[Chapter 1117-1118]

>Chapter 1117: Prodigy Selection<


Planet Jinyao. Numerous Powerful Beings went to celebrate.

Other than the four Elders, there was Liu Zhiyun, Zuoqiu Xunshuang, Lin Yan, Merlin, and others.

Even Fu Shuya and Lu Wen were invited.

Other than these people and beings, there was Luo Bingqing and the rest, as well as Ye Mu and the other beings.

Several senators and military powerhouses came too.

Their cultivation level had at least reached the High-level Star State. Some had broken through to the Cosmic System State due to the [Red Orbs] and [Liquid] Lu Ze had given.

There were over ten of these Federal High officials who have broken through to the Cosmic System State. The remaining dozens were at the border of breaking through.

They may break through at any time.

There were 20-30 Cosmic System States in the Federation and 10 Cosmic Cloud States. This power was rather great.

It was a huge difference compared to the Federation a few years ago.

Everyone at the scene felt this was unreal.

The celebration was very heated.

The constant progress of the Federation made all the High-levels happy. They frequently drank with Lu Ze and the girls, as well as Lu Wen and Fu Shuya.

This made the two parents quite proud.

The feast was filled with food made of precious Spirit Ingredients.

It was cooked personally by Merlin and Boss Zhu. There was also the Golden Fruit Wine that Lu Ze supplied. Spirit Force rose from the feast into the air and even formed a faint mist.

This feast lasted an entire day until everyone was satisfied.

Then, they left Planet Jinyao and went back to their own grounds, planning to digest the Spirit Food and Golden Fruit Wine.

Soon, most of the people were gone.

The elders and Merlin and some Beings were still drinking.

Lu Ze and the girls snuck back to Nangong Jing's home.

Everyone's face was flushed. They went to rest on the couch.

Lin Ling turned over while lying on the sofa and hummed. "So full…"

Nangong Jing used Lu Ze's leg as a pillow and drank some more Golden Fruit Wine. "Grandpa and the other people were rushing us in front of the crowd…"

The group felt quite awkward. They were rushed by tens of people to have children. They wanted to dig a hole and hide.

Lu Ze smiled. "Um, let's go rest."

The next morning, they woke up and went to the living room.

Seeing the messy scene, they blushed. They played a bit too much last night.

The three girls went to cook breakfast, leaving Lu Ze, Nangong Jing, and Qiuyue Hesha glaring at each other.

Lu Ze scratched his head, quickly saying, "Um, I suddenly remembered that Ying Ying hasn't been fed. I'll go feed her first!"

He fused into Space and disappeared from the spot.

On the empty ground before Elder Nangong's shack, it was messy.

The feast wasn't cleaned up yet.

The elders were still drinking.

Ye Mu and the others were a little dizzy. They had come back from their trial and planned to stay on Planet Jinyao for a while to settle.

The rest of the people weren't here.

Space rippled and Lu Ze appeared.

Elder Nangong took a sip of the Golden Wine, smiled, and said, "It's you kid, why aren't you with Jing Jing and the girls?"

Lu Ze twitched the corner of his mouth, trembled in his heart, and said with a dry smile. "They're preparing breakfast. I came to see Ying Ying."

Elder Nangong nodded. "Then go."

Lu Ze came into the room. He saw Ying Ying's little face that seemed aggrieved. There was a drool coming down.

Lu Ze was stunned, somewhat puzzled. Did she dream of food?

He sat down and started feeding her.

As he fed, the Starlight shone brighter, and her Chi was becoming more Mysterious.

Lu Ze gasped.

The Star Spirit Race was indeed unique. He wondered how strong she was.


In the entire Elf Cosmic Realm and even the nearby Cosmic Realms, the Stars began to shine brighter. Invisible Starlight shone down into Ying Ying's body.

No one noticed this, not even Lu Ze.

After the feeding was done, Lu Ze got up and rubbed Ying Ying's little face, before leaving the room.

