Chapters [373-374]

Chapter 373. What Retarded Idea Was It This Time?!


Bazer led the fleet across the defense border and into the System. After crossing the border, Bazer asked, "Mr. Lu, do you need the fleet to escort you directly to your destination planet?"

Lu Ze shook his head and smiled. "No need. You guys have defense missions. It is close enough."

A rare smile crossed Bazer's face. "Thank you for understanding, Mr. Lu, but it is not necessarily safe inside the System now. For your safety, please allow me to leave behind some of the warships to escort you."

Although Lu Ze could ask their entire fleet to escort him, it was hard to say whose responsibility it would be if something happened due to the absence of defense power for accompanying him.

Lu Ze's understanding of their situation gained Bazer's goodwill. However, they still had to protect him. Otherwise, if something happened to Lu Ze, it would still be his responsibility.

When Bazer insisted, Lu Ze's mouth spasmed. This was too privileged, but he knew it was Bazer's responsibility, so he didn't reject it either.

Lu Ze sighed. He really didn't want to be so high profile. By the time they came out of their flying ship, they would be on the news again. As a good kid, Lu Ze didn't always want to be on the news.

Lu Ze bid farewell to Bazer. Thereafter, the communication was cut and Bazer's virtual image disappeared. Ten few kilometers long warships and tens of guardian ships remained to escort Lu Ze.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling glanced at each other.

Lin Ling said, "We will let them leave outside planet Gracious. Otherwise, there is going to be a ruckus."

Lu Ze nodded. They just needed to find a place to sneak off the flying ship and then put it away. Following this, they would be able to conduct their mission. He didn't want to appear on the news again!

Inside the System, Lu Ze didn't enter the warp dimension.

Three hours later, they came before the space near the planet Gracious.

Lu Ze thought about it for a while. Afterward, he contacted the person in charge of the escort fleet.

A middle-aged man's hologram appeared. He saluted Lu Ze and asked, "Mr. Lu, what requests do you have?"

Lu Ze smiled. "It will be enough here. We will make our way over ourselves. If we get too close, it is easy to cause too much commotion."

The middle-aged man was a bit hesitant. It was very close to planet Gracious, but if something happened, it wouldn't be good.

Lu Ze smiled. "We are in the Mortal Evolution States. Being inside a planet is different from being in space. Even if something occurs, if we can't solve it ourselves, you guys wouldn't be much help either."

The words were hurtful, but it was true.

The defense force wasn't weak. Even if he was the person in charge, he only just reached the Mortal Evolution State. He probably couldn't even beat Lin Ling?

If something really occurred, it would be Lu Ze saving them and not them saving Lu Ze instead.

The man thought for a while and nodded eventually. "In that case, we will wait for your ship to enter the planet before returning."

Lu Ze smiled and nodded.

The communications disconnected, and the mission flying ship left the fleet. Perhaps because the star was so huge, the planets were huge too.

The equatorial circumference of the planet was 900,000 kilometers-20 times that of Earth.

The environment here was quite good. It was mostly forested all around.

The mission ship didn't fly toward planet Gracious immediately. It went in a circle and drew some distance between the escort ships before flying into the atmosphere.

As soon as the ship entered the atmosphere, Lu Ze and Lin Ling flew out of the ship and put the ship into their storage ring.

Green wind surged around Lu Ze and swept Lin Ling. He used [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art]. He instantly turned into a stream and disappeared in the air, flying toward the ground. He tried his best to not be on the news.

Ten minutes later, Lu Ze stopped before a forest. Lin Ling flicked her hair and said, "Where are we going now?"

Lu Ze took out his phone. "Let's see which city is most affected by the riots, and we'll go over."

Lin Ling nodded. "Good idea."

Lin Ling took out her phone and started looking at the news on the planet.

The headlines were about worker strikes and parades. There were some organizations promoting the creed of the Eternal Life Palace.

