[Chapter 1121-1122]

>Chapter 1121: Huge Improvement<


After making up his mind, Lu Ze didn't hesitate anymore.

The [Essence Spirit Fruit] appeared in his hand.

Lu Ze bit a portion of it.

He had to admit that it tasted really great. It was very sweet.

This was the best fruit Lu Ze had ever had.

Of course, nothing could compare with Alice's dishes.

The [Fruit] turned into hues of Starlight inside Lu Ze's body.


Lu Ze felt as though the sound of creation emerged in his mind.

Endless Starlight appeared, and the Essence of the Universe seemed to have opened its doors to him. Boundless knowledge appeared before Lu Ze, as though waiting for him to study them.

This was beyond exceptional!

Even when he created a phenomenon, Lu Ze could only feel that the door just opened a small crack. But now, this Essence was revealed to him without obstruction!

Lu Ze took a deep breath and started searching for that feeling he encountered before.

All of Lu Ze's [God Art] rapidly progressed, and soon, a Spirit Light formed around him. Various scenes of his [God Art] were formed.

They soon expanded.

When it reached a kilometer, the scenes halted and formed a Small World. An Extremely Abstruse Wave spread from this World.

Nangong Jing and the girls opened their eyes.

When they saw that shadow of a Small World, they were stunned. Thereafter, they closed their eyes as they learned from it.

Countless other people were startled by this occurrence. They were confused.

"Did it come from the Cultivation Building?"

"What happened there?"

"I don't know. Is someone breaking through?!"

At this moment, that World's Shadow Rippled and started to retract into the Cultivation Building.

The Wave calmed down too.

This happened in a span of a minute.

In the Dao Enlightenment Room, that [God Art Scene] had condensed around Lu Ze.

Within a one-meter radius, all sorts of [God Art] materialized and formed all sorts of scenes.

Lu Ze finally understood what the panorama was after crossing that border.

A [God Art] could turn into a [Domain].

In the [Domain], his Combat Power would be greatly enhanced. He could also use the [Domain] to suppress opponents.

This was too powerful.

Lu Ze was still shocked, but he was still learning about it.

Three days later, the entire Dao Enlightenment Room was filled with all sorts of Lu Ze's [God Art].

There was Green Grass growing on the ground. Small Trees appeared. Flames flew around in the Air. Golden Lightning flickered, and the Wind howled in every corner.

This looked like a Real World without animals.

At this juncture, all the scenes turned into Beams of Light that fused with Lu Ze's body.

Lu Ze opened his eyes and grinned excitedly. After using the [Fruit] for three days, he completely formed his [God Art Domain]!

All of his [God Arts] reached this level too. Hence, this [Domain] weaved by [God Art] was exceedingly powerful.

Even he didn't know how powerful it was.

He got up and walked out of the room.

The others were eating. They looked at him. "Ze, what have you been learning these few days? There was so much commotion."

They could only feel the Terrifying Chi from time to time but couldn't sense what was going on inside.

Lu Ze grinned. "It is a secret, but I'll tell you later at night."

He wanted to test the [Domain's Power] in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] first.

Lu Ze said, "By the way, how is Ying Ying these past few days?"

Qiuyue Hesha responded, "Don't worry, we've been feeding her. By the looks of it, she can recover in about a month."

Nangong Jing nodded. "By then, it would be the finals for the prodigy selection competition. After Ying Ying recovers, we would have a hundred prodigies. Then, we can go to the Elf Cosmic Realm."

Lu Ze nodded. "That's great."

After some rest, they pulled Lu Ze up.

"Get up! Ze, you have to show us what you learned. Let's go to the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]!"

The girls were very keen.

They sat down in the Dao Enlightenment Room and entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Amidst the desert, the group appeared.


A Sharp Chi shot at them immediately.

Lu Ze and the girls disappeared from the spot.

Sand Blades sliced past.

In the distance, a Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State Earth Anaconda was staring at them.

Lu Ze charged before the Anaconda and swung his leg.


The Anaconda was forced back due to the Terrifying Power, causing it to howl.

Lu Ze raised a brow.

In these three days, his Body, Mental Force, and Spirit Force all underwent a huge change. The jump in his Combat Power skyrocketed even if his cultivation level remained the same.

The girls were just planning to attack.

When they saw him kick, they were taken aback.

Lu Ze appeared before the Anaconda's head and punched it.


The Anaconda's body crashed on the ground, leaving a massive crater.

Lu Ze grinned.

He was stronger than he had imagined.


>Chapter 1122: Another Giant Red Scorpion<


The girls came to Lu Ze.

They looked at him in shock.

