Chapters [363-364]

Chapter 363. Numb


Since Lu Ze had learned the [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art], his speed had improved quite a bit.

Accordingly, his speed of searching in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] had increased as well.

Three days later, Lu Ze found a blue forest that already had been drained of energy.

The trees in the woods were slowly withering as the light breeze blew around them.

In the middle of the woods was a huge nest, and Lu Ze found some feathers as beautiful as blue jade in the nest. This was originally the blue bird overlord's nest, but unfortunately, the blue bird overlord had already been hunted by him.

The energy in this nest had clearly been absorbed by those two beasts. However, he didn't expect that there were actually feathers here that didn't turn to ashes.

Lu Ze didn't know why either.

Lu Ze took a closer look and realized that it wasn't very useful, so he continued to search.

He realized that the blue bird overlord, black tiger overlord, and lightning dragon-horse were located at the east, west, and north of the grassland. Since this was the case, then it would be very easy to find the gray dragon overlord's nest.

A day later, Lu Ze found the gray dragon overlord's nest in the south.

The gray dragon overlord's nest was a gray misty area.

At this moment, the mist had become very thin, and in the mist, he could roughly see a rabbit that was about ten meters tall.

Furthermore, in the outer areas of the mist, he could see a dispirited gray dragon squirming on the ground.

Lu Ze looked at the gray dragon and was taken aback. He thought that the gray dragon overlord had also absorbed the energy of the black tiger overlord and blue bird overlord, but it seemed like the fat rabbit had absorbed all of them?

Also, judging by the appearance of the gray dragon overlord, it looked as though absorbing the energy of the nest would affect the living overlord as well?


As an overlord, it actually gave everything to its partner. If this isn't love, what is?!

Lu Ze was tearing up. This was simply too touching!

He was emotional as he prepared the [Lightning God Art].

Subsequently, a [Purple Blood Lightning Spear] of over ten meters long appeared before Lu Ze. Sensing the aura of the terrifying [Lightning Spear], the originally dispirited gray dragon overlord was in fury.


That two-legged devil was here again!

The moment it had that thought, a bolt of Purple Blood Lightning flashed in the sky and pierced through its skull. That gray dragon overlord died in an instant and fell to the ground. Thereafter, its corpse began turning into ashes.

The entire process happened naturally and smoothly without a pause at all.

Lu Ze looked at the gray dragon overlord that was slowly turning into ashes and couldn't help but worry that he was becoming more and more like a villain?

Although he was a cute and attractive type.

The fat rabbit in the gray mist seemed to have sensed the death of the gray dragon overlord, and a powerful fluctuation of energy appeared among the mist.


The roar came from the gray mist.

Lu Ze could hear the incredible pain of losing a loved one in its roar.

Lu Ze felt a little ashamed.

Following that, Lu Ze noticed that after the death of the gray dragon overlord, the fat rabbit's absorption of the gray mist was much faster. He knitted his brows.

Could it be that after the death of the overlord, the speed of absorption of the nest's energy would become faster?

The gray mist basically turned into a vortex and went toward the fat rabbit.

Lu Ze raised his brows. His [Lightning Spear] appeared once again.

The [Purple Blood Lightning Spear] disappeared as it turned into a stream of purplish-red light and shot toward the fat rabbit.


The stream of light went across the sky and left a faint scorch mark, even the dimension was becoming distorted.

Lu Ze had gone all-out for this attack. Even though he was a cute and attractive villain, he wasn't the sort who would allow the main character to grow up successfully and then kill it. He took the chance when it was still absorbing the gray mist and attacked it directly.


Upon sensing the strong power, the fat rabbit howled, and bolts of lightning appeared, crashing against the [Purple Blood Lightning Spear].

Boom boom…!!

Continuous explosions rang out, and lightning bolts covered hundreds of kilometers nearby as the powerful shockwaves produced by the collision of lightning bolts surged everywhere.

Perhaps because the big white rabbit had absorbed the gray mist, its body grew close to ten meters tall and became even larger than a super huge white rabbit. Following the growth of its body was also the increase in its power.

Although it was a hasty strike and the [Divine Art] didn't seem to be released perfectly, there were more than a dozen consecutive thunderbolts that attacked the [Lightning Spear].

