[Chapter 1155-1156]

>Chapter 1155: It's Yours Now<


Lily smiled. "I didn't expect that we were so lucky. We see such things as soon as we come."

Six figures flew towards Lu Ze.

The one at the front was three meters tall and had dark skin. He was covered in wounds. Gray blood was dripping from his body.

Behind him were five Races with green scales and five long blood horns.

The leader had Peak Cosmic Cloud State power. The five behind him had two Peak Cosmic Cloud States and three above Level-7 Cosmic Cloud States.

They were extremely strong!

Seeing this, Lu Ze and the girls were shocked.

Peak Cosmic Cloud State was rare in the entire East Region. Yet, they encountered one as soon as they came to Xavier Ancient Ruins.

They also saw Lu Ze's group and quickly changed to another direction to flee.

When one of the five noticed that Lily was the only Peak Cosmic Cloud State and Louisa was just a Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State while the rest weren't even Level-5 Cosmic Cloud States, they felt relieved.

The leader sneered, "Hey you, mind your own business! Otherwise, we kill you together as well!"

Lu Ze and the girls frowned. Was this Race so violent?

Lu Ze looked at Lily. "Young girl, he's looking down on you."

It's not that he couldn't beat these guys, but Lily was clearly stronger. If he could take it easy, why bother working?

Close the doors and let loose, Lily!

Lily rolled her eyes, but she was also unhappy with this Race. She instantly appeared before the dark-skinned Race.

This being looked at Lily with vigilance.

She said calmly, "Hand over the Green Hill Fruits, and I'll let you leave."

This being clearly didn't expect it. He opened his mouth and was about to talk, but the Blood Horned Race chasing behind clearly wasn't happy.

The leader formed a Blood Orb and shot it at Lily, including the dark-skinned being.

Lily poked out her right hand and grabbed at the Blood Orb. Immediately, a Crisp Green Barrier covered the Blood Orb.


The Orb exploded by the shockwave and was stopped by the Green Barrier.

The five Blood Horned Race froze on the spot.

The two looked at Lily with uncertainty. That Blood Orb wasn't their strongest attack but to be able to dispel it so easily, Lily was rather strong.

The leading blood horn stopped his arrogant act, and his face became serious. He said calmly, "Friend, I was in a bit of a hurry and subconsciously attacked. I'm really sorry. If you don't intervene with our Blue Yan Race now, we'll pay you generously afterwards."

Lily smiled and said nothing. She disappeared from the spot.


In an instant, the leading Blue Yan Race exploded. His blood and flesh splashed everywhere.

The rest of the Blue Yan beings were dumbfounded.

Dead…? Dead just like that??

Everyone was extremely shocked.

Just when they wanted to run, Lily's hand turned green and slapped at the other Peak Cosmic Cloud State Blue Yan being.

This being roared as Golden Blue Light shot up around him. He wanted to stop Lily's hands.


Lily's hand clashed with both hands of this being.

Immediately, a terrifying shockwave shot in all directions.

The Blue Yan being's face changed. Upon contact, his hands were blown to pieces as he fell back.

Lily formed a Green Energy Ball and shot at the being.

The Ball struck the Blue Yan being.


A Green Light flashed.

When the light dissipated, the Blue Yan being's body had turned to dust.

Seeing this, the remaining three Blue Yan beings' eyes were full of horror. Before they could talk, they were all slapped to a pulp by Lily.

Then, Lily turned around elegantly and smiled at Lu Ze and the girls.

Their skin crawled. She didn't act like her appearance at all?

She was so ferocious.

The black-skinned being stood on the spot, not daring to move. He knew how strong those Blue Yan beings were. His pals didn't even get to run from their hunt.

And he would eventually die for them.

At this moment, he paused and thought of something.

He looked at Lily in shock.

Cosmic Realm State!!!

This person was definitely at the Cosmic Realm State!

Her cultivation level was just suppressed in this small world!

Thinking about this, he shuddered.

Lily smiled at him. "If you give me the Green Hill Fruit, I'll let you go."


The dark-skinned man sighed. "Okay."

A Green Crystal-like Fruit appeared in his hand. He threw it at Lily.

Lily caught it and smiled. "You can go."

The man turned to leave.

Lily threw the fruit at Lu Ze. "You guys can have it, the first Green Hill Fruit."


>Chapter 1156: Indeed, Boss Ying Ying<


Lu Ze caught the fruit. He looked at it and then at Lily.

"You're that nice? You're just going to give it to us?"

Lily smiled. "It's just a Green Hill Fruit. Not a big deal."

She blinked her eyes. "Of course, if you want to thank me, you might as well give me a bucket of Golden Fruit Wine."

Lu Ze and the girls: "…"

She was indeed scheming something!