Lin Ling said sourly, "What did you do, you bastard? How did you progress so much?"

Lu Ze saw the curious expressions of several people, and the corners of their mouths turned up. They smiled slightly.

"I'll tell you later!"

He grinned.

The girls were furious. He was still acting mysteriously.

Lu Ze grinned. "Um, let's continue."

The Anaconda had turned to dust.

Lu Ze picked up the [Drops], and the group kept moving.

The Cosmic System State Beasts were the most numerous in the desert. There were slightly fewer Cosmic Cloud State Beasts, and they were harder to find.


In just a few hours, they killed a large number of Beasts.

Lin Ling pointed in one direction. "There's a stronger Beast over there! It's a Level-4 Cosmic Cloud."

Lu Ze opened his mouth and said, "Let's see if I can beat it."

Lu Ze felt that with his power, he had hopes of beating it. Even if he couldn't, he could test how strong his [Domain] is. In that case, why wouldn't he go?

The girls were keen to see if he could beat one too.

They rapidly moved towards the Beast.

The Beast seemed to have sensed them as well. A Powerful Chi soared. Flame Pillars erupted that filled the world.

A howl sounded in the Pillar. It was a huge Fire Wolf. This Wolf's Chi was stronger than all the previous beasts Lu Ze had encountered.

This wolf was looking at them with murderous intent.

After some silence, Lu Ze said, "I'll go up. you guys support me from the back."


The girls nodded.

Lu Ze disappeared from the spot and appeared next to the Fire Wolf.

A [Poison Ball] appeared on his hand while he grabbed at the Wolf with his other hand. Countless Sands swept over towards the Wolf.


Its hair stood up. It could feel the threat of the [Little Poison Ball] and the [Sand One Divine Art].

Just when it planned to move, the girls used their [God Arts] on the Wolf.

The Wolf immediately paused. However, it was far stronger than the girls, so it broke free in just an instant. But this instant was enough for Lu Ze.

Countless Sand came over the Fire Wolf making it unable to move. At the same time, the Dark Green Light shot to its side.

Sensing this, the Fire Wolf didn't feel so good. Its fur shot up like it fattened up. Then, the Flames around it turned into thick Flame Walls.

As soon as the Flame Wall formed, the [Poison Ball] smashed onto it.


A terrifying shockwave spread.

The [Poison Ball] exploded turning into this Dark Green Mist that surrounded the Flame Wolf.

The Flames around the Wolf burned and turned all the Poison Mist into blue smoke.

Lu Ze punched and his Fist Force shot into the Poison Mist.


The Fire Wall that had already thinned down from the clash with the [Poison Ball] cracked. Immediately, Dark Green Mist seeped into the Barrier.

Although it was turned to smoke, it still adhered to the Wolf fur.

The Wolf unleashed its power. Even though Lu Ze was using [Sand One God Art] at Full Power, he wasn't able to subdue it.

It shook away the Sand and dashed out far away.

Two more [Poison Balls] appeared on Lu Ze's hand, then he waved it out.

From far away, the Wolf was trying to force the Poison out, but then it saw two more poison balls. It fled immediately.

However, the Poison Mist spread.

The Wolf howled again, blocking the Poison Mist with the Flames. At this moment, the Flames weakened.

Lu Ze grinned.

The [Poison God Art] was taking effect.

It should've taken longer for the poison to come into effect, but after using the [Essence/Source Spirit Fruit], his Mastery of the [Poison God Art] greatly improved.

Even just the mist had such a rapid effect.

However, the Fire Wolf burst into Spirit Force, and its decreasing Chi stabilized.

Lu Ze raised a brow.

At this moment, the Wolf's Chi suddenly became slower. Its Chi suddenly dropped by a lot again.

Lu Ze instantly appeared next to it. Sand surrounded the giant wolf, then Lu Ze kicked towards its waist.

The Wolf fell back. Its body was much stronger than that of the Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State Beast.

While it was falling back, Lu Ze shot out more [Poison Balls].



The Fire Wolf charged out of the Poison Mist. Its fur was dented and corroded. It was constantly getting weaker.

Lu Ze grinned.

This guy wasn't strong enough. He didn't even get to use the [Domain].


Ten seconds later, a Fire Wolf body dropped from the sky.

Lu Ze happily picked up the [Drops].

This was quite the harvest. He should be able to use its [Red Liquid] with the [Golden Dew] now.

Suddenly, a Powerful Chi shot up.

A Red Beam came before them.

Everyone tensed up.

It was a Ruby Scorpion! This was a Super Beast!

It was only a Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State, but its Combat Power was far stronger than the Wolf's.

Lu Ze was excited.

Could he finally show his true power now?
