Chapters [371-372]

Chapter 371. So I Have Special Privilege Too!


Four days later, Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes while he was sitting on the bed.

[Gray Runes] flickered in his eyes. After comprehending the [Regeneration God Art Orb], Lu Ze entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] and devoured all the [Wind God Art Energy].

Thereafter, he started to learn the [Divine Art of Regeneration God Art].

Devouring the wind energy naturally led to an extremely huge improvement in his [Wind God Art], allowing it to be comparable to the [Regeneration God Art] and [Lightning God Art]. However, it didn't give him something special like Blood Lightning.

Lu Ze was a little disappointed. Nevertheless, his current cultivation level, coupled with [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art], enabled his speed to reach level four of the Mortal Evolution State. This could be considered good.

At this moment, Lu Ze finally finished learning the [Regeneration God Art Divine Art Rune]. There was nothing special or fancy about this [Divine Art]. It just had one function. One's recovery speed would increase upon using this [Divine Art].

Lu Ze had only reached a familiar mastery with this [Divine Art]. It had three times the recovery speed when used.

His current recovery speed was already terrifying. If it was increased by three times, then Lu Ze could pretty much instantly recover any injury that wasn't too serious. This [Divine Art] turned out to be a surprise for Lu Ze. It made him want to bestow a good name on it.

Lu Ze touched his chin. Since it could speed up regeneration so much, he would call it [Super Regeneration].

Lu Ze nodded happily. He then got up and looked at the time. They were almost in the Gracious System. He had decided to rest first. After all, he had been working hard this entire time. He came out of his room and proceeded to the living room.

It was empty. Lin Ling was probably cultivating

Upon sitting, he looked at the warp tunnel outside. Following this, he silently took out his delicious food to his satisfaction.

Half an hour later, Lu Ze finished the food and sat on the couch quietly.

5 minutes later.

Lu Ze: "…"

He lay down.

10 minutes later.

Lu Ze: "…"

He scratched his head and glanced at Lin Ling's tightly shut door. Lu Ze felt he shouldn't interrupt her cultivation, so he withdrew his gaze.

15 minutes later.

Lu Ze looked at the scene outside. His mouth twitched. Afterward, he stood up. Forget it, he would go back to cultivate. He found out that he didn't have anything fun to do other than cultivation.

What did Lin Ling and the rest do while they were on a break?

He should ask them when he has the chance.

Ten hours later, Lu Ze woke up from his cultivation. He still didn't choose to consume the [Lightning Divine Art Rune] from the rabbit. He opted to use [Red Orbs] to build up spirit force, in preparation for breaking through the Mortal Evolution State.

He suppressed down the dominant spirit force in his body and stretched out.

Just then, he walked out of the door. This time, Lin Ling was finally sitting on the couch.

When Lin Ling saw Lu Ze, she smiled. "We are almost there."

"How long?"

"Half an hour and we will be leaving the warp tunnel. The location is outside the Gracious System. We are going to be checked by the defense force there."

Lu Ze asked, "How?"

"We will be going into a space station, which the defense force set up, and they would do a thorough inspection of the ship."

Lu Ze raised a brow. "This serious?"

Originally, ships would still be checked upon entering the system, but there would just be devices scanning. Soldiers didn't need to enter the ship.

Lin Ling frowned. "Probably because the situation right now is very serious. After all, it's not an ordinary circumstance."

Lu Ze nodded and didn't speak further.

Half an hour later, the ship exited warp travel and entered the space dimension.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling looked out the window.

The system wasn't small. It was a single Star system. However, the star of the system was extremely massive-a few thousand times bigger than the sun. Even outside the system, the star still felt vast.

There were 25 planets and all sorts of asteroid belts. This system was only 1000 light-years away from the northern border of the Federation.

"Ze, look there." Lin Ling pointed in a direction outside.

Lu Ze nodded. "I see it."

Every unit of distance, there would be a huge space station floating. Several spaceships were lined up to enter the space station. Some were transporter ships while others were private ships. Some were a few kilometers long while some were just tens of meters.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling's ship belonged to those tiny ships.

At this moment, the AI voice could be heard. "Captain, the defense forces of the Gracious System request communication."

Lu Ze nodded. "Accept."

Subsequently, a youth wearing a military uniform appeared. He saluted the two seriously. "The underground forces of the Gracious System have been very wild lately. Those entering the system need to go through a complete security check… Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze?!"

The man exclaimed in shock.

Lu Ze: "…"

He was just about to line up and get checked. Indeed, he was a prodigy, even Jinyao sage approved of him. If he forcefully didn't allow the inspection, the defense forces wouldn't dare to check him.

However, he didn't have anything to hide. He shouldn't cause them trouble just to show he was special.

Lu Ze nodded. "Soldier, we will go according to the procedure."

The young man then explained. "Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, those with a federal honor badge have special access."

After all, those who possessed this badge have made outstanding contributions to the Federation. Naturally, they will receive some privileges.

Lu Ze felt dazed after listening. He never knew that the honor badge had this benefit. He pretty much didn't even use the badge. Yet, today he was able to enjoy privilege?

He was touched.

The youth smiled. "May I ask what level is your badge? I will make the arrangements."

Lu Ze replied, "Level 2."

He was only level three before, but after seeing old man Nangong, it was raised to level two.

The youth ended up stunned by his response. He thought he heard it incorrectly. He gazed at Lu Ze and asked again, "Sorry, the signal might have been bad. What was your level?"

Lu Ze answered for the second time. "Level two."

With a trembling voice, the youth said, "Level two?"

