Chapters [367-368]

Chapter 367. Jungler Without Weapons Is Soulless


Lu Ze landed and picked up the [Orbs] on the ground. Following this, he realized that one of the [Orbs] with a thick blue breeze and one with a thick black and gold glow were incapable of being stored in the mental dimension.

Moreover, the blue breeze and black and gold glow kept expanding, pushing the gray mist aside.

Lu Ze looked at the blue breeze and black and gold glow. He wasn't bothered. This should be the energy that the fox had absorbed from the black tiger overlord's and blue bird overlord's nests. He would just let them expand first.

Thereafter, he went to look for the orbs dropped by the rabbit boss. After picking up all the [Orbs], Lu Ze heaved a sigh of relief. After all, these were the babies dropped by the boss, and they were all good stuff. If one went missing, Lu Ze's heart would ache.

Thankfully, the [Orbs] would not be destroyed by the shockwaves. Although there were some that dropped into the cracks, they were still retrieved by the diligent Lu Ze. After picking up all of the [Orbs], Lu Ze sat cross-legged in the midst of the gray mist and began absorbing it.

On Spaceship, in Lu Ze's room.

Lu Ze, who was seated cross-legged on his bed, gradually opened his eyes and a sliver of gray light flashed in his eyes. Beads of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He breathed deeply and felt slightly regretful.

The gray mist wasn't any different from the lightning arc. Although its effect was great, he still couldn't handle it after absorbing too much of it.

According to his progress now, he would probably require about three days to completely absorb all the gray mist.

Coupled with the energy from the blue bird overlord's and black tiger overlord's nests, he wondered if he would be able to digest them before reaching the Gracious System?

But anyway, he had already dealt with the big bosses on the second map and didn't have to worry about a big boss absorbing them.

Lu Ze didn't think about this issue anymore. He happily poured his mental power into the mental dimension. Let's see how the harvest was this time!

This time, Lu Ze had killed the gray dragon overlord, rabbit big boss, and that white-horned fox—his harvest was greater than before!

In the mental dimension, there were hundreds of [Orbs] emitting various bright colors. Among them, Lu Ze noticed that there were three [White Energy Strands], and one of the [Energy Strands] had the same size as the other overlord's [Energy Strands].

Meanwhile, two [Energy Strands] were slightly stronger.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up. That energy strand that had the same size as the other overlords should belong to the gray dragon overlord while the remaining two [Energy Strands] should come from the rabbit boss and Lu Ze 2.

Lu Ze didn't really understand. This sort of [Energy Strands] should be very precious. After all, Lu Ze had only seen them from the overlords. However, the rabbit boss' situation wasn't like that.

At least, the first time he encountered the rabbit boss, that fella's power was probably at the [God Art Beast Level] only. It only became stronger after absorbing the [Lightning Divine Art Rune] that dropped from the sky.

Lu Ze even once saw those four overlords chasing after the rabbit boss, huh?

In the end, the rabbit boss had actually become one of the overlords.

Lu Ze didn't see another rabbit with [Mental Power God Art] on the second map, so there was definitely only the rabbit boss alone. What exactly happened to this rabbit boss?

Also, the white-horned fox didn't even possess any [Divine Art], but other than absorbing the [God Arts] from the black tiger overlord's and blue bird overlord's nests, it had two [God Arts].

One of them was a [Transformation Type of God Art] while the other allowed it to move through space. At the same time, it also seemed like the only one of its kind.

On the second map, Lu Ze didn't see any other white-horned fox.

Lu Ze rubbed his chin and planned on thinking about it thoroughly. After some time, Lu Ze made a bold assumption. Perhaps in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], other than ordinary beasts and overlord beasts, there might be other special beasts out there.

There shouldn't be many of these types of beasts on each map. They were either very strong or their [God Arts] were very rare—there was something unique about them.

Also, this type beasts should be as smart as overlord beasts. Both the rabbit boss and the white-horned fox were very evil!

Which meant they were the equivalent of the rare monsters in games??

With that thought, Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He seemed to have become an actual jungler?

However, why weren't there any equipment drops in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]?!

