Chapters [361-362]

Chapter 361. Attack the Eternal Life Palace


After resting for a while, Lu Ze raised his spirits up once more. That was right, he was the legendary cockroach who became stronger the more he failed!

Since he had already died a few hundred times anyway, it didn't matter anymore. He was so used to death already, so what was there to be afraid of?

Cultivate, cultivate!

Lu Ze had a grand goal now. Someday, those bosses in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] would not be able to kill him!

After setting this goal, he became filled with pride.

He sat cross-legged, he didn't enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. This time, his target was the blue bird [Overlord's Orb] and [Divine Art Rune]. It's [Dvine Art] was speed—this was what Lu Ze was lacking right now.

If he was faster, the hide-and-seek game last night in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] wouldn't have happened. He could completely endure that fat rabbit's mental power attack and chase after the gray dragon overlord. By then, he could attack it with the [Lightning Spear].

Lu Ze didn't ponder any further. Right away, his mental power surged, and the [Wind God Art Orb] in his mental dimension disappeared.

Various sharp breezes went into his body, slicing his flesh while bringing about waves of [Wind God Art Secrets]. He used a [Purple Orb] and very soon immersed himself into the arcanum of the [Wind God Art].

When Lu Ze opened his eyes again, there were two suns in the sky-it was already noon. He expected this. After all, a [God Art Orb] would need more time to be consumed compared to the [White Energy Strand].

He felt the improvement of the [Wind God Art] and nodded in satisfaction. Although it couldn't be compared to the [Lightning God Art] for now since he absorbed the lightning arc from the Land of Thunder, he was already quite satisfied with the improvement of the [Wind God Art].

He got out of bed and ate something. Thereafter, he sat cross-legged and began cultivating This time, it was the blue bird overlord [Divine Art Rune].

The [Divine Art Rune] that was flashing with blue light disappeared in his mental dimension. It then entered Lu Ze's body.

Lu Ze used a [Purple Orb] once again and began to understand the secrets of the [Divine Art] contained in the [Rune].

The blue bird overlord's [Wind Divine Art] could make the physical body and [Wind God Art] work better together, whether it was a short-distance move or a long-distance flight, it would enhance them greatly. It could even improve one's flexibility in combat.

Lu Ze sensed the power of this [Wind Divine Art] and couldn't help but sigh. It was indeed a [Divine Art] of the same level as the [Lightning Spear].

Essentially, it was much stronger than the [Wings of Wind and Lightning].

One must know that the [Wings of Wind and Lightning] wasn't very strong in terms of upward attacks. Its strong point rested more on bursting forth in a straight line.

In comparison, this [Divine Art] was much stronger. Even the increase in speed was several times higher than the [Wings of Wind and Lightning].

Three days later, Lu Ze opened his eyes once again. There was a wisp of blue breeze that flashed across his eyes. There wasn't any movement. It was as if Lu Ze's body had become one with the wind. Wisps of blue breeze shuttled around the surface of his body, making him very agile.

Lu Ze, who was sitting cross-legged, floated along with the light breeze blowing from the window. It was like he was weightless as he swayed with the wind.

Each time Lu Ze's body floated to a corner and was about to knock into the wall, it would change directions all of a sudden and float in another direction.

After playing around for some time, he returned to his bed. His lips curved upwards, revealing a smile of satisfaction.

Although this [Divine Art] was merely at the familiar level of mastery, it was a lot faster and more flexible than the [Wings of Wind and Lightning], which was at the perfection level of mastery. This was the advantage of a [high-grade Divine Art].

When he reaches the experienced level, his speed at level four of the Mortal Evolution State might not even be able to catch up. By then, he would be truly elated!

Lu Ze was very pleased.

Subsequently, he recalled that he hadn't given this [Divine Art] a name. So far, he had obtained three [Divine Arts] from the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

One of them was the [1st Shield] that was dropped by the ordinary black tiger boss. It gripped his heart when he thought about this [Divine Art]!

Previously in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], it would shatter after blocking an attack for a short while. He always had to use his weak body to resist. What could he do?

He was also desperate. Another one was the lightning dragon-horse's [Lightning Spear]—this [Divine Art] was naturally very strong. The third was this.

Lu Ze knitted his brows slightly and contemplated deeply. Since this [Divine Art] allowed him to be like the wind, then why shouldn't he call it…

[Blue bird 1]!

He could use this [Divine Art] to commemorate the blue bird boss that kept using the wind blade to bully him when he was still a rookie.

Lu Ze nodded in satisfaction and decided to use this name. Thereafter, he looked at the time. He used three days to understand this [Divine Art Rune].