Consequently, the [Lightning Spear] even became dimmer.

When the [Lightning Spear] reached the gray mist, it wasn't as strong as before anymore.


Fresh blood spewed out among the gray mist, and the fat rabbit howled in anguish. It seemed like the fat rabbit was injured. However, Lu Ze could feel that its chi wasn't affected at all. It was as though it wasn't hurt just now.

If it was the original super huge white rabbit, this [Lightning Spear] would be enough to take its life. However, for this ultra-huge white rabbit, it was nothing.

Lu Ze pursed his lips-could it be due to the absorption of gray mist?

After all, this was the gray dragon overlord's nest. Hence, the [Regeneration God Art] here was definitely the strongest.

The gray mist lessened and the figure of the fat rabbit inside became clearer.

Lu Ze could even see its murderous eyes.

In turn, Lu Ze's gaze turned frosty, and the [Purple Blood Rune] in his eyes flickered as several terrifying [Lightning Spears] that were over ten meters long materialized.

One [Lightning Spear], two, three… it stopped when it reached five.

Above the gray rabbit's head, a small dark cloud of several square kilometers appeared. At the same time, a lightning snake moved with a horrifying aura.


Lu Ze pointed with his right hand.

Accordingly, the [Lightning Spear] disappeared on the spot as it flew toward the fat rabbit in the gray mist.

At the same time, countless flashes of Purple Lightning came down from the sky and collided with the [Lightning Spear].

Boom boom…!!!

There were a series of terrifying explosions, and the surrounding space was slightly distorted from such powerful shockwaves.

The atmosphere in this area turned chaotic. If there was a martial artist of a level lower than the Mortal Evolution State who entered the center, he would definitely die.

Five [Lightning Spears] went through the lightning area and shot into the gray mist. After five resounding explosions, there were five blood flowers that bloomed in the gray mist.

However, the aura of the fat rabbit did not weaken.

Lu Ze smacked his lips when he noticed this.

This gray mist was a manifestation of the [Regenerative God Art] from the start. It had a very strong ability to recover. If Lu Ze wanted to deal with this fat rabbit, the [Lightning Spear] would be considered a little too weak.

Just at this moment, Lu Ze noticed that the gray dragon overlord's corpse at the side had completely turned into ashes, leaving behind a dozen of [Orbs]. He immediately turned into a blue stream of light and appeared before the [Orbs] happily.

Lu Ze decided not to care about the fat rabbit and pick up the [Orbs] first instead. He was simply a thrifty and diligent man!

After Lu Ze picked up the [Orbs], he lifted his head and looked in the direction of the gray mist.

The gray mist had thinned out quite a bit, revealing the fat rabbit's figure.

At this moment, it was over ten meters tall. Its body remained flawless. It was furrier than before and seemed extremely cute. But at this moment, in addition to the purple crystal lightning horn on its forehead, it now had two more gray crystal horns that were slightly shorter.

There were wisps of gray mist around the gray crystal horns, and a bolt of lightning flashing on top of the purple crystal horn.

The three horns were equidistant apart and formed a triangular shape on the fat rabbit's forehead. They were flashing with purple and gray lights.

Simultaneously, a terrifying aura burst. After absorbing the gray mist, it was as if the fat rabbit had gone through an evolution and became a super three-horned rabbit!

At this moment, the three-horned fat rabbit was glaring at Lu Ze with its blood-colored eyes. Its gaze was filled with murderous intent.

Lu Ze wasn't surprised. He was somewhat understanding After all, he was the one who killed this fella's partner. Who knew if that gray dragon overlord actually had an unspeakable relationship with this fella?

However, as a cool and emotionless jungler, he didn't care. In fact, he was already numbed. After the mist dissipated, the lightning in the cloud above the fat rabbit's head rumbled.

Lu Ze and the rabbit stared straight at one another.

The atmosphere was ominous.


Following the fat rabbit's roar, bolts of lightning flashed above its head and turned into hundreds of Purple Lightning flashes as they headed toward Lu Ze.

The strength of the chi was almost the same as Lu Ze's [Lightning Spear].

There was a light breeze around Lu Ze's body.

Subsequently, his body shuttled between the bolts of lightning.

The [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art] was very swift, and even in this situation, he could move with skill and ease. He glanced coldly at the fat rabbit in the distance.

