[Chapter 1143-1144]

>Chapter 1143: Admiring Lily<


Thinking about this, the Queen's heart beat rapidly. She looked at Lu Ze and asked, "Ze, who is this little girl?"

Lu Ze smiled. "She can be considered our little sister. It's inconvenient for me to say anymore."

As they guessed! This girl was from the Power behind Lu Ze and the girls?

This meant that it was probably a Cosmic Monarch or even Cosmic Lord behind Lu Ze. But this Force won't intervene with the development of the Human Race too much.

Otherwise, the Human Race wouldn't ally with the Elf Race.

This was good news for them. It was only then that they had a chance. It seems they needed to invest more in the Human Race.

The other Races also had their guesses.

However, the 100 Human prodigies were disappointed.

It wasn't the Monarch of the New Dawn's child?

They thought that they discovered some major secret.

The Elf Queen returned to her senses. "We've disturbed the Human Race this time. We'll be off first. See you again next time."

Elder Nangong nodded. "Hope you have a smooth journey, Your Majesty. Please look after our Human prodigy."

The Queen nodded. "We're allies, of course."

Then the Queen smiled at Lu Ze and the girls. "Ze, let's go."

Lu Ze nodded. They went towards a luxurious Green Ship.

The other Races also bid goodbye.

The Elders looked in their direction with complicated eyes.

After a while, Xu Bingbai grinned and smiled. "I wonder if those kids can show us some surprise when they return?"

Saint Lin Dong smiled faintly. "With Ze looking after them, it should be fine."

Elder Lin nodded. "Ying Ying would also make the Elf Race spend more effort on us."

Elder Nangong smiled. "Ze did this really well."

"Hehe, let's go back and count our gifts."

Everyone was very excited.

Inside the Elf Race ship, Lu Ze and the girls followed Lily and Louisa around in the forest.

The Elf Race ship also used space folding technology. The inside Space was huge.

They were in a small forest that was tens of kilometers wide. The trees were a few hundred meters tall, and there was even an artificial sun.

The temperature here was very comfortable.

Lily walked around while exchanging peeks at Ying Ying from time to time.

Nangong Jing rolled her eyes and said speechlessly. "Lily, you've peeked at Ying Ying 132 times on the way."

Ever since drinking yesterday, the two got really close, so Nangong Jing spoke casually.

Lily quickly looked back and said. "Of course, I'm curious about a Cosmic Cloud State this small."

She looked openly at Ying Ying. "And she looks so cute."

Louisa nodded too.

Nangong Jing raised her head proudly. "Mhm, of course. Look at whose little sister she is!"

The others were all very happy. Only Ying Ying had a calm expression. She just wanted to eat.

Lily asked, "Was Ying Ying born a Cosmic Cloud State?"

Lu Ze smiled. "She was born a Peak Cosmic System State. She just reached the Cosmic Cloud State, recently."

Lily admired. "Such powerful racial potential! When I was born, I was only a Star State!"

Lu Ze and all the human prodigies: "…"

Only born as a Star State!!

They were just born ordinary Humans though?!

Lily waved at Ying Ying and used her self-proclaimed gentle smile. "Ying Ying, hello. I'm your brother's and sisters' friend. You can call me Sister Lily"

Ying Ying: "…"

She hugged Qiuyue Hesha tightly.

Seeing this, Lily didn't feel too good.

Was she disliked?!

How was this possible?!

Did she not smile amicably enough?

Lu Ze laughed.

Lily looked like a child-abducting auntie.

Louisa suddenly said. "Princess Lily, we're here."

Lily stopped and looked ahead. "Your stay is there."

There were five huge trees and exquisite treehouses on top.

Lu Ze sighed. Compared to the Human Race tree houses, these ones were much more aesthetically pleasing.

Lily saw this and grinned. "It takes three days from here to the Elf Divine Realm. You guys can cultivate here during this time. There's a Medium-grade Spirit Gathering Formation."

Lu Ze and the girls gasped.

Even the guest rooms of the spaceship used Medium-grade Spirit Gathering Stones. The Elf Race was really wealthy!

Lu Ze smiled. "Thank you for preparing such nice places for us."

Lily smiled and shook her head. "The Human Race is our ally. Of course, you deserve the best treatment."

She looked at Ying Ying. She wanted to stay and connect with her, but it wasn't too suitable. She could only continue. "Then, we'll be off first. Let us know if there's anything."

Lu Ze nodded.

Nangong Jing also nodded. "Come, drink when we eat."

Lily's eyes lit up. "Sure! We must drink some more!"

After the two left, Lin Kuang couldn't resist saying. "That Elf Princess is really beautiful."

Derrick, Jack, Ye Mu, and the other prodigies nodded.


>Chapter 1144: Reaching The Elf Divine Realm<


There were quite a few tree houses, but there were over 100 Humans.

