Chapters [349-350]

Chapter 349. Something Seems to Be Missing


Lu Ze was floating in the air as he looked coldly at the two overlords-blue bird and gray lizard. Meanwhile, the black tiger overlord stood in front of the heavily injured lightning dragon-horse as if serving as its guard.

At this scene, he could not help but pout his lips. Was there some inconceivable connection among the bosses?

How did they arrive so fast?

In the end, he wasn't able to kill the lightning dragon-horse. Its current injuries were severe, but it still had some combat power. He was going to be beaten like a boss again. What a sad story…




When the three overlords roared, a terrifying chi spread out. They were going to get revenge and let this two-legged animal know true despair!

The powerful pressure they emitted made Lu Ze frown.

Subsequently, the blue bird flapped its wings. A blue light enveloped around it. Its figure became ethereal. In an instant, it appeared above Lu Ze's head. Its huge sharp claws swiped down onto his head.

At the same time, the gray dragon swam around. Its body emitted gray mist as it roared out a few meters long diameter energy ball. It blasted towards Lu Ze.

The two powerful energies made Lu Ze frown. In terms of attacks, their attacks were weaker than the lightning dragon-horse. At this time, he flapped his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and disappeared from the spot.

He charged toward the lightning dragon-horse. Killing their weakest one was the right move.

After killing the lightning dragon horse, Lu Ze's reward would be huge no matter what happened. However, as soon as Lu Ze moved, the black tiger overlord roared. Quickly, a black crystal armor enveloped its body as it attempted to block Lu Ze.

Thereafter, its huge claws swiped at him.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed in return. He clenched his right fist and greeted the overlord's claw.

[Star Crippling Punch]!


The fist force and claws clashed. Upon collision, the dominating wave spread across the area. Then, the fist force vibrated, which crippled the crystal armor bit by bit. However, that was all it could do.

Nevertheless, Lu Ze's target wasn't the black tiger boss.

The powerful clash made the black tiger stiffen for a moment.

Lu Ze grinned at the result. He then moved around the black tiger. As Lu Ze got closer to the lightning dragon horse, he could not help but smirk. He was unstoppable now!

At this moment, a chirp could be heard while a huge blue figure neared.

The countless wind blades formed an ocean while heading toward Lu Ze.

The fastest blue bird overlord was not slower than Lu Ze. As the wind blades grew closer, Lu Ze felt a sliver of pain.

At this juncture, he used the [1st Shield]. His eyes flashed with hideousness as he ignored the wind blade tide. He just kept charging toward the lightning dragon-horse. No one can stop him!

The wind blades smashed against the 1st shield, creating intense clanking sounds. In just an instant, the [1st Shield] was sliced to pieces. Compared to the black tiger overlord's [Divine Art], his 1st shield was the simplified version.

Lu Ze didn't even have time to activate [1st Shield] once more as the remaining wind blades sliced across his body.


Hideous wounds appeared as blood poured out. However, gray light flowed around his body. His powerful body prevented him from being killed immediately. Hence, he could use [Regeneration God Art] to keep recovering.

His state switched between being injured and recovering. During this period, his body was submerged in immense pain. It was so painful that he wanted to cry, but now wasn't the time!

Lu Ze gritted his teeth.

Obtaining an opportunity had to be fought over and earned. He didn't want to wait for another boss to assist him with the attack. He was going to get the kill by himself. He then passed through the blue bird overlord's attacks. He clenched his fist as it shook the surrounding space.


Accordingly, he swung his fist.

The terrifying fist force smashed against the lightning dragon-horse with destructive chi. Feeling the lethal threat, the lightning dragon horse wasn't going to wait there for its death.


Countless lightning flashed around its body. Then, a shining purple lightning spear that was 100 meters long appeared in front of it. Coupled with its roar, the spear moved to meet the fist force.

The two clashed. Instantly, the air turned dead silent. It was as though all sound had been completely removed. Thereafter, the air expanded. Then, black and purple lights flashed.


The terrifying sound filled the world. Not just Lu Ze and the lightning dragon-horse, but even the other overlords paused for a brief moment.

