Chapters [391-392]

Chapter 391. Why Are You Fine?


Planet Gracious, in some unknown mountain range.

Lu Ze, Leo, and Jason stood floating in the air.

The surrounding area, which spread across hundreds of kilometers, had been destroyed by the battle.

Jason and Leo, who almost exhausted the entirety of their energy, exuded a severely unstable chi. Despite their predicament, they were still quite strong.

The two trained their gazes at Lu Ze. Discernable killing intent filled up their eyes. If possible, they didn't want to play like this, but they had no choice.

Simultaneously, their chi began to surge, growing even stronger. This was an attack with their lives at stake. All they could think about at this point was to drag Lu Ze on the same road with them.

Both of them snarled before appearing suddenly next to Lu Ze. They turned their wrist slightly and aimed the sword toward Lu Ze.


The two swords tore through the air and bore down on Lu Ze, sealing his surroundings. Although it was just for a moment, they still had to stop Lu Ze from dodging.

Upon seeing Lu Ze's [Space Transmission], they weren't going to ignore it this time.

The two attacks struck Lu Ze's black crystal membrane armor and created some sort of a metal clashing sound.

When he sensed the surrounding space, he couldn't help but gasp.

Lu Ze already accounted for this situation when he first encountered the [God Art].

Since he just recently familiarized himself with it, it was still difficult to use the [God Art] when there were slightest interferences in battle If that was the case, then he would fight head-on!

A Purple and Red light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as lightning bolts appeared, forming two long [Lightning Spears]. At the same time, he clenched both his fists that flashed with dark rays.

The [Lightning Spears] and [Star Crippling Punch] collided with the sword rays.


The terrifying collision of powerful forces shook the ground as the spirit force shockwave swept across all directions.

The raw power pulverized Leo's and Jason's weapons, but the sword rays shattered the [Lightning Spear] and tore the [Star Crippling Punch], thereby landing heavily against the black crystal membrane armor.


The power penetrated through the black crystal membrane armor and struck inside Lu Ze's body, which brought him crashing into the ground.

The place where Lu Ze would fall upon happened to the position of the base.

The defense barrier of the base was already shattered.

When the shockwave swept through the base, masses of Eternal Life Palace members died.

As for the six guardians who were at the Aperture Opening State, they use their power to the maximum limit. Still, they could barely survive the shockwave.

Just when they were happily planning to leave, Lu Ze's body fell before them.


They were immediately swept flying before their smiles could disappear, leaving trails of blood in the air. Thereafter, they were thrown on the ground tens of kilometers away.

A deep crater of 10 kilometers in width appeared where Lu Ze lay. His black crystal membrane armor was shattered, even his personal combat armor had two deep openings.

Luckily, this armor had a memory alloy. It could slowly repair itself if it wasn't too heavily damaged. Of course, if it was too heavily damaged, it would need to be repaired in the factory.

Lu Ze remained lying on the ground while spitting a mouthful of blood. His chest was bleeding as well. Although he had several layers of defenses, the attack still managed to pierce through them.

The violent power was tearing up his body non-stop. This reminded him of the time when he was buried by the blue bird boss's wind blades.

At the same time, his [Regeneration God Art] activated, and his body instantly recovered. He took a breath.

With all the energy he had used up, it seemed he was almost out of it.

Now, the dry-bodied Leo and Jason, who were covered with deadly chi, slowly landed before the crater. After seeing Lu Ze spitting out blood, coupled with the deep gashes in his chest plate, joyful expressions crossed their faces.

Leo laughed. "Hahahha, you didn't expect it, did you? Lu Ze! My life is worth it, to be able to drag a prodigy like you to die with me!"

Lu Ze: "…"

He wasn't dead yet, alright?

He just wanted to recover for a while.

Using the [Red Orbs], he had almost recovered half of his energy. But seeing how happy Leo was, Lu Ze felt he should lie down for a bit longer. He would give them a surprise when he was done recovering.

Jason coughed and said feebly, "He still has chi. Let's make sure to finish him."

That attack just then used up most of their life. They felt as though they would die at any moment. Even their visions were beginning to blur. But!

Lu Ze wasn't dead yet. How could they die first?!

