Chapters [351-352]

Chapter 351. Isn't It a Bit Too Good?!


There were 15 [Red Orbs] with the size of fists in the dimension. They were vibrant like the stars. Similarly, there were also 12 fist-sized [Purple] ones. These ones emitted a purple mist.

Just by looking at their appearance, the orbs from the overlord beasts were completely different. They seemed to be top-notch. There was a flashing purple [Lightning God Art Orb] as well.

Inside the orb, the lightning carried a destructive aura. It looked extremely powerful. This was a [Lightning God Art Arcanum] that Lu Ze had not mastered yet!

In addition to the god art, there was also a [Purple Rune]. This [Rune] looked extremely complex as tens of lines could be seen on it. It contained lightning sparks that turned into lightning spears that bore powerful force.

After seeing this, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. This was the [Lightning Spear Divine Art] used previously by the lightning dragon-horse!

This was amazing!

This [Lightning Spear Rune] was extremely strong. His [Star Crippling Punch] only seemed to be on par with this. Essentially, learning the [Rune] could diversify his offensive means. At the same time, Lu Ze thought of the other overlord beasts. They probably had [Divine Art Runes] too, right?

This was amazing!

Apart from the ones previously, a white [Light Orb] could be found among his harvest. Lu Ze had only seen this once before. It was dropped by the male lion on the first map. However, the [Light Orb] before him was much bigger in comparison.

The energy it contained was much stronger than the energy of the [Red Orbs]. It could not only improve the body and spirit force but also mental force. Other than this, it could enhance the quality of his spirit force and recovery ability.

For each map, only the overlord bosses would drop it.

Clearly, it was very precious. He breathed out slowly, and a joyful expression crossed his face. This was what he got from the lightning warhorse. If he digested all of this, his combat power would definitely increase substantially!

Lu Ze smiled. Which one of these orbs would have the honor to be used first?

He chose the white one eventually. Based on his previous experience, he knew this one didn't have any side effects. It was also very comfortable to use. It was like receiving a whole-body massage.

After making up his mind, Lu Ze drew the white energy into his body. Upon entering, his body shivered. That feeling of extreme satisfaction came again. He could clearly feel every cell in his body being gently caressed. All his cells were rejoicing.

He closed his eyes and felt every sliver of change. Clearly, his body became filled with life force. His mental force started to increase too. At the same time, Lu Ze could sense his spirit force being compressed.

The quality was improving Body, spirit force, mental force—all three were improving simultaneously and very fast!

Lu Ze became aware of the fundamental change that occurred to him. It was profound like last time, but he couldn't understand it.

Time flew by. When he opened his eyes once more, it was already bright outside.

The two suns hung high in the air.

Lu Ze clenched his fists and ascertained his current situation. Thereafter, he grinned. He just used one sliver of this energy, and his spirit force cultivation level grew by 100 Apertures!

Now, he was at the Aperture Opening State with 300 or more Apertures. Before, his spirit force cultivation level wasn't on par with Lin Ling. She had elder Lin's origin power after all. He was mainly strong due to his body, mental force, [God Art], and [Divine Art].

Now, his spirit force cultivation level had caught up with hers!

Should he find an opportunity to tell Lin Ling about this change and share this joy with her?

That way, she would be very happy, right?

At the same time, Lu Ze sensed that his energy recovery also improved quite a lot If he used his full power, he should be able to last twice as long as before. This was a huge improvement.

Lu Ze was certain that even against those at level two of the Mortal Evolution State, he wouldn't be too weak. With the current him, he was confident he could kill the lightning war horse quicker if he encountered it again!

However, he wasn't confident about facing the three other overlords and the rabbit combined. Especially that rabbit. If he wanted to kill all four of them, he needed a power capable of killing them while resisting the mental force attack.

He felt it was probably unlikely if his combat power wasn't at level three of the Mortal Evolution State. Upon realizing this, Lu Ze frowned. He was still a bit weak.

Cultivation, cultivation!

Lu Ze casually ate something and sent a message to Lin Ling, informing her that he wouldn't attend the morning class.

