[Chapter 1141-1142]

>Chapter 1141: Feast<


Hearing Lily's question, Lu Ze smiled, and replied, "When the Human Race was weak, they were our most reliable allies."

The Elves were stunned.

The Elf Queen looked at the three races and grinned. "Allies?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Yes, we've been allies for over a thousand years ago."

The Elves were dazed.

Just a few years ago, the Human Race was still a Cosmic System State Civilization. They knew this. But now, the Human Race is different.

Their power and foundation weren't the weakest among the bunch, even amongst Cosmic Cloud State Civilizations. However, they would still take care of their original allies so much.

This made the Elf Race have an even better impression of the Human Race. The Human Race won't be betray their allies. This was good for the Elf Race.

The Human Race's potential was too great, and their development was too fast. They were allying with the Human Race now to invest in them.

If the Human race had no bottom line and was ungrateful, they weren't worth the investment.

Upon seeing how much they valued their original allies, the Elf Race felt safe. As long as the Elf Race treated them genuinely, the Human Race wouldn't betray them.

As for the other Races, she could give them some benefits in the future. It didn't affect the Elf Race.

Then, they began chatting about other topics.

As time went on, other Races entered the hall and were quickly guided to their seats by Zuoqiu Xunshuang.

When they saw the Elf Queen and the rulers of a few Cosmic Cloud State Peak Civilizations, they were all excited.

Even they couldn't see these Powerful Beings often. However, seeing the three Races sitting in the front row, they were stunned.

What were they?

Cosmic System States?

Did they walk the wrong way?

The Lightning Rune and other Races were bewildered. However, this was arranged by the Human Race. They were confused, but they didn't express it.

After all, not even the Elf Race said anything.

The Elders went to the main table.

Elder Nangong got up and saluted with his fists. "Predecessors, welcome to the Human Race. We were lucky to have her majesty approve of our Race and form an alliance. The Human Race also wishes to maintain friendly collaborations with all the Races here in terms of cultivation and technology. We also hope to establish trade relationships here…"

The Elf Queen smiled. "The Elf Race and the Human Race are forming an alliance. We will be opening some trade collaborations with the Human Race, and we will be allowing the Human Race cultivators and scientists to come for study in our Race…"

Hearing this, all the other Races were stunned.

This was the Elf Race! A Cosmic Realm State Civilization!

The abundance of their cultivation resources and technology was far beyond that of Cosmic Cloud State Civilizations.

Even the Peak Cosmic Cloud State Civilizations had no right to go study at the Elf Race, but the Human Race now could.

Of course, the Human Race had its advantages, too.

It was Lu Ze and the girl's extreme talent and potential. They gave the Human Race endless possibilities.

Perhaps, surpassing the Elf Race wasn't a dream. By then, the Elf Race would have a powerful and loyal ally.

Moss quickly congratulated, "Congratulations, on the powerful alliance between the Elf and Human Race. Our Golden Spear Race is very willing to go into deep collaboration in all facets with the Human Race whether it's trade, technology, or cultivation. We welcome the Human Race prodigies to come to study in our Race."

"The same for the Crystal Race."

"Congratulations, same…"


The Barbarian, Winged, and Round Race looked at each other with complicated looks.

These extremely proud Cosmic Cloud State Civilizations were nicer to the Human Race than they had imagined.

The atmosphere was quite lively.

Other than the Spirit Food, the Elders also took out some Golden Fruit Wine. This Wine would be useful to even Cosmic Cloud States if they hadn't had it before.

Everyone was shocked, including the Elf Queen.

This made everyone feel that the Human Race's background wasn't so simple as the surface.

The Elf Race for some reason really loved the Golden Fruit Wine. Perhaps, because it was made from fruits?

However, the Elf Queen even asked Lu Ze for a few buckets.

When the Elf Race saw Lu Ze take out a bucket the size of a human, their eyes went green.

Lu Ze couldn't handle their gaze and gave them one each.

All the Elves were extremely grateful to Lu Ze. Even the two Cosmic Realm States who came thanked Lu Ze incessantly.

Lu Ze was quite embarrassed. After all, this Wine really wasn't rare for him.

At first, the apes resisted, but now, they didn't even bother resisting. He still had a few hundred buckets of this Wine.

The feast went late into the night.

Lu Ze and the girls went back to the cultivation building. Their faces were red from the Wine they drank.

Those Elves were alcoholics.

Nangong Jing and Lily almost became sisters.

Lu Ze was very speechless.

When they came back, they saw Ying Ying sitting on the couch alone with eyes widened, looking at them with a complaint.

Lu Ze and the girls shuddered.

Qiuyue Hesha hugged Ying Ying. "Ying Ying, what's wrong?"

Ying Ying turned her head away, not even looking at Lu Ze. They looked at each other with confusion. Was this little girl angry?

Nangong Jing and the others surrounded Ying Ying and rubbed her small, round face. "What's wrong, Ying Ying, who made you angry? Tell me, I'll help you beat him up."

"Yes, me too!"

Ying Ying nodded, and while speaking, she glanced at Lu Ze. "You went to eat good food but didn't bring me over! I smelled so much good food!"


Nangong Jing spoke awkwardly. "There were many other Races there. It's not convenient for Ying Ying to go see people right now."

Ying Ying pouted her lips.

Seeing this, Alice's eyes lit up, smiled, and said, "Then, how about I go cook for you some now? More than before!"