In some serious locations, there were even terrorist attacks. Most of the reason was that the Federation didn't distribute resources evenly.

The power of the privileged was too big. Even forced conscription was a reason.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. Were these guys only happy if they didn't have to do anything, didn't need to join the army, and still get protected and have resources?

So shameless.

Upon looking at the news, Lin Ling frowned. "Quite some cities seem to be in a mess."

Lu Ze nodded. "In that case, let's choose Xingzhan City!"

Lin Ling felt stunned. "It is 100,000 kilometers away from us. The situation is serious, but there are closer ones. Why don't we choose a closer one? Xiaye City seems pretty good."

"Do you have some retarded idea again?!"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. With a serious voice, he said, "Am I that sort of person? I am not! This is framing me!"

Lin Ling interrupted him. "Do you want to eat Xingzhan pancakes?"

Lu Ze: "!!!"

He stiffened and looked at Lin Ling in disbelief. "How did you guess it!?"

She instantly knew what he was thinking?!

Lin Ling glared at Lu Ze speechlessly. "I want to know why you are so confident that I won't be able to guess it?!"

She showed her phone. It was info about Xingzhan City, and one of them was about the food there.

The Xingzhan pancake had a millennium of heritage.

Lu Ze smiled awkwardly. "Cough… Lin Ling, most situations are the same in cities. Since we came here, we might as well go try it out at Xingzhan City."

Lin Ling: "…"

Lin Ling fell silent for a moment and sighed in the end. "Okay."

Lu Ze immediately smiled. "Lin Ling is really great!"

Subsequently, he used wind god art to fly with Lin Ling. He even created a barrier for her using the wind.


Chapter 374. You're Really a Nice Husband


Xingzhan City was situated on the Xingzhan plains. It was the first place where Xingzhan fruit could be found. That was how it got its name, but this was over a thousand years ago.

Later on, Xingzhan fruit can be found in other locations in the Milky Way galaxy, and they could even be farmed.

Xingzhan fruit was the ingredient for quite a few gene serums. It was a rather precious low-level spirit fruit. It could be farmed, but the costs were relatively high. Most of the fruits were shipped to the Ena System near the Gracious System.

In the Ena System, these fruits were processed into gene serums. At the same time, the fruit tasted great, so a small portion of it entered the market. It was considered a luxury spirit fruit.

The Xingzhan pancake was the most famous food made with fruit, even outside the Gracious System.

A few hours later, Lu Ze led Lin Ling across 100,000 kilometers and soon came to the Xingzhan plains. It had a region spanning 10,000 kilometers. Some regions were Xingzhan fruit forests.

Now wasn't the time for the trees to bear fruit yet, but the Xingzhan flower blossomed with a deep blue color while reflecting the starlight. It was a magnificent sight.

Currently, it was night time. Lu Ze and Lin Ling floated in the air and looked below.

Lin Ling smiled. "This is quite a nice view."

Lu Ze laughed. "It is like planet Nan Feng's Floating Light forest."

The Floating Light forest was more dream-like in comparison.

Upon hearing his remark, Lin Ling reminisced about the time they first met. Half a year had passed already.

The first time she saw this guy, he seemed like a god descending down from the heavens.

Lin Ling remembered how he instantly solved the insectoid tide that she couldn't do anything about. That scene was still rather shocking. He was like a savior. Who would've thought that after getting to know him, he was a retard?

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "You seemed to be the only one who went to the Floating Light forest. I didn't go."

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He recalled how his name was almost ruined due to the live broadcast.

The clip of him playing with the barren earth monkey was still on the net.

Lu Ze quickly changed the subject. "We are about to have holidays soon. We can travel there. Li and Alice are going to the graduation trial next year as well. The location should be planet Nan Feng. I will bring them over to check it out."

A while ago, Lu Ze had wanted to bring Lu Li and Alice to the Floating Light forest. He forgot about it after getting beaten up by Uncle Merlin.