The two flew down to the crater and settled next to Lu Ze. Their weapons were shattered in the battle but that didn't matter now. They gathered their remaining power and formed swords with their spirit force.

Lu Ze turned speechless. He wanted to wait until he had completely recovered.

As of now, he had only recovered 80%, but he couldn't just lie there and let them hack him.

He jumped up helplessly and smiled. "Um, you guys can die. I won't join you guys."

He was still young. Life was still good.

Leo "???!!

Jason "???"

Their eyes widened. For a while, they couldn't attack Lu Ze. After moments of silence, Leo asked in disbelief, "How are you fine?"

That was impossible. Back then, anyone who had the same power as Lu Ze would pretty much be on the brink of death!

They were quite confident about that!

Why was Lu Ze completely fine?!

Lu Ze scratched his head. "Maybe, because I'm handsome."

Subsequently, he wiped out the two with Purple-Red Lightning, and they instantly died in turn. Following this, Lu Ze couldn't help but exhale. He didn't expect two Mortal Evolution States at Level five could release such a power, but the end result was good.



Lu Ze looked toward Xingzhan City. It was time to deal with the Void Beasts, but he recalled that there still a base here, right?

He looked around, and all he could see were rubbles. Umm…

Did the battle destroy it?

Lu Ze scratched his head. He planned to capture them alive before. There were a few thousand people. Although he could kill them if necessary, he felt it wasn't required. He was planning to let the defense force collect them.

But now, they just all disappeared. He scanned the area with his mental force.

Immediately, his eyes lit up as he disappeared from the spot. Then, he found six heavily injured people tens of kilometers away.

Lu Ze could still recognize old Yu and Marina but not the other four. He looked at their injuries and were confused about why things were so. Why did it look like they were run over by something?

One of the six had died.

Lu Ze contemplated the whole situation. This base definitely wasn't all of the Eternal Life Palace. These five people would probably know.

Leo and Jason would be the best, but they already died.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze used wind god art to drag them up.

When he appeared once more, he was already back with Jian Wen's and Chris' family.

The group looked strangely at Lu Ze when he suddenly emerged with five bloodied and unconscious guardians.


Chapter 392. Again?!


Lu Ze could feel the glances of the four people upon his face. "Why are you looking at me like this?"

He thought to himself, 'Did he become more handsome?'

The rest of the group hadn't managed to recover their bearings while thinking about the intensity of the battle a while ago. Despite the considerable distance between them and the battle area, they still felt the terrifying shockwaves.

One could just imagine how strong this youth was. Judging by the state of these injured people, the base was probably a lost cause, right?

With this thought in mind, they turned their heads to look Lu Ze, deepening further the shock inside their hearts. It couldn't be denied that Lu Ze had been extremely famous.

Several people even acknowledged his power. However, even if they were aware of these matters, they didn't expect him to be much stronger than they had imagined. After falling silent, Chris' wife shook her head and spoke up. "Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, can we leave now?"

She was too worried about Chris.

The other three also looked hopefully at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze nodded. "Mhm, we'll leave now."

He had already depleted his energy once again after that full-powered [Space Transmission].

Subsequently, he used [Wind God Art] to sweep up the four and flew toward Xingzhan City. As he was using [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art], Lu Ze was also consuming [Red Orbs] simultaneously.

Upon recovering his energy back, he would use [Space God Art].

Above the Xingzhan Plains, a few hundred Core Martial State and Aperture Opening State Void Beasts came out from the wormhole.

Lin Ling was in the air, facing a Void Beast that was over 3 kilometers long. Its power was at level four of the Mortal Evolution State, and its chi was overwhelmingly powerful.

After Lin Ling wore her combat armor, her power narrowly reached level two of the Mortal Evolution State. She could only keep the Void Beast there to the best of her ability.

Luckily, the Void Beast wasn't too smart, and she had [Spirit Eye God Art]. She could barely hold it. Despite so, she was frequently in danger.


Lin Ling's eyes glowed as her slim body burst out with a powerful force, shifting a few hundred meters away to the left direction.

Immediately, a dark gray energy beam penetrated the place where she stood before.

The violent wind blew her hair all over her face. She took a deep breath and turned her wrist slightly.