The feast was cooked by her dad, but her cooking was better than her dad's now.

Ying Ying's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Really!" Alice nodded vigorously.

Ying Ying excitedly swallowed and slightly bit her index finger. "Okay then, I forgive you guys."


>Chapter 1142: No Longer Hide<


Alice rubbed Ying Ying's head. "Wait here then, I'll go cook it now!"

Alice, Lu Li, and Lin Ling went to the kitchen.

Qiuyue Hesha and Nangong Jing played with Ying Ying on the couch.

Lu Ze felt great. He didn't have enough yet.

Soon, a meal was made, and Ying Ying's mood quickly recovered afterwards.


At night, the group went into the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

The next morning, Lu Ze went to the resting room.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha were there.

At this moment, Zuoqiu Xunshuang came to the room.

Nangong Jing smiled. "Mom, why are you here?"

Zuoqiu Xunshuang looked across the lounge, then smiled and said, "The other Races are leaving and so is the Elf Race. Aren't you guys going there? Just go over now."

Lin Ling, Lu Li, and Alice came in.

Hearing Xunshuang's words, Lin Ling was slightly surprised. "They're going like that?"

The feast just finished yesterday.

Zuoqiu Xunshuang smiled and replied, "They're the High levels of their respective Races. They have a lot of matters to handle. Now that our relations have been established, they've accomplished their goal. They should be leaving."

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay then, let's go too."

He thought about it and looked at Ying Ying. "By the way, what about Ying Ying?"

After all, there are Cosmic Realm States here.

Could Ying Ying keep it from the Cosmic Realm States?

Everyone fell into silence.

Lu Ze thought about it and had a bold idea. He asked Ying Ying. "Ying Ying can you control your Chi and not let the Elf Race's Cosmic Realm States sense your cultivation level?"

Ying Ying blinked her eyes and nodded. "Yes, I ate the glass ball. I know [Chi Concealing God Art]."

Lu Ze and the girls were surprised.

They just remembered that they had fed Ying Ying many [God Art Orbs]. Does this mean that she knew all the [God Arts] they knew?

Thinking about this, Lu Ze's skin crawled. She was already so powerful, and now that she had all these [God Arts], her Combat Power was through the roof.

Lu Ze grinned. "In that case, just show a Cosmic System State… no, just reveal a Chi that just reached the Cosmic Cloud State."

Zuoqiu Xunshuang asked, "Ze, what are you trying to do?"

Lu Ze smiled. "Just pretend Ying Ying is a prodigy of the force behind us?"

This was a great idea!

The Elf Race and East Region's Races already believed Lu Ze and the girls had a powerful organization or force behind them.

In that case, another absurd prodigy would seem normal?

If even a child like Ying Ying could reach the Cosmic Cloud State, it would only make the other Races think higher of the being or organization behind them.

The girls nodded.

Qiuyue Hesha rubbed Ying Ying's head. "Great, Ying Ying doesn't like hiding anyway. We'll do that."

Nangong Jing smiled and said, "In that case, we should've brought her out yesterday to lay the setup."

Everyone laughed. She was still complaining last night.

Lu Ze smiled and said. "In that case, it's decided."

Ying Ying listened with interest, and a hint of surprise flashed in her widened eyes, manifesting a deep, sacred tan. "I don't need to hide then."

Ying Ying was quite happy.

Zuoqiu Xunshuang looked at everyone, smiled, and said, "In that case, let's go. The Elders are already at the border."

Lu Ze and the girls nodded, and then, Lu Ze took everyone to the border.


At the Space Station of the border, there were quite some alien Spaceships that stopped there.

The Elders, High-levels of the Human Race, and the prodigies were all there as well as the Elf Race.

At this moment, a Beam flashed.

Lu Ze and the girls appeared in the Space Station.

Everyone looked over.

Lu Ze smiled apologetically. "Elders, we're late."

Ying Ying was hiding in Qiuyue Hesha's arms looking at everyone curiously. This was her first time appearing publicly in front of so many people.

Elder Nangong was just about to speak when he saw Ying Ying and was stunned.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Lu Ze to just bring her like that.

The 100 prodigies didn't know about Ying Ying. They looked at Ying Ying and were dazed.

The Monarch of the New Dawn and the charming young dukes already have kids?!

They didn't even know?!

The Elders quickly asked Lu Ze telepathically. "Ze, why did you bring Ying Ying over here??"

The four of them said desperately.

Lu Ze replied to them.

The Elders thought about it and believed it was indeed a good idea.

The other Races sensed the Cosmic Cloud State Chi on this girl and were petrified. She was this young and was already a Cosmic Cloud State?!

Who was she? How was she this terrifying?

They already thought that Lu Ze and the girls were terrifying enough, but this girl was worse?

The Elf Queen was shocked too.

This girl might be born as a Cosmic Cloud State, or at least, a High-leveled Cosmic System State and grew to this stage.

How terrifying was this sort of life?

Although Ying Ying looked Human, she didn't consider her human at all. This little girl might be the descendant of a Cosmic Monarch or Cosmic Lord?

She took in a cold breath. Also, she felt a sliver of threat from this little girl!

She wasn't weak in the Cosmic Realm State, and yet, she sensed this from a Cosmic Cloud State little girl?

This only meant that there was something on this little girl enough to pose a threat to her. This little girl's background was extremely terrifying!

However, Qiuyue Hesha was holding this little girl.