Elder Lin smiled and said, "Ze, come sit."

Lu Ze went over.

Xu Bingbai took out a big bowl and poured Lu Ze some Golden Fruit Wine while patting his shoulder. "Come, let's drink some more."

Lu Ze: "…"

He already drank quite some with them last night. He smiled dryly and nodded.

"Okay, Elder Xu."

Augustus' indifferent face also showed a slight smile. "Ze, what plans do you have now?"

Lu Ze thought about it for a while, smiled, and said, "Ying Ying is still asleep, I'm planning to go to the Elf Race after Ying Ying wakes up."

He mainly wanted to see if there were any [God Arts] or [Divine Arts] he could learn and enjoy their cultivation settings.

Elder Lin smiled and said, "Elf Divine Land… The Elf Race is really trying."

The Elders nodded.

Elder Nangong remembered something. He glanced at the unconscious and drank Luo and others, smiled, and said, "By the way, didn't the Elf Queen say she welcomed our prodigies to go and study there? When you go, bring Luo and the others."

Elder Lin said, "This got me thinking. We should make a prodigy selection tournament and choose some prodigies to go exchange at the Elf Race. Let Ze take them."

Xu Bingbai grinned. "This is a great idea! Select some from both the military and academy."

Elder Lin smiled and looked at Lu Ze. "What do you think, Ze?"

Lu Ze also revealed a smile when he heard the words. "This is indeed a good idea. I agree. I'll bring them over."

Elder Nangong turned his eyes and said, "In that case, you and Luo, that kid, will be responsible for the selection. You guys can decide how to do it."

Xu Bingbai smiled and nodded. "The Monarch of the New Dawn being the judge. This will definitely get those kids excited."

Augustus smiled lightly. "Ze's status in young people's hearts is greater than ours."

Elder Lin smiled and patted on Lu Ze. "You don't need to worry about the specifics. You just have to be there to encourage them."

Lu Ze still didn't feel too willing. "This is so tiring."

Elder Nangong coughed and said lightly. "If you agree, we won't rush you anymore until you go to the Elf Race. How about it?"



>Chapter 1118: Combat Power After Breaking Through To The Cosmic Cloud State<


After drinking with the four Elders for a short while, Lu Ze guessed that Alice had finished making breakfast, so he left Planet Jinyao.

Nangong Jing's house had been cleaned. She and Qiuyue Hesha were resting on the couch while drooling at the food that was being served at the table.

The girls turned around and saw Lu Ze return.

Nangong Jing sniffed the air and complained, "You didn't even bring me a drink!"

Lu Ze rolled his eyes. "I just wanted to deliver some food to Ying Ying, but the Elders dragged me for a drink. I just had five bowls. It feels like crap."

Luckily, he had built up an adequate tolerance after being accustomed to the Golden Fruit Wine. If it weren't for that, he would be knocked out.

Lin Ling frowned. "They have already drunk so much yesterday. How come they still called you for another round?"

Lu Ze smiled. "They're probably not going to finish quickly."

"Ignore them. Let's eat."




After finishing their meal, Lu Ze told them about the prodigy selection.

The girls weren't really interested.

Those prodigies were far too inferior compared to them.

Lu Ze had already expected this reaction. After all, he himself didn't find it interesting. However, becoming a judge might garner him a lot of admiring gazes.

Lu Ze raised the corners of his lips. "When Brother Lin and the others wake up, let's ask them to take over. We will just stop by and play around."

Lin Ling questioned, "By the way, where are my brother and the rest?"

Lu Ze responded, "Oh, he was still on the ground when I went over."


The girls felt pity for them.

Even the girls received so much alcohol from the Elders.

Lu Ze said, "Let's go to the Dao Enlightenment Room and cultivate today."

Ying Ying was still asleep. She still had to be fed, so they couldn't leave the Milky Way yet. They just broke through.

