Chapters [359-360]

Chapter 359. Benefit? What Benefit?


All the pain in Lu Ze's body disappeared after a while. He got up and took a quick shower, wiped the water off his body, and quickly sat cross-legged on his bed to meditate again. He closed his eyes and looked at the various lights floating in his mental dimension.

In the end, he chose the [White Energy].

Compared to the other [Orbs], the [White Energy] was even more effective and took a shorter time to consume. This was the most precious energy for Lu Ze at the moment. He swept his mental power across the mental dimension and the faint white energy disappeared from the space.

After a moment, the familiar comfortable sensation came again as his entire body started to assimilate the white energy.

Early the next morning, Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes, revealing his extremely dark eyes. He sighed slightly and sensed his own improvements before revealing a smirk on his face. He clenched his fists in satisfaction.

With the effective [White Energy] from the dragon-horse, Lu Ze's spirit force cultivation had improved by another 100 Apertures, increasing his spirit force cultivation to over 500 Apertures!

At the same time, his physical body and mental power had improved substantially along with his comprehension and innate cultivation.

Although the [Red Orb] was capable of improving innate cultivation and the [Purple Orb] could improve comprehension, their effectiveness was much weaker as compared to the precious white energy.

He got off the bed and stretched his waist.

After pondering for a moment, he took out his handphone. He decided to send Nangong Jing a text. As he had an abundance of the harvest to digest, he decided to complete it before looking for the alcoholic and the others to train.

This was perfect. I haven't been beaten by the alcoholic for the past few days. Upon thinking about how Lu Ze 2 had used an even stronger power the night before, Lu Ze felt pain in his head. He gritted his teeth.

When I become even stronger, hmph hmph…

Just as Lu Ze was about to hit send on the text message, a loud knock was heard on the main doors downstairs. Slightly startled, Lu Ze kept his phone, headed down, and opened the doors.

It was Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha who were standing outside looking at him.

Lu Ze looked at the two suspiciously. "Why are the two of you here?"

Nangong Jing scratched her head with a pained expression on her face. "There is a problem over at the Laco System. We have to go and take a look. We won't be able to teach you guys for this period of time anymore.

"Laco System?"

Lu Ze was surprised. He could not understand.

Qiuyue Hesha smiled and explained it to him. "En, it is at the northern fringe of Federation. Right, it is rather near the Gracious System."

Lu Ze was startled. Who knew it would be close to the Gracious System?

Wasn't there a rebellion there?

Did it affect its surrounding as well?

"It's different from Xiaer System. The friction between the Laco System and the blade demon race is more intense, and since even Star Level beings are involved, the blade demon race seems to have assembled an army there."

"However, the specifics are yet to be determined. Just to be safe, a few powerful experts are being deployed over."

While saying so, Qiuyue Hesha stretched her waist and spoke languidly. "It is really troublesome. We don't even know what is the situation there."

For prodigies like them, other young dukes could accept such missions to stabilize situations if the specified location lacked powerful beings to hold the ground.

Lu Ze nodded his head. "Alright, please be careful."

He had originally thought to inform them that he would not attend training today. Who would have thought that they had matters at hand?

It was perfect. Right then, Lu Ze recalled something. "Right, please come in for a moment."

Nangong Jing and Qiueyue Hesha who were about to leave were startled, but they still followed him into the living room.

Qiuyue Hesha looked at Lu Ze pitifully. "Little brother Lu Ze, to actually call us older sisters into a single man's home, are you harboring any evil intentions? Older sisters will be afraid?"

Lu Ze: "…"

Who will ever believe you?!

You are the worst, vixen!

Who was it that barged into his house yesterday without any qualms on modesty and even performed those acts with him?

He rubbed his forehead and replied, "I was prepared to go into closed-door cultivation as well. Since the two of you are going out, I'll pass some [Red Orbs] to you guys for the next period of time."

Nangong Jing's and Qiuyue Hesha's eyes lit up upon hearing that. They looked at Lu Ze as though they were stray cats waiting to be fed. Nangong Jing became serious. "Let's go to your room."

Qiuyue Hesha nodded her head as well. It was extremely precious goods and being cautious was better.

Lu Ze nodded his head and brought them to his room.

The two revealed curious expressions while following behind him. It was their first time entering a man's room.

Nangong Jing scratched her chin and surveyed his room solemnly, as though checking for something.

Lu Ze looked at her suspiciously. "What?"

Could there be some high-tech cameras installed in his house?

Nangong Jing smiled at him and placed a hand on his shoulder. She revealed a smile as though she was his uncle. "Ze, I heard that you boys like to hide cheeky things in your room. Why not take some out and let me have a look?"

Lu Ze: "???"

Cheeky things??

He looked at Nangong Jing's smile in disbelief. What kind of titanium alloy was this direct girl made out of?!