A jungler without weapons is soulless!

Lu Ze shook his head and didn't want to complain anymore. He shifted his focus to his harvest once again. Three [White Energy Stands] were enough to enhance Lu Ze's spirit force to the perfection mastery level of the Aperture Opening State!

After that, if he accumulated more, he might not even have to go through the bottleneck and could break through immediately to the Mortal Evolution State!

With that thought, Lu Ze became very pleased. He was very strong indeed!

He would be breaking through to the Mortal Evolution State very soon. At this possibility, he got a little excited!

En, he would share this piece of good news with Lu Li and the rest after breaking through.

Recently, both of them had been working very hard too. Coupled with Lu Ze's energy, their cultivations had broken through to the Aperture Opening State already.

Lu Ze even suspected that by the time the college entrance exam commences next year, those two people would probably break through to the Mortal Evolution State already. By then, it would be very shocking.

Lin Ling was also improving very quickly. Lu Ze felt that he should be giving her more pressure so that she wouldn't become arrogant after improving so quickly. As Lu Ze thought about it, he looked at the [Orbs].

Other than the [White Energy Strands], there was also an [Orb] filled with gray mist-it should be the [Regeneration God Art Orb] dropped by the gray dragon overlord.

There was also a complicated [Gray Divine Art Rune], and there were wisps of gray aura moving on top of the [Rune]. It was similar to the [Divine Art Runes] of other overlords. This should be the [Divine Art] of the [Regeneration God Art].

In addition to these, there was also a [God Art Orb] with a faint blue glow around it.

The faint blue glow was very unusual and seemed somewhat bewitching.

Lu Ze raised his brows and could roughly guess that this should be the [Mental Force God Art Orb] from the rabbit boss. There was also a much more complicated [Divine Art Rune] compared to the overlord divine art.

On the [Rune], there were lightning bolts intertwined. They exuded a destructive aura.

Lu Ze had seen this [Divine Art] before, and it was the [Divine Art] that fell from the sky—the [Divine Art] with a lightning cloud.

It was also because of this that the rabbit boss rose to power all of a sudden and became so strong. It was so inspiring just thinking about it!

Lu Ze was slightly moved. On the other side, there was an [Orb] containing a white hazy aura.

The white glow in the [Glass Ball] kept flowing and changing. It didn't have a fixed structure and appeared very mysterious.

Lu Ze grinned. This was good stuff!

It should be the [Transformation God Art] of the white-horned fox. This was a [Special God Art]!

The god arts Lu Ze currently possessed were either a [Body God Art], an [Elemental God Art], or a [Mental Power God Art]. He didn't have any [God Art] with a unique ability. This could be considered his first one.

Lu Ze was very pleased with himself.

A god art that allowed him to keep transforming-it should be really fun!

Next to the [Transformation God Art], there was a [God Art Orb[ that possessed a silver glow this was also a [Very Rare God Art].

[Space God Art]!

Lu Ze felt that the harvest this time was too amazing!

The [Space God Art] was definitely much faster than his [Wind God Art]. With this [God Art], he shouldn't have an issue escaping from anything in the future, right?

He was very strong, and there wasn't anyone who could defeat him during missions, but just in case, right?

What if someone could?

He decided to use the space dimension to flee!

Other than the three [White Energy Strands], various [God Art Orbs], and [Divine Art Runes], there were also a bunch of [Red Orbs] and [Purple Orbs].

Lu Ze counted them carefully, including those [Red Orbs] that he hadn't used previously, he now had a total of 82 [Red Orbs] and 76 [Purple Orbs].

These were the [Orbs] dropped by the four overlords, the rabbit boss, and that white-horned fox, so the energies contained in them were obviously very powerful!

Lu Ze looked at these 82 [Red Orbs] and pondered deeply. He wondered if these 82 [Red Orbs] and those 3 [White Energy Strands] were enough to let him break through to the Mortal Evolution State?

If they were enough, then once he broke through to the Mortal Evolution State, his power would be instantly explosive.

With that thought, Lu Ze became very excited. This was bad… he felt that he was going to become arrogant by getting so strong.

