Chapters [345-346]

Chapter 345. Arranged by Fate


Lu Ze didn't understand why the air suddenly turned so silent.

Subsequently, he saw Nangong Jing turn around and smile vibrantly at him. Her hands were clenched into fists. At this moment, her voice turned gentle. "Ze, what did you just call me? I didn't hear it so clearly. Say it again?"

Lu Ze: "!!!"

At her demand, he immediately sweated cold. Did he just say something he shouldn't have?

What did he say?

He doesn't seem to remember. He must have lost his memory.

Lu Ze said innocently, "What did I just say? I seem to have lost my memory."

Lin Ling: "…"

She, wanting to leave some space for sister Jing, got up after rubbing her head speechlessly. Of course, it was mainly because she didn't want to be involved.

Upon seeing this, Lu Ze's eyes became serious. He immediately jumped toward Lin Ling's side and then grabbed her hand, forcing her back on the couch.

This was a moment of fate. If he let go of her hand, then he could see his pitiful fate. He grabbed Lin Ling like he grabbed his own fate. At his actions, Lin Ling's mouth twitched. She planned to struggle, but when she saw Lu Ze's pitiful gaze, her heart went soft.

Accordingly, she stopped moving. Nangong Jing saw this and smiled even more vibrantly. "Kid, didn't you say you lost your memory? Why aren't you letting Lin Ling go?"

Lu Ze said seriously, "Sister Jing, you don't know. I was studying the stars and came to know that sister Ling sitting here is fate. It is the will of the heavens!"

Nangong Jing: "…

Lin Ling: "…"

The two girls got goosebumps due to his statement.

Nangong Jing rubbed her arm and glared at Lu Ze. "Don't think you can escape. You just called me a female alcoholic. If I don't let you try real iron fist judgment, then you probably don't even know who you are."

She clenched her fist, and a cracking sound could be heard.

Lu Ze didn't feel so good. As it turned out, she never actually used real iron fist judgment on him?

Did that mean he was over now?


He must not let go of Lin Ling! Otherwise, he would be over. At this moment, the door opened, and Qiuyue Hesha walked in. When she saw the current scene, she felt dazed. In turn, the three also looked back at Qiuyue Hesha.

The atmosphere was silent.

Moments later, Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "It seems I didn't come back at the right time. T-rex, do you have the fetish to eat young grass like an old cow?"

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Nangong Jing: "???"

There must be a misunderstanding.

Nangong Jing, who was already in not a good mood, heard how her opponent dared to joke about this. She immediately exploded.

She glared at Lu Ze and then looked at Qiuyue Hesha. "Pink- fox demon, I will crush your chest today!!"

How dare she?!

Qiuyue Hesha was the same age as her. Did she dare to call her old?


The two disappeared from the spot after just a few seconds.


There were terrifying explosions in the air. However, they controlled their power, and the waves didn't reach the ground.

The distant Federal University and Emperor Capital Academy students looked at the air in shock. "Someone is attacking planet Venus?"

"Such terrifying waves. Who dares to ravage planet Venus?"

Only some teachers and old students looked at each other with strange expressions.

Qiuyue Hesha and Nangong Jing mostly fought in Virtual Reality but would sometimes fight outside. Sensing their terrifying chi, quite some students and teachers were shaken a bit. This power was probably at Planetary State, right?

Lu Ze and Lin Ling looked at each other.

Thereafter, Lin Ling glared at Lu Ze. "Are you going to let me go?"

Lu Ze smiled and let go of Lin Ling's hand. "Sister Ling is really my lifesaver."

Lin Ling rolled her eyes at this. "Disgusting."

Moments later, Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha came back. Seeing how unsatisfied they were, they were probably equally matched.

Nangong Jing smiled at Lu Ze. That smile seemed to harbor killing intent.

Lu Ze barely survived today, but he would probably get bashed tomorrow morning at training, right?

Should he spar with the fox demon?

But then, his man's natural desires made him give up this idea. It was torture sparring with her.

Lu Ze changed the subject. "Teacher Qiueyue, how did the captives fare?"

Qiuyue Hesha stretched her back on the couch. "Those people are lone rangers. They didn't join the underground forces. They have some value themselves, but their final judgment would come later. However, the reward for you and the female T-rex has come out. It will be sent to you later. T-rex has five million academic credits while you have six million academic credits."

Lu Ze felt a little disappointed. He didn't expect the reward to be this low. Those three people at level one of the Mortal Evolution State from the underground forces were this invaluable?

They weren't even worth as much as a few Void Beasts.

Lu Ze felt embarrassed for them. He now had 37 million academic credits. Essentially, he was a little wealthy again.

Nangong Jing didn't even care about the five million academic credits. Afterward, Nangong Jing said, "By the way, did you tell them about the Lord of Eternal Life?"

Qiuyue Hesha nodded. "Yes, they will take note of it."

Soon after, Qiuyue Hesha got up and smiled. "I'll go and visit Yingying. I haven't seen her for so long."

Accordingly, Qiuyue Hesha disappeared from the spot. Lu Ze became speechless.

The sky gradually grew dark. Lin Ling got up and said, "I'll cook."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he quickly nodded. There was good food again, yay!

After Lin Ling left, Lu Ze suddenly felt a malevolent glance. He realized he forgot about something important. Without Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha here, only he and the female alcoholic remained. Emm…

Lu Ze's heart shivered. Let me think!

Perhaps, I can save myself! Think and analyze!

Then, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. He realized a fact. He was beyond help. Later on, Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha heard this pitiful howl. It lasted long enough to show the tragic mood of the person.

Qiuyue Hesha and Lin Ling shook their heads.

Eventually, Lu Ze lay lifelessly on the couch. Meanwhile, Nangong Jing sat next to him and drank wine.