However, Lu Ze still gave a human head-sized bucket of Golden Fruit Wine to Lily.

Lily quickly drank some and said with disappointment, "It's such a small bucket. It won't even be enough."

Lu Ze rolled his eyes. "If you don't want it, you can give it back to me."

Lily quickly put the Wine inside her storage ring and casually said, "Let's go find more fruits."

Lu Ze and the girls nodded.

Then, they looked at Lin Ling. She was their minimap in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]!

It was smart to ask her to find something.

Lily and Louisa looked at Lin Ling in confusion.

Louisa asked, "Ze, why are you looking at Lin Ling like that?"

Qiuyue Hesha slightly tucked her long hair and gave a soft smile. "Lin Ling is faster at finding treasures."

Lily and Louisa were a little surprised but also looked hopefully at Lin Ling.

Lin Ling used her [Spirit Eyes]. "I can try, but I can't promise I can find one."

Lu Ze nodded. "Try your best."

Lin Ling nodded. She searched around. "There's nothing nearby."

Lu Ze smiled slightly. "Then, let's go to other places."

Lily and Louisa looked at each other. It was done just like that?

The two were stunned, but they still nodded upon seeing how confident Lu Ze and the girls were.

Lily smiled and said, "Then, let's go."

They flew towards the deeper part of the forest.

This ruin was vast. The Green Hill Forest alone was extremely wide. They were flying at a Cosmic Cloud State Speed, but this place felt endless.

They stopped from time to time to let Lin Ling search for treasure.


Half an hour later, Lin Ling suddenly looked to the left and said, "There seemed to be some treasures there."

Lu Ze and the girls smiled. If she said it, it would definitely be right.

Lily and Louisa didn't feel anything.

Lu Ze smiled and said, "Let's go over."

They flew towards the direction Lin Ling pointed and soon stopped.

Lin Ling said, "It's right below us."

The group landed on the ground. The trees were too overgrown and were covered in sunlight.

The entire forest seemed dim. Of course, this didn't affect them at all.

After going forward some distance, Lily said, "Careful, there's a decently Strong Chi ahead."

Lu Ze and the girls nodded.

Soon, they saw a faint Blue Glow ahead.

"It's right ahead," Lin Ling said.

Lu Ze and the girls used their [Chi Concealing God Art].

Lily and Louisa clearly had similar methods.

They neared and soon saw a Blue Glowing Grass.

Next to it was a ten-meter-long Beast. It was covered in black scales and had a twirling blue horn.

Lily gasped. "It's Blue Star Grass!"

Lu Ze and the girls looked at Lily with curiosity.

Lily explained, "It's a very precious herb. After using it, you can learn the power of the Stars. Although you can't compare it with the child of stars, the Star Spirit Race, it's quite beneficial to ordinary people. It can greatly enhance your Combat Power in regions with Stars!"

Hearing this, Lu Ze's and the girls' faces became strange.

As soon as they thought this, they looked at the grass. There was a small ditch there. The earth and trees there were gone.

As for the Blue Star Grass, it was long gone.

Lu Ze and the girls were speechless: "…"

They looked at Ying Ying who was in Lu Li's arms. Her face was satisfied.

It was her indeed!

Seeing Lu Ze's and the girls' faces become strange, Lily asked, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, Louisa exclaimed, "Where did the Blue Star herb go?!"

Lily turned around. When she saw the ditch, she was dumbfounded.

That Black Leopard next to it also opened its eyes. When it saw the herb disappear, it was dazed too. Suddenly, it jumped up with killing intent.


Black Spirit Force surged from this Leopard.


This guy was stronger than a Peak ordinary Cosmic Cloud State.

Just as the shockwave was about to reach the girls, Lu Ze glowed in Silver Light and took everyone. They appeared far away but quickly concealed their Chi as they sensed a powerful Chi far away.

Lily frowned, her eyes flickering with cold light. "Who stole the Blue Star Herb?"

Louisa also had a bit of surprise in her eyes. "How could that person steal it in front of all of us?"

Lily raised her eyebrows. "It means someone is experienced at concealing."

Lu Ze thought of something and asked Ying Ying telepathically, "Ying Ying, is your cultivation suppressed?"

Ying Ying blinked, then a clear voice was heard from several people. "Yes, I can only use Peak Cosmic Cloud State Power."


Despite this, she was so terrifying!

But even a Cosmic Monarch was suppressed here.

One could see that the restriction here was truly strong.

After an atmosphere of silence, Lu Ze looked at Lily and Louisa who were muttering with dissatisfaction. He then smiled and said, "Let's keep searching."

Lily and Louisa looked at Lin Ling with bright eyes. They didn't expect her to have such means.

Lily smiled. "Mhm, we must do it quickly next time!"