[Lightning Spear]!

Lu Ze shot five [Lightning Spears] that were over ten meters long toward the fat rabbit. but they immediately slammed against a dozen bolts of lightning.

When the [Lightning Spears] went through them, they were slightly weaker.

The fat rabbit managed to dodge them easily.

Lu Ze moved in a flash and pounce on the fat rabbit.

Lu Ze didn't like long-ranged attacks. Real men would want the feeling of punching the flesh!!

After seeing Lu Ze fly over, the fat rabbit didn't dodge at all. It went toward Lu Ze instead.

Wow~ not bad!

I, Lu Ze, had to admit that you were a manly rabbit!

Just as Lu Ze was looking at the fat rabbit with a look of acknowledgment, sharp pain in his head emerged. Even when he could already defend against this fella's mental attack, his body still turned sluggish.

The darn rabbit was so sinister!

Lu Ze forced himself to endure the pain and activated his [Black Gold Battle Armor].

In the next instant, bolts of lightning crashed onto the [Black Gold Battle Armor].

After hundreds of lightning bolt attacks, there was a gigantic deep pit of over ten kilometers square on the ground.

At the bottom of the pit, Lu Ze was wearing the [Black Gold Battle Armor]. There were various lightning arcs on the armor, giving off a sizzling sound. His face was somewhat pale. Being attacked continuously by lightning bolts, he became overwhelmed with sorrow!

Thankfully, his [Defense Divine Art] wasn't that lousy [1st Shield] anymore.

Lu Ze had to admit that the [Black Gold Battle Armor] was really strong!

He merely used a portion of energy to maintain the armor, and he wasn't hurt at all physically.

Compared to the [1st Shield], it was on a completely different level!


Chapter 364. Missed Something Out?


After hundreds of continuous lightning attacks, the fat rabbit's chi was finally in a slight disorder. Even with the fat rabbit's current power, this sort of attack would still consume a lot of its energy.


After a short pause, the lightning attacks began once more.

Lu Ze was already used to the pain of the fat rabbit's mental power attack. He activated his [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art] and dodged the lightning attacks again.

Lu Ze's body turned into a blue stream of light and moved in a flash, passing through the bolts of lightning. He kept getting closer to the fat rabbit.

In just a few seconds, he was already over ten meters above the fat rabbit. He clenched his right fist. His arm was covered with black gold battle armor. On top of the battle armor, there was a black and gold glow.

[Star Crippling Punch]!


Although the level of the [Star Crippling Punch Divine Art] was not as strong as the [Lightning Spear Divine Art], the former was already at the perfection level of mastery.

Moreover, after Lu Ze absorbed the [1st Body God Art Orb], his [1st Body God Art] was only slightly weaker compared to the [Lightning God Art]—there wasn't a big difference between these two.

Lu Ze threw a punch and a terrifying force surged, even the entire dimension seemed to tremble slightly.

At the same time, a flash of [Purple Blood Lightning] flickered around Lu Ze's body and three [Lightning Spears] materialized. They turned into purplish-red thin energy lines and cruised around the fat rabbit, looking for a chance to attack.

Although the [Lightning Spear Divine Art's] attack was stronger, close-ranged attacks were clearly better. At least if both parties weren't far apart, blocking and dodging close-ranged attacks would be much harder than long-ranged ones.

Although close-ranged attacks were more dangerous. However, Lu Ze was tough!

With the [Black Gold Battle Armor Divine Art], coupled with the [Regeneration God Art], he felt that he had nothing to fear!

Let's go!


The black and gold fist crashed straight into the fat rabbit's head. At the same time, the purplish-red [Rune] in Lu Ze's eyes flickered and three [Lightning Spears] stabbed the fat rabbit's sides and back.

The areas where the spear gun flew past caused even the air to be burnt, giving off a charred scent.

Just at this moment, the three sharp horns on the fat rabbit's head had purple and gray lights flashing.

Thereafter, multiple bolts of lightning mixed with gray energy shot out of those three sharp horns, heading toward Lu Ze's fist. At the same time, the cloud above its head kept going lower until he was just a few kilometers above its head.

Subsequently, many lightning bolts flashed in the clouds and charged toward the [Lightning Spear].

Boom boom…!!