It was the morning right now. He had already expected this to happen and didn't mind it. He had enough resources to cultivate right now, after all. As such, he didn't need to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Moreover, the gray dragon overlord and the fat rabbit had probably gotten the black tiger overlord's and blue bird overlord's nests. If so, then their powers would have improved considerably.

As the saying goes, 'Grinding a chopper will not hold up the work of cutting firewood.'

It would be better if he finds them after he improves to a certain level.

With that thought, Lu Ze sat cross-legged once again and used the [1st Body God Art Orb] that was dropped by the black tiger overlord.

Four days later, in the afternoon.

Lu Ze opened his eyes slowly.

A black-gold complicated [Rune] flashed across his eyes. Following this, a rough set of black and gold armor appeared on his body.

The armor covered Lu Ze's entire body. It didn't seem very exquisite, but it was very thick, giving off a domineering aura. It felt like its defense was very strong. He reached out and knocked on the armor.

Dang dang dang!

Suddenly, the sounds of the ringing of metals could be heard. Although the armor was formed with the [1st Body God Art], it was extremely strong.

Lu Ze nodded in satisfaction. Although it didn't look very good, it still worked well at least.

Currently, this black and gold armor was just at familiar mastery.

When it reaches the experienced or even perfection level, it would probably look better, huh?

By then, coupled with that domineering aura, tsk tsk tsk…

En, he should give this armor a name.

Lu Ze contemplated deeply once again. Since this [Divine Art] was provided by the black tiger overlord, why shouldn't he call it…

[Black Gold Battle Armor].

Not bad, not bad. Also, it was black and gold in color—this was not bad.

Thereafter, Lu Ze got out of bed and stretched. It had been over eight days since the female alcoholic went to the border.

During these eight days, Lu Ze's cultivation had already risen to over 600 Apertures of the Aperture Opening State.

With respect to [Divine Art], he had the [Lightning Spear] for attacking.

The destructive power should be considered quite strong at level three of the Mortal Evolution State. It could even be comparable to level four, right?

He had the [Blue Bird 1] for speed, and it was also almost at level three of the Mortal Evolution State. He had the [Black Gold Battle Armor] for defense, and this was similar to the [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art]. It should also be at level three of the Mortal Evolution State.

Right now, he was left with the gray dragon overlord [Divine Art] and [God Art Orb].

As long as he had these, his [Regeneration God Art] would have a [Divine Art], then his power would be enhanced fully.

Although he hadn't reached the Mortal Evolution State yet, his power should have exceeded level three of the Mortal Evolution State. He might even be able to tackle people who were at level four of the Mortal Evolution State.

With that thought, Lu Ze was in a very good mood. Next…

Lu Ze clenched his fists slightly, and an iciness appeared in his eyes. It was time to deal with the gray dragon overlord and the fat rabbit!

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door downstairs.

Lu Ze: "…"

He was about to go into battle, which fella came to find him, huh?

He cursed as he went downstairs to open the door.

Lu Ze realized that it was Lin Ling.

Lin Ling's eyes lit up when Lu Ze opened the door. She then pulled the surprised Lu Ze into the house.

Thereafter, she smiled. "Ze, the rebellion at the Gracious System is very serious, and it is spreading to other Systems already. Currently, there are already six Systems with signs of rebellion."

Lu Ze raised his brows. "So serious?"

Lu Ze and Lin Ling had already seen the riots on the Gracious System during their first mission. They didn't expect that it hadn't been resolved and became even more serious instead.

The rebellion of a System spreading to the other Systems— this was very rare. It was clear that the Eternal Life Palace was quite something.

In addition, the Gracious System was quite close to the Laco System, wasn't it?

They weren't sure if the rebellion would affect the situation at the border. But whatever it was, this problem was quite serious.

Lin Ling nodded and said grimly, "Yes, and recently, the Laco System and the blade demon race seemed to be preparing for war."

"The situation at the border has become more serious so the Federation had issued a mission to surround and attack the Eternal Life Palace. The reward is quite attractive. Many students from the Dawn System had gone over already, even Ye Mu and the rest."

When Lu Ze heard her words, he looked at Lin Ling strangely. "Why didn't you go, then?"

Lin Ling was a little stunned when she heard his question.

After a moment of silence, she came up with an excuse and chuckled. "I was thinking that if I didn't tell you, you definitely wouldn't know about it and would have to miss the reward again. Are you touched, huh?"

Lu Ze: "…"

Tsk, women!

Just say it directly if she wanted to wait for him, it wasn't like he would tease her, right?

He grinned and didn't refute her words. "Touched, very touched. Lin Ling is gentle and kind I will definitely remember your kindness."

Lin Ling rolled her eyes at Lu Ze and changed the subject. "Get ready to leave, we don't have much time."

Lu Ze nodded.