Lin Ling's eyes flashed, and she let out a smile. "We will see. Are you going to introduce your sister and that junior schoolmate, who is very nice to you, to me?"

In response to her question, Lu Ze nodded. "Yeah, they are both really nice girls. You will definitely like them."

Although Lu Li's heart was dark, she was still the idol of countless young guys and girls at school. Alice was a very gentle and nice girl. Lin Ling will definitely like them.

Lin Ling smiled but didn't answer his words. She changed the topic. "Okay, let's go down first. It is night. Let's find a place to stay and work tomorrow."

Lu Ze nodded.

Thereafter, the two landed at Xingzhan City.

The city was very large. All sorts of high-rise buildings soared. The city was lit up despite being late.

Moreover, the streets were still very busy.

Other than those with good cultivation talents, most people were just Martial Warriors or the Spirit Martial States their entire life. Even Martial Warriors had much more stamina than ordinary people back in the Earth era. Of course, they would go out and have fun at night.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling were rather famous, so they wore masks to prevent being recognized outside.

Lu Ze found several surveillance on the streets.

The defense forces needed to both defend the border and respond to various situations inside the System.

As such, they didn't have enough people. In addition, those people starting riots were mostly ordinary people who were swayed by special people. It was hard to deal with them.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling strolled around the streets randomly and discovered that most people were just ordinary. After all, it was only the minority who participated in the riots. These situations would be stopped in time.

If not, perhaps it would rapidly deteriorate.

Lin Ling said, "Ze, let's get some rest."

Lu Ze nodded.

During the night, he could go inside the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] again. He hadn't managed to digest the energy of the [1st Body God Art] yet.

Lin Ling took out her phone and said, "We are finally in a city. Let's find a good place to stay. Xingzhan City is a tourist spot. There are quite nice eight-star hotels."

Lu Ze's eyes widened. He instinctively said, "I'm really poor. I can't afford it!"

Although his family was well-off on planet Lan Jiang, he couldn't be that extravagant.

Moreover, he had very little pocket money.

Lin Ling became a bit dumbfounded after hearing his words. She didn't expect that Lu Ze wouldn't have money. After all, if he used his academic credits to buy any high-level spirit medicine and sell them afterward, he would have plenty of star coins.

However, this guy always stayed at home…

After pondering about this, Lin Ling smiled. "Do you want me to treat you?"

"Yes!" Lu Ze answered immediately.

Lin Ling grinned. "If you want, then say 'Lin Ling is…' Forget it…"

Halfway through, she managed to recover her senses. She almost copied what Lu Ze made her say that time. This wasn't right!

She couldn't be an idiot like him!

Lu Ze: "???"

What did she want him to say?

He didn't mind anyway. "Lin Ling, what did you want me to say?"

Lin Ling shook her head and glared at Lu Ze. "Let's go, no need."

She really envied how shameless this guy was.

Soon, the two arrived at a legendary eight-star hotel.

Lu Ze calmly followed behind Lin Ling and walked inside.

The entrance was very luxurious. There were all sorts of crystal sculptures.

Lu Ze didn't even look at it. He didn't understand art. It had nothing to do with him. However, he felt like he should remain calm and act like he often came here.

The receptionist at the front desk looked quite nice.

A sliver of confusion flashed across her eyes when she saw Lu Ze and Lin Ling wearing face masks, but she still greeted the two with a smile. "Good evening, sir, do you have an appointment?"

Lu Ze was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect the girl to ask him. He pointed to Lin Ling on the side. "No, but you should talk to her, she is paying."

After hearing this, the woman seemed to realize something, and she suddenly smiled. "You are a really good husband. You can hand the financial power to your wife. Madam must feel very blissful to be your wife."

Lu Ze: "???"

Lin Ling: "???"

For a moment, the atmosphere turned awkward.

Lin Ling was speechless. Clearly, she was paying for Lu Ze. Why did this idiot become a kind and gentle husband?!