Chapter 346. You're the Devil


After dinner, Lu Ze and Lin Ling went back to their dorms and cultivated like usual.

Early the next morning, as soon as Lu Ze came down, Ye Mu and the other approached the door.

Accordingly, Lu Ze helplessly let the excited bunch in.

Ye Mu looked at Lu Ze with envy. "Ze, I'm so envious of you!"

At this statement, Lu Ze asked, "What happened?"

Tianyuan Qianhua sneered. "Didn't some people say that something went wrong with your cultivation a few days ago?"

Lu Ze felt dazed and recalled that matter. At that time, he still wanted to go to the martial trial tower and act cool, but the incident at Xigui System occurred.

Tianyuan Qianhua continued, "Now, all those videos on the forums about your cultivation going wrong disappeared. There are quite some videos complimenting you."

After hearing her words, Lu Ze became dazed once more. It seemed that the video of him killing Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts was seen?

This was a different way of resolving the issue, but the effects were the same.

Lu Ze felt very happy on the inside but kept a calm expression on the outside. As a master, he must remain calm. At the same time, he made the decision to read the forums and see how these people complimented him.

Lin Ling glanced at Lu Ze speechlessly and saw through what he was thinking.

Lu Ze said, "So, Ye Mu is jealous?"

What could he do?

He was just too excellent.

Ye Mu waved his hand. "That's not the important part. The important part is that those who make those posts are all girls. All girls!"

All of this was Lu Ze's world!

Xuan Yuqi spoke at this time as well. "By the way, there were a few very famous senior schoolmates who are very talented and good-looking. Ye Mu said he liked them."

Everyone looked at Xuan Yuqi in disbelief. She was the devil.

Ye Mu almost went grayish pale.

Lu Ze sympathized with him for a second.

Ian looked at Lu Ze with glowing eyes. "Ze is so strong! You could actually kill Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts instantly!"

Lu Ze grinned and waved his hand calmly. "It's nothing."

Lu Ze felt amazing, but didn't Ian's glance seem a bit off?

Why was that glance fitting a girl more?

He couldn't even be bothered to tell Ian off anymore. He was worried about this guy. Will Ian be able to find a girlfriend?

After seeing how cocky Lu Ze was getting, Lin Ling thought that Lu Ze needed sister Jing to give him some therapy. Sister Jing would be happy to oblige.

Ye Mu and the rest felt very complicated.

The eight of them joined the entrance test together. Only four months had passed, but Lu Ze's and Lin Ling's powers had far exceeded theirs.

They were very hard working already. As such, those two were definitely the prodigy among the prodigies of the first-year students. They were the figures of envy.

Even that number one student from the Emperor Capital Academy, who was at level eight of the Core Martial State, was only on par with them. However, their target was Lu Ze and Lin Ling.

Meanwhile, Lu Ze was thinking about giving them some [Red Orbs] once he got stronger too.

The group chatted for a while. Eventually, Ye Mu and the others left for class. Seeing this, Lu Ze happily took out his phone. Lin Ling then dragged him outside. "Where is your temperament like a master? What's there to look up? Hurry up and cultivate!"

"Wait… I'm just enjoying it… don't take my phone… ok, ok, I won't look…"

Both of them returned to their original routine.

Lu Ze gave the three girls five orbs instead of three a day. However, Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha could still consume it in just a few minutes. On the other hand, Lin Ling took about ten hours. This also increased Lin Ling's cultivation speed.

Three days later, the Dao Enlightenment Room was finally open.

Accordingly, the four came to Jinyao City again. This time, their usage time was different.

Lin Ling went in first. Thereafter, Lu Ze followed.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha waited outside.

Lu Ze didn't waste time inside the Dao Enlightenment Room. He had to reach perfection mastery for the [Star Crippling Punch] within a day. Sitting down, Lu Ze took out a [Purple Orb], and his mind cleared up.

The arcanum of [Star Crippling Punch] flowed in his mind. Lu Ze peeled it and gathered it. Enlightenments flowed into his mind non-stop as his mastery of the [Star Crippling Punch] grew deeper.

A day later, Lu Ze opened his eyes. He then clenched his fist.

The fist flashed with a sliver of black metallic color. It seemed extremely tame but had this subtle rhythm to it.

Lu Ze grinned. [Star Crippling Punch] reached perfection!

Sometimes, one was just one step away, but in truth, that step was the hardest. Without the Dao Enlightenment Room, he might need ten days or even a month to learn it perfectly. Now, it was time to let them know what a true jungler was!

Soon, he walked out. Planet Jinyao was the closest to the two stars.

The sunlight was very piercing due to this. He ignored the strange glances from the students and left the Dao Enlightenment Room region.

Jinyao City also had spirit gathering rooms. They were made with energy stones and formations learned from other civilizations. It could gather spirit force. It was like constantly using a cultivation serum.

However, it was also very expensive. Just an Aperture Opening State room cost 100,000 academic credits an hour.

Lin Ling was here while waiting for Lu Ze to come out.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha would take too long, so the two chose to go back first. There were a few young people talking to Lin Ling.

Lu Ze saw Lin Ling had a polite smile, but he knew that she was about to rage. If this wasn't Jinyao City, those few youths would probably be over. Seeing Lu Ze come over, Lin Ling immediately walked over and dragged him away.

Lu Ze looked back and raised his brow at the youths. Their faces looked worse.

Lin Ling saw this and rolled her eyes. "Immature."

Lu Ze smiled.

Lin Ling let go of Lu Ze's hand and asked, "How is it?"

"Mhm, [Star Crippling Punch] had reached perfection. My combat power increased a bit at the same time. What about you?"

Lin Ling replied, "Both my [Strength God Art] and [Spirit Eye] have improved."