Subsequently, he sat back on the bed again. This time, Lu Ze chose the [Lightning God Art Orb]. He used it with the [Purple Orb].

The [Purple Orb] could increase his mental force. It could help him defend against the rabbit's mental force attack. If his [Lightning God Art] becomes stronger, it would improve his combat power more than the [Red Orbs].

Soon, the [Lightning God Art Orb] disappeared from the space and then destructive purple lightning entered his body.

The lightning kept damaging his body.

The severe pain made him frown. However, after using the white energy, his body and recovery rate became much stronger. Despite not using [Regeneration God Art], Lu Ze could take such injury.

Thereafter, the secrets of [Lightning God Art] started to circle in his mind.

When Lu Ze used a [Purple Orb] from the overlord, the mysterious royal purple energy blended into his mind, making his thinking ability twice as fast as using the other [Purple Orbs]. He couldn't hold on. This was like he had a Portable Dao Enlightenment Room!

Of course, it would be even better if he cultivated in the Dao Enlightenment Room now. He then started to immerse himself in learning [Lightning God Art].

Time flew rapidly. When Lu Ze opened his eyes again, purple lightning flashed within his eyes. This immediately lit up the dim room. He breathed out slowly and smiled. This [Lightning God Art Orb] was indeed very good.

With just one [Orb], it helped improve Lu Ze's stagnant lightning god art by 40%. Afterward, he looked outside, the two suns were near the horizon. Oh perfect!

Soon, it will be night again!

This time, he felt he could fight head-on with those three overlords and the rabbit!

Upon thinking about this, Lu Ze started to grin like crazy. However, at this moment, Lu Ze looked at the two suns once more. He couldn't help but feel stunned.


Things didn't seem so right. Why were the suns in the rising position?

Lu Ze took out his phone and looked at the time. It was 6 o'clock in the morning…

At this discovery, he rubbed his head. It was already the second day?!

This [Lightning God Art Orb] was too good.


Chapter 352. Let's Upgrade First and Then Fight


Helplessly, Lu Ze could only eat some of Alice's dish to calm himself down. Then, he sat back on the bed. This time, he planned to use the [Lightning Spear Divine Art].

Accordingly, the [Lightning Spear Divine Art Rune] disappeared from his mental dimension.

The techniques relevant to using [Lightning God Art] appeared in his mind. At this moment, Lu Ze realized how he had underestimated the [Lightning Spear Divine Art]. It was stronger than the [Star Crippling Punch].

If he cultivated it to perfection, its damage would probably be twice that of [Star Crippling Punch]!

In estimation, the lightning dragon-horse might have only reached a familiar level of mastery. Otherwise, with its cultivation level and perfect mastery of the [Lightning Spear], it would only need one lightning spear to kill Lu Ze.

Lu Ze felt very excited. If the [Lightning Spear Divine Art] was this strong, then perhaps the [Divine Art] of the other three overlords wouldn't be any weaker. Amazing!

He used a [Purple Orb] again.

Subsequently, the secrets of the [Divine Art] poured into his mind even faster. He became immersed in this.

When Lu Ze opened his eyes, he had already skipped past the beginner level and reached the familiar level of mastery. He smiled and raised his palm. Lightning flickered and eventually formed a mini [Lightning Spear] that was a few centimeters long.

However, its chi was still powerful. Ordinary martial artists who just reached the Mortal Evolution State couldn't probably even take one of these. After this, Lu Ze looked outside.

The sky was still dark blue. Upon this discovery, he was in disbelief. Did he cultivate for another day and night?

Was it morning again?

He took out his phone to check the time. His mouth spasmed upon looking at it. It was night, but three days had already passed. Lu Li and Alice sent him some messages. Even Lin Ling sent him a few.

Lu Ze rubbed his head. He didn't expect it would cost this much time to learn the [Divine Art].

Time flowed like water-cultivation was timeless. He could only sigh at this point. After a moment, he grinned. Tonight, he was going to be invincible!

