Chapters [347-348]

Chapter 347. Must Hold On!


Lu Ze glanced at Lin Ling with surprise after hearing her words. That would mean her combat power had improved quite a bit, but regardless, it wouldn't be as fast as his improvement. He had to keep pressuring her.

After all, Elder Lin said to not let her get complacent. Soon, the two walked out of the city.

The person guarding the door was a young person they had never seen. His power should probably be at a young duke level. Naturally, a task like guarding the city gates should be entrusted to powerful prodigies.

At the space station, outside the city, there were private and public flying ships. The ship to Jinyao City was free.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling went on the flying ship to the planet Venus. It was very spacious inside. Other than them, there was just one man and a woman. They seemed to be a couple and didn't even notice Lu Ze and Lin Ling come up.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling didn't disrupt the two and sat on the side.

The flying ship soon flew up. It would take half an hour to arrive at planet Venus.

The woman sitting at the front suddenly spoke. "Babe, let's play connect the idiom?"

Lu Ze took in a cold breath to express his respect.

The man nodded. "Sure."

The girl smiled at his response. "Then, I'll go first! Be a good teacher!"

"Be… be yourself!"

"What you don't want!"

"Wants… aren't satisfied!"

"Full of joy!"

Subsequently, the man looked at the woman and said, "I like you!"

Lu Ze: "???"

Lin Ling: "???"

The girl: "!!!"

Lu Ze ended up completely dazed. Was it too late to get off the ship?

Why did he have to endure this?

Meanwhile, Lin Ling was full of question marks.

The two glanced at each other and awkwardly looked away.

The atmosphere turned a bit strange.

Just when the girl was deeply moved and planned to kiss the guy, Lu Ze and Lin Ling quickly looked away.

Eventually, the ship stopped at the space station. Lu Ze and Lin Ling got off the ship silently and flew back to their dorms. On the way, it was a bit awkward between the two.

The couple displayed affection non-stop.

Lin Ling didn't even dare to look at him. They went back to the dorm area and to their respective rooms. It was only afternoon, so he couldn't enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] yet.

Lu Ze used the [Red Orbs] to increase his cultivation level. He was almost at the Aperture Opening State with 300 Apertures.

At this rate, it would only take four months to reach the Mortal Evolution State. Even he didn't know how much his combat power can reach. It would definitely be very strong Then, the sky gradually darkened as the room dimmed down.

Lu Ze opened his eyes and stopped cultivating He took a break and enjoyed Alice's food before entering the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] again. He was going to try killing an overlord once more.

In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], as soon as Lu Ze opened his eyes, a scene of vibrant purple entered his vision.

The air was filled with subtle electric sparks that burned even air. At the same time, the ground was scorched. This place seemed to be the birthplace of lightning


Where am I?

Why am I here?

Shouldn't he be on the grass?

Should the wind be blowing past him right now, allowing him to smell the aroma of grass and beasts?

His landing spot seemed to be wrong. At this moment, one spark turned around and struck him.

Lu Ze shivered and gazed at it. This feeling…

It was extremely numbing. It was like he received a whole-body massage. It felt extremely comfortable. Wait!

Not too good!

It felt so good that his killing intent was receding. Lu Ze frowned at this. Now wasn't the time to enjoy. He had to leave here!

Hence, Lu Ze used the courage to leave a warm bed on a cold winter morning to fly up into the air and see what was going on. At this moment, Lu Ze just realized that the lightning arc brought a trace of [Lightning God Art Arcanum] that he didn't know before.

At the same time, his cell activity went up, and his body grew a little stronger. After such a discovery, he wasn't going to leave. No one would be able to make him leave either!

Lu Ze happily sat down and had a bold idea. He used [Lightning God Art], and electric sparks appeared on his body.

The free-roaming lightning sensed something, and all of them changed direction, running happily toward Lu Ze.


The electric sparks flew into Lu Ze and poured into his body. Lu Ze felt like he was getting a powerful massage. All his cells were rejoicing. He could clearly feel his body getting stronger.

At the same time, knowledge of the [Lightning God Art] flowed into his mind. He became completely immersed in this and proceeded to learn the secrets of [Lightning God Art].

Lu Ze sat on the scorched ground and attracted countless electric sparks. Gradually, more and more sparks came. However, at this time, his body couldn't handle the powerful electricity anymore. His rejoicing cells were now scorched instead.

Lu Ze shivered and frowned.

The huge pain made him sweat cold. However, as soon as he sweated, the sweat evaporated instantly. He was completely numb and couldn't move at all. Because of this, Lu Ze became a bit worried. He thought he was going to benefit a lot from this. Instead, he was going to die?

He hadn't even seen an overlord beast yet!

This didn't play out according to his scripts. Lu Ze felt sad. At this moment, an extremely furious roar could be heard. At the same time, a huge purple figure came before Lu Ze.

It had black scales, purple lightning runes, and two pairs of dragon horns-it was the lightning horse overlord!

It wasn't in a good mood. It was just happily chasing the two-legged animal with its friends. When it turned back, it discovered its home was invaded. How could it tolerate this then?

Thus, he applied for leave with his pals and came back to take care of business. However, it didn't expect that it was the two-legged animal that they'd been searching for so long that entered its home!


The horse stared at the scorched Lu Ze. Then, it lifted its hooves up and roared.

Lu Ze watched the huge hooves that were only tens of meters from him. His heart remained calm. He knew that 0.05 seconds later, these huge hooves would crush him. Well, at least, let him devour some lightning before dying. Must hold on!


Chapter 348. I'm Going to Have It All!


Just when Lu Ze was prepared to die from the incoming hooves, an extremely terrifying chi suddenly appeared in the air.

