[Chapter 1153-1154]

>Chapter 1153: The Most Prosperous District Of The Elf Cosmic Region<


At this moment, another door opened as Lily came out.

Seeing this, the male Elf's eyes lit up. He finally saw someone from his own Race!

More importantly, it was Princess Lily!

He quickly asked, "Princess Lily, who are these people?"

Lily was stunned, and she introduced the others thereafter. "Our Race has formed an alliance with the Human Race. He's the strongest Human prodigy. They came to cultivate here."

The man had heard about the matter regarding Human prodigies but didn't mind it much.

Thinking about this, he looked at Lu Ze and the girls with curiosity. He smiled apologetically. "So it's a comrade from the alliance. I apologize for my behavior earlier."

Lu Ze waved his hand. "You're too polite, Brother."

Lily said to the man, "Alright then, the Dao Enlightenment Room is empty. You can cultivate now."

The man nodded and smiled at Lu Ze and his group before entering.

This man was indeed an Elf prodigy. He was more well-mannered than they imagined.

Lily asked, "How did your [Life Blossom Divine Art] progress? Did you reach Beginner Mastery?

Lu Ze and the girls: "…"

Their smile stiffened since they didn't know how to respond.

Lily seemed to have understood something and said, "It's normal if you haven't reached the Beginner Mastery. After all, it's a [Cosmic System State Divine Art]. Reaching the Beginner Mastery in half a month, even with the aid of Medium-grade Dao Enlightenment Room, is a bit hard."

"Hahaha…" Lu Ze and the girls laughed awkwardly.

Lu Ze looked at Lily and decided to not tell her for the moment.

Lily sighed. "What a pity. My [Life God Art Mastery] has reached a bottleneck. It's too difficult to keep improving. Even Perfect Mastery of the [Divine Art] seems so distant."

Clearly, she didn't gain much from this session.

Nangong Jing patted her shoulder. "It's fine, we're still young. We have plenty of times ahead."

Another Dao Enlightenment Room opened.

Louisa came out excitedly.

Lily questioned, "Louisa, did you do well?"

Louisa nodded. "Ever since learning [Life God Art] last time, my Mastery of it has progressed well in the Dao Enlightenment Room."

Lily said, "It seems Her Majesty would allow you to learn [Life Blossom Divine Art] soon."

Lily turned to Lu Ze and the girls. "Okay, let's meet with Her Majesty first. Ze, you can return the [Heritage Crystal], and then, we'll head off."

Lu Ze nodded.

They flew towards the crest of the tree and arrived at the Divine Palace.

The Elf Queen had closed her eyes and appeared to be cultivating. When she saw Lu Ze and the rest come in, she opened her eyes. She glanced across them and smiled.

"You're preparing to head off?"

Lily confirmed it with a nod.

Lu Ze took out the [Heritage Crystal] and sent it flying to the Queen. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for letting us learn your [Heritage Divine Art]."

The queen accepted the crystal. "It's just a [Divine Art]. Since we're allies and you guys have [Life God Art], it's not a big deal to let you learn it."

She looked at Lily and said, "Please take care of Lily."

Lily: "???"

What was going on? Wasn't she the strongest?

At most… they could help each other.

Lu Ze smiled upon seeing how Lily reacted. "Understood, Your Majesty. We will take good care of Princess Lily."

Lily's elegant face revealed some rare displeasure as she glared at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze pretended that he didn't see it.

The Elf Queen nodded. "In that case, you guys can head off."

The group left the palace and headed to the Teleportation foyer.

Lu Ze looked at Louisa in surprise. "Louisa, you're coming along as well?"

Lily said, "Louisa isn't weak. She won't be a hindrance."

Louisa was a little unhappy after witnessing how surprised Lu Ze was. "I'm a Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State!"

Lu Ze laughed it off.

That would be equivalent to Level-7 or Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State Combat Power. It was quite strong. That was about the same as the fox demon and alcoholic.

They soon arrived at the Teleportation Hall.

The same Peak Cosmic Cloud State Guardian was there.

Lily said, "Heading to Xavier System."

The Guardian nodded. "Good luck to you all."

He inserted a Spirit Force into the [Rune], and the group was taken away by a Green Light.


Xavier System, Teleportation Hall.

A Green Light flashed, and Lu Ze and his companions appeared.

Immediately, Lu Ze heard loud noises.

"Xavier Ancient Ruins Level 1, Barren Plains Adventure. Those who want to team up, come. There's a Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State leading the team. We need someone with a [Sensory-type God Art]!"

"Xavier Ancient Ruins Level 1, testing our luck at the outskirts of the Ancient God Ranges. We want to find a Burning Soul Fruit. We need two Cosmic System States."

This Teleportation Hall was spacious. There were a few thousand Teleportation Disks. These Disks were flashing with light from time to time, and various Beings were appearing.

There were other Races here too.

Lu Ze saw eight two-headed Races, dinosaur humanoids, a water-like Race, and even someone from the Golden Spear Race.

This was a Cosmic Cloud State from the Golden Spear Race. He looked around and immediately left the area.

Lu Ze was shocked. This was his first time seeing so many different Races.

Lily explained, "This is an entrance to the Xavier Ancient Ruins from the Elf Cosmic Realm. All beings from the Elf Cosmic Realm will appear here. Therefore, this is the most prosperous region of the Elf Cosmic Domain."

Lu Ze appeared as though something dawned on him. All the powerful beings of the Races in the Elf Cosmic Realm were gathered here.

Lin Ling looked at the cultivators looking for teammates. "Does everyone look for teammates like this?"

