Chapters [383-384]

Chapter 383. Whatever You Say


After hearing Tianyu speak, Lu Ze could only swallow the rest of his words.

Originally, he wanted to leave one behind and let the other guide him to their base. Unexpectedly…

Lu Ze looked at Bobby, who was in a state of disbelief and then at Tianyu, who looked at him hopefully.

Upon noticing how Tianyu didn't even bother to look at him, Bobby roared furiously. "What did you say, Tianyu??".

When Tianyu heard this, he looked at Bobby with a complicated expression. "One person dying is better than two."

He didn't think Lu Ze would let them go. They were too weak to even struggle. Bobby's eyes widened. "So you want me to die??"

Tianyu was silent. Thereafter, he said plainly, "I don't want to die."

The atmosphere fell silent. Bobby didn't expect his pal to betray him. He glared at Tianyu and remained silent.

Tianyu was right. In terms of schemes, Tianyu was much better than he was.

He didn't have the confidence to bring Lu Ze into the base. By then, even if Lu Ze didn't kill him, he would still be killed after exposing their location.

Thinking about it in this way, he felt disappointed. He might as well let Tianyu have his way. Previously, Bobby had thought the two of them could survive this. However, it seemed he was going to die in the end.

Since the two people remained silent, Lu Ze could only scratch his head.

Subsequently, he spoke to Tianyu, who was looking at him with an expectant gaze.

"You have misunderstood my words. I don't need your help to get my way through it."

Tianyu: "???"

Bobby: "???"

The two, feeling confused by the words they had heard, looked at Lu Ze.

When Lu Ze saw their reactions, he became even more certain that these two had misunderstood him. He had a [Transformation God Art], so he didn't need someone to make excuses for him.

He wanted to kill one just so he could transform into that person and walk in, alright?

Thinking about this, Lu Ze covered his entire body with white light.

When the white light disappeared, Lu Ze had turned into Tianyu. He even had the same chi as Tianyu.

It was a pity that this transformation was done by changing the cells.

As such, he couldn't change into something that differed too much in body shape. However, Lu Ze recalled seeing a substantial change in the fox inside the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Perhaps, Lu Ze didn't have an adequate understanding of the [God Art] at this moment. He couldn't do it yet.

Lu Ze wanted to see if he could go through a bigger change once he mastered it better.

Meanwhile, Tianyu and Bobby were completely dazed.


This was the first time they had seen this.

When Tianyu saw someone looking exactly like him, who even had the same chi, he didn't feel so good.

"This is impossible!!"

Lu Ze didn't care how shocked the two were. He revealed a smile and spoke with the same voice as Tianyu. "Now, do you understand?"

On the side, Bobby looked at Tianyu and Lu Ze.

Then, his eyes flashed. Maybe… there was still hope?

Just when he planned to speak, Lu Ze smiled. "Alright, I've already chosen someone."

He smiled at Tianyu. "You are Tianyu, right?"

Suddenly, Tianyu quickly replied with a pleased smile. "Yes, I am Liu Tianyu. Just call me little Liu."

Sure enough, Lu Ze chose him!

After all, Bobby is simple-minded. He won't be of much use to Lu Ze. On the other hand, with how smart Tianyu was, he could cooperate with Lu Ze.

Meanwhile, Bobby said worriedly, "Lu Ze, choose me! I promise to cooperate with you. I'll do anything you say!"

At this moment, he didn't want to resign to his fate. If there was still hope for living, then he didn't want to leave that chance to the person who betrayed him.

On the side, Tianyu glanced at Bobby. He had a trace of scorn in his eyes, but he remained silent.

Lu Ze smiled. "You are very smart."

Tianyu was the first to calm down. He then smiled. "Thank you for your compliment. I promise to help you finish your mission!"

Was his wit appreciated by Lu Ze?

In terms of combat power, he was weaker than Bobby, but combat power was useless to Lu Ze.

