[Chapter 1127-1128]

>Chapter 1127: [Fire Divine Art Rune], Ying Ying Awakening<


The group set off again in search of prey.

They pretty much knew where their limit was. They could fight Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State Beasts, but they might not necessarily win.


An hour later, they were getting plenty of kills.

At this moment, a Violent Chi suddenly surged from not far away.



The familiar sounds made them tense up.

They were fighting again???

The distance was so close too?!

At this moment, a Sharp Silver Light tore through Space and appeared before them.

Immediately, their bodies ached and they died.

The group woke up back in the Dao Enlightenment Room. They were speechless.

"How many days has it been? They're fighting again," Nangong Jing complained.

Lin Ling couldn't help but vomit. "They were fighting so close to us as well!"

This was the first time they were directly caught in the Overlord battle and died.

"And this time, it was the Silver Wolf and Golden Eagle that started fighting first."

Qiuyue Hesha frowned because of the pain and said, "Usually, it was the Fire Bird and Ice Bird starting to fight first."

Lu Li said, "It seems the relationship between the Overlords is deteriorating worse and worse."

Everyone nodded.

Lu Ze handsomely smiled and said, "This is good for us. If we aren't caught inside, hunting would become easier."

The others realized this too.

If they weren't caught there, they would only need to pick up free drops. Then they would have boundless resources.

At this moment, Alice started talking with some expectation. "I wonder if the two Overlords would be heavily injured so that we can get freebies."

Lu Ze and the girls: "…"

They were speechless. How was that possible?!

The Overlords weren't dumb. How could they let themselves be in that dangerous predicament?

Alice was so naive.

Lu Ze rubbed her head with a smile and said, "Okay, let's split the things up."

They had three [Fire Divine Art Rune Shards]. Just needed one more, and they would be able to form a complete one.

Lu Ze was quite keen. If he could find another Ruby Scorpion tomorrow, he would be able to get it.

Five days later.

Lu Ze was sitting in the Dao Enlightenment Room with Flames glowing around him.

The Flames suddenly shot into his body, and his eyes flashed with [Red Runes]. He lifted his hand, and a burning fireball was formed.

It was small, but it contained terrifying power.

This was the first [Divine Art] he got from the Ruby Scorpion.

Lu Ze never got to find out what [Divine Art] was until now.

It was a rather powerful [Attack Divine Art]. It could form an extremely Destructive Energy Ball. It had a powerful explosive and burning effect.

With his current power, he could easily wipe away the Milky Way with one Energy Ball. Thus, Lu Ze named this divine art '[Fire Ball Divine Art]'.

In just one or two days, he would be able to reach Familiar Mastery.

This was great!

If he reached Experienced Mastery, this [Fire Ball's Power] would definitely surpass [Sand One Divine Art]. But the [Poison Ball Divine Art] was special.

Its effect was dependent on how strong his [Poison God Art] was.

Lu Ze even thought about fusing the two [Balls]. He would think about it after he brought the [Fire Ball] to Perfect Mastery.

He got up and stretched. He came to the restroom.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha were helping Alice and the other people set up the table. It was filled with all sorts of Spirit Food.

Seeing Lu Ze coming in, Alice said with a grin, "Senior, you came at the perfect time. Come, eat breakfast."

Lu ze's eyes lit up and showed an excited expression. "Good."

After breakfast, they rested for a bit and came to Planet Jinyao.

One reason was to feed Ying Ying, and the other was to be the judge for the finals today.

Elder Nangong was teaching Lue Xi cultivation outside his shack.

When Lu Ze and the girls came over, Lue Xi's eyes showed excitement. She jumped into Qiuyue Hesha's arms.

"Sister Hesha!"

A softness flashed in Qiuyue Hesha'eyes and rubbed her head. "Did you behave with Grandpa Nangong?"

Lue Xi nodded.

Elder Nangong came over too. "Go feed Ying Ying. Why are her lips like that? There's a very Powerful Chi coming from there from time to time.

Lu Ze smiled. "Ying Ying should be waking up soon."

Elder Nangong nodded. "Then, you guys should go."

Ying Ying was still lying on the bed. She was still drooling.

The group started feeding her [Red Liquid].

As the [Liquid] entered her body, the Starlight around her became Vibrant. Strands of Terrifying Chi surged from her body.

Lu Ze gasped. "She has already controlled her Chi quite a lot, but it's still so terrifying."

Nangong Jing and the others nodded. "She's progressing better than before. I wonder how strong she is now?"

As they gauge the difference, the Starlight grew brighter.

At this moment, her eyelashes shook, and she opened her eyes.

The Starlight went back into her body.

She shot up from the bed and looked around in confusion. She recovered from the confusion and looked at Alice pitifully.

Then, she said to Alice, "Sister Alice, I want to eat tasty food."

Lu Ze: "…"

Alice rubbed her little head with a smile. "Okay, I'll cook for you when we get back."

Ying Ying nodded.

Lu Ze thought of something and said, "Ying Ying, can you get rid of that Star Barrier?"