Continuous collisions turned the surrounding air very chaotic.

The shockwaves spread, and the spirit force surged as the power of the lightning swept in all directions. There were Purple or Purplish Blood Lightning flashes from time to time in the area.

Furthermore, there were black and gray spirit lights flowing through occasionally.

Lu Ze's fist collided with the terrifying force shot out and dispersed by three sharp horns of the fat rabbit. However, Lu Ze's [Lightning Spear] tore through the fat rabbit's bolts of lightning and crashed into the fat rabbit's body with its weakened power.

Chi chi chi!

After three resounding 'chi', three huge bloody holes appeared on the fat rabbit's body as fresh blood stained its originally snow-white hair.

The Purplish-Red bolts of Lightning flickered on its wounds, but after a short moment, a gray spirit light flashed on the fat rabbit's body, and the [Regeneration God Art] dispelled the power of lightning.

Very quickly, the fat rabbit's injuries began to recover.

Lu Ze glanced at this and clicked his tongue. If only he was the only one who had the [Regeneration God Art]. It was very troublesome if his opponent had it as well.

At the same time, Lu Ze was slightly regretful. His mental power was suppressed by the fat rabbit's mental power attack. Otherwise, he would definitely let this fat rabbit have a taste of the 'Return of Ten Thousand Spears!'

'I must turn this fat rabbit into a kebab!'

Even so, Lu Ze had already used all his strategies to its limits. In his little notebook, his feud with this fat rabbit was already a few pages long!

Anyway, he was very strong!

He was invincible!

After the continuous use of two strands of [White Energy], Lu Ze's physical body, mental power, and spirit force cultivation were greatly enhanced, including his recovery strength. If he went all-out, he should be able to hold up for at least 10 to 30 minutes, right?

Right now, he wasn't just a real man who could only hold on for a few seconds!

Right now, he was a real man who could hold on for a few minutes!

If the first attack didn't work, he would attack a second time, a third time… until a hundred times.

The [Regeneration God Art] would consume its energy as well, Lu Ze didn't believe that this fella wouldn't die.

At this time, Lu Ze suddenly recalled a serious problem.

Initially, he called this fella a rabbit boss, but right now, he actually dared to call it a fat rabbit. He actually became so lofty, huh?

It wasn't good to be arrogant during a fight!

Lu Ze silently removed the fat rabbit's nickname in his heart and called it the rabbit boss.

Then, a blue breeze surged around Lu Ze's body, and he dodged a wave of lightning attacks.

The [Star Crippling Punch] and [Lightning Spears] kept charging toward the rabbit boss.

The entire area of over hundreds of kilometers square was covered with traces of their battle.

The initial grassland disappeared, black soil whirled around, cracks all over the ground emerged, and pits of various sizes covered the place.

After a short ten seconds, Lu Ze and the rabbit boss were suspended in the sky. They were both facing each other.

Lu Ze caught his breath and calmed his urgent breathing as he looked at the rabbit boss.

At this juncture, the rabbit boss' eyes were red and filled with a violent chi.

Its originally snow-white hair was already stained with fresh blood. But there wasn't a single wound on its body as all the injuries had recovered thanks to the [Regeneration God Art].

However, as a trade-off, frequent use of the [Regeneration God Art] was enough to increase its rate of energy consumption. At this moment, the rabbit boss' chi was somewhat in disarray.

Lu Ze even suspected that this rabbit boss might be a female. Otherwise, why would it even replenish some of its hairs when they dropped?

They wouldn't affect its battle power, would they?

If it was a male, wouldn't it continue fighting even if it turned bald?

After taking a short break, Lu Ze's energy was quickly replenished. Compared to before, this rate of consumption was totally acceptable.

He clenched his fist and grinned, feeling very pleased with himself. If he continued absorbing those precious [White Energy Strands] in the future, could he recover and consume at the same time?

If this were the case, he would be invincible!

With that thought, he got a little excited. He looked at the rabbit boss in the distance and wondered if this fella would drop those [White Energy Strands].

Lu Ze's gaze turned sinister.

Upon seeing Lu Ze's gaze, the rabbit boss trembled and raised its two long ears. Its gaze had become even more ferocious. At this point, it couldn't care less about resting. Bolts of lightning flickered in the cloud over its head again and struck in Lu Ze's direction.