The two of them could not even react in time when Lu Ze captured them. His intelligence became his bargaining chip to survive!

At this moment, Lu Ze said, "Mhm… I like dumber people."

As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, Tianyu's smile froze. He was about to say something, but a green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes.

Accordingly, the wind inside Tianyu wiped out his life force. Thereafter, Tianyu's body burned within the red flames, instantly turning his corpse to ashes.

When the night wind blew, it was completely gone without a trace.

Lu Ze wore a cold expression. He didn't want to hear what this fella's attempted to explain. After all, time was money.

Meanwhile, Bobby was already prepared to die. However, what Lu Ze did, left him dumbfounded. How did Tianyu suddenly die?

Furthermore, even the corpse was not spared?

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

Lu Ze turned his head and looked at Bobby. "I don't need you to do anything. You just need to obey."

When Bobby heard Lu Ze, he shivered and quickly nodded. "Don't worry, I'm very obedient!"

Upon seeing this, Lu Ze nodded and smiled. "I have removed the restrictions on you, but I have left the wind in your body. If you really don't want to live anymore, it is fine if you say it. It wouldn't be a problem anyway. It is up to you."

Bobby: "…"

He looked at Lu Ze's vibrant smile.

The corners of his mouth could not help but twitch. It was indeed the smile of the devil.

In response, Bobby forced out a smile. "You are funny, Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze… why would I refuse the chance to live?"

Lu Ze said, "Don't frown. Just do what you're supposed to do. I promise to let you go."

Bobby's eyes lit up when he heard this. "Really?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Really."

Hearing this, Bobby's expression eased.

Lu Ze was a prodigy who could become a young duke. He believed that Lu Ze wouldn't go back on his word!

Lu Ze regained control of Bobby after seeing the latter recover. Thereafter, Lu Ze said, "We wasted a few minutes. Let's go. Tell me about the situation on the way."

Bobby immediately said, "It's said that the palace lord received news from the master who had been in solitary cultivation for a long time. There was a mission, and thus, we were sent here."

"Master? Is it the Lord of Eternal Life?"


Lu Ze envied this title. It sounded very cool.

Lu Ze continued to ask questions. "Where is your master now?"

Bobby smiled bitterly. "His tracks are unknown. Not even the palace lords might know where he is. Tianyu and I are just guardians."

Lu Ze wasn't surprised by Bobby's answer. He then proceeded to ask more questions. "What is your mission here? How many high-level came?"

Bobby answered, "Two of the four palace lords came to Gracious System. I don't know where the other two are. There are eight out of 12 guardians here too, including me and Tianyu."

"As for the mission, the ordinary people are just responsible for planning all sorts of events nearby to divert attention. The main goal is to transport the order-weakening space bomb into Ena System…"

He looked at Lu Ze fearfully. He was scared that Lu Ze would get angry and kill him.

Upon seeing the usual calmness in Lu Ze's expression, he recalled that Lu Ze had been following them and had long heard about it already.

Thus, he continued with some fear in his voice, "The order-weakening space bomb can open natural wormholes. Although the location is very unstable, we were able to control it to a certain range after a few trials."

Lu Ze nodded. "Where did you get your bombs? How many more are left?"

Bobby opened his mouth to respond. "The Lord brought it from the outer realm. Jian Wen and Chris have the last one."

Lu Ze raised a brow and looked at Bobby. "Is that really the last one?"

A cold sweat broke out on Bobby when he looked at Lu Ze.

With a trembling voice, he said, "Really. The palace lord left Tianyu and me to handle this. I can confirm it!"

Lu Ze wasn't entirely sure whether Bobby's words could be trusted. If it was indeed the last one, then it should be fine as long as the remaining bomb was handled properly, right?

Lu Ze turned his head to look at Bobby. "What else do you have to say about that bomb? It's best to say it now. Otherwise, if I discovered anything you are hiding, then you know what's going to happen."