Speaking of which, once he got stronger, he wondered if the alcoholic and vixen would be able to punish him?

By then, wouldn't he be able to take revenge?

*Excited.jpg (Lu Ze's limited edition)*

He must knock that alcoholic's forehead non-stop!

Not good, not good… Deep breaths, deep breaths…

He quickly tossed those thoughts away and cultivated properly!

Accordingly, Lu Ze forced himself to suppress those thoughts and calmed himself down. After looking through what he had gained, Lu Ze didn't think further about it and got ready to cultivate.

A [White Energy Strand] in the mental dimension disappeared and turned into mysterious energy as it charged into Lu Ze's body.

Lu Ze closed his eyes and began to absorb the energy. Following the absorption of the [White Energy Strand], his cells became more and more dynamic. His mental power and spirit force became purer while his mind turned clearer. Even the reaction of his spirit force kept deepening.

Lu Ze was becoming stronger in every aspect. It wasn't as painful as absorbing the other [Orbs]. This feeling of becoming stronger was amazing.

Lu Ze couldn't help but indulge in it.


Chapter 368. Who Are You?


Two days later, in the mission ship.

Currently, Lu Ze was inside a room, sitting on the bed with his eyes closed.

During these two days, he had been spending day and night devouring the three [White Energy Strands]. He could only manage to finish it now.

His spirit force cultivation level had reached the peak stage of the Aperture Opening State with 810 Apertures in total. However, he would probably need to build-up more power in order to break through to the Mortal Evolution State.

In the evening, Lu Ze had also gone into the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] to devour the gray mist.

Just last night, he finally completed digesting the gray mist. Thereafter, he proceeded to digest the [Wind God Art] in the blue bird overlord's nest. It was faster than he had imagined.

Nevertheless, his power was increasing constantly after all. Therefore, the rate of his absorption was much more efficient.

Lu Ze got down and stretched. Afterward, he walked out the door. Upon walking out of the room, he glanced at the tightly shut door opposite him. This ship had two rooms.

One for him and one for Lin Ling.

Obviously, Lin Ling was still cultivating. In fact, he could understand her. She probably wanted to surpass him, didn't she?

Haha- what a naive person. He wanted to laugh.

When she was done with solitary cultivation, he would share the joy with her.

With such thoughts, he felt he was very mean.

When he arrived in the living room, Lu Ze looked outside the window.

The flying ship was in warp travel mode.

The space outside was distorted and looked colorful. After taking a break, he went back to his room for cultivation. He sat on the bed and contemplated.

His spirit force cultivation level had reached the Peak Stage of the Aperture Opening State. He could feel that as long as he accumulated enough spirit force, it would become easy to break through to Mortal Evolution State.

However, he didn't know how much he needed to accumulate. He will arrive in Gracious System in six days. He didn't know if he could reach the Mortal Evolution State within those six days.

In that case, instead of building up spirit force, he might as well learn other [God Arts]. After all, he didn't know what the missions would be.

Learning the [Mental Force God Art] and [Transformation God Art], as well as [Space God Art], would probably be beneficial. If something happened, he would have extra means to deal with it. After pondering about this, Lu Ze used the [Mental Force God Art Orb].

Immediately, it disappeared inside his mind, and then, clear energy poured into his brain. This made his mental force become more active.

In just an instant, that feeling of clarity disappeared. His brain kept transmitting a piercing painful sensation. It was as if he was being stabbed by countless needles. At the same time, the [Arcanum of Mental Force God Art] was released in his mind.

Lu Ze frowned. Although it was painful, it was still not unbearable. After all, the mental force attack of the rabbit boss was much stronger than this.

Subsequently, Lu Ze used a [Purple Orb].

Immediately, his mind cleared up further while the pain also eased up as well. He started to calm down and discern the secrets of the [Mental Force God Art]. Soon, he discovered that [Mental Force God Art] wasn't just simply improving mental force as he thought.

It was more on using mental force as you like.

At least, the rabbit's [Mental Force God Art] was only about using the mental force for attacks. This [Mental Force God Art] didn't include seduction like the one that fox demon had nor mental interference like Ian's. It was just a pure simple attack.