Lu Ze replied to Lu Li and Alice, informing them about the latest situation.

Thereafter, he looked at Lin Ling's messages. She was asking whether he was going to attend the morning class these few days. He grinned at this. In his reply, he told her he was in solitary cultivation.

He was curious about what expression Lin Ling would have upon seeing his improved power. Then, he happily ate dinner again. By the time Lu Ze finished, it was completely dark. He couldn't wait any longer, so he sat on the bed to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

As soon as Lu Ze appeared on the grass, he could notice the numerous Aperture Opening State Beasts flying in the air non-stop. It was as though they were patrolling or looking for something

He raised a brow. Just when he planned to reveal his position and draw out the overlord bosses, he paused slightly. He recalled that the base of the dragon-horse overlord seemed to be a treasure. Now that the boss wasn't there, it should be fine if he went there to play, right?

After thinking about this, Lu Ze changed his mind. If he used the lightning grounds to become even stronger, then he would have a greater chance of beating those overlords. As a cold and merciless jungler, he should upgrade his level before jungling ahead.

Thereafter, he used the chi stealth technique and tapped the ground with his toes, proceeding to disappear from the spot. He had remembered where the base was.

One day later, he had crossed more than hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Finally, he found the lightning grounds. Clearly, it had recovered. Upon scanning the surroundings, he didn't find any overlord boss.

Hence, Lu Ze dashed toward the lightning grounds. He found a comfortable position to sit down. Thereafter, lightning sparks appeared on the surface of his body. With this, the lightning in the air charged at him again.

The force was immense. When the first arc went into his body, that satisfying numbing sensation occurred once more. His physical body and [Lightning God Art] began to improve again.

Compared to before, his cultivation level was high enough while his physical body was sufficiently strong. Likewise, his [Lightning God Art] was much more powerful. This time, he was almost 50% faster at devouring the lightning. A few hours later, his digestion speed couldn't keep up again.

Consequently, the remaining undigested lightning started to destroy his body. This time, no one came to save him. Hence, he was fried inside out. When he opened his eyes, Lu Ze was back in the familiar dark room. His body was still shaking rhythmically.


Upon checking his physical power and [Lightning God Art], he couldn't help but grin. These few hours of shock therapy killed him, but the effects were amazing!

His body and [Lightning God Art] improved by 10%!

Just 10% for his current power was terrifying!

Especially his [Lightning God Art] with the [Lightning Spear], its power was near the [Star Crippling Punch]. His [Star Crippling Punch] had reached a perfection level of mastery while his [Lightning Spear] was only at the familiar level.

Later on, his mouth twitched.

In the next few days, he will keep receiving shock therapy.

Tens of minutes later, the pain disappeared. He sat back on the bed.


Although he had digested the lightning spear divine art rune, he hadn't been able to completely learn it.

Lu Ze closed his eyes and used another [Purple Orb].

Early the next morning, Lu Ze woke up from his learnings. In the early stage of learning a [Divine Art], the speed it took was quite fast. However, if one desired to reach an experienced level of mastery, a day would not suffice. As such, he woke up easily.

The morning sun shone through the window. He felt amazing with his increasing power. Thereafter, he messaged Lin Ling. Again, he wouldn't be able to attend the morning class with her.

Lu Ze had given her the [Red Orbs] for these few days before they parted ways. After all, he just reached the perfection level of mastery for [Star Crippling Punch] at the time and felt he could kill overlords. Thus, he gave her ten days' worth of [Red Orbs].

To be honest, he suspected she was skipping class. After such a thought, he shook his head. He then proceeded to eat breakfast before sitting back on his bed. He was going to use [Red Orbs] from the overlord.

Regardless of how strong his [God Art] or [Divine Arts] were, the body and spirit force was still the foundation. This was the most important.

When a burning [Red Orb] disappeared from his mental dimension, Lu Ze felt rough powerful energy pour into his body.

The energy was like the tide, raging incessantly in his body. This [Red Orb] was so much stronger than the ones from [God Art Beasts]. Even his current body wasn't completely immune to the pain.