How can she directly ask a man such a question??

Was she actually a guy disguised as a girl?

Lu Ze patted Nangong Jing's claw away emotionlessly. "I don't keep such things."

What a joke, he is still a child, how can he even have such things?

They, don't, exist!

When Nangong Jing heard that, her smirk immediately disappeared. It was replaced with disappointment.

When he saw Nangong Jing's disappointed expression, his mouth twitched. There was no saving her. Or was she trying to learn how a man acts from him?

Low and behold, compared to her, the vixen is definitely more like a girl!

Lu Ze then realized that Qiuyue Hesha was seated at his desk and had booted up his optical computer, looking excitedly for something. His mouth twitched again as he asked monotonously, "Teacher Qiuyue, what are you looking for?"

Qiuyue Hesha turned her head and looked at him with a disappointed expression in her eyes. "Little brother Lu Ze, why don't you have anything interesting in here?"

By her expression and tone of speech, it was as though she was looking down on him.

Lu Ze: "…"

Listen to her!

Just listen!

Why were they asking such questions?!

What kind of interesting things should an optical computer have?!

He quietly retracted his evaluation of Qiuyue Hesha earlier.

The veins on his forehead were apparent and throbbing. He took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to chase the two out of the house. "Come over here! Otherwise, there won't be any [Orbs] for you guys."

Upon hearing that, the two magically appeared right before him with honest and upright expressions on their faces. He looked at their solemn expressions, feeling speechless.

Are these two pretending to beNangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha?

Could they be twins?

What can cause such a drastic change in them in a split second?

Soon after, Lu Ze took out a few hundred red orbs for the two.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha quietly accepted the [Orbs] and did not speak further. Some things were better left unsaid.

When the atmosphere became silent, Nangong Jing suddenly took a step forward and hooked her arm over his neck. She tapped at his forehead lightly and laughed. "Then, we are heading off. You better cultivate well over this period of time. You are not to skive. If not, I will teach you a lesson when I return."

Lu Ze was able to smell the fresh and sweet fragrance of Nangong Jing's body. He glanced at her beautiful face and felt an ache in his head. Her features were absolutely stunning, but her character was just too different from her appearance.

The difference was so huge that it made him question life. While he was quietly roasting her, he smiled. "Relax, I will surpass you guys soon."

When Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha heard that, they immediately felt a burst of pain in their chest. How unbearable. They were unable to refute him because he might truly do it. However, looking at his pleased expression, the two felt an itch in their fists.

After staying silent for a moment, Qiuyue Hesha broke the tranquility. "Let's go."

Nangong Jing nodded her head and turned to the door. Qiuyue Hesha walked behind her and actually winked at Lu Ze upon stepping outside.

Lu Ze was startled. What was that?

Was that some kind of secret signal?

When the two left, his phone suddenly rang.

When he opened it, he saw that it was from Qiuyue Hesha.

Qiuyue Hesha: Little brother Lu Ze, older sister gave you some benefits inside your optical computer, the password is the date when we first met.

PS: Do not show it to anyone else, or you're done. (Stern emoji.jpg)

Lu Ze: "???"


What benefit?

He looked at his open optical computer. It seemed like the vixen actually took the chance to do something when the alcoholic and he weren't paying attention?

He opened the computer and quickly found an encrypted folder. The date we first met?

He thought for a moment. It should be after the graduation test at the school selection ceremony, right?

With that thought, Lu Ze keyed in the date. Very quickly, the folder opened and revealed a video. His original vague glance quickly caused him to focus and widen his eyes.

In the video, Qiuyue Hesha was dressed in extremely erotic and frivolous clothes while dancing. Her dance was extremely alluring. Every smile and frown emitted an astonishing charisma.

From the background, he could tell that she filmed it at her own home.

Lu Ze: "…"

He wiped his nose and tried to the best of his abilities to shift his eyes away from the computer screen.

Damn it!!

Who can control themselves upon seeing this?!

Her usual dances were already extremely captivating, but the dance in the video was even more brazen, and her clothes were even more revealing. Was this supposed to test my willpower??

Cough… I can't watch it anymore…

Wait…. Since there was no other person around at this time, it should be fine to watch it, right?

She should have filmed this for me, right?

It was a gift?

Why don't I finish it since it was a gift?

Yes, that was right!

Lu Ze shamelessly found a reason for himself to retain a clear conscience before appreciating the video again.

The entire video was less than 10 minutes and when Lu Ze completed the video, he quickly increased the encryption on it without hesitation. Sealed!

I can't watch it anymore. I can't take it. At this moment, his phone rang again.

Qiuyue Hesha: Judging from the time, little brother Lu Ze should have finished the video, right? How is it? Is older sister pretty?

