rubbed his forehead and took out a [Red Orb] to feed Yingying.

After consuming it, Yingying's starlight grew more vibrant and lively. Her little face seemed satisfied too. Nangong Jing looked softly at Yingying. "I wonder how long she is going to sleep for this time."

Lin Ling said, "It should be the same as last time. It seems that after using Ze's energy, she didn't fall asleep for a long period of time like before."

Lu Ze smiled. "She said it herself that her growth speed increased after using the [Red Orbs]."

After feeding Yingying, the three went downstairs and checked the rewards for this rescue operation.

Every participant's merit will be tallied by the local defense force. If it was a student, their results would be sent to Dawn System. If not, it would be sent to the martial arts site of the Federal. The rewards will be given by them.

Dawn Network had already given them their reward.

Lu Ze killed quite some Aperture Opening State Void Beasts and two Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts, so he was awarded 15 million academic credits and one day in the Dao Enlightenment Room.

Lin Ling had lesser merit than Lu Ze. After all, she didn't kill Mortal Evolution state void beasts. She was only awarded 5 million academic credits and two hours in the Dao Enlightenment Room.

On the other hand, Nangong Jing was the most rewarded among the three. She and Qiuyue Hesha were the main forces in stalling the Planetary State Void Beast.

They were awarded 80 million academic credits and 10 days in the Dao Enlightenment Room, as well as two heaven yang spirit fruits, which were used for Planetary State cultivation.

The human race didn't have a lot of resources for Planetary State and above. You couldn't even buy it with academic credits. For Nangong Jing, the reward was bountiful.

Lu Ze could tell she was very happy.

Qiuyue Hesha wasn't here so her reward was unknown, but Lu Ze admired this a lot. However, even if he was given Planetary State resources, he wouldn't be able to use them.

The energy was too huge. All of them were very happy with their rewards. With one day in the Dao Enlightenment Room, Lu Ze felt he could cultivate [Star Crippling Punch] to perfection. By then, he might be able to kill overlord beasts!

Upon thinking about this, Lu Ze felt great. On the other hand, all his [Divine Arts] were cultivated to perfection. This time, his academic credits went over 30 million academic credits. Soon, he would be able to buy [Fire Clone Divine Art].


Nangong Jing said with regret, "What a pity. It's such a good day. I drank all of the Jinyao Searing Sun already. Otherwise, it would be great to drink and celebrate."

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

The two, feeling speechless, could only look at Nangong Jing.

She blinked her eyes. "Do you think the old man will give me wine if I ask him for it now?"

Subsequently, she took out her phone and planned to make a call.

Lu Ze's mouth spasmed at this. "Female alcoholic, stop! Let the old man go!"

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent after he spoke.

Nangong Jing: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Lu Ze: "…"
