Chapters [369-370]

Chapter 369. Her Brain Spasmed From Anger?


Lu Ze glanced at Lin Ling's murderous expression and attempted to explain. "Lin Ling, it's me, I am Lu Ze."

Upon glancing at the spear, he became a little worried. With her stance, she couldn't possibly be thinking about dying together with him, could she?

Currently, they were in a warp dimension. If something really happened to the ship, they would probably be over. He quickly revealed his chi to prove it was actually him.

After sensing his chi, Lin Ling felt stunned. Her killing intent had receded a little. However, she still looked at him with vigilance.

Moments later, with a dubious tone, she said, "Ze? Is it really you?"

No matter who it was, if they saw a person looking exactly the same as him walking out of a room, they would probably be confused, right?

Lu Ze quickly nodded at her question. "It really is me! Lin Ling, you need to believe me! I just changed into you to mess with you! This is my new [God Art]. I can change into other organisms."

When he finished his words, Lin Ling said, "Don't move!"

He quickly nodded. He was really scared that she would go crazy and shoot the spear toward him. By then, if the spaceship ended up getting destroyed, then they would probably be laughed at to death.

Thereafter, Lin Ling used her spirit eye to observe Lu Ze. She could see the terrifying power within him and discern his real body at the same time. It really was this idiot!

However, why was his spirit force cultivation level this terrifying?

Was it at the Mortal Evolution State already?

She was extremely shocked at the thought. Her own spirit force cultivation level hadn't even reached 600 Apertures, and yet, this guy was already at the Mortal Evolution State, wasn't he?

Was her spirit force cultivation level that much weaker than his as well?

Lin Ling felt quite bitter. She had been working so hard and this guy kept on giving her [Energy Orbs].

Still, she was worse off. Upon seeing Lin Ling look at him with a dazed expression while her spirit eye was activated for a long time, Lu Ze wondered if she saw his inner beauty and became infatuated with him.


*Cough* "Um, Lin Ling can you put the spear away first?"

The spear was almost at his chest. He still looked like her. If she didn't take it back, he felt his chest would hurt. Soon, she came back to her senses and put her spear away. She glared at him. "Ze, are you at the Mortal Evolution State?"

At this question, Lu Ze realized the reason for her dazed expression earlier.

As it turned out, it was only due to seeing his improvement. What a disappointment. He shook his head. "Peak Stage of the Aperture Opening State. I am still a bit away from the Mortal Evolution State."

When she heard his answer, her mouth could not help but twitch. Almost at the Mortal Evolution State?

Thereafter, she smiled at him and patted his shoulder. "You are not at the Mortal Evolution State yet? You need to work harder."

She knew what this guy thought. He wanted to show off to her!

She might be very envious, but she wasn't going to show it.

Hearing this, Lu Ze, feeling shocked, looked at Lin Ling. She changed!

She's no longer fun to mess with!

She didn't even have an interesting reaction to his progress?

Suddenly, Lin Ling felt something wasn't right. She proceeded to peruse him. He looked exactly like her. She examined him from the top to his face and then to his perky chest and then below.

The atmosphere turned very silent.

Lu Ze looked at the expressionless Lin Ling and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Moments later, Lin Ling said shakily, "Ze… you didn't do anything strange to this body, did you?"

After she finished her question, his body stiffened. He looked at Lin Ling who was trembling.

The two stared at each other with awkward silence. Eventually, Lu Ze felt it was best not to lie to her.

Other than the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] being too important, he didn't want to lie regarding other matters to her. Even if he said it, he didn't touch her after all. She could understand, right?

While thinking about this, he scratched his head. "Mhm… I just rubbed the chest…"

"Ze, you bastard! Die!"

Before he could finish, Lin Ling charged over with a red face. Her entire body was palpitating heavily like she wanted to bite Lu Ze.

He quickly grabbed her hand. "Lin Ling, calm down. We are still on the ship! if the ship breaks, we are both dead!"

Lu Ze could feel his brain quivering. She was so ferocious!

He was just touching his own cells, not hers though?

Lin Ling's eyes contained some mist as she rambled, "I don't care! I'm going to kill myself and then kill you!"

Her hands struggled, wanting to break out of his grip. How dare he do such a thing while looking like her?!