Lu Ze used this moment to gather all his power. His wounds cracked open again, but he didn't care. A black shield appeared around him as he charged over against the powerful shockwaves.

The three overlords behind him roared and also went after him. Lu Ze ignored them. Soon, he appeared next to the lightning dragon-horse. Its chi became extremely chaotic after unleashing such an attack when it was already heavily injured.

When it saw Lu Ze, its chi turned violent once more. More lightning flashed, but blood gushed out of its mouth. Do you still want to resist?

Lu Ze swung his already charged up [Star Crippling Punch] and proceeded to hit that huge wound.


The black fist force tore open its defenses without giving it any chance to react.

Accordingly, the huge power forced the lightning dragon-horse back into the ground again.

The terrifying concussion tore its organs to pieces.


After a wail, the lightning dragon-horses chi disappeared. Before Lu Ze could laugh, he felt an extremely terrifying chi coming over. If he was caught, he might die straight away. No!

He hadn't even collected the drop yet!

Lu Ze moved to the side, and then, a terrifying tide of wind blades, gray and black energy beams shot past him. Another three huge explosions occurred at this moment.

Lu Ze felt relieved. So close!

If he received those attacks head-on, he would be dead by now. At this moment, Lu Ze could feel some pain coming from his left hand. He seemed to be missing something?

When he looked down, he saw the empty place. His arm was gone like that?

Luckily, this was the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. He just needed to go out. Even if it was outside, a lost arm could be cured with the current technology.

Lu Ze used [Regeneration God Art] to recover the wound. He wanted to see if he could use [Regeneration God Art] to repair his arm. However, the wound closed, but his arm couldn't grow back.

Clearly, the level of the [Regeneration God Art] was too low. Right at this moment, the three powerful chi rapidly closed in on Lu Ze.


Chapter 350. This Really Hurts the Head


Following the death of the lightning dragon-horse, the three overlords turned more violent.

Lu Ze could see them charging toward him. He frowned at this. Earlier, he had used his full power to quickly kill the lighting dragon-horse.

Now, it felt like only half of his energy was left. As such, he probably wouldn't be able to take all three overlords out, right?

So sad!


Lu Ze looked at the body of the dragon-horse. Even if he couldn't kill them all, the harvest was enough!

At this moment, the blue bird overlord appeared above his head. With a howl, countless sharp wind blades targetted him while sharp claws swept across simultaneously.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. His [Wings of Wind and Lightning] flapped, allowing him to dodge the attacks. Thereafter, the other two overlords came before him as well. Roars reverberated non-stop. All sorts of terrifying energy attacks blasted toward him.

Although he managed to dodge, he wasn't able to find another opportunity to attack. One reason could be attributed to the insufficiency of energy. Moreover, these three beasts were in their prime. Lu Ze didn't dare to fight them at all costs as he did with the dragon-horse.

Currently, his left arm was gone. This affected his combat power.

The three overlords had only been attacking Lu Ze for ten seconds.

The blue bird kept harassing and employing sneak attacks.

The black tiger faced Lu Ze head-on. On the other hand, the gray dragon relied on its recovery to keep Lu Ze there. After dodging another energy ball from the black tiger, Lu Ze glanced at the ground.

The huge body of the dragon-horse finally turned to dust, leaving behind a ground full of [Light Orbs]. Seeing this, his eyes lit up. He punched the blue bird boss, forcing it back.

Subsequently, he used [Wings of Wind and Lightning] with full force. His body flashed. He then broke through the encirclement and came to the ground. Quickly, he just collected the [Orbs] without even having the time to look at what they were.

As soon as he did this, terrifying energy waves came pressing down above his head.

Lu Ze's [Wings of Wind and Lightning] flapped. He retreated a few thousand meters away, dodging the attacks.


Three terrifying energy beams struck the ground. Upon collision, the earth cracked as deep ravines stretched out into the distance. Lu Ze flew back up into the sky and breathed slowly.

A while ago, he had been on defense mode and didn't use much energy. Now that he had no concerns, he felt he could fight for another round. Hence, dark rays surged on his right hand as the [Star Crippling Punch] was charged.