Hearing this, Ying Ying blinked her eyes, and the Star Barrier disappeared.

Everyone strong enough sensed this.

They rejoiced.

Only Ying Ying could control the barrier. Clearly, she woke up now.

Ying Ying was full of excitement and said, "It's done."

Lu Ze smiled and said, "Then, let's go out. The finals will commence later."


>Chapter 1128: Finals Speech<


Qiuyue Hesha carried Ying Ying, and the group left the wooden shack.

Outside, Elder Nangong saw that Ying Ying had just woken up, and he smiled amicably.

"When I saw the Star Barrier disappear, I knew Ying Ying had woken up."

"The finals are about to begin. Luo, that kid, and the others are waiting for you outside."

Lu Ze raised a brow. "Elder, where did they hold the finals?"

"At Dawn System. The stage is in Space near Planet Qiming. You will be able to see it if you went over."

Lu Ze nodded. "We'll head over then."

Elder Nangong said, "Wait!"

"Ying Ying doesn't need to accompany you."

He looked at Ying Ying. "Ying Ying, Grandpa will roast fish for you later, alright?"

Ying Ying's eyes lit up immediately as she broke free from Qiuyue Hesha's arms.

"Alright, Grandpa Nangong!"

Lu Ze and the girls: "…"

They looked at Ying Ying speechlessly, but indeed, it wouldn't be suitable to bring her given the situation.

Lu Ze said, "Thank you, Elder."

Elder Nangong waved goodbye to them.

The group proceeded to the location of the finals.

Immediately, they encountered a huge metal structure floating in Space. It was a vast black stage. It looked very grand.

Lu Ze sensed the presence of several Strong Chis there.

Nangong Jing said, "That's it."

They flew to the stage. There were numerous entrances at the bottom where ships came and went. They were noticed as soon as they approached.

A squad of armored soldiers immediately came close. "Stop! Who are you…"

Before they could finish, they finally saw Lu Ze and his girls. They felt dumbfounded. They instantly saluted, "Monarch of the New Dawn, greetings! Young dukes, greetings!"

Lu Ze smiled. "Where are Luo Bingqing and the others?"

The captain immediately responded, "Please follow me. I will lead you there."

Lu Ze nodded.

They soon reached a room.

The captain said, "Lord Luo is inside."

Lu Ze nodded. "Thank you. You can continue with your duties."

The captain saluted again before leaving.

Lu Ze and the girls pushed open the door and went in.

Inside, Luo Bingqing, Lin Kuang, Xuan Yuji, and the rest were all there.

Lin Kuang grinned. "Ze, I thought you guys weren't coming."

Lu Ze smiled. "Brother Lin Kuang, how is it? When does the competition begin?"

Lin Kuang replied, "Soon. The finals will be ranking the top 100 prodigies. They will be given rewards based on that."

Qiuyue Hesha remarked, "That should be interesting."

After all, these participants would be the strongest prodigies in the Federation.

As for the rewards, they didn't care.

The best thing in the Federation was probably the [Red Orbs] they had or the precious things from the Elf Race.

Lu Ze believed that it was most likely the gifts from the Elf Race.

Luo Bingqing looked at the time. "Okay, it's about time. Let's go up."

He looked at Lu Ze. "By the way, you need to do a speech for the opening."

Lu Ze: "???"

"Me? Do a speech?"

Mo Xie grinned. "Elder said that those young people admire you so much. If you say some words, it would be much more effective than us doing it."

Lu Ze was speechless.

He was set up by the Elder again.

Last time, the principal from his high school did the same.

He nodded helplessly. "Okay."


The group left the office and walked up the corridor.

The stairs were high, and there were some seats around. Below the stairs was a huge stage that was over a hundred kilometers wide.

The two sides of the stage were filled with contestants.

When they saw Lu Ze and the girls emerged, their eyes flashed with intense admiration.

Especially the girls.

"Wow, the Monarch of the New Dawn is so handsome!"

"Ahhh~ the Monarch of the New Dawn looked at me!!"

"Piss off! He was clearly looking at me!"

Seeing how ferocious and heated the female prodigies were, the male prodigies sweated cold. They respected the Monarch of the New Dawn a lot too, but could the girls have some control?

Did they think Monarch of the New Dawn was deaf?

Next to Lu Ze, Nangong Jing and the rest of his girls were looking at him with a strange glance.

Even Luo Bingqing and the rest looked over.

They were young dukes too. Why weren't they excited about them?!

Lu Ze walked up to the front and coughed. "Silence!"

Lu Ze showed off a sliver of Cosmic Cloud State Chi, and his Dominant Voice spread across.

Everyone calmed down.

So powerful! This was indeed the Monarch of the New Dawn!

Lu Ze smiled. "First of all, congratulations!"

"To be able to stand here means that you are the most talented bunch of prodigies in the Federation! For this, you should be proud."

"Regardless of what the results are today, all of you will be coming with me to the Elf Cosmic Realm."

Lu Ze's words were simple but encouraging to the prodigies.

Everyone wanted to see the power of the Elf Race and the world outside the Milky Way.
