Chapters [393-394]

Chapter 393. People Seem to Be Calling Me Strong?



Out of the wormhole, the newly emerged Mortal Evolution State Void Beast let out a roar that resounded throughout the area.

Another Level six Mortal Evolution State Beast… who was going to stop it?!

Ling Dongyu was already on the verge of death. Bazer, old Yang, and Angelie were faring better than him, but that was due to the assistance of drones.

Moreover, even with the three of them together, they still can't stop this new beast.

As for those Aperture Opening State defense force, it was even more impossible. If this beast was left alone, no city could take a few mouth cannons from it.

At this moment, Lin Ling's stern voice could be heard from the communicator. "I can block it for 30 seconds."

Her words stunned the high-levels of the defense force.

Ling Dongyu refused it without hesitation. "No!! 1st Lieutenant Lin Ling, you're different from us. You're a true prodigy of the Federation. Your future isn't something that the likes of us can compare. You must not take risks!"

If something happened to Lin Ling here, it would be a huge loss.

Lin Ling was only 18 years old, and her power was at the Mortal Evolution State. Up to this point, she had been blocking the Level four Mortal Evolution State Beast without receiving any injuries.

Considering this, she might have reserved power. Her performance shocked everyone on Xingzhan Plains.

Lin Ling was even stronger than Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha when they were the same age as she. If she successfully matured, she would be another prodigy at the level of Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha in less than ten years.

However, that was a Level six Mortal Evolution State Void Beast after all. They didn't dare to let Lin Ling stop it. Otherwise, they might lose a prodigy like this!

Lin Ling frowned. "Commander Ling, do you have a good alternative then?".

Ling Dongyu was lost for words. Indeed, he had none right now.

"Then, let me do it!"

She looked up and saw the Void Beast squeeze out of the constricting wormhole. She bit her lips and said, "Ze will be back soon. I must hold on until then!"

Everyone was dumbfounded by her statement. Bazer, who was just thrown to the ground, crawled back up and smiled bitterly. "Isn't his power on par with you?"

At least from what Lu Ze displayed in the Xigui System, his power was approximately equal to Lin Ling's level or maybe even less than hers.

Angelie bit her lips as she escaped from the attack of the Void Beast.

While panting, she said, "Even if he's stronger than you, he's still currently facing the two Mortal Evolution State lords from Eternal Life Palace who was Level five. It's only been five minutes, how can he come over?"

It was implausible to kill two Mortal Evolution States who were Level five and come over from a distance. They might as well wait for reinforcements from the other Mortal Evolution States.

There were still quite a few mortal evolution states in the Gracious System. They had already requested backup.

Lin Ling smiled. "He's very strong, much stronger than I am. I believe him."

She, sister Jing, and sister Hesha knew Lu Ze's power the best. No matter how prideful she was, she had to admit Lu Ze was really strong Of course, she would never say this in front of his face.

Ling Dongyu and the others stiffened at Lin Ling's words.

A prodigy with Lin Ling's level was already unimaginable for them, yet she would even compliment Lu Ze so much?

Now, did they, perhaps, underestimated Lu Ze?


Lin Ling looked up at the Void Beast and planned to draw it over as soon as it came out. She bit her lips. At the least, she still had some power, so she could still try.

At this moment, a flicker of silver appeared before Lin Ling.

Subsequently, a group of people emerged from her side.

Lu Ze's armor had been repaired. Along with him were Jian Wen's and Chris' family, as well as the five guardians from Eternal Life Palace who were injured and unconscious.

In total, there were ten people.

Lin Ling, who prepared herself a while ago, couldn't help but feel stunned upon the sudden appearance of Lu Ze.


She was confident in Lu Ze, but he came much faster than she had expected.

With his arrival, that heavy pressure in her heart instantly disappeared. This guy was finally here, but why did he bring so many people?

Jian Wen's and Chris' families had pale faces.

Lu Ze flew fervently across more than ten thousand kilometers of distance. His [Blue Bird 1 Divine Art] was already a bit unbearable for them, but he also kept using [Space Transmission] from time to time.

