[Chapter 1115-1116]

>Chapter 1115: Alliance With The Elf Race<


At this moment, Anton and the other Elves flew over.

Anton looked at the Queen and quickly introduced her to Lu Ze. "Ze, this is the Queen of our Elf Race."

Lu Ze and the girls were shocked.

Elf Queen?! The controller of the Elf Cosmic Realm was actually here?!

The Elders quickly said, "Greetings, Your Majesty!"

They were very grateful to the Elf Queen.

The 12 of them only became a Cosmic System State because of the Elf Race. Although their Essence was used up, they didn't regret it.

If it wasn't for the Elf Race, they wouldn't even have the right to become a Cosmic System State 2000 years ago.

The Human Race at that time was too weak. If they didn't become Cosmic System States, the future of the Human Race was definitely dark.

They didn't have the right to see the Elf Queen at the time, but this didn't stop them from Being Grateful.

Alicia looked at the Elders and smiled. "I remember two thousand years ago, there were some Humans who exchanged for cultivation level at the Elf Mother Tree. It was you guys, right?"

She didn't know this originally. She only found out after she looked into the Human Race. This thing wasn't too rare.

All Races under the Elf Race's protection could use their Essence to exchange for cultivation level after being approved by the Elf Race.

The Essence of a prodigy was a rather good supplement to the tree of life. This was an exchange but also a gift.

After all, with the power of the Elf Race, they could capture the prodigies of other Races and forcefully take out their essence.

But the Elf Race was kind in nature, and so the prodigies could decide themselves. This was why the Races in the Cosmic Realm respected the Elf Race more than fear.

Even if they left the Cosmic Realm and became a Cosmic Realm State, they wouldn't do anything bad to the Elf Race.

Most of the Powerful Races have been gifted or helped by the Elf Race.

Elder Nangong nodded. "It was us. We're still very grateful to the Elf Race."

Alicia waved her hand. "The Human Race has what it has now due to your own hard work. And, your Race has such powerful prodigies."

She smiled faintly at Lu Ze. "You must be Lu Ze, right? Your talent is indeed amazing. None of the prodigies in our Race can be compared with you."

Lu Ze smiled embarrassedly when he heard the compliments. "You over compliment me, Your Majesty."

The Elf Queen said properly, "No, I'm not. With your talent, as long as you don't die, you will definitely become the Pinnacle of the Universe!"

To be considered at the very Pinnacle of the Entire Universe, one had to be at least a Cosmic Monarch!

With Lu Ze's and the girls' talent, Alicia felt that even becoming a Cosmic Lord was possible. That was the strongest under the Emperor!

The Emperor Beings were too Ethereal and Distant. Even she didn't know too much about them.

After a pause, Alicia smiled and said, "What a pity, you already have a Powerful Being teaching you. Otherwise, you can come study at the Elf Divine Land"

The other East Region's beings showed faces of envy upon hearing this. They hadn't even been there, much less gone to study there.

Study at the Elf Divine Land? There was too much good stuff there, right?

This was a huge loss!

They had no Powerful Being to teach them.

Ying Ying was a fake teacher. However, they couldn't say this.

Lu Ze smiled. "That is indeed a pity, but we are grateful for your goodwill, Your Majesty."

Alicia nodded. "Of course, I hope the Elf Race can become allies with the Human Race."

"Become allies?!"

The four Elders were surprised.

The Elf Race wanted to become allies with the Human Race?

They were a Cosmic Realm State Civilization!

The Human Race didn't have anything to show other than Lu Ze and the girls. If they really became allies, the Elf Race would probably need to help them for a long time.

The East Region's Beings weren't surprised.

They saw the phenomenon and the Beings behind Lu Ze.

Alicia nodded. "Yes, how about it? The Human Race prodigies can choose to study at our Elf Race. We will treat the Human prodigies the same way as our own prodigies. In terms of resources, the Human Race can manage the entire Cosmic Realm with the Elf Race."

This shocked not just the humans but also the East Region's beings.

This was sharing the Elf Cosmic Realm with the Human Race.

The Human Race climbed to the skies in one step.

Although Lu Ze and the girls were extremely talented, it wasn't certain if they would grow to that level. This level of investment is too much, right?

Anton and Louisa looked at their Queen in shock. Only the four Elders remained calm. This price was completely worth it.

Elder Nangong gritted his teeth. "The Human Race is willing to ally with the Elf Race from now on!"

This huge benefit was hot for the hands, but if they didn't take it, they would regret it to death.

With Lu Ze, they might even surpass the Elf Race.

Alicia breathed easy and smiled. "It's hard to come by, so why don't you take us around the Milky Way Galaxy?"

Lu Ze and the girls smiled awkwardly. "Your Majesty, this Star Barrier might take some more time to disappear."

Alicia: "???"

East Region: "???"

They just formed an alliance, and yet, they couldn't even enter their home.

After some silence, Alicia smiled. "In that case, I'll come visit after the Star Barrier is gone."

