[Chapter 1123-1124]

>Chapter 1123: Power Of The [God Art Domain]<


Feeling the condensed breath of the giant, Ruby Scorpion, Lu Ze released a sigh of relief. "I'll let you guys see what I've gotten previously."

The girls looked excitedly at him.

Lu Ze took a deep breath and all sorts of Light flashed in his eyes. Immediately, a [God Art Power] started to surge in his body.

Flames, Wind, Light, Lightning, and so forth...

The girls looked at Lu Ze in shock.

Such Powerful Chi!

Even they were trembling at this sudden Chi.

Without a warning, the Spirit Light on Lu Ze flashed like crazy.


In the Dao Enlightenment Room, Lu Ze and the girls suddenly woke up. Their eyes were full of pain and confusion.

Lu Ze didn't feel good.

Oh shit? Did he self-destruct just then?

He only felt that he used all sorts of Domains, and then, he couldn't control it anymore. Hence, his body exploded.

His back sweated cold. Good thing, he didn't try this outside.

Otherwise, would he be dead?!

The girls looked at Lu Ze speechlessly.

Lin Ling couldn't help but say, "… Ze, you wanted to show us self-destruction?"

Lu Ze laughed it off. "That was a mistake. I'll do it again when I'm ready."

What a pity.

He still wanted to see if he could kill that Ruby Scorpion.

Alice looked at Lu Ze timidly. "Senior, will it really be fine next time?"

Lu Ze twitched the corners of his mouth and said solemnly, "Of course! Trust me!"

The girls nodded. They trusted Lu Ze naturally.

Soon, the pain was gone, and they split up the loot before going back to their own rooms to cultivate.

Lu Ze sat in the Dao Enlightenment Room and used a [Fire God Art Orb] from the Fire Wolf. It was quite good, and some [Fire God Art knowledge] he hadn't learned before appeared.

Because he used the [Source Spirit Fruit], his learning capability had greatly improved permanently. Therefore, he just used one hour to completely learn the [Fire God Art Orb].

Then, Lu Ze started learning other [God Art Orbs].

A day later in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], Lu Ze and the girls looked at a Golden Eagle.

This was a Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State Golden Eagle. However, it was weaker than that Ruby Scorpion.

However, this was still a huge pressure for Lu Ze and the girls.

The girls were hesitant.

Nangong Jing quietly opened his mouth and said, "Ze, how about we just run? We don't have to fight it."

Qiuyue Hesha nodded. "I agree."

They were truly scared of Lu Ze's self-destruction.

Lu Ze was unhappy. Why didn't they trust him?!

Okay, he wasn't really confident in himself... But since he learned it, it would be a huge loss if he didn't use it.

It was just self-destruction. So what.

Lu Ze took a deep breath and said, "I'll try again!"

He would use one [God Art] this time…

The girls looked silently at them.

The Golden Eagle glared at the group with its golden sharp eyes. Its claws flashed with Lightning.


Violent Spirit Force shot out of its body like strands of golden sparks ravaged. The Eagle shot towards the group like a Lightning Bolt.

Lu Ze tensed up. Golden Lightning flashed in his eyes.


Lightning spread out in all directions.

In a short instant, the Golden Lightning Sea spread over 100 kilometers. The Lightning Bolt charging at them turned into a spark and fused into the Lightning Sea.

The girls were dumbfounded.

This was their first time seeing this. It could devour another [God Art]?!

The Lightning Sea was this terrifying?

The Eagle saw that its [Lightning Bolt Clone] was devoured, and it was stunned.


It wanted to attack.

However, Lu Ze's face was rapidly going pale. His Spirit Force was being used up at a terrifying rate!

Even though his recovery speed was extremely terrifying, he still couldn't replenish enough Spirit Force. In five seconds at most, his Spirit Force would be used up.

Only now did he realize why he exploded yesterday.

Even if he didn't explode, he would be sucked dry. He only had five seconds. If he didn't kill the Eagle, they would be the ones dying.

Lu Ze instantly appeared before the Eagle.

The [Domain] was applied. All the Lightning Power on the Eagle's body betrayed it and fused into Lu Ze's [Domain].

Before it could react, Lu Ze appeared at its neck and punched it down with Lightning.


The Eagle hurried to dodge.


The dense-like alloy feathers were blasted to dust by the shockwave. A hideous wound appeared on its neck.

The Golden Eagle flew away in terror. This was a Super Boss?!

Lu Ze chased up again. Lightning appeared on his feet.


Lu Ze stomped on the Eagle's back.


The Eagle's wings twitched and then cracks appeared. In an instant, its life force was gone.

Lu Ze's Domain was also gone.

Lu Ze panted violently, and his face was very pale. His forehead was covered in sweat. His Spirit Force was almost completely used up.

This was too scary.


Lu Ze rejoiced. He could kill a Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State so easily!

This combat power was pretty much Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State outside. He only broke through to Level-2 Cosmic Cloud State now.

He estimated that if he used his Domain, he could fight a Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State Beast. Of course, it would only be five seconds.

Feeling the Spirit Force recuperated in his body, Lu Ze sighed.

If only he could use it indefinitely.

At this moment, the girls came over.