The timing was just right. His cultivation had improved drastically, and after understanding the [Divine Art], he didn't have to stay shut in for so many days.

Since this was the case, it was also good to complete a mission.

Both of them then left together and went to the space station.


Chapter 362. The Truth He Had Always Believed In


It seemed that due to the Eternal Life Palace mission, there were several students who rented mission spaceships.

Wherever Lu Ze and Lin Ling went, many students would turn to look at them. After all, Lu Ze had revealed that his strength was already at the Mortal Evolution State.

A freshman having such strength could possibly become a young duke at any time. A prodigy of this level would attract attention wherever he goes.

Upon seeing Lu Ze and Lin Ling walking together, a number of people began whispering to one another.

"That is Lu Ze… he hasn't shown up since the war at Xigui System, has he?"

"That is right. Indeed, he could become a young duke at any time. Nevermind that he is gifted, he is also very hardworking."

"Yes, he was already at the Mortal Evolution State previously. He would be granted the title of young duke very soon, wouldn't he?"

"He is so terrifyingly gifted. He is even stronger than young duke Nangong and Qiuyue."

"Seems like those two are very close to Lu Ze as well, right?"

"… Damn, two most outstanding women in the Federal—this chap isn't human at all!"

Those who overheard this looked at him and felt green with envy.

The two most outstanding women of the Federal were actually close to this chap. This chap was so talented. More importantly, he was also very handsome. He was simply the template of a winner in life!

So envious!

When Lu Ze heard everyone talking among themselves, he was initially very pleased, but he felt uncomfortable after hearing the comments at the back. These people were simply too naive. They really thought that the alcoholic and vixen were very loving toward him, huh?

Tsk tsk, dumb humans. He had been beaten so many times, and the only benefit was the video that the vixen sent him. Who would understand how much he suffered?

He really envied these people who didn't know the alcoholic and vixen at all—it was a blessing not knowing how scary those two women were.

However, at this moment, Lin Ling knitted her brows, feeling a little unhappy. She could sense a number of malicious stares. All of them were jealous glances from the girls.

'What is so amazing about this dumb Ze?'

'He is childish and throws tantrums. He also likes to bully her and is a chowhound with something wrong in his head.'

'Why do these girls look like they wanted to eat him up?'

'Tsk, these girls are troublesome!'

Lin Ling's cultivation of over 500 Apertures at the Aperture Opening State surged. Coupled with her [Strength God Art], her aura became very scary.

The students, who were looking at them, could suddenly feel their chest being suppressed by a strong aura, especially those girls who were looking at Lin Ling with jealousy.

They quickly turned away and dared not to look again. They didn't expect that this girl by Lu Ze's side would actually be so terrifying.

Lu Ze glanced at Lin Ling who suddenly had an explosive aura and asked, "What is it?"

Lin Ling rolled her eyes at Lu Ze and felt a little mad when she looked at his surprised expression.

'All because of you, fool!'


Lu Ze: "???"

'Wasn't she fine just now?'

'Why does she seem a bit angry now?'


'I really don't understand the way girls think.'

After renting the spaceship, Lu Ze and Lin Ling left planet Venus.

The spaceship flew toward Gracious System.

In the main hall of the spaceship, Lu Ze leaned against the sofa and appeared listless. He was simply too busy recently and had totally forgotten that he wanted to learn how to pilot a spaceship.

What a blunder!

A man's dream was in his heart, and yet, it didn't leave a trace at all?

Lu Ze silently jotted down this matter in his little book and marked it as important. Next time, he must pilot the spaceship himself!

Lin Ling glanced askance at Lu Ze. She could roughly guess why this fella looked so down. En… I better keep an eye on this fella and not let him fool around.

At this moment, Lu Ze thought of something. He turned to Lin Ling and said, "Oh right, have you finished using your energy?"

He only gave this girl ten days' worth of supply. Several days had already passed.

Lin Ling was taken aback when she heard him. In response, she nodded, feeling slightly embarrassed. If Lu Ze didn't bring it up, she obviously would be too embarrassed to ask for it.

'What if this fella doesn't have enough for himself?'

Although she knew that as long as she asked for it, this fella would definitely give it to her.

Lu Ze looked at how embarrassed Lin Ling looked and laughed. "Don't worry, my [God Art] has improved tremendously recently. I have more energy than before. There is enough for you."

After all, if he wanted to, he could get tens of thousands of [Aperture Opening State Red Orbs] from the second map for Lin Ling without any pressure.

As Lu Ze spoke, he took out a few hundred [Red Orbs] and handed them to Lin Ling.

Lin Ling kept the [Red Orbs] and sighed-it seemed like she had lost, huh?