Louisa answered, "Only the minority are like that. Those looking for teammates like this are either Cosmic System States or Cosmic Cloud States. Those weaker ones will search on the Realm Net."

Several beings saw their group.

Some of them gasped.

Elf Princess!

However, they were surprised that a few unknown Races appeared next to the Elf Princess instead of Elf prodigies.


>Chapter 1154: Eternal Song Gallery, Eternal Song Civilization<


Who were these Beings?

Everyone here had the same question.

Only a few beings from the East Region knew what was going on. They had heard about the alliance between the Elf Race and the Human Race.

These were probably the Human prodigies.

The cultivators from the East Region narrowed their eyes. Based on what they had heard, Lu Ze and the girls had been described as extremely rare prodigies in the entire Universe.

However, they were dubious about the veracity of the rumor.

Lu Ze and the girls walked out of the foyer and proceeded to a vast prosperous city. High-rise buildings were everywhere.

Many powerful beings and floating cars came and went.

Lu Ze sensed that the weakest cultivators here were Mortal Evolution States, and they were extremely rare.

Most of the crowd were Planetary States or above.

Qiuyue Hesha remarked, "This place is indeed busy."

Alice looked at Lily. "Where do we go now?"

Lily said, "We don't need to find a teammate, and we have prepared beforehand. How about we go to the ruin straight away? What do you guys think?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Let's go then."

"Where is the entrance to the ruin?" Lu Li asked.

Lily said, "It's outside this planet. Let's go."

The group flew outside the planet. They crossed a lot of prosperous planets and arrived at the central location of the Solar System.

There were three red stars spinning.

In the center, there was an enormous Space Whirlpool. It was even larger than the three stars outside. Numerous spaceships and beings were flying toward the Whirlpool.

Lu Ze and his girls were shocked.

Nangong Jing said, "This is such a huge Space Whirlpool!"

The one they went to with the Round Race was nothing compared to this.

Lily said, "Let's head inside as well."

The group flew towards the three stars. There were spots exploding on the stars.

Countless Fire Waves and Terrifying Energy surged. However, the current temperature was like fresh air for them.

After entering the Whirlpool, Lu Ze immediately sensed the Space Lines Distorting and collapsing, forming a tunnel to an unknown location.

Unlike last time, the Space Teleportation here wasn't chaotic. The group stayed close to each other, so they wouldn't be randomly Teleported away.

Lu Ze didn't need [Space God Art] to pull everyone together this time.

Soon, a White Light flashed.

Lu Ze and the rest of the team came out of the Space Tunnel.

As soon as they landed, Lu Li exclaimed, "The Spirit Force density here is so high!"

Lu Ze and the rest nodded. It was near a Low-grade Spirit Gathering Room.

Lily said, "This ruin was originally a small world of a Cosmic Lord Civilization. Of course, the Spirit Force density here wouldn't be ordinary."

Lu Ze and the girls nodded.

Lu Ze then sighed. "No wonder a lot of Races would choose to come here."

Lily smiled and shook her head. "It's not that simple. Although the Spirit Force density here is high, it's also very dangerous. We're strong, so we don't need to worry about the dangers, but for those Star States and below, they might die here at any time. It's very dangerous for Cosmic System States too."

"What made it dangerous?"

Lily responded, "The Xavier Ancient Ruins is quite vast. There are a lot of Native Beasts and all sorts of restrictions left by the Xavier Race. Naturally, the most dangerous… are the adventurers here."

"The Xavier Race Domain is extremely wide. There are countless powerful Races coming in. From what I know alone, there's at least one Cosmic Lord and a dozen of Cosmic Monarchs. There are countless cosmic realm state forces, let alone those below."

"If you discover a treasure here, you might die if you aren't strong enough."

Lu Ze and his girls frowned.

The powers involved here were too absurd.

The Elf Race was practically nothing here.

There was probably more than one Cosmic Lord Race here too.

Alice said, "By the way Lily, what civilization is the cosmic lord civilization here?"

Lu Ze and the rest of the group looked curiously too. They knew nothing about Cosmic Monarch Civilizations.

Lily said, "The one I know of is called Eternal Song Civilization. Our Elf Cosmic Realm is in the Eternal Song Gallery. The Eternal Song Civilization is an Overlord power in the Eternal Song Gallery."

They knew about the Gallery. It consisted of huge astral bodies. It resembled a long passage, so they were called 'Gallery'.

The Universe was boundless, and there were clusters of Cosmic Galleries expanding out. Outside of that was Void Space where astral bodies were rare.

Lily said, "At this level, we don't need to mind them much. Prodigies of that level have their own battles."

Lu Ze and the girls nodded.

Lu Ze saw a huge sun on the ruins, and the sky was also blue. Below was a boundless forest.

Lu Ze looked around and asked, "Where is this area, Lily?"

Lily answered, "We're quite lucky. This is the Green Hill Forest. It's not far from the ruin we went to last time."

Lily said, "We might be able to find a Green Hill Fruit there. It's a rare treasure for Cosmic Cloud States. It can purify Spirit Force and make one's foundation more stable."

This was the same as the [Red Liquid].

Lily said, "A Green Hill Tree is enough for Peak Cosmic Cloud States and even suppressed Cosmic Realm States to fight over."

Nangong Jing said, "Then, let's find it too!"



Suddenly, a violent explosion occurred.

"Hahaha! You can't get away! Give me all your Green Hill Fruits and I won't maim your body!"

Lu Ze and his team: "…"
