[Chapter 1125-1126]

>Chapter 1125: Deservedly<


Nangong Jing and the others appeared behind Lu Ze. They didn't even have the chance to help, and the Scorpion was killed.

Qiuyue Hesha looked at the Giant Ruby Scorpion slowly turned into ashes and smiled. "If we supported Little Brother Lu Ze, then even a Full-powered Ruby Scorpion can be killed."

The girls nodded.

Lu Li smiled and sighed. "The [Domain] is really powerful. [Domains] of the same Element especially make the Super Beasts unable to even use their [God Art]."

If the Ruby Scorpion could use its [God Art], it wouldn't be so simple.

This made them hope for the [Domain] even more.

As they chatted, the body turned to ashes and revealed [Drops]. [Super Red and Purple Liquid], [God Art Orb], [Divine Art Rune Shard], and a [Red Crystal].

Lu Ze smiled. "Let's continue."

They didn't go into the region where the Scorpion came out.

It was too dangerous.


An hour later, they found an oasis.

It was completely sealed with Ice and looked enchanting. However, this beauty was merciless because they couldn't sense any signs of life.

They came to the center. It was a Golden Crystal Tree.

They casually strode here and started collecting the [Golden Dew].

According to their experience, the stronger the Beasts in the oasis, the more [Golden Dew] there were.

This oasis wasn't weak since the tree had 22 [Drops].


As soon as they left the oasis, the sky suddenly darkened.

They looked up and saw an extremely huge Gray Bird fly across the air. Under the growing mist, everything seemed to have withered with time and turned to dust.

Before they could do anything, they felt their life force wither away.

Lu Ze and the girls woke up in the Dao Enlightenment Room.

That soul-etched coldness made them shudder. They felt their soul was sealed with coldness.

Nangong Jing gulped. "What was that?"

Lu Ze scratched his head. "Probably a never-before-seen Super Boss."

Who knew how many Super Bosses there were in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. They had seen quite a lot but for one that was this terrifying, it was very rare.

With their Cosmic Cloud State Power, that Super Boss killed them just by passing by?

What level was that?

It was definitely more than a Cosmic Monarch State.

A cosmic lord?

The [Pocket Hunting Dimension] was too strong. There were even Cosmic Lord State Bosses?!"

Lu Li smiled and said, "At least, we earned a lot this time."

Several eyes lit up, then Lu Ze smiled and said, "Let's see what we got."

He started to count up the loot.

22 [Drops of Golden Dew], five [Red Liquid], five [Purple Liquid], [Fire God Art Orb], and a [Divine Art Rune Shard].

They had acquired this [Divine Art Rune Shard] before.

They just needed two more, and they would be able to get the [Cosmic Cloud State Fire Divine Art]. They were very keen on seeing how strong it was.

Lu Ze wondered how well it would go if it was used with the [Fire Domain].

Thinking about this, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. The next time he used a [Domain], he would use a [Divine Art] as well and see if his Spirit Force could support it.

Lu Ze had to try. If it worked, it would be his strongest trump card.

Lu Ze kept on looking.

There was also the [Summoning Crystal], but it was a Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State Ruby Scorpion this time. It had the same power as the actual beast.

They killed five Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State Beasts, 15 Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State Beasts, and even more below.

This was enough for them to cultivate for a long time.

They thought about how they could barely get enough for one day's cultivation resource when they first entered the map, but now, they could get over two weeks.

After taking their share, they went to cultivate.


As time went on, they would still feed Ying Ying every day. They could feel the Terrifying Pressure coming from her.

Who knows how strong this little girl was getting?

The prodigy selection contest was going smoothly too. This was broadcasted across the entire Federation, and so everyone was very excited.

The Federation had gone into crazy celebration after learning the Elf Race would be allying with them.

They went crazier when they heard the Monarch of the New Dawn was taking a group of prodigies to the Elf Race to study personally.

This contest also let the Federation discover that the current Federation wasn't the same at all.

There were prodigies reaching Aperture Opening State at just the early age of 20. There were even those who reached the Mortal Evolution State!

Most prodigies had [God Arts], and their Combat Power surpassed ordinary people. This was almost the same as Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha back in the days.

This was unbelievable.

Even Luo Bingqing and the others were dazed. But after thinking about Lu Ze and the girls' phenomena, they realized what had happened.

Lu Ze and the girls were carrying the entire Race!

In just five years, the Monarch of the New Dawn had led the Human Race to become countless times stronger.

If the 12 Saints were the first ray of light that penetrated the dark times, then the prosperity of the Human Race began with Lu Ze.

The Monarch of the New Dawn was the sun of the Human Race.

Monarch of the New Dawn was a well-deserved name!


>Chapter 1126: Limit<


Ten days later in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], Lu Ze and the girls were facing a huge Earth Wolf. It was a Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State.

Its eyes were locked onto Lu Ze, as it howled and charged towards him.