Chapter 384. This Is Really Exciting


When Bobby heard Lu Ze's words, his body suddenly stiffened. Thereafter, cold sweat broke out on his body. That pain from before…

Upon recalling it, he could not help but sweat. At the same time, he could suddenly feel the sharp pain of a needle piercing into his brain and moving constantly.

Gradually, the pain continued to intensify. He even wished to die immediately. What was this strange method?

[Mental Force God Art]?

Just how many [God Arts] did he have?

Ordinary people didn't even have [God Art].

On the other hand, people with one [God Art] were already considered very talented, and yet, this person had this many. This was too terrifying.

Bobby's eyes were filled with terror. He didn't even have the power to fly. As he fell from the sky, a wind circulated around his body, allowing him to keep flying next to Lu Ze. At the same time, he could feel the prickling sensation from the needle dissipate.

Gradually, the severe pain eased.

Lu Ze smiled at the pale-faced Bobby. "You understand, right?"

Simultaneously, Lu Ze felt speechless.

Seeing this guy reminded him of his own first time being stared to death by the rabbit boss. That really wasn't a good feeling. He felt much worse than this fella, alright?

Still, Lu Ze couldn't help but feel a little bit fortunate.

Luckily, he had died several times already, so he became a bit immune to the pain.

Bobby started trembling after seeing Lu Ze's smile again. He really wanted Lu Ze to stop smiling. He felt scared. However, he didn't dare to speak to Lu Ze like that.

Thus, he could only nod while forcing out a smile. In a hurry, he said, "I understand, I'll say everything!"

Lu Ze nodded with satisfaction. "Mhm, if that wormhole appears on this planet, you wouldn't be able to escape, right?"

Bobby's mouth twitched, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

According to the original plan, the bomb would be detonated at Ena System. Even if a wormhole appeared, it wouldn't affect him.

However, if Lu Ze accidentally detonated the bomb here and a large wave of Planetary State Void Beasts appeared, then even if Lu Ze didn't kill him, he didn't believe he could get away.

Finally, he had another chance to live, so he didn't want to die. After all, he cherished his life very much. Before answering, Bobby organized his thoughts.

Subsequently, he said, "I don't know much about the bomb. I just know that the master got this from a higher civilization. 10 seconds after activation, it will break the space open and rapidly create a natural wormhole. Unless one's power exceeds a Star State, one wouldn't be able to stop it."

"Star States can control space to a certain extent. They could erase it if the wormhole was just beginning to form. However, if the wormhole reaches a certain point, even a Star State can't stop it."

Lu Ze looked at Bobby speechlessly. If there was a Star State here, would he be wasting time with him?

He would just crush them all.

The entire Federation only had a few star states. Even the marshal of the Federal Army was the only Star State!

Lu Ze frowned. He then asked, "Can't we defuse it?"

Didn't they always defuse bombs in shows?

Maybe, it was possible here as well, right?

Bobby's mouth twitched due to Lu Ze's question. "This is a product of an advanced civilization. Our technology…".

With that said, Bobby looked at Lu Ze. He didn't continue to speak anymore.

Lu Ze: "…"

Lu Ze rubbed his forehead and fell silent.

The technology of the human race was too primitive after all.

Moments later, Lu Ze continued asking questions. "How is it activated? Does someone have a detonation device?"

Lu Ze couldn't completely believe whether the wormhole gets created in ten seconds, which was what this guy said, but since activation was required, could it be taken to an uninhabited place and then detonated?

Even so, there would still be a wormhole created. If a Planetary State Void Beast came out, he wouldn't be able to beat it.

Moreover, he didn't know whether Lin Ling called the reinforcements already. At this moment, Bobby responded. "No… I don't know… but I guess it is in master's hands."

The Lord of Eternal Life?

Lu Ze felt his stomach aching. If the detonation device was in the hands of a palace lord, he would still have a chance to take it. It would be an entirely different case, however, if the device fell under the care of the Lord of Eternal Life.