Qiuyue Hesha hugged his neck. "Little Brother Lu Ze, what is that? It's so strong!"


>Chapter 1124: Found Something Good<


Sniffing the aroma on Qiuyue Hesha, Lu Ze felt very proud. They didn't believe him before.

Lu Ze grinned. "This, it's the [Domain]."


The girls were dumbfounded.

Lu Ze smiled and nodded. "Mhm, once your [God Art Mastery] reaches a certain level, you will get a [Domain] too. It probably wouldn't take long."

His [God Art Mastery] was only that much better than the girls. In a month at most, they would be able to feel that barrier.

"Just choose your best [God Art] and learn it."

If Lu Ze didn't use the [Source Spirit Fruit], he didn't even know how long it would take to learn all the [God Art Domains].

"Can we learn it soon?"

Alice looked keenly at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze rubbed her head. "Of course, have I ever lied to you?"

Alice smiled.

At this moment, the Golden Eagle had turned to dust.

Lu Ze picked up the drops. "Let's continue."

Then, Lin Ling searched for more prey.

After knowing that Lu Ze had [God Art Domain], their choices were much more open. This included Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State Beasts.

As for those stronger, Lu Ze and the girls avoided them.

Although they couldn't do whatever they wanted on this map, their Power was no longer at the very bottom.

Soon, two days passed. Lu Ze killed more than 20 Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State Beasts and much more of those below.

On the third day, as they were searching for prey, three Violent Chi suddenly shot up.



Distant howls sounded.

The Spirit Force in the desert rattled.

Fire, Ice, and Golden Lightning appeared.


The three Chi clashed together.

Feeling this terrifying power, Lu Ze and the girls were frozen on the spot. They were trembling.

Even though they were Cosmic Cloud States, they weren't powerful enough for the strongest. However, they were surprised when they looked at the battle.

Nangong Jing grinned quietly. "Ze, the Flames, Ice, and Lightning around them. Isn't this similar to your [Domain]?"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "Yes, they are using a [Domain]."

Everyone frowned.

Alice said, "I remember when we first saw the Fire Bird, it was in a Sea of Flames."

That did indeed look like the [Fire God Art Domain].

"These Overlord Beasts all have [Domains]."

Overlord Beasts were already Cosmic Realm States, and they had [Domains]. These Overlords were stronger than they imagined.

"However, why are they fighting again?" Lin Ling asked.

Lu Ze was speechless too.

This was the fourth Overlord battle. This was his first time seeing such intense conflict.

As soon as the battle started, countless Chi rose. Countless Beasts fled away from the Overlord battle. Their faces were full of terror.

There were quite some Beasts running towards Lu Ze and the girls.

Seeing this, they used [Chi Concealing God Art] and [Sand God Art] to hide in the Sand.

Soon, two more Terrifying Chi rose.

The Silver Wolf and Giant Tree also joined the battlefield.

The battle grew even more terrifying.

Lu Ze and the girls had to keep moving further away.

The battle lasted a few hours.

The desert seemed to have been plowed.

Countless Beasts died on the spot.

There were a few times that they were almost caught in the crossfire. Luckily, they were fast and had [Space God Art].

At this moment, there was a loud bang, and all five Overlords fell back. They were covered in wounds. They looked at each other and left.

The World finally calmed down.

Lu Ze and the girls carefully popped out their heads. They breathed easy after seeing all the Overlords had left.

They panted heavily after seeing their surroundings.

Lu Li flipped her black hair and said, "They're Overlord Beasts indeed. This battle is too shocking."

How big was the desert?

Yet probably half of the map was swept by the shockwave.

Qiuyue Hesha couldn't help but smile. "We really can't lighten up thinking about how we're going to face such opponents."

Lu Ze scratched his head and said, "Let's not talk about this. Let's go and find some free stuff."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

They were rather familiar with this.

Lin Ling quickly searched for weak yet live Beasts.

Soon, they found a lot of Level-2 and Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State Beasts. They were easily chopped to death.

Level-4 Cosmic Cloud States were rather rare since they could flee fast.


An hour later, Lin Ling looked at a region covered in Golden Lightning.

Lu Ze and the girls also looked over.

A Red Beam charged out of the Lightning. It was a Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State Ruby Scorpion. Its armor was cracked, and its Chi was much weaker.

Seeing this, their eyes turned evil.

This was a good find!

Lu Ze spewed out a Fire as his surrounding 100 kilometers turned into a Sea of Fire.

This was very similar to the Fire Bird Overlord but just not as big.

[Fire God Art Domain].

The Red Ruby Scorpion was stunned.

At this moment, Lu Ze came above its head and stomped down at its back.

The Scorpion howled and glowed in Flames. However, the Flames immediately disappeared and fused into the [Domain].


Only when the kick was almost landing did it react. It quickly twisted and used its pincers to block the kick.


Its pincer was kicked smashing into its body. Blood spewed and it smashed into a glacier.

Lu Ze immediately chased up and punched on its head. In a short breath, the Scorpion was dead.

Lu Ze was exhausted, but he was very excited.

This was a Super Beast!

It was not the one heavily injured and about to die. Yet, he killed it like that.

He was too strong!