Lu Ze was expressionless as his [Sand God Art Domain] expanded, instantly reaching a few hundred kilometers.

The Sand around the Wolf suddenly disappeared and fused into the [Domain].

A [Rune] flashed across Lu Ze's eyes. The entire [Domain] glimmered with [Runes]. As the [Runes] flashed, Boundless Sand appeared and swept towards the Earth Wolf.

The Earth Wolf wanted to dodge, but there was too much Sand rushing in from all directions. They were all over the [Domain].

It had nowhere to hide.

Almost instantly, it was covered by Sand, and a Sand Rope entangled around its body and started to contract.


A series of bone-cracking sounds came.


The Earth Wolf wailed and eventually spat out blood and broken organs before its life force dissipated.

As the Wolf's life force dissipated, its [Domain] started to vanish.

Lu Ze's face became pale, and his Chi became weak.

The entire process only lasted a second.

Lu Ze panted heavily.

Lu Ze had tried to use the [Domain] with a [Divine Art]. He had to admit it was rather great. A Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State Beast couldn't resist such an attack at all.

The only thing was, it used up Spirit Force even more.

Originally, he could last five seconds, but now, he didn't even know if he could last three.

This was too fast.

The girls were still shocked at how fast Lu Ze killed the Wolf despite seeing it before.

This was too strong.

Nangong Jing grinned. "I wonder if he could take on a Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State Beast with this Power?"

Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State Beast was pretty much on par with a Peak Cosmic Cloud State outside, right?

Lu Ze thought about it and said, "How about we test it next time?"

He was keen. Although he couldn't use their [Liquid], their [God Art Orbs] would still be useful. And, he wanted to see what his limit was.

That way, he would know when to hide and when to fight in the outside world.

Alice spoke with some guilty conscience. "Senior, are we really going to try?"

Although they were going to die every day, this certain death didn't seem to be worth it.

Lin Ling raised her eyebrows. "We can test it. That way we know what our limit is."

She thought the same as Lu Ze.

The others agreed too.

Alice poked out her tongue. "Okay then."

Lu Ze picked up the loots, and they kept on hunting.

Two hours later, Lin Ling's eyes lit up. "There's a Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast there!"

The group rejoiced.

Lu Ze opened his mouth and said, "Lets' go over!"

They went in the direction Lin Ling pointed, and soon, they felt a strong Chi there. It was much stronger than the Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State Earth Wolf.

Lu Ze raised his brow.

At the same time, the Chi there erupted. Clearly, the Super Beast saw them too.


The Scorching Air in the desert shot up the temperature. The Air became twisted.


A few kilometers away, lava spewed out, and a Ruby Scorpion charged out. It glared at Lu Ze and the girls. The lava was spinning around its body.

Lu Ze said, "I'll go up, you guys support me at the back."

Nangong Jing and the others nodded.


Lu Ze used his [Fire God Art Domain]. The Fire Sea expanded. The lava around the Scorpion evaporated and fused into the [Domain].

The Ruby Scorpion was dazed. It roared in fury.

A [Complex Rune] flashed around it. However, it couldn't use its [Fire Divine Art]. It found out that none of the [Fire Elements] was under its control.

It couldn't use [Fire God Art] in this Fire Sea?!

Meanwhile, [Red Runes] flowed around Lu Ze. It wasn't good to use other [God Art] and [Divine Art] in the [Fire Domain].

The best was [Fire Divine Art]. However, Lu Ze's Fire Divine Art level wasn't high.

[Fire Buff].

This was a [Divine Art] he got a long time again. However, in this [Domain], its amplification for Lu Ze was huge.


[Runes] fused into Lu Ze's body like an Invisible Wave spread.

The Fire formed a layer of red armor on his body. He disappeared from the spot and charged before the Ruby Scorpion.

It slashed its pincer at Lu Ze. However, the girls used [Petrification Divine Art].

The Ruby Scorpion slowed down.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed with ferocity. Terrifying Flames burned on his hands and feet. He easily dodged the pincer and kicked it into its head.


The shell on its head cracked. Blood splashed out.

The Scorpion fell back.

Lu Ze came before it again. He easily dodged another pincer attack and pressed his Flames into the Scorpion's head.


Fire exploded from Lu Ze's hands.

The Scorpion fell back once again.



In a short instant, the two almost disappeared from the Fire Sea. Lu Ze was too fast, while the Scorpion was being hit too fast.


Three seconds later, the Scorpion's howls were almost indiscernible.

At this moment, the Fire Sea suddenly disappeared.

The Scorpion with an almost broken head fell.

Meanwhile, Lu Ze wobbled and also fell.

At this moment, Lu Li came behind him and held him.

The other girls appeared before the Scorpion and attacked. Even though it was already extremely weak, the girls still took over ten seconds to kill it.

The body turned to dust.

They could kill a prime Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast. It seemed as though they could get the [Cosmic Cloud State Divine Art] at any time!