A sharp silver spear ray was aimed and released toward the grayish-white bones of the Void Beast.


Lin Ling frowned. Her full-powered attack only left a white scratch on the void beast's bone armor. However, her attacks were mainly to distract the Void Beast.

After all, the Void Beast's consciousness was chaotic. If her attack didn't work for a long time, perhaps it would change its target. If Lin Ling wanted to leave, she could have done so before.

Right now, her goal was just to restrain the Void Beast in here and prevent it from going elsewhere. Several buildings outside Xingzhan City had already crumbled.

Fortunately, the defense force and police evacuated the people to safety in time, so there were no casualties. At various places in Xingzhan Plains, Bazzer, Old Yang, and Angelie each held a Void Beast.

Nevertheless, they weren't Lin Ling who had [Spirit Eye God Art] to see through the attacks after all. Even though the Void Beasts they faced were only at Level two or three of the Mortal Evolution State, they were rather shabby.

Some drones had even helped them, preventing them from being eaten.

Ling Dongyu, who was the strongest, suffered the worst injuries. His power was at Level four of the Mortal Evolution State, but there would be Mortal Evolution State Beasts at Level five and Level six chasing him everywhere.

As such, he couldn't keep his handsome image. He was covered in some wounds, but there was nothing he could do anyway. Hence, he could only keep running.

As for the Aperture Opening State and Core Martial State Void Beasts, some were fighting with the Aperture Opening State defense force that Ling Dongyu brought over.

Meanwhile, another portion of the beasts was being blocked by the defense force fleet who were outside the planet. But in order to avoid raising suspicion from the Eternal Life Palace, the defense force didn't bring a lot of people.

Jian Wen and Chris were fighting two Aperture Opening State Void Beasts as if they were madmen. Even though this was insignificant, they still wanted to make up for their mistakes.

In reality, they cultivated just to improve their brain capacity. Their combat powers were rather weak.

Fighting two Aperture Opening State Void Beasts each, they could only fight with their lives and draw their attention.


Jian Wen roared as spirit force formed energy balls in his hands. He threw them in a crazy manner.

The Void Beast's few hundred-meter long body was extremely agile.

Most of the energy balls missed, but a few managed to hit the target, creating shocking explosions. At this moment, the two Void Beasts roared and charged over.

The force therefrom sent Jian Wen flying through the air until landing heavily on the ground.

The impact of his fall created a few kilometers deep hole.

The two Void Beasts charged over to finish Jian Wen when tens of energy balls struck at the beast from the distance.

Jian Wen's research team had quite a few Aperture Opening State scientists. Everyone threw their balls like frantically.

With this, Jian Wen got the chance to recover. He flew back up and began throwing balls once more. He roared at the team members, "Hurry up and leave!"

They were scientists—the treasures of the Federation.

As for him and Chris, they only wanted redemption at this moment. All the scientists looked at Jian Wen and proceeded to throw energy balls as if they hadn't heard anything.

Regardless, they were all on the same team. They were aware of their predicament. They couldn't really say what was right and wrong in such a situation, but as team members, they couldn't just watch.

In another explosion, Chris was slammed into the ground by a paw, bearing the size of a basketball court. These team members immediately began throwing balls at the two Void Beasts which were attacking Chris.

Quickly, Chris picked himself up and launched another attack. All sorts of energy balls struck the void beasts, leaving them stunned. These little things weren't strong, but it still hurt.

Eventually, the four Void Beasts charged toward Chris and Jian Wen again. These two things hurt them the most.

Jian Wen and Chris immediately ran, but just a brief moment later, they were thrown to the ground for another time. They spat out blood.

Nevertheless, they stood back up relentlessly. A few of their bones were broken, but all they wanted to do was to hold down more beasts. More Void Beasts kept flying out of the wormhole.

In turn, the hole appears to be closing, becoming smaller by the minute.

At this juncture, another deep roar reverberated, and a Void Beast came out of the hole.

The powerful Mortal Evolution State chi made everyone's expressions change.

Ling Dongyu cursed, "Oh Shit? Another one?"

Lin Ling saw this, and her eyes flashed. She bit her teeth and planned to draw the new Void Beast over. She could only last about 30 seconds with another Level six Mortal Evolution State Void Beast.