Lu Ze was a little disappointed at this discovery. He thought he would be able to use seduction on the fox demon in the future.

As it turned out, it only possessed simple characteristics. This was a bit weak. However, he soon recovered from his dissatisfaction. It could be considered quite good that he had this numerous [God Art] already. One should learn to be contented.

Anyway, the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] was quite vast. He didn't believe that there would be no seduction god art. He should not worry, should he?

For the time being, he should feel grateful.

Eight hours later, the pain receded from his brain. Thereafter, his brain became exceptionally clear. He could feel that his mental force had more than doubled. At the same time, he could use his mental force more freely.

Before, although he had a powerful mental force, he could barely use it. It was like having a bullet but not possessing a gun. Now, he finally had his gun.

In reality, the best way to improve for martial artists relied on all three directions-body, mental force, and spirit force.

At least, a prodigy at the young duke level won't be weak in these three areas. However, those prodigies without [Mental Force God Art] would be far weaker at using mental force than those who had one.

Lu Ze happily tested and forged his mental force into an invisible spike.

The spike then flew around in the air. Such a silent ambush attack was the best means of a sneak attack. After using it for a while, he put away his [God Art]. He needed to work harder as time was pressing

Lu Ze closed his eyes once more. This time he chose the white hazy [Transformation God Art Orb].

The [Orb] disappeared from his mental force dimension. Then, his body was shrouded in a hazy white light. He could feel an abstruse chi circulating around his mind.

The white light covered his lively cells. Following this, there were bursts of huge pain. He didn't mind the excruciating pain.

The effect of the [Purple Orb] from before hadn't ended yet.

As such, he started learning this [Special God Art]. As time went on, he soon found the secrets of this [God Art]. This [God Art] was like a combination of [Body God Art] and [Mental Force God Art].

It used mental force to fake chi and then change your body on a cellular level until you completely become someone else or another creature.

Theoretically, this effect was very good. If one's senses weren't very high, it would be hard to tell whether you used such a [God Art].

Of course, if one's senses weren't weak, then they might be able to feel some inconsistencies. Even so, Lu Ze felt very satisfied. This god art was so interesting!

A thought even popped in his mind. If he changed into blade demons, would he be able to enter the blade demon territory and have some fun?

Lu Ze became quite excited at the prospect.

Nine hours later, he finally learned this [God Art].

With a light of excitement from his eyes, he suddenly jumped up from bed. Let's test it first then!

Accordingly, he sunk into contemplation. Who should he turn into?

At this moment, a sound could be heard from outside.

Lin Ling probably finished cultivating and wanted to take a break.

Immediately, a bold idea crossed his mind!

He used [Transformation God Art].

Consequently, he was enveloped with white light.

When the white light disappeared, Lu Ze became Lin Ling. He then frowned. Things felt a bit weird. Perhaps, it was because he had a different sex now?

Lu Ze tried walking a few steps and still felt things were strange. Thereafter, he reached out his skinny white hands and pressed on his chest. That strange feeling made Lu Ze stiffen.

Subsequently, he rubbed it a few times and said to himself, "I wonder if it feels the same as Lin Ling's?"

He had never seen her body and never touched it as well. He just transformed based on his imagination.

Suddenly, Lu Ze gasped. "If I can touch Lin Ling personally, I can transform more realistically."

But of course, Lin Ling wouldn't sacrifice herself for the truth. At this time, Lin Ling's voice could be heard. "Ze? You are not cultivating?"

Lu Ze felt dazed. Did his movements startle her?

His eyes then lit up. He had an even bolder idea.

Upon such a thought, he walked over and opened the door. After seeing Lin Ling's face stiffen, he felt amazing.


She must be scared now?

As soon as Lu Ze smiled, Lin Ling's face turned cold. Her spear appeared as she looked at the figure of Lu Ze with vigilance.

At the same time, killing intent burst out as she spoke with a hostile voice. "Who are you? Where is Lu Ze?"

Lu Ze: -(?A?|IT)
