Chapters [385-386]

Chapter 385. Isn't It a Bit Too Cruel?


The mountain range stretched across the vast distance.

From time to time, the sound of chirping birds and howling beasts could be heard.

Bobby opened his mouth to speak. "It's just ahead. People rarely come to this area."

Lu Ze nodded silently and continued to follow behind Bobby. Soon, the two came before a very ordinary mountain peak. It was thousands of meters high.

Both of them flew to the halfway point of the peak.

Bobby took out his phone and used it.

Soon, a space ripple appeared halfway up the mountain. This fluctuation expanded to form a round entrance, revealing a deep tunnel inside. This was a simple space concealment device. It was a bit like an illusion. It was equipped with the capability to avoid all kinds of detection.

Lu Ze and Bobby went inside the cave, and the entrance outside was closed once more.

Inside, the two proceeded down the winding cave. After about one kilometer, they reached the bottom of the cave.

At this moment, Bobby pressed on a raised rock.

The rocks on the side moved, revealing a white metallic device.

Bobby placed his hands on the device. After a crisp sound, a voice could be heard. "Welcome back, guardians Liu and Bobby."

At the same time, the stones on the wall separated, revealing another passage.

Inside the passage, a corridor made of dark gray metal could be seen. Their footsteps echoed along the passage.

The entire corridor was about a hundred meters long. At the end of the corridor, they reached a black metal door with a red light indicator. It flashed a few times and eventually turned green.


With a crisp sound, the door opened, exposing the inner room. This was the base of the Eternal Life Palace.

The entire body of the base was made of dark gray alloy.

Upon entering the door, there was a spacious lounge with multiple tunnels on the side. There were two young men standing at the door with spirit force weapons.

The two immediately bowed after seeing Lu Ze and Bobby. "Guardians Liu and Bobby."

Lu Ze smiled and nodded. "It's fine."

On the side, Bobby just nodded and didn't speak.

Liu Tianyu's image in the Eternal Life Palace was rather nice. He was nice to everyone and was reliable in doing things. He was more liked than Bobby in the Eternal Life Palace.

Thereafter, Lu Ze followed Bobby to the leftmost tunnel. There were all sorts of surveillance rooms in this tunnel, including the riot surveillance of all the cities in the Solar System.

When they reached the very end, there was a black metal door.

Bobby scanned his palm on the side.

Subsequently, the door opened. There were a few screens inside, wherein Jian Wen and Chris could be seen. Right now, there were two people in the room—one man and one woman.

The man had white hair and looked old.

On the other hand, the woman had golden hair and was rather pretty. She didn't look too old.

Upon hearing the sound of the door, the two people inside turned around.

When they saw 'Liu Tianyu' and Bobby, they felt relieved.

The white-haired man frowned. "You two took a long time to come back. Did something happen?"

Bobby frowned and responded, "What can happen? The mission is almost complete. We don't need to be in a rush to come back."

Compared to Liu Tianyu, Bobby's temper was a bit short. He spoke in a straightforward manner. However, despite being simple-minded, he was not a fool.

Naturally, he knew what he should say in certain situations. At this time, there was nothing odd with his behavior.

On one side, Lu Ze smiled. "Old Yu, Marina, thank you for watching over this time. After the mission, I'll treat you to food."

Before arriving here, Bobby told Lu Ze about Liu Tianyu's habits. He introduced the two people who were guarding the surveillance room heavily. Thus, Lu Ze spoke like how Liu Tianyu would.

The white-haired man frowned after hearing Bobby's words, but he eventually relaxed his brows after Liu Tianyu spoke.

Marina smiled. "Then, don't think about sending us off without high-level spirit food and wine."

Lu Ze showed a bitter smile and nodded helplessly. "Fine, I'll satisfy you guys for sure."

The two smiled. Their job was arranged by the palace lord, and now, they even got high-level spirit food for free.

Old Yu said, "If that's the case, then very well."

He paused for a moment and soon continued, "We have other things here too. We won't disturb you in such crucial times."

Lu Ze smiled and nodded. "Okay."

When the two finally left the room, Lu Ze's smile finally receded.

Subsequently, he looked at the screen. Jian Wen and Chris were still flying with the metal box in their hands. Their faces were pale while their expressions were a bit stiff.

Not far from them was a space station. It was located near Xingzhan City. At this moment, several spaceships were taking off and landing. Even though it was still night, the area appeared to be bustling.

While looking at the two, he pondered for a while. Thereafter, he recalled their family members.

Accordingly, he asked, "Their families are here, right?"

Bobby was taken aback. Clearly, he didn't expect Lu Ze to ask this. He then nodded. "Yes."

Lu Ze spoke once more. "I remember telling you to deal with it?"

Right… he was now Liu Tianyu.