Lu Ze: "…"

It was as though he could see her signature smile. He rubbed his forehead, but in the end, he sent out a reply.

Lu Ze: It was extremely beautiful. I will not let anyone else watch it.


Chapter 360. There Was Only One Explanation!


Golden Whirl, in the living room.

Nangong Jing sat on the sofa and glanced suspiciously at Qiuyue Hesha who was looking at her phone with a smile. "Vixen, what are you doing?? Why are you smiling this way?"

Ever since they left Ze's house and went over to Lin Ling's, this woman had been acting weirdly. 'What was this vixen thinking about now?'

Qiuyue Hesha put her phone away, raised her brows slightly, and looked at Nangong Jing mockingly. "Wow, the violent T-Rex is actually so concerned about my matters? Beg me and I will tell you."

Her heart was beating quickly. This was also the first time she sent such a daring video to someone and felt somewhat embarrassed. However… this was considered a fella's benefit.

When Nangong Jing heard her response, veins appeared on her forehead. She was enraged. "You want me to beg you? Dream on!"

With that said, Nangong Jing went into the room and got ready to cultivate.

Lu Ze gave her a few hundred red orbs. It was enough for her to cultivate for a few hours. By then, her foundation would be more complete and her power would naturally become stronger. She was elated.

En… should I get some delicious snacks for that fella?

Upon seeing Nangong Jing leave, Qiuyue Hesha also returned to her own room and began cultivating. After sealing Qiuyue Hesha's video, Lu Ze took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

Thereafter, he sat cross-legged and began cultivating. This time, Lu Ze chose to use that [White Energy] strand and began refining it.

When he opened his eyes once more, it was already evening, and the [White Energy] strand was completely refined. His cultivation had increased by 100 Apertures again. At this moment, his cultivation had already reached the Aperture Opening State with more than 600 Apertures.

Feeling the surge of spirit force in his body, Lu Ze grinned widely. With another 200 Apertures or so, his spirit force cultivation would reach the completion of the Aperture Opening State. His spirit body had already transformed.

He didn't even have the Mortal Evolution State's bottleneck and would be able to proceed directly to the Mortal Evolution State then.

Lu Ze thought about that small goal he had when he first came to the school. He wanted to enter the Mortal Evolution State before the end of the school term. He was more than a month away from the end of the school term. It seemed like this little goal of his might be achievable, huh?

He was indeed a man of his words-he said that he would break through to the Mortal Evolution State by this school term and he did!

Lu Ze even felt that he was becoming too proud. He was invincible!

Since this was the case, he would eat more today as a reward for himself!

He happily decided.

Accordingly, he gladly retrieved a table of dishes from the storage ring that Alice sent over and enjoyed himself thoroughly. After dinner, Lu Ze composed himself, showered again, and sat cross-legged on his bed. He then entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], Lu Ze didn't use the chi stealth technique like before.

The beasts discovered him very quickly. In turn, they roared and charged over immediately. More than half an hour later, Lu Ze smiled as he watched the huge black cat running away in fear.

Then, a bolt of lightning went through hundreds of kilometers and turned the huge black cat into coke as its lifeless body landed heavily on the ground. Various colors of [Orbs] were scattered on the ground, but he wasn't excited at all.

He put both arms behind him, looked 45 degrees up in the sky, and sighed softly with a tinge of loneliness in his eyes. Indeed, being invincible was lonely. Unfortunately, nobody admired his outstanding performance. What a pity, what a pity…

After looking in the sky and acting like a pretentious prick for a moment, Lu Ze happily picked up all the [Orbs] on the ground. He had to provide for a few people right now, and although he already had many of these [Orbs], he still couldn't waste them.

After picking up all the [Orbs], Lu Ze looked around in suspicion. There was total silence. He was somewhat dumbfounded. Where were the gray dragon overlord and the fat rabbit that would be so excited and charge over the moment they discovered him?

Why were they taking so long this time?

Could it be that they were afraid of him and were hiding instead?

With that thought, Lu Ze felt very confused. Indeed, he was quite happy that the big bosses feared him, but if he couldn't find those two beasts, what was he going to hunt?

Just at this moment, he suddenly recalled something Since the lightning dragon-horse overlord had a nest like the Land of Thunder, there was no reason that the other overlords wouldn't have one, right?

The blue bird overlord and black tiger overlord were already dead. Their things should now belong to him, right?

This wasn't wrong, right?

With this thought, Lu Ze wasn't confused about where the gray dragon overlord, fat rabbit, and Lu Ze 2 were anymore. He searched for the overlord nest while looking for the gray dragon overlord and fat rabbit at the same time.

Especially the gray dragon overlord-he had to go home no matter what, right?

After making up his mind, he began moving in a direction to look for the other three overlords' nest.