The chi was so intense that the lightning dragon-horse froze. It didn't dare to move.

Subsequently, an extremely violent wind blew past.

The lightning dragon-horse didn't even dare to struggle, but its lightning was blown away by the wind. Soon, the two were swept up into the sky. In the distant sky, Lu Ze saw an extremely huge figure fly past.

When it flapped its wings, countless grass and beasts flew up. Lu Ze and the lightning dragon-horse was just one of them.


The wind wasn't as sharp as the wind blades and wasn't too damaging. However, it was overwhelmingly suppressing. Even an overlord-level beast couldn't control which direction it flew and could only roar as its hooves waved in the air. Hahaha, he wasn't going to die!

This was the will of the heavens!

For the first time, Lu Ze realized that there were actually kind bosses in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Lu Ze flew with the wind while using [Regeneration God Art] to recover his body.

Without the influence of lightning, the power of the [Regeneration God Art] manifested. Soon, his almost-dead body regained life. Thereafter, he sensed his current state. He noticed that his body had improved quite a little after being shocked so much by the lightning.

The [Arcanum of Lightning God Art] circulated in his head. He also learned a lot. That was an accident, but Lu Ze benefitted to a great extent.

At this moment, he floated in the wind while crossing his arms in contemplation. That place was the headquarters of the lightning dragon-horse boss, right?

Lu Ze recalled on the first map, the male lion also had a fire tree, and the flame on there was a huge treasure. It seemed that lightning land was a huge treasure too. However, that place seemed to have been blown away by that boss. Would it recover?

At this turn of events, Lu Ze's heart ached. He would go back and check later!

When the wind power wasn't enough to confine Lu Ze, he didn't even know how far out he had flown. A boss was a boss indeed. One flap of a wing and you were ten thousand kilometers away.

Subsequently, he flapped his wings and flew back to the place he came from. He didn't know where the lightning dragon-horse but that guy would probably go back home, right?

This time, he was going to get revenge!

When he came back to the place, the lightning-filled region had disappeared. However, sparks started emerging on the ground. It was as though this place was recovering Upon seeing this, Lu Ze smiled happily.

Indeed, if a boss in here damaged it, it can be repaired, but if Lu Ze took it, it wouldn't recover. As a case in point, the flame on the tree never recovered.


A terrifying chi flew over.

Lu Ze looked around. Immediately, his face went cold.

When it discovered how this two-legged animal dared to appear near his home, the lightning dragon-horse became extremely annoyed. His body flashed with lightning as four few hundred-meter long purple lightning swords appeared.

These four spears turned into four purple beams and shot toward Lu Ze.

Lu Ze flashed aside the spears and charged at the lightning dragon-horse. Roar!

Six more lightning spears emerged and headed toward Lu Ze.

And another six…

And another six…

Lu Ze's mouth twitched after seeing the dense cluster of lightning spears shooting at him.

The spears were extremely agile and powerful. They maneuvered around in the air and attacked Lu Ze.

Lu Ze's [Wings of Wind and Lightning] was already extremely fast and agile. Despite so, it was still a bit hard to dodge. Now, it seemed impossible to approach the lightning dragon-horse. After dodging another spear from behind, his eyes went cold.

Last time, his full-powered punch was stopped by the spear. This time, it wasn't going to be the same!

Lu Ze raised his fist, and a black light gently covered it. Thereafter, he punched the spear that was heading toward him.


A huge explosion occurred.

The lightning and fist force swept more than a hundred kilometers. Even the other spears were affected, becoming a little unstable.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed as he instantly traveled through the spears and appeared next to the lightning dragon-horse. Immediately, he punched ferociously.

[Star Crippling Punch]!

Black fist force surged to the lightning dragon horse's stomach. At this moment, another lightning spear formed and greeted the fist force.


In an instant, the shockwave startled the lightning dragon-horse. Lu Ze grinned and charged up quickly. Unlike these overlords who were only strong in one area, Lu Ze was strong in all areas.

The lightning dragon horse was only strong due to a powerful [Attack Divine Art]. it had clear weaknesses in other areas.

Lu Ze punched at its stomach and forced out its huge body more than ten kilometers away. Its tough armor was shattered, and purple blood poured out. Gradually, its chi turned more murderous due to heavy injuries.

Lu Ze sneered. The other three overlords were not here, that was why it was easy to deal with this guy. He didn't give the lightning dragon-horse a chance to recover. He charged toward it again.

At this moment, another three roars could be heard.

The blue bird, black tiger, and gray dragon were approaching rapidly. Upon discovering this, Lu Ze felt stunned. He had only been fighting the lightning dragon-horse for a few minutes. How come the reinforcement came this quickly?

The three overlords neared. Lu Ze's eyes flashed with hideousness.

Accordingly, he used his full power. He smashed another lightning spear with one punch and kept charging toward the horse.

The lightning dragon-horse was injured, but if it teamed up with the other four overlords, then it would be troublesome. He should kill this horse first!

With it dead, the other three overlords lacked a real offensive type of attack that could pose a threat to Lu Ze. Perhaps, he could even kill them all today!

I will have it all!


Lu Ze used his full force with every punch. For a moment, the ground continued to crack, and soon, the sky turned dark. Die!

Lu Ze kicked the wound on the lightning dragon horse's stomach.



The lightning dragon-horse roared in pain as its body was thrust into the ground, leaving a deep ditch.

Lu Ze flapped his wings and planned to deal the final blow when a blue figure appeared behind him and shot sharp wind blades hurricanes at him.

The powerful threat made him turn around. Quickly, he destroyed the hurricane with a punch, but he lost the chance to finish the overlord off.