Elder Nangong and the other Humans felt relieved. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for understanding."

Alicia turned to Lu Ze and the girls. "Although you already have someone to teach, since we're allies, you're welcome to study at our Divine Land."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up.

"Okay, thank you, Your Majesty, we will probably soon be coming to disturb you."

"You're welcome at any time." Alicia smiled.

"The Insectoid disaster just ended. There are still many things to deal with, we'll be leaving first."

After the Elves left, the East Region's beings came up.

"Congratulations, everyone!"

"We came in a rush and weren't able to prepare anything. We'll be visiting soon."


>Chapter 1116: Human Race Faith<


Lu Ze and the girls returned to the galaxy.

Planet Qiming, Nangong Jing's home.

The group relaxed on the couch.

The Elders had left. They were going to notify everyone that the Entire Race would be celebrating today and tomorrow.

Nangong Jing took a sip of the wine and yelled, "We've been cultivating for so many days incessantly. I suddenly don't want to cultivate."

Qiuyue Hesha nodded. "Originally, one year of solitary cultivation didn't seem hard. Now, half a month feels tiring."

Lin Ling smiled and said, "It's all because of Ze. He's making us live too comfortably."

Lu Ze: "???"

'That was his fault?'

At this moment, Qiuyue Hesha put her arms around Lu Ze's neck. "Therefore, Little Brother Lu Ze needs to be responsible, and feed us for the rest of his life."

Before Lu Ze could reply, Qiuyue Hesha kissed him.

Lu Ze gasped. How could he be passive?!

Hence, he took the initiative decisively.

Gracious System, Defense Barracks.

Lin Dongyu just received a call.

A middle-aged man's projection appeared.

Lin Dongyu stood up and saluted. "Commander!"

He was confused. His commander was famous for being strict. However, he was smiling today?

The middle-aged man couldn't contain his excitement. "Dongyu, we've been notified. There's a huge celebration!"

"What notice?"

The middle-aged man's smile became more and more obvious. "The Monarch of the New Dawn and the Young Dukes have broken through to the Cosmic Cloud State."

Lin Dongyu wasn't able to react in time. He gasped a few seconds later. "What? The Monarch of the New Dawn broke through to the Cosmic Cloud State?! Is this for real?"

The middle-aged man was also very surprised. "Of course, it's real! It came straight from the Federation Council!"

"This is great!"

Lin Dongyu sighed.

The first time he saw Lu Ze was a few years ago. At that time, his power was on par with him. Yet, in just a few years, that Monarch of the New Dawn had become a Cosmic Cloud State.

He was the Guardian God of the Human Race!

Life was too dramatic.

Thinking about how Lu Ze asked him to buy Xingzhan fruit cakes, Lin Dongyu felt this was unreal.

"Dongyu, I heard you know the Monarch of the New Dawn?"

Lin Dongyu said proudly, "We've fought alongside each other a few years ago."

He felt that was probably his greatest honor in this life.

The middle-aged man looked at him in a different light. "By the way, our Race has been developing rapidly. Even the Star Region around us has gotten more resources several times. You know this, right?"

Lin Dongyu nodded. "Yes, Commander."

They annihilated the Blade Demon Race, and then, quite some Powerful Races brought gifts to visit.

The Human Race was very wealthy now.

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded. "Your Gracious System is closer to the northern border. From now on, your resources will get multiplied. So will your salary."

Lin Dongyu was taken aback, and then his eyes flashed with surprise. "Thank you, Commander!"

His commander gave him this special treatment clearly because of Lu Ze. He didn't expect that someone as strict as his commander would make an exception for him.

Lu Ze was amazing.

The middle-aged man nodded. "One more thing. Because the Monarch of the New Dawn and Young Dukes have broken through to the Cosmic Cloud State, today and tomorrow will be a Universal Celebration across the Race. Notify the brothers to go on holiday."

Lin Dongyu was stunned, and he rejoiced thereafter. "Sure, Commander, I'll do it immediately!"

"Mhm, I'm hanging up."

The projection disappeared.

Lin Dongyu wasn't able to calm down for a long time. Moments later, he pressed a button and spread the news.

Lin Dongyu grinned.

Other than the Gracious System, the Defense Force and all the other Solar Systems, the government officials, and even the civilians were notified.

Like the 12 Saints of the Dark Ages, Lu Ze and the girls had almost become the Faith of the Human Race. They were the hope, pride, and future of the Human Race.

Lu Ze came out of the room at Planet Qiming.

He was a little hungry and wanted to eat. However, he remembered there was going to be a feast later, so he didn't eat.

He sat on the couch and took out the computer to watch cartoons.

Not long after, the girls came downstairs. When they saw that Lu Ze was watching, their mouths curled at the corners.

How immature...

But then they sat down to watch too.


A while later, their phone rang.

Nangong Jing looked at the message. "The Elders have set up a feast on Planet Jinyao. It's ready. Let's go over."
