[Chapter 1163-1164]

>Chapter 1163: Don't Look Over!<


The other Tigers saw so many of their pals getting killed, and their eyes went red.


A few Peak Cosmic Cloud State Tigers roared furiously and attacked even more voraciously. Even those who were suppressing them felt a huge pressure.

The Tigers also attacked other teams with greater force.


Everyone felt very wronged.

They didn't kill those Tigers!

Go find those bastards if they want revenge!

But clearly, the Tigers thought that they were on the same team.

Lu Ze blinked. "What happened to these Tigers?"

Lu Li shook her head. "I don't know."

Lu Ze looked at those who were saved and smiled. "Okay, hand over half of your treasures."

The faces of those who were saved stiffened for a moment before smiling. "Hahaha, of course. Master, we'll give them to you now."

"Here is half of our treasure."

"This is ours, please check, master."


Although they weren't very willing, Qiuyue Hesha's power shocked them. They didn't dare to run away.

Lu Ze collected the storage rings happily. There were 105 storage rings in total.

Lu Ze scanned the things inside and smiled.

Although quite some of them were Cosmic System State treasures, they were still very precious to the Human Race.

This was a huge gain!

Lu Ze put everything away and looked at those whom he saved but didn't dare to leave. He waved his hand.

"Okay, you guys can leave. Be careful on the way!"

Customers were everything.

Lu Ze felt it was better to treat them nicer.

Those people quickly thanked Lu Ze and left without turning back.

Lu Ze sighed. These people were quite polite. Hope they will be luckier next time.

Lu Ze looked at the other teams.

Although the Tigers attacked more ferociously, those remaining teams weren't for show. They soon stopped the onslaught.

Lu Ze scanned across the battlefield. There were five teams, excluding the Peak Cosmic Cloud State teams that remained.

They were also composed of Cosmic Cloud States. The strongest was even a Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State. They were fighting on par with the Tigers.

Some Tigers were smacked flying from time to time. Their [God Arts] and [Divine Arts] painted the sky vibrantly.

Lu Ze and the girls didn't have anything to do, so they enjoyed the show.

Lu Ze saw one Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State waving his sword, and a thousand sword shadows fused into his sword. The sword was so powerful that not even a Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State Tiger dared to take it head-on.

However, this being didn't seem to have the best Mastery of this [Divine Art] and couldn't kill Tigers of his level.

Lu Ze couldn't help but complain. "This [Sword Divine Art] is quite powerful, but this guy only has Familiar Mastery. He's so stupid. This [Divine Art] is clearly a Star State as well. He can't even learn such a [Divine Art]. Does he just play around all day?"

Lin Ling frowned slightly and said, "Perhaps, he just got this [Divine Art]? Or he has no stronger means so he can only use this [Divine Art]?"

As a Cosmic Cloud State, he didn't even have a [Cosmic System State Divine Art].

The being holding the sword heard this and was shaking with anger.

[Star State Divine Art] was already very hard to learn!

He had spent nearly 10,000 years on this [Divine Art].

Nangong Jing nodded. "Indeed, a [Star State Divine Art] is so simple. He's a Cosmic Cloud State and yet, he only achieved Familiar Mastery. Look, the [Divine Art] almost caused a backlash. Haha…"

The man with a sword was petrified.


He almost spat blood upon hearing this, and the tiger he faced caught this opportunity and counter-attacked.

Lu Ze and the girls shook their heads. How could such a person reach the Cosmic Cloud State?

Nangong Jing pointed at another team. They were five-meter tall beings with dark red muscles and bone armor. "Look at that tall guy's fist art, he's so stupid! [Cosmic System State Divine Art] and he has only reached Beginner Mastery?!"

His opponent was also a Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State Tiger, but the Tiger was being oppressed by him.

Lu Ze frowned. "His Mastery of this [Fist Divine Art] is too little. He's not using his [Body God Art] well."

He could tell that this guy went in the wrong way.

Alice on the side curled her lips and muttered, "Probably, even my [Fist Divine Art] is better than his…"

At least, she reached Perfect Mastery for [Earth Shocking Blow].

The Giant almost spat blood. His prided [Spirit Turning Fist] was considered worthless by those bastards?

He was slightly distracted and almost caught by the Tiger.

Their fists clashed, and the being fell back.

The Tiger pounced forward.

It's all those bastards' fault!!

Lu Ze and the girls were speechless.


They shook their heads.

Wherever Lu Ze and the girls looked, those cultivators there felt worried.