Hence, they didn't even need to work on their cultivation level.

Lu Li chimed in, "Let's go to Planet Shenwu then. The Dao Enlightenment Room in Planet Jinyao seems to be occupied all the time."

Alice said, "Only we can use the Dao Enlightenment Room on the top floor. We don't need to fight over it with the others."

Planet Shenwu, Headquarters Office.

When Lu Ze and the girls appeared, Liu Zhiyun was handling the matters. He looked at the group with a lifeless face. "It's you guys."

Lu Ze said, "Predecessor Liu Zhiyun, with the Star Barrier here, the Shenwu Army should be fine, right? How about cultivating in the meantime?"

Liu Zhiyun said, "The resources we acquired are not distributed yet. I need to oversee it."

Lu Ze remarked, "By the way, the Elders told me to bring some people over to the Elf Race. I'm planning to hold a prodigy selection contest. The prodigies of the Shenwu Army can also participate. You can use the time to select the participants for each cultivation level."

Liu Zhiyun: "…"

He looked at Lu Ze in disbelief. He was already overloaded with work.

Nevertheless, this was also an important matter, so he could only nod in the end. "Okay, I'll choose some."

Lu Ze smiled and nodded. "We'll go to the Cultivation Building first then."

Liu Zhiyun: "…"

He felt as though life was too difficult. He waved his hand in dismissal. "Go, go."

During the night, Lu Ze and his girls entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] and appeared in the desert.

Alice remarked, "I wonder what is the highest level we can kill with our current power?"

This was their first time hunting after becoming a Cosmic Cloud State. They could use this round to test their power.

They flew off and started looking for Beasts.

Moments later, Lin Ling's eyes lit up as she pointed in a direction.

"There's a Level-2 Cosmic Cloud State Beast there."

Lu Ze said, "Let's take a look."

When they reached the location, they found a Yellow Python. It looked up and hissed at the group. The Sand where it lay quaked and formed into Sharp Spears that were directed at them.

Lu Ze reached out his right hand as [Yellow Runes] spun in his eyes.

The Spears stopped mid-air and crumbled.


The Python suddenly had the desire to flee.

A [Dark Green Energy Ball] formed on Lu Ze's hand.


Lu Ze shot the Ball, and it instantly traveled to strike the Python.

The Python formed a Wall of Sand to block the Energy Ball.


The Sand Wall was penetrated as though it was a mere bubble. The remaining Dark Green Energy landed on the Python's body.


The Python's tough scales were torn apart. Half of its body was blasted away.

"This guy was weaker than I thought."

It lost its life with just one [Poison Ball]*. [Note: BALL/ORB EITHER OF THE TWO IT'S THE SAME]

Qiuyue Hesha said, "You just became stronger. It took us a lot of effort to kill a single Level-1 Cosmic Cloud State before."

They soon collected the [Drops].

"Let's find the other beasts."

Two hours later, a Sand Storm raged.

Terrifying Pillars of Flame rose up. They mixed with the Dark Green Light and Earth Light.


A hideous roar reverberated, and a massive body was smashed in the center.

It was a 30-meter tall Wolf.

The Wolf had Fiery Red Fur. It was riddled with wounds, and its blood gushed out like a waterfall. The Dark Green Mist continued to erode its body.

The instant the Fire Wolf fell back, a Golden Beam was launched and targeted its waist.

Nangong Jing swung her leg.



The Fire Wolf withdrew while spitting out its crushed organs. Its body landed heavily on the ground.

At this moment, an Earth Spear was formed. It shot down from the sky, piercing the body of the Wolf.

Qiuyue Hesha said, "A Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State Beast is slightly weaker than us. This Beast's Power isn't the best among Level-3 Cosmic Cloud States."

Lu Ze nodded. "We're probably no match for Level-4 Beasts in the meantime."

Lu Ze was deeply satisfied.

This meant that he had a Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State Combat Power in the outside world.