Boom boom!!

Lu Ze looked at hundreds of terrifying bolts of lightning, and his gaze turned icy. His body turned to a breeze as he dodged the attacks and pounced toward the rabbit boss again.

Just at this moment, Lu Ze suddenly had an ominous feeling. It seemed like he had missed something?

He furrowed his brows and appeared next to the rabbit boss as he attacked it with his [Star Crippling Punch] and [Lightning Spear]. After the rabbit boss struggled for a moment, there were a couple of wounds on its body.

The rabbit boss howled in fury. It then used its [Regeneration God Art] once again to recover. Following this, Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he finally realized what he had missed out.

It seemed like this rabbit boss only had [Mental Power God Art], [Lightning God Art], and [Regeneration God Art]?!

But wasn't the energy from the black tiger overlord and blue bird overlord's nest already absorbed?

If so, then why doesn't the rabbit boss have the [Wind God Art] and [1st Body God Art]?

Lu Ze kept attacking non-stop and frowned slightly. He realized that he might be wrong.

The energies of the black tiger overlord and blue bird overlord weren't absorbed by the rabbit boss at all!

Since this was the case, then there was only one criminal!

A bright light flashed across Lu Ze's eyes.

The criminal was Lu Ze 2!

Lu Ze furrowed his brows when he thought of this possibility. Although he knew that Lu Ze 2's smile was disgusting, he didn't expect that Lu Ze 2 wasn't only disgusting, he was wretched!

Since they had the same appearance, why must he snatch his stuff?!

Was this something a person would do?!




Lu Ze felt indignant as his power surged and kept adding wounds to the rabbit boss' body.

Although the rabbit boss' attacks were comparable to Lu Ze's and it even has [Mental Power God Art], it was much weaker than Lu Ze in terms of defense and speed. It was undoubtedly a deadly matter during battle.

Hence, even though the rabbit boss may be strong and recovered quickly, it was still getting wounded by Lu Ze.

After over a minute, the rabbit boss' injuries had reached the point where they couldn't fully recover anymore. Fresh blood gushed out of its wounds, and its white hair was falling to the ground. Its aura had weakened quite a bit.

After becoming weaker, it became more challenging to endure Lu Ze's attacks.


The [Star Crippling Punch] had shattered the weakened lightning attack. At the same time, three [Lightning Spears] pierced through the rabbit boss' body.


This roar was filled with sorrow. However, as a ruthless jungler, Lu Ze wasn't affected at all.

A blue stream of light flashed across and Lu Ze appeared on top of the rabbit boss' head. Three [Lightning Spears] appeared.

Lu Ze's gaze was frosty as he clenched his right fist and a black and gold stream of light flickered.



The [Lightning Spear] and [Star Crippling Punch] burst forth at the same time, blasting the raging lightning and gray energy shield. Both landed heavily on the rabbit boss' head.

The purplish-red and black and gold energies went through that giant head of the rabbit boss and crashed onto the ground. After a loud explosion, there was a deep pit of over ten kilometers square on the land.

Afterward, the rabbit boss' lifeless corpse landed in the deep pit and left a trace of fresh blood in the sky.

Lu Ze heaved a sigh of relief and looked at the rabbit boss turning into ashes. Finally, the rabbit boss that had bullied him for so long had fallen under his ruthless fist. His emotions became complex.

Lu Ze sighed. He was really so strong, even the rabbit boss wasn't his opponent anymore. This scene should be a reward for the hard work Lu Ze had put in during this period, right?

Lu Ze slowly landed next to the rabbit boss' corpse, and after ten seconds, the corpse turned into ashes.

The energy clusters which the rabbit boss had dropped were almost the same as the other overlords. But compared to the other overlords, there was an extra cluster of gray mist. It was like a concentrated version of the gray mist from the gray dragon nest.

Also, this cluster of gray mist was expanding. It seemed as though it was returning to the size it had when it was in the gray dragon overlord's nest.

Just at this moment, a silvery-white light flashed behind Lu Ze.

Thereafter, a figure that was exactly the same as Lu Ze appeared. There was a blue whirlwind spinning around his right hand and a black and gold stream of light flashing on top of it as a raging power burst forth in Lu Ze's direction.