At this juncture, the sky suddenly darkened. Lu Ze's body stiffened. Which boss was passing by now?

As soon as he thought of this, his heart went cold. He flew in the left direction without hesitation.


An explosion occurred. Purple lightning struck down from the sky.

Consequently, the place where Lu Ze stood turned into a huge ditch. Luckily, he dodged it quickly. Just when Lu Ze caught his breath, his heart felt cold once more. Again?

Lu Ze bit his lips and flashed in the air. Purple thunder rained down from the sky toward him. He looked up at the dark clouds. These familiar attacks…

At this time, Lu Ze's mouth could not help but twitch. He finally realized what was going on. It was you!

Fat rabbit!

To be honest, Lu Ze was still confused about this scenario. Those four overlords chased the rabbit madly once. Why were they so close now?

Sure enough, power corrupted people. Even the fat rabbit was corrupted. However, this rabbit was very sly. It didn't show up until now!

Lu Ze used his mental force to find the whereabouts of the rabbit. At this moment, the three overlords charged up again, attacking him.

Compared to the dragon-horse, the rabbit's lightning was stronger. After all, it was learned from that heavenly rune. It was stronger and more agile, which gave Lu Ze the greatest pressure.

With the interference of the other overlords, Lu Ze was soon having a difficult time handling the situation.

In just half a minute, his entire body was covered in wounds. His chi became chaotic and his breathing became desperate.

He didn't have much energy left. If it wasn't a lethal wound, he didn't even use Regeneration God Art]. He frowned. If this continued, he might die.

At this moment, the lightning from the sky eased up. Lu Ze dodged a claw attack from the blue bird and felt relieved. Did this fat rabbit finally find his heart and decide to stop attacking him?

Upon having such a thought, his mind suddenly ached as though it was poked by countless needles. This severe pain almost made him crash from the sky. Shit!

This rabbit was ambushing him with mental force?

He now recalled that mental force was the rabbit's own [God Art]. A huge claw with volatile chi swept at Lu Ze.

In return, he could only grit his teeth and resist the pain. Thereafter, he raised his star crippling punch and struck out.


The ripple spread out. Along with it, terrifying energy kept hitting Lu Ze. It proceeded to invade his body, pouring mercilessly inside him.


The power wreaked havoc inside his body. His face went pale, and he spat out blood. At the same time, the powerful force sent Lu Ze flying more than tens of kilometers away.

Before he could catch his breath, a blue figure appeared above his head, and then, countless wind blades surged. Shit!

Lu Ze was instantly buried by the flurry of wind blades. Overwhelming waves of pain overtook his body.

Simultaneously, the pain in his head still hadn't disappeared. Soon, another terrifying chi surged. Lu Ze was struck heavily before he could flee. Eventually, his mind sunk into darkness.

In the dark room, Lu Ze suddenly opened his eyes. This time, it was really painful!

His mental force could be considered very strong due to the constant use of [Purple Orbs]. Nevertheless, he still couldn't take the rabbit's mental force attack.

Sometimes, being too tough had its disadvantages. Back then, those flurry of wind blades wasn't able to kill him. In the end, another overlord attacked as well. Only then did he die. Deep inside, Lu Ze felt bitter. It was all the rabbit's fault!

As soon as that guy appeared, nothing good happened!

Lu Ze took a breath, and he immediately felt the pain intensify. He could only lay on the bed lifelessly. Even breathing was painful!

He was going to remember this for the rest of his life!

As soon as he saw the rabbit, he would fight it directly!

An hour later, the pain finally disappeared. Thereafter, Lu Ze sat up. It was time to tally the harvest. He became very excited. He looked inside his mental dimension. As his power grew, the small space had expanded greatly.

Inside, all sorts of [Orbs] floated. There were a few hundred thousand of them!

Among them, the [God Art Orbs] was useless to him because his [God Arts] had reached perfection on the second map. Amid them, there were tens of [Orbs] that shone the brightest. All the [Orbs] revolved around them.