They finally felt what it was like to be car sick. It was rather hard for martial artists of this age to feel car sickness. This was especially the case for the two children. Their power was only just at the Core Martial State.

On the other hand, Lu Ze had no choice. His time was limited. He used [Red Orbs] non-stop on the way in order to replenish energy.

As soon as his energy was filled, he would use [Space Transmission] to jump a few hundred kilometers and then fly a while to recover his energy. Such crazy means of transport allowed him to travel more than 10,000 kilometers in a minute to Xingzhan Plains.

Not even those who were at the Peak Stage of the Mortal Evolution State had such speed. He was indeed extremely strong!

If he wanted to run, no one under Planetary State could catch him.

Moreover, when he used the [Space Transmission], he seemed to have heard Lin Ling praising him?

Thus, Lu Ze turned to Lin Ling and grinned. "I seem to have heard someone complimenting me for being strong?"

Lu Ze felt amazing. She was so stubborn, but now, she could compliment people?

Lin Ling was shocked. This retard heard what she said?!

She was never going to admit it. At this time, a roar reverberated. This Void Beast, who was chasing Lin Ling, saw that Lin Ling wasn't focused. Hence, it shot a mouth cannon toward her.

This violent power could be sensed by the family members of Jian Wen and Chris. Terror immediately filled up their faces.

Sensing a lethal threat, the five guardians slowly woke up. They felt a Mortal Evolution State attack approaching them.

Lu Ze frowned. How dare it interrupt him while he was still chatting?

His face sunk, and Purple-Red Lightning flashed, forming a [Lightning Spear].


The cold voice echoed throughout the Xingzhan Plains as the [Lightning Spear] greeted the gray energy ball.

Almost without resistance, the powerful gray energy ball was penetrated.

Accordingly, it disintegrated

The lightning spear didn't slow down at all. It smashed against the Void Beast's massive body.


The tough gray bone armor was torn open like paper. Thereafter, the [Lightning Spear] surged into the Void Beast's huge body, ravaging its life force instantly.


Chapter 394. All Gone?!


Lu Ze's voice echoed throughout the entire Xingzhan Plains. Even Ling Dongyu, Bazer, and the rest could hear him. They could only look at Lin Ling's direction in disbelief.

That was Lu Ze?!

He already came over??

How was that possible?!

They didn't expect Lu Ze to arrive this quickly. This was much faster than Lin Ling said.

When they looked at where Lin Ling was, they saw a Purple-Red stream penetrate through the body of that enormous void beast, killing it thereafter.

The entire battlefield sunk into silence. Not just the defense force, but even the Void Beasts looked at Lu Ze. It was a powerful boss that just died.

The Void Beasts weren't highly intelligent, but their boss did die in an instant. This caught their attention immediately.

Ling Dongyu and everyone widened their eyes.

The Void Beast that Lin Ling was attempting to block was a Level four Mortal Evolution State Void Beast!

Ling Dongyu could survive under a Level five and Level six Mortal Evolution State Beast. However, this was only due to the lack of comprehension of the Void Beasts.

Moreover, his purpose was just to stall for time and escape thereafter.

If he really fought a Level four Mortal Evolution State Beast one-on-one, he would still have the confidence to kill it, but it would be a dream to eliminate it in an instant. He wouldn't even come out unscathed at the end of such a battle.

Everyone watched Lu Ze with one thought in their heads, 'Lin Ling was right.' This guy was indeed much stronger than Lin Ling!

Compared to others, Jian Wen's and Chris' family had the clearest idea regarding Lu Ze's true strength. From the beginning, they knew Lu Ze was very strong since he could annihilate the Eternal Life Palace's base.

They watched Lu Ze with widened eyes.

Lu Ze's face was cold, and his body was covered with black metal combat armor. He looked extremely domineering.

With how he killed that Level four Mortal Evolution State Beast in one shot, it gave them too much shock.

Chris' daughter's eyes flashed, and she stared at Lu Ze without blinking.

Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze was so handsome!

Those five guardians, who just woke up, thought they were going to die. However, that Mortal Evolution State Void Beast was instantly killed by Lu Ze. This vast emotional roller-coaster ride tortured their hearts mostly.