She didn't even want to deny this fool strength-something was wrong with her. She knew that even though this fella liked bullying her and making her angry, he had always been very nice to her.

Nevertheless, this fella wasn't only nice to her alone, whether it was big sister Jing or big sister Hesha, this fella also seemed to have a younger sister and junior?

He was the same toward everyone!

With this thought, Lin Ling couldn't help but frown.


If this fella was only nice toward her…

Lu Ze looked suspiciously at Lin Ling, who had her head down and was thinking about something, and laughed. "Alright, let me know if you need more next time. Go and cultivate."

Time was precious, and it was better to work hard on cultivating. After going through so many battles, if not for his strength, they would have been dead long ago.

Lin Ling returned to her senses and nodded. "En."

She didn't think about it any further. It was more important to increase her strength and surpass this fella!

Accordingly, both of them returned to their own rooms and began cultivating.

Back in the room, Lu Ze sat cross-legged on the single bed and closed his eyes.

It would take eight days to travel from Dawn System to Gracious System. Lu Ze planned on making the best out of these eight days. He wanted to increase his power, just in case something happened there.

His [Lightning Spear Divine Art] was already at the experienced level of mastery. It would be more challenging if he wanted to improve further. Even if he used all eight days to understand the [Lightning Spear], it was unlikely that he would reach the perfection level.

As such, he would put the [Lightning Spear Divine Art] aside for now. If something happened, the most effective was obviously the [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art].

The [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art] was currently at the familiar mastery. If Lu Ze worked hard during this period, he should be able to reach an experienced level. By then, his speed should be comparable to those at level four of the Mortal Evolution State.

Running fast would allow one to live longer this was what Lu Ze had always believed in!

After firming up his next goal, Lu Ze used a [Purple Orb] and began learning the [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art].

Time flew by. Soon, it became night time when Lu Ze awoke from learning the [Divine Art]. Today, he wanted to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Right now, he had already learned the [Blue Bird 1] and [Black Gold Battle Armor Divine Arts].

Even if the gray dragon overlord and the fat rabbit had really absorbed the energy from the black tiger overlord's and blue bird overlord's nests, Lu Ze wasn't worried because he felt that he should be capable of fighting them.

In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], Lu Ze's figure appeared. He didn't retract his aura. After waiting for about ten minutes, the grassland was still peaceful and quiet.

Lu Ze: "???"

He looked around suspiciously. He had already entered, so why weren't there any beasts attacking him?

This didn't make sense?

These beasts were like flies attracted to light the second they sensed his aura. They should have pounced on him, shouldn't they?

Why weren't there any beasts after a long period of time?

Lu Ze looked up at the sky. He flew over hundreds of kilometers and noticed two Aperture Opening State Beasts fighting. It seemed like they were fighting over territory.

One of them was a giant purple cat and the other was a black panther with a black and gold body.

The two ferocious beasts roared at each other and pounced at one another.

The violent forces surged, and more than 10 kilometers of grassland were completely destroyed by these two beasts.

Lu Ze watched silently as the two beasts fought. Upon seeing that there was no winner, he couldn't help but fly over, remaining a few hundred meters in the air above these two beasts.

At this moment, the two beasts felt Lu Ze's aura. However, what made Lu Ze speechless was that the beasts actually trembled in fear and fled.

Lu Ze: "???"

He looked at those two beasts that ran away, feeling stunned.

'What was with this reaction?'

Whether they could defeat him or not, they should just fight first, right?

Why did they flee at this moment?

The [Purple Blood Lightning] flashed in his eyes. Those two beasts that fled were immediately enveloped by a bolt of lightning.

Accordingly, they turned to ashes.

Lu Ze picked up the [Orbs] dropped by the beasts. He was unwilling to give up, so he went on to find a few more beasts.

He realized that whether it was those Aperture Opening State Beasts who had absorbed [God Art Shards] or those [God Art Beasts], all of them would flee the moment they saw him.

Lu Ze rubbed his chin and pondered deeply about this situation. Could it be that the gray dragon overlord and the fat rabbit hadn't completed the [God Art] yet and wanted to flee first?

They didn't want the weaker beasts to send themselves to death, so they didn't get them to chase after him anymore?

Lu Ze frowned and realized the seriousness of the problem. If that was the case, he had to hunt for beasts one by one if he wanted to get the [Orbs]?

Wasn't this a little too troublesome?

During this period, Lu Ze got accustomed to the beasts sending themselves to him.

In turn, he had become lazy. However, since this was the case, he didn't have any other choice either, so he decided to look for the gray dragon overlord and the fat rabbit first.

With that thought, a light breeze surged around Lu Ze's body. His body became very light. He used the [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art].

Subsequently, his body disappeared in an instant.