Suddenly, Lu Ze thought of a question. "How does the Lord of Eternal Life know when to activate it?"

"There is a location system on the bomb. Once it is in place, the master will activate it."

Lu Ze gasped upon learning this. If the bomb was moved somewhere else, would the Lord of Eternal Life notice it?

Would he activate it straight away instead?

The palace lords probably had a way to communicate with the Lord of Eternal Life. If Lu Ze went to fight them, it might be activated immediately. How troublesome.

Lu Ze lowered his head and thought for a while.

Eventually, he asked Bobby, "You and Tianyu are responsible for monitoring Jian Wen and Chris. How do you monitor them?"

Bobby explained, "Liu Tianyu and I are responsible for dealing with those two. The surveillance room is in the base. If Liu Tianyu and I are there, we will be responsible for watching them. If not, there will be someone else who will take over."

Lu Ze grinned at this information. "In that case, when we get back, we would be responsible for watching them, right?"

In that case, he would let Lin Ling take control of the two and get the bomb.

Bobby was taken aback. Cold sweat appeared on his forehead. "But… if the bomb doesn't move for a long time, the master will be suspicious."

The bomb was being monitored after all. If it really remained in a single location, then once the master discovered the problem, what could they do if the bomb was detonated right away?

Should it detonate in the Gracious System, how will he face the several Planetary State Void Beast from the wormhole?

He doesn't want to die yet!

Lu Ze smiled. "Don't worry, we won't let it sit still for a long time. We just need to take over for a few minutes."

Although they couldn't disarm it with technology, they might be able to violently disable it.

Thereafter, Lu Ze took out his phone and contacted Lin Ling. "How is the situation on your side?"

Lin Ling, who was currently following the two professors, paused for a moment and looked at the two people in the distance. Following this, she replied, "One hour or so and we will be back to Xingzhan City."

"Have you contacted the defense force?"

"Yes, the high-levels have mobilized the troops. They will soon arrive. They have also contacted Ena System's defense force, but since half of their forces are gone, they can't send support."

Lu Ze felt relieved after learning this. He then asked, "Are there any reinforcements?"

"Since the border's defense force asked for reinforcements, they will arrive in two days. The nearby Planetary States in this area are Lieutenant Generals Yuejing and Nigel."

"Lieutenant General Yuejing needs to guard the border, and Lieutenant General Nigel is the defense force commander of Ena System. Most Planetary States of the other regions have their own missions. It would take them at least six hours to come over."

If the wormhole appeared, they wouldn't even be able to last that long. At this point, Lu Ze felt distressed.

Lu Ze then sent another message. "I have some news. The detonation device is not here. We might not be able to stop the explosion."

Lin Ling was slightly stunned by the news she received. She glanced at the two people in the distance. "Then, what do we do?"

Lu Ze answered, "Jian Wen and Chris are being watched. Don't touch them yet. I'll go to the base and see if I can take control of the surveillance. Then, you guys quickly take the bomb."

"I'll buy a few minutes for you, and then, you should wait for my message afterward. If you still can't find a way to destroy the bomb by the time I send a message, then take it out of the Solar System on a spaceship first."

Fortunately, the spaceships were autonomous and capable of self-driving. It can directly let the ship leave with the bomb. After a pause, Lu Ze sent a message once more.

"There is a 10-second delay after activation. If it does activate, take it away on a spaceship. Don't be impulsive."

Lin Ling bit her lips and nodded. "Mhm."

After a moment of silence, she sent a message again. "Be careful."

Lu Ze smiled. "You too."

He grinned at Bobby. "Okay, let's go. Take it slow. Get back to base in about an hour."

It was best to hold out as long as possible.

Bobby nodded and led the way. He just hoped he wouldn't be caught. After this mission was over, he would find a wife and hide away.

Lu Ze followed Bobby for an hour and soon arrived at a mountain range. In front of them, the undulating mountain was hundred of kilometers tall. It was covered with tall and lush trees and vines.