>Chapter 1164: What Are You Doing?!<



A pitiful howl sounded. Then, a Green Light spun and flew off into the distance.

This Green Light formed countless Wind Blades as it passed above Lu Ze and shot the blades at them.


Quite some people were hit and heavily injured. Some were even killed.

Lu Ze saw that the giant using the [Fist Art] was sliced in half.

There were quite some Wind Blades heading to Lu Ze and the girls, but Lu Ze had [Wind God Art Domain].

Even though he didn't use the [Domain], he could use the [Wind God Art] to change the direction of the Wind Blades. Therefore, all the Wind Blades went past them.

All the Tigers left the battle and flew towards the Green Light.

At this moment, four Beams came to the battlefield. All the Peak Cosmic Cloud States went to help their team defend against the Wind Blades.

Lily witnessed Lu Ze and the girls stopped it so easily, so she came over slowly.

As for those who didn't have Peak Cosmic System States, there was no one to help them stop the Wind Blades, and they were killed by such Blades.

A small portion of them used all sorts of trump cards.

When the barrage was over, only twenty people remained from those five teams. Most of them were covered in injuries.

They didn't expect the tiger king would still attack while it was fleeing.

Just that attack made them lose 2/3 of the crowd! It was a heavy loss!

At this moment, the Blue Yan's leader looked at the five teams and grinned. "Okay, you guys can piss off."

Their faces changed as they glared at the Cosmic Realm State from the Blue Yan Race. "You…."

One Yellow-furred Monkey was about to talk, but his pal grabbed him.

"Let's leave here!"

Their Race wasn't weaker than the Blue Yan Race, but the beings who came weren't as strong as them. They thought they could get something here with the trump cards they had.

However, that Tiger King's Wind Blade Barrage made them use a few.

If they stayed here, they might not be able to get anything and might die instead. They were sad and furious but chose to stay calm.

All the Monkeys flew down and took their allies' bodies before leaving. This time, they would report to their Elders when they go back to Blood Stone City.

This wasn't over like that!

The remaining four teams did the same.

Those who could stay here were all Cosmic Realm State Races.

The Cosmic Realm State from the Blue Yan Race smiled.

The weaklings left. Now… it was time to kill!

He turned to Lu Ze and the girls and snarled, "Now, it's your time to die!"

Those beings from the Blue Yan Race were worried. Their Cosmic Realm State didn't see Lu Ze's and the girls' Power, but they did.

Just the Power Qiuyue Hesha showed scared the Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State, and that might not be her full power.

Plus, there was this Lu Ze whom they had no understanding of. They didn't feel victory was on their side. Their Race was arrogant, but they weren't dumb.

The Peak Cosmic Cloud State quickly spoke telepathically to their Cosmic Realm State. "Guild leader Willis! There's a situation!"

Willis replied, "What's up?"

"Those few people are very powerful!"

Then, he recounted what happened before and said, "Commander Willis, I suspect they are prodigies from Cosmic Lord Civilizations. At the very least, they would be from a Peak Cosmic Monarch State Civilization.

Willis was speechless.


He felt these guys were talented before, but he didn't expect that they were this strong. He knew he was slightly stronger than that female cosmic realm state but not much.

Therefore, the victory could only be decided from below. However, they couldn't beat them!

They already had conflicts, so they had to kill such prodigies.

Willis didn't know what to do, and the atmosphere fell silent.

The other three team leaders were confused. This didn't seem like Willis at all. Then, their team members told them what had happened.

They were all shocked.

No wonder Willis froze there. They couldn't win.

This was awkward.

Lu Ze saw Willis freeze there and was also confused.

Did their Race make an ugly pose before they fight?

The ones last time didn't have such a fetish.

After a while, Lu Ze couldn't bother waiting anymore. He frowned and said, "Hey you? Didn't you say we were going to die today? Why don't you hurry up and attack?"

Willis saw how desperate Lu Ze was, and his mouth twitched. Damn, this bastard was indeed very strong! Otherwise, he wouldn't be so fearless and even keen!

However, Si Lie suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Willis. His black claws sliced at his back.

Willis wanted to leave the attack range, but he wasn't faster than Si Lie.


Si Lie's claws tore through the black armor and reached for Willis' body.

Willis used the Shield to finally leave the attack range. He appeared a few kilometers away. Blood was spilling out. He roared. "Si Lie, what are you doing?!"

They had no conflicts at all!