Bobby stiffened after hearing the words. Cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. He remembered asking Liu Tianyu to play with him…

Of course, Liu Tianyu and Bobby were still on good terms at that time. If it were him now, he would definitely not invite that bastard.

However, the one before him at this moment was not really Liu Tianyu. It was Lu Ze, so he felt a little nervous.

Lu Ze smiled. "What are you worried about? Where are their rooms?"

With a trembling voice, Bobby replied, "In… the residential area."

There were more than a thousand people in this base.

Naturally, there would be residential areas.

Lu Ze nodded slightly. "Is it fine to leave me here?"

Bobby replied, "It's fine."

Lu Ze nodded at his response. "In that case, keep them in one room and tell me the room when you come back."

Bobby was confused about this, but he still nodded and left. He didn't dare to defy Lu Ze. After all, his own life was still in Lu Ze's hands.

As they spoke, Jian Wen and Chris had entered the space station. Their research ship was parked in the special area of the station.

Naturally, their ship would be separated from a civilian ship.

The ship was lit up.

When Jian Wen and Chris landed, a few people flew out to greet them. There were familiar faces.

Among them were the two young students who Lu Ze and Lin Ling came across last time. Right now, those young students were touching each other lovingly. Perhaps, their relationship advanced by leaps and bounds?

Lu Ze's mouth twitched upon witnessing the two. Even after infiltrating the camp of the enemy, he was still being fed dog food?

Isn't it a bit too cruel?

Upon noticing the pale faces of the professors, everyone showed concern.

The young man looked at Chris' pale face and said, "Professor, are you okay?"

Chris shook his head and smiled after hearing this. "I'm fine. I haven't had a rest for this time. I'm mentally exhausted."

They only just realized that their facial expressions didn't seem right. However, it should be convenient to sneak things in since they were not professionals. At this time, Lu Ze took out his phone and sent a message to Lin Ling. "Have you gathered?"

Lin Ling, who had been following behind, had noticed that the two were about to board the ship.

Since she didn't receive anything from Lu Ze at the time, she became a little anxious.

Upon seeing Lu Ze's message, she immediately responded. "Mhm, Vice Commander Bazer and the others are already watching the ship."

While Lu Ze and Bobby were heading to the base, Lin Ling had already negotiated with the defense force that the high-levels would act as defense army patrol ship. If something happened on Lu Ze's side, they would have to take matters into their own hands. This was too serious.

Long ago, they had already contacted the high-levels to send powerful beings. However, they also had their own matters to deal with.

Hence, it would take a lot of time before they could arrive and provide support. They could only do their best. At the least, they could not allow the bomb to detonate in the Ena System.

When Lu Ze saw the message from Lin Ling, his eyes flickered. Thereafter, he replied, "Then, move out now. If I'm caught, I will send a message to you guys."


Chapter 386. What Would You Guys Do?


Outside Xingzhan City, at the space station.

Jian Wen and Chris smiled. "Okay, let's go. We have wasted enough time, so let's go back to the laboratory quickly."

Since it was decided already, then there was no way out.

On the other hand, the research team looked worriedly at the two, but they still nodded.

Suddenly, three military warships appeared in the sky. These warships swept across the air and stopped above the research ship. Tens of armored guards came down.

The arrival of the warships was too sudden and intrusive.

As such, several passengers at the station paused for a moment and looked at the floating ships with curiosity, wondering a little about what could have happened.

At this moment, a silver light manifested in the air and flew toward the warships. Even if the chi was only revealed slightly, quite some people still managed to feel the pressure.

Immediately, people were even more shocked.

"This is the defense force, right? What are they doing here? That's the special region, right?"

"Did some underground forces people get in?"

"Who just flew over? Seems very strong."

"I didn't see it clearly…"

For a while, everyone talked among themselves.

In the next moment, Lin Ling's figure fell in front of Jian Wen and Chris, before the research ship. At the same time, tens of guards surrounded the research team.

Jian Wen and Chris, who were about to board the ship, saw this.

In turn, their foreheads dripped with sweat while their mouths were filled with bitterness. It was Lin Ling.

Were they discovered?


When did they realize it?

Then, what about their family?!

Upon thinking about this, their hands and feet went cold. Their faces appeared to be even paler.

Compared to Jian Wen and Chris, the other research team members were confused as they looked at the guards surrounding them. They are a team of scientists.

In the cosmic era, the status of scientists wasn't low. Why were they surrounded like this then?

Moreover, why was Lin Ling here?

They were just discussing the arrival of Lu Ze and Lin Ling on planet Gracious. After all, they witnessed how the two dealt with the Void Beasts and blade demons with their own eyes.

Since Lu Ze and Lin Ling were not arrogant, they naturally had a very good impression of these two prodigies. However, they weren't aware of the appearance of Lu Ze and Lin Ling at Xingzhan City or the meeting between them and the professors.

Upon seeing Lin Ling in front of Jian Wen and Chris, their doubts deepened further. For a time, everyone had their own questions in their mind.