She was going to teach this retard a lesson!!

When he heard her words, he gave her a caring look and reminded her, "Stupid girl, if you commit suicide, how can you kill me?"

Did her brain spasm?

He still needed to find a way to calm her down, right?

Lin Ling: "…"

How about going straight to dying with this guy?

Although they were arguing intensely, they kept their power under control.

The two were in a stalemate. Eventually, Lu Ze used his right hand to hold her two hands and then used his left to stop her forehead, fearing that she would bite him.

After seeing how her face went red with anger, his mouth spasmed. He asked awkwardly, "Lin Ling, how are you going to calm down?"

Lin Ling glared at Lu Ze, a clear indication that she didn't want to talk.

Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling too.

The two just kept staring at each other.

Eventually, Lin Ling couldn't take it anymore. She looked away.

A moment of silence later, Lin Ling said grumpily, "I'll let it go this time."

After she calmed down, she wasn't so angry anymore. She was just more embarrassed at the time.

In truth, she didn't want anything to happen to this guy.

Lu Ze looked at her in disbelief. She was actually pretty easy to coax. However, she spoke again at this time. "But you can't change into me again!"

Lu Ze nodded at this. "No problem!"

He didn't want to anyway. It was too terrifying

Lin Ling then added, "You can't turn into sister Jing, Hesha, your sister and junior schoolmate too."

When he heard this, he stiffened. He fell into contemplation.

Originally, he wanted to change into the forms of the alcoholic and fox demon and meet with them to see their reactions. But then again, Lin Ling was a little lamb compared to them. If even she became this furious, then they…

Lu Ze thought it was best not to do it. Life was quite nice already.

He nodded. "That is fine."

After Lu Ze agreed, Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "Let me go."

Accordingly, he let her go and turned back into himself. Today was really dangerous. He must be careful while playing with this transformation god art.

Lin Ling felt relieved too. It was quite complicated looking at him while he looked exactly like her.

The two had some food in the living room before going back to their respective rooms for cultivation.

Lu Ze sat on the bed. Just five more days and he would arrive at Gracious System. He needed to increase his power. Of course, it would be best if this mission could be passed easily.

He closed his eyes and then entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. Due to the death of the overlords, the beasts became chaotic again. There were endless sounds of battles and roars in the distance.

Lu Ze didn't care. He just flew toward the ditch where he fought last time.

The energies of the blue bird and black tiger were still there.


Chapter 370. The Difference of Space Transmission


The ravaged grass plains from the battle with the overlords previously had recovered. Only the area where the powers of the blue bird and black tiger overlords' base remained

A huge pit with a range of tens of kilometers could still be seen.

Inside the huge ditch, only the [Wind God Art] and [1st Body God Art] were left behind.

A part of the ditch contained a blue wind while another part of it was black and gold in color.

The black and gold stream occupied a wider space than the blue wind. At this moment, a blue light flickered. Thereafter, Lu Ze landed from the air to the side of the ditch where the blue wind could be found. Upon seeing the wind in there, he shivered.

The wind appeared very calm. However, this was further from the truth.

The wind blade sliced across his body like blades. Despite this, he had to enter in order to digest the energy. This was quite embarrassing. He took a deep breath. In the next moment, a green wind circulated around his body.

Lu Ze then entered the region.

Soon, wisps of blue wind from the area poured into Lu Ze's body.

It didn't leave a satisfying sensation like the gray mist and lightning arcs-only bone-scraping pain could be felt. He sat down and frowned as he began learning the [Wind God Art]. After devouring the gray mist completely, Lu Ze didn't get a [Special God Art] like the [Blood Lightning].

Nevertheless, his [Regeneration God Art] improved a lot.

Lu Ze even tested using [Regeneration God Art] to regenerate limbs. However, it was too slow and couldn't be used in combat.

Despite this, this could still be considered a rather good improvement for Lu Ze. He wondered whether the wind would give him anything special.

Two days later, the region covered by the wind had shrunk by half.

Lu Ze sat in the center as the blue wind surged into his body. Blood seeped out from his hair glands, painting him with a red color.

The massive pain had clouded his consciousness. It was extremely painful to the point that he wanted to cry.