Lu Ze and the girls shared one treehouse. Luo Bingqing and the others split into two. The rest were given to the 100 Human prodigies.

The interior was rather extravagant. The furniture and layout felt very elegant and royal.

They sat on the soft purple couch.

Nangong Jing felt the Spirit Force density and smiled. "This is indeed a Medium-grade Spirit Gathering Formation. The Spirit Force is denser than our one on Planet Jinyao."

After all, the formation on Planet Jinyao was still Low-grade.

Qiuyue Hesha slightly flipped her long hair. "The Elf Race is shocking. There are so many rooms here. I wonder how many Medium-grade Spirit Gathering Stones they have?"

Lu Ze smiled. "The Elf Race has probably developed for over a billion years. How many years has the Human Race had? This difference is normal. Now it's about how we make up for this difference."

The girls nodded firmly.

Luo Bingqing and the others had also used the Spirit Gathering Formation on Planet Jinyao, so they weren't as shocked and immediately started to cultivate.

However, this was the first time the other 100 prodigies had enjoyed a Medium-grade Spirit Gathering Room. They were dumbfounded.

"How is there so much Spirit Force in this room?!"

"Yes! It's more than ten times that of our human Spirit Gathering Rooms!"

"The Elf Race is cultivating under such circumstances?!"

Everyone was in disbelief.

Even a pig would be progressing quickly under such circumstances. Plus, the Elf Race's talent was better than the Human Race's!

Now, they finally grasped a little bit of how powerful the Elf Race was.

A beautiful girl said, "Don't get dejected. We still have the Monarch of the New Dawn and the other Young Dukes! Their talent and power are enough for even the Elf Race to initiate an alliance with us!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

One handsome man said. "Yeah, we're going to be studying at the Elf Race now. We can't lose face for the Human Race and the Monarch of the New Dawn!"

They were representing the Human Race!

"Okay! Go cultivate!"


In the next three days, Lu Ze and the girls focused on cultivation level. After all, it was the Medium-grade Spirit Gathering Room.

There was no Dao Enlightenment Room. It would be a waste to learn [God Art] and [Divine Art] here.


Three days later, Lu Ze and the girls were having breakfast when their door was knocked.

Alice opened the door and saw Lily and Louisa standing there.

Nangong Jing waved her hand. "Lily, come and drink."

Lily's eyes lit up, and the elegant and soft smile on her face brought a hint of excitement. "Sure, you guys didn't even tell me you were eating good food!"

Alice took out two more sets of bowls. "Come, let's eat together."

Lily and Louisa sat down.

Lily looked at Nangong Jing and smiled and said, "Pour the wine."

Nangong Jing opened her eyes, showed a look of shock. "Don't you have your own?!"

Lily looked at Lu Ze. "I only have so much, I can't compare with you. Ze has so much."

Nangong Jing nodded. "Okay then."

She couldn't finish it anyway.

Lu Ze and the girls were shocked.

Nangong Jing was really going to share some with Lily? Wasn't that her treasure?

They were two female alcoholics. Was that why they were really close?

Nangong Jing poured some for Lily and Louisa. Then, the three of them drank.

Afterwards, Lily seemed to think of something and said, "By the way, I came here for something."

Lu Ze and the girls: "…"

She didn't mention what she came here for first and just chose to drink?

Nangong Jing asked, "What is it?"

Lily slightly smiled and said, "We're about to reach the Elf Divine Realm. The Queen asked me to notify you guys."

Lu Ze and the girls were a little excited. They were finally about to arrive at the legendary Elf Divine Realm?

Then, Lily paused and said, "Not a rush, there's still some time. We can leave after eating."

After nearly an hour, Lily finally let go of her bowl and said, "Let's go."

Nangong Jing was a little bit reluctant to drink the Wine in the bowl and said, "Then, let's continue next time."

Lu Ze and the others looked at the two reluctant female drunks. They were speechless; They didn't want to talk.

Afterwards, Lu Ze stood up and said, "I'll go call teacher Luo and the others."

Soon, all the other Humans were woken up by Lu Ze.

They left the room with reluctance.

They wondered if they would still have such a good cultivation place again in the Elf Divine Realm.

Lin Kuang frowned, and his Chi surged. "You guys are here to study. If you perform well, your cultivation conditions might be even better than here. Don't let our Race down."

Finally, hope glimmered in their eyes again.

Lily led everyone to a vast foyer. The Queen and other powerful Elves were already there.

The Queen smiled elegantly. "Ze, was the stay comfortable?"

Lu Ze quickly nodded. "The guest rooms that Your Majesty has prepared for us are too great. The Middle-class Spirit Gathering Room is amazing. Thank you, Your Majesty."

The Queen shook her head. "We're allies. We're about to arrive at the Elf Divine Realm."

The ship exited the Warp Dimension.