The scene was silent.

At this time, Lin Ling looked at the two pale-faced professors and said, "Professors Jian Wen and Chris, hand it over. We already know everything."

When the two professors heard her, their bodies stiffened, and the blood on their faces was drained out.

Originally, the two still had a glimmer of hope, thinking there was just a mistake, but now, they just lost their last glimmer of hope.

At this moment, the young girl, who displayed her affection a while ago, voiced her doubts. "Lin Ling, did you get something wrong? You should know the character of my professor and professor Jian Wen. They wouldn't do anything illegal, right?"

While speaking, she looked at the defense force and the two professors with an anxious expression. "Professors Jian Wen and Chris, say something."

At this juncture, the two professors glanced and smiled helplessly at Lin Ling. "Indeed, you and Lu Ze are different… You guys know everything?"

Lin Ling felt a little awkward when she heard the question.

In truth, it was Lu Ze who discovered the space fluctuations on them. She had no idea regarding this matter.

Fortunately, that guy wasn't here, or he would be prouder once more.

While Lin Ling contemplated, she looked at the two complicatedly and replied, "We know everything."

Jian Wen looked at Lin Ling and the defense force. His face gradually turned hideous. He roared, "Since you guys know everything, then you should know why we did it, right? If it was you, what would you do? Huh? What would you do?"

Seeing this, Lin Ling remembered the decision her dad made.

The situation was very similar to the current one…

No… her father shouldered much more than the two. He was the commander after all. His choice would determine whether they would win or lose the war.

In the end, he eventually made the completely opposite decision of the two professors.

Watching the hideous face of Jian Wen and the desperate appearance of Chris, Lin Ling opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say for a while.

Silence prevailed. Thereafter, her gaze turned sharp. She said, "My decision won't be much better than yours."

Perhaps, it was due to immaturity, but if she could make the decision, she would choose for her father. However… before, she didn't really understand nor agree with her father's decision. But now, although she still didn't agree with it, she could understand it a little.

It must have been painful for him too, right?

As soon as Lin Ling's words were uttered, the scientific team and the defense force looked strangely at her.

Simultaneously, their eyes flashed as they asked themselves what they would do.

Naturally, Lu Ze, who was watching the screen, was also listening too. His family was protected by Uncle Merlin, so he didn't need to worry.

The members of the research team were more confused after hearing Jian Wen's roar.

By the looks of it, Jian Wen really did something At this moment, four people walked out from the defense force-a black-haired handsome man, a gray-haired man, a white-haired old man, and a golden-haired beautiful woman.

The black-haired man looked at the two professors with complicated eyes and said apologetically, "Sorry, professors. It was the negligence of the military that we weren't able to protect your family."

Whether Jian Wen and Chris were right or wrong should not be determined at this moment. At the least, the blame should be placed on the Eternal Life Palace.

The two professors smiled bitterly when they heard this.

With a hoarse voice, Chris retorted, "What is the use of an apology? We are being watched. Since we are caught, the bomb… hmm?"


Earlier, Jian Wen and Chris were a little confused due to the arrival of the guards and Lin Ling. They couldn't react for a while. They had been chatting for half a minute now. Theoretically, the bomb should have been detonated, right?

Why was everything still normal?

The two looked strangely at the metal box. Hmm… there wasn't anything unusual. It didn't seem to be activated?

At this point, Lin Ling smiled. "Your surveillance room is being controlled by Ze. You don't need to worry for now. Ze also promised to take your family out. I hope you guys can cooperate."

If it were not for fear that they would overreact and the bomb would detonate, they would naturally avoid speaking for this long. However, the two professors had tried. They still didn't understand the bomb.

Chris and Jian Wen, who were still bewildered, suddenly looked up and said shakily, "What did you just say?"

They looked at Lin Ling with both hope and fear, wanting to confirm once more.

Lin Ling smiled. "Since Ze promised, then he would definitely fulfill it. Don't worry, he will rescue your family."

Upon hearing the words, the eyes of the two professors went red. They just cried out like that.

The two covered their faces with their hands. They seemed to be struggling with pain as they spoke. "Sorry… sorry… we really didn't want to…"

If they were capable, why would they want to kill billions of people?

They were scientists. Biologists.

Chris always thought that every life deserved to be respected. However, he had to bury billions of people by himself. What irony was this?

His heart had already been tortured. It was worn out. This was the same case for Jian Wen. At this moment, the burden was lifted, and they could feel relieved for a while. Thereafter, they started laughing.

Since Lu Ze and Lin Ling promised, their families should be fine.

After all, Lu Ze could take over such a well-hidden and guarded surveillance room. This was unfathomable to them.

With this, they believed Lu Ze could save their family.

Lin Ling then said, "Okay, professors. Ze said you have tested this bomb before. We need your help to see whether you can defuse it."