Immediately, they fainted for the second time.

Lu Ze looked at the lifeless body of the Void Beast which landed heavily onto the ground and then smiled at Lin Ling. "Is that right? You just complimented me before. I heard it!"

Chris's daughter: "…"

Seeing him like this, that domineering image immediately crumbled in her heart. Why did that cold and ruthless temperament disappear in an instant?

How did this guy do it?

It hurt her heart too much. She quickly closed her eyes to prevent herself from crying.

The rest of the family members stiffened when Lu Ze's demeanor changed.

Meanwhile, Lin Ling was immune to Lu Ze's retarded character already. She shook her head firmly. "I didn't. You heard it incorrectly."

At this moment, the distant Void Beasts finally regained their senses.

The Level five and Level six Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts that were chasing Ling Dongyu roared as they charged toward Lu Ze.

Simultaneously, the other Level six Mortal Evolution State Beast in the wormhole sped up and pulled itself out, heading over as well toward Lu Ze. How dare Lu Ze kill their pal?

At the same time, all the Void Beasts attacked their opponents more fiercely.

Ling Dongyu's tense mind relaxed, and his body wobbled. He fell down from the sky. Almost!

He almost died just then. He was only at Level four of the Mortal Evolution State.

Furthermore, he wasn't like Lin Ling after all. Even he felt that he was insane to attempt blocking a Level five and Level six Mortal Evolution State Beast for this long.

He gritted his teeth and painfully took out a glowing blue Mortal Evolution State Healing Serum and drank it.

The cost of this serum pained his heart, but he had no choice in the end.

The current situation didn't allow him to casually recover. He looked worriedly at Lu Ze's direction. Based on his attack, Lu Ze was at least at Level five or even Level six of the Mortal Evolution State.

Despite so, taking on two Mortal Evolution States, which were Level five and Level six, was too much to ask. However, if it was just a matter of holding the beasts in one place, then it shouldn't be a problem.

Once he had some time to recover, he can probably go help. He was weaker than Lu Ze, but he should be able to keep a Mortal Evolution State Beast at Level five in check. Then, they would just need to wait for the reinforcements, and the mission would be over.

Thinking about this, he quickly digested the serum.

Lu Ze frowned after seeing the three Void Beasts approach at him. He regretfully stopped making her admit what she said.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and he sent Chris' family and the five guardians to the ground. He also provided a green shield in order to prevent them from being caught in the shockwaves.

Lin Ling flew next to Lu Ze and said, "I'll help you."

Lu Ze turned and saw the Void Beasts violently attacking the defense force, as well as the scientist teams. He said, "You go help others. I'm fine by myself."

The two Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts at Level six were stronger than Leo and Jason, but they were dumb.

In a real battle, they might be weaker than those two lords. As for that Mortal Evolution State Level five Beasts, Lu Ze completely ignored it.

Lin Ling was taken aback when she heard the words. She looked at Bazer and the others who were retreating.

Subsequently, she nodded. "Be careful!"

If she joined their battle, she was confident she could use her [Spirit Eye] to find the weaknesses of those Level two and Level three Mortal Evolution State Beast. She could then kill them after. That way, their advantage would grow.

Lu Ze's decision was right. Lu Ze nodded and smiled. "Didn't you say I was very strong? It's just two Mortal Evolution State Beasts at Level six, a piece of cake."

Lin Ling stopped mid-flight and bit her teeth. "I never said such words!"

Following this, she sped up to reach Bazer's location.

Lu Ze was speechless. She didn't admit what she said. He looked at those three gnarly mouths. After fighting these beasts, he should be able to get a few extra Xingzhan fruit pancakes with his contribution, shouldn't he?

Lu Ze felt great.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and his body froze. He looked down at the plain. It was destroyed and filled with holes. It wasn't even day yet, but the glowing Xingzhan Fruit Forest was completely gone. He didn't dare to accept this reality.

Last night, he just said he was going to guard the forest. In a day, not a single patch was left?

Then, he wouldn't be able to eat Xingzhan fruit pancakes?

Lu Ze: "…"

His heart shuddered.


With the roars, the void beasts brought Lu Ze back to reality.