Five days later, Lu Ze flew in the sky with a disheartened look. He wanted to eat something so badly, he hadn't eaten in so long…

Lu Ze felt horrible inside. This map was simply too big, and with his speed, he didn't find a single overlord nest after flying for five days. He was in despair. He hadn't eaten anything for five days—this was so torturous!

Was this even humanly possible?

Just at this moment, Lu Ze saw a black leopard sleeping on the grass in the distance. His eyes lit up immediately. A green light flashed across his eyes.

The light breeze rushed to tie-up the black leopard.


The sleeping black leopard woke up in shock and released a strong power as it roared.

The surrounding grass fell to the ground and shockwaves dispersed. That fella was actually so daring to sneak an attack against it?!


Soon, the raging black leopard realized that it couldn't break free no matter how hard it struggled. Thereafter, it suddenly felt a sharp pain on its hind legs. It lowered its head to look and realized that its hind legs had already separated from its body.

A bright flame rose in the air and began to cook its hind legs.

Black leopard: 0.0

Lu Ze grilled the black leopard's hind legs seriously and muttered, "Tried it well done and 90% done as well…"

As he spoke, a perplexed look appeared on his face, then he gritted his teeth. "I think I can also try 80% done…"

Actually, Lu Ze enjoyed having things well done, but he couldn't do it…

In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], he had been researching methods on how to grill beasts to the point where it was edible but it wouldn't turn into ashes.

He tried grilling the beast directly using [Fire God Art], but in the end, he made it well done, and just as Lu Ze about to eat it, the beast turned to ashes. He even tried cooking the beast until it was 90% done, but the same thing happened.

Hence, Lu Ze changed his mind and didn't kill the beast. He merely took the beast's legs to grill it, and in the end, grilling it until it was well done still didn't work. He didn't want to give up, so he tried grilling it until it was 90% done-it still didn't work.

This time, Lu Ze planned to try grilling it until it was 80% done. As for doneness of 70% and below, he didn't even have to consider it-he would never eat it. Very soon, a thick scent wafted over from the beast's hind legs.

Accordingly, Lu Ze's eyes glistened. It seemed like… 80% done wasn't too bad, huh?

Perhaps, he should try 70% if this doesn't work?

His eyes were sparkling as he sliced the hind legs with green wind blades, then eagerly tossed a piece of meat into his mouth. Just then, the meat turned into ashes in an instant. He bit into a mouthful of ashes.

"Pui pui pui!!"

Lu Ze spat out the ashes in his mouth in disgust then looked at the hind legs that had turned into ashes in dejection.


Afterward, the black leopard returned to its senses and let out a terrifying roar.

Lu Ze turned around and looked at the black leopard. Both of them made eye contact. Then, there was complete silence.

The black leopard's roar stopped abruptly. After a moment of silence, Lu Ze sighed. Forget it. Why was he grilling?

It didn't matter anymore. He didn't need it anymore. If he couldn't eat any good food, he should just give up.

In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], there wasn't anything else that he could eat.

A wind blade flashed across and took the trembling black leopard out of its misery. Lu Ze picked up the orbs on the ground in disappointment and began looking for the overlord's nest once again.

One day later, Lu Ze, who was in a bad mood from being so hungry, saw a place that was completely different from the grassland before. It was a black stone forest.

The stones were giving out a dark golden glow. His eyes lit up. He was so touched that he wanted to cry. He finally found it. It wasn't easy!

The [Wings of Wind and Lightning] on his back flapped, and he charged over toward the stone forest.

When Lu Ze entered the stone forest, his smile disappeared. He realized that the aura in this black stone forest kept becoming weaker. There wasn't anything like the arc in the land of thunder. He furrowed his brows and couldn't believe it, so he looked around carefully again.

After an hour or so, Lu Ze realized that this stone forest had already lost its effects.

Lu Ze: "…"

How could this be?!

Could it be that the black tiger's death led the other beast to take advantage of it?

However, according to what happened to the land of thunder, even a god art beast wouldn't be able to absorb the things here, right?

Thereafter, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. He just thought of something. There was only one explanation!

The gray dragon overlord and the fat rabbit that didn't look for him this time!

He felt awful. Logically speaking, he was the one who killed the black tiger overlord, and this was considered his spoils of war, right?

It was actually… taken away by beasts??

He was so mad that he didn't even have an appetite anymore!


I must take revenge!

Just as Lu Ze decided to look for the gray dragon overlord and the fat rabbit, the sky was suddenly filled with golden light. He felt intense pain all over his body. His vision plunged into darkness.

When his vision recovered, he was back in his room.

Lu Ze: "…"

He felt horrible.

Nevermind that his spoils of war were stolen, he was even accidentally killed by a super powerful boss as it passed by. He wanted to cry so badly. Lu Ze felt like a rookie, not invincible at all.