At this moment, another immense pain began. His consciousness sunk into oblivion.

When he opened his eyes again, he was back in his room on the spaceship. Lu Ze lay shakily on the bed, not even daring to breathe heavily. He could only wait for the pain to diminish and gradually dissipate

An hour later, the pain finally eased up. After some rest, Lu Ze sat back on the bed once more. This time, he was going to learn [Space God Art]!

To Lu Ze, [Space God Art] was extremely mysterious.

At least, apart from a Star State, Lu Ze hadn't seen anyone possess a space-type ability. This was definitely a very precious [God Art].

When he finished calming down, he used his mental force, and the [Silver Orb] disappeared from his mental dimension.

Subsequently, waves of abstruse meaning dawned on his mind.

Lu Ze felt as though he entered a completely twisted dimension with no sense of direction at all. He didn't know if this was an illusion or whether the space around him had changed, but this was rather normal when learning a new [God Art].

After using a [Purple Orb], as usual, Lu Ze immersed himself in these secrets.

Eventually, Lu Ze felt the mysterious dimension was leading him to a small corner. He seemed to see the lines between the physical world and the warp dimension. These lines appeared to have separated the two, but they also connected them at the same time.

Gradually, Lu Ze found that if he employed some force, he could travel to the warp dimension through these lines and then use it to come back to the physical realm.

Was this space transmission?

Lu Ze discovered a bit of distinction between the [Space God Art] and the Space Transmission used by Star States. Back then, he recalled seeing Uncle Merlin use his power to open up the warp dimension directly and create a wormhole to move.

Meanwhile, the [Space God Art] was more like fusion. His affinity toward space could allow him to use the lines to travel in the warp dimension.

This method had a fundamental difference from forcibly opening a wormhole with one's own power. If Lu Ze had the same power as Uncle Merlin, he would be able to move through space faster than Uncle Merlin.

Moreover, it would only consume less power.

If Lu Ze had enough power, he could even create a small dimension with more ease. Of course, Lu Ze's current power didn't allow for that.

Nevertheless, Lu Ze felt great. Should he show off to Uncle Merlin?

Although this arcanum was just about space transmission, it still increased his affinity to space. Even if he learned other types of [Space God Art] in the future, it would be much easier!

Moreover, he had calculated that even if this [Divine Art] would be taxing, he could instantly jump to a few thousand kilometers away if he used up all his energy at once.

The further the distance, the more energy it would consume. If it was an ordinary battle, Lu Ze could use it to jump a few hundred meters of space.

Although the consumption of this was much greater than the [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art], it would definitely be useful at crucial moments. However, the only bad aspect was that if he didn't learn this [God Art] well enough, it would be easy to interrupt him during space transmission.

12 hours later, Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes. Thereafter, a silver light flashed at the bottom of his eyes. There were messy space lines around him, but these couldn't be used for space jumps. After all, the ship he was on was already in warp dimension.

Lu Ze gasped at the realization. As it turned out, he probably couldn't play here.

But he could test out interesting ideas after they were out. After resting for a moment, Lu Ze went back to the bed. He looked inside his mental dimension.

The [Regeneration God Art Orb], [Regeneration God Art Divine Art], and the [Lightning Divine Art Rune] from the sky had been left untouched. At this moment, only four days remained until they could reach the Gracious System.

It would take an extremely long period of time to learn [Divine Art]. It wasn't plausible to learn them both. Additionally, If he learned a [Divine Art] for the first time, he wouldn't be able to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

There were still energy nests inside the hunting space that he could use to cultivate.

Lu Ze contemplated deeply. After a while, he decided to cultivate [Regeneration God Art Orb] and [Regeneration God Art Divine Art Runes]. It was a very good safety measure.

Accordingly, Lu Ze used the [Regeneration God Art Orb].

Eight hours later, Lu Ze opened his eyes again. He lifted up his hand, and a blue light cut across in his hand.

Immediately, a bloody wound appeared in his palm. Thereafter, a gray spirit light flashed, and the bloody wound disappeared before the blood could even pour out.

Lu Ze grinned. This level of recovery speed from the [1st Body God Art], coupled with the [Black Gold Battle Armor], would make him very tough!