Lu Ze nodded. Why did he ask this repeatedly?

The youth gulped down his saliva and said shakily, "O… okay, Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze. Please wait, I will confirm it for you…"

If it was level five or level four, confirmation would not be necessary since Lu Ze was a famous person now.

However, a level two honor badge had more privilege than the officials of the system in some areas. Not even a general might have such a level of honor.


Chapter 372. Which Powerful Figure Came to the Gracious System?


Lu Ze: "???"

Didn't this guy confirm it with him already?

Why did he ask so many times?!

And why was the expression on his face weird?

However, in order to maintain the calm demeanor of a super prodigy, Lu Ze still kept a calm expression and refrained from asking questions. It was so hard to act cool!

Lin Ling glanced at the strangeness in Lu Ze's calm face and grinned. She suddenly had the desire to laugh. This idiot. Was this necessary!

Nevertheless, she couldn't really blow his cover at this moment, so she could only resist.

The youth looked down and then moments later, he shivered. He looked up at Lu Ze with fervor and saluted. "Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, welcome to Gracious System! Please wait, I will make the arrangements for you now!"

Lu Ze quickly nodded. "Okay, goodbye!"

Lu Ze could finally feel relieved. Just now, that guy's glance was too odd.


At this time, Lin Ling finally couldn't hold it in anymore.

Lu Ze: "…"

When he turned around, he felt very wronged. "It is hard for me to be serious, and yet, you are laughing at me! I need recognition and encouragement??!!"

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "You also know that you are not serious?"

Lu Ze: "…"

The young man had said he was going to make the arrangements for them.

As such, their ship didn't have to enter the line. It just floated on the side.

Soon, half an hour passed.

At this juncture, the communication request came once more. After Lu Ze accepted it, the youth appeared again. He still looked at Lu Ze with fervent eyes. "Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, the Gracious system defense force is ready. Soon, someone will come to greet you."

Thereafter, Lu Ze and Lin Ling discovered a small fleet flying out of that huge space station.

The two warships at the front were ten kilometers wide. There were tens of smaller warships following behind, as well as a few hundred smaller guarding ships.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling frowned.

Lu Ze asked, "Is there something wrong here? There is an entire fleet. Did you find the people of Eternal Life Palace?"

Lu Ze was even debating whether he should help if it was necessary.

After all, he had [Space Jump God Art]. He could jump into the fleeing spaceships.

The youth then replied, "Report to Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, there are no situations. This fleet is for greeting you two."

As soon as the youth finished his sentence, the atmosphere plunged into silence.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling: [?_?]

They looked at the massive swarm of ships in a daze.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He could not help rubbing his head. So this fleet was here to greet them?!

He thought this person was just going to give them a special passage when he said he was making the arrangements. Soon, the fleet came before their ship and surrounded it.

Their mission ship was only tens of meters long. It wasn't even as big as the smallest guard ship. After being surrounded, they couldn't even see the other ships waiting in line.

The youth thought the two were shocked. He then smiled. "Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze is a level two honor badge owner. He has a special contribution to the Federation. Now that the Gracious system is experiencing a special circumstance, he needs special treatment."

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

The two glanced at each other. Both could see the dazed expression in each other's eyes.

The youth saluted Lu Ze. "Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, the greeting ship will contact you."

This level 2 honor badge was too overwhelming. He felt he should use it less. After saluting Lu Ze once more, the youth yelled excitedly, "It's my honor to serve you, officer!"

Thereafter, the hologram of the youth disappeared.

Lu Ze received another communication request.

A gray-haired middle-aged man appeared in the living room. He saluted Lu Ze seriously and said, "Mr. Lu, the vice commander of Gracious System's defense force, Bazer, has come to greet you."

Bazer didn't address Lu Ze as lieutenant colonel since his military title wasn't enough to receive such treatment.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He saluted back, "Thank you, Vice Commander Bazer."

Lu Ze became speechless. With all this commotion, would something happen to his mission?

Bazer nodded. "We will now escort you to the Gracious System. If you need, Mr. Lu, we will escort you directly to your destination planet."

Lu Ze felt dazed when he heard the words. "Don't we need to be inspected?"

Bazer responded, "A level two honor badge owner doesn't need to be inspected."

Those who owned a level two honor badge definitely made substantial contributions to the human race. Whether it was from the contribution or the privilege, they were tied to the human race. They had no reason to do anything against humanity.

Lu Ze finally felt better. This honor badge was useful… it was just too high profile. Thereafter, Lu Ze gasped. He wondered what the people in the other ships would think after seeing this.

In fact, those passengers in the ships that were lined up saw this. They ended up completely dazed.

"What is going on?! An entire fleet is greeting someone?!"

"Which powerful figure came to the Gracious System?"

"By the looks of it, it should be at least a solar system level official or a level three honor badge owner?!"

"They are not adequate for this at all. It must be at least a cosmic district official or level two honor badge owner!"

"That is insane!"

The special privileges of the honor badges were open to the public. This was respect and reward for them. Only such rewards would encourage more talented people to contribute to the Federation."I have taken a picture, but unfortunately, I didn't see anyone."

"It seems to be a small-sized private flying ship?"

"… I know that flying ship. It is a mission-type flying ship from the Dawn System. My relative is a Dawn System student. I have seen such a flying ship before."

"Really?! A Dawn System student?!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Not even a young duke might have a level two honor badge!

"It might not be a student. A teacher can rent a mission ship too."

Several people started to post this on social media.

A Dawn System student came to the Gracious System and had a fleet to greet him. He seemed to have a level two honor badge!
