[Chapter 1165-1166]

>Chapter 1165: Did We Go To The Wrong Scene?<


Suddenly, the Gray Giant also punched heavily.


The Gray Fist Force tore through Space and arrived next to Willis.

Willis didn't expect the Gray Giant to attack also.


He roared furiously as he surged with Black Chi. He twisted and dodged that Terrifying Fist Force. It passed before him.

The sharp shockwave struck his body, and he almost spat blood. Before he could breathe, a Purple Light struck him silently.


Willis formed a Black Shield right before the attack reached him. However, the Shield was crushed instantly, and the Violent Force struck Willis.

The Combat Armor around him cracked as he fell back, spraying blood everywhere.

Soon, Si Lie appeared behind him again and slashed at him.


The cracked armor couldn't stop Si Lie at all.

Si Lie's sharp claws penetrated Willis' back thoroughly.


A cold voice sounded from Si Lie as the Sharp Chi surged and tore apart Willis' body.

Willis gasped. His eyes were full of disbelief as he spat blood and organs out. Then, his eyes faded, and his Life Force dissipated.

Si Lie waved, and Willis' body fell.

The atmosphere became silent.

Lu Ze and the girls were confused.

Oh shit? Did they go to the wrong scene? Shouldn't they be the ones fighting the Blue Yan Race? Why did the Bosses of the other teams suddenly kill Willis?

They were dumbfounded and so were the other members of Blue Yan Race. Their guild leader… just died like that?


The Peak Cosmic Cloud State from the Blue Yan Race roared with red eyes. "What do you mean? Why did you ambush our guild leader!"

Si Lie flung the blood off his hands and turned around. He smiled.

"Your Blue Yan Race was no match for those friends anyways. In that case, wouldn't it be faster if we dealt with it? Why waste time?"

The Blue Yan team's eyes were full of grief and anger.

Indeed… they were no match. However, they could talk with peace!

The difference wasn't that huge! Their guild leader was stronger than the woman!

Why kill their guild leader?!

Suddenly, their eyes flashed with realization.

The fewer people there were, the more shares of the Fruits everyone got. It was just to kick their Race out, so they couldn't get a share of the resources.

These bastards!

Then, the Gray Giant said, "Okay, time to send you guys off."

His Giant hands grabbed at someone from the Blue Yan Race. Spirit Force formed two Giant Gray Hands.


The Blue Yan Race roared in terror as the giant hands closed and wiped out their screams.

Seeing this, Lu Ze and the girls felt very strange. They didn't believe these three teams killed the Blue Yan people just for them.

These teams would also get more benefits if fewer people share one-tenth of the Fruits.

As for why it was the Blue Yan Race and not them, it was probably because they showed stronger power, and Si Lie and the others didn't know their backgrounds.

These people might be thinking they were from Cosmic Lords or Cosmic Monarch State Civilizations.

Si Lie smiled at Lu Ze and the girls as if he had done nothing. "It's such an honor to encounter prodigies like you guys here. Those beings from the Blue Yan Race are really naive. I believe with your status, it would be too easy to handle them. Did we act too rashly?"

Lu Ze and the girls were speechless. This guy smiled so nicely, but he attacked so decisively. They were vigilant.

Lu Ze smiled. "Easy, we would pay some price to handle them. Now that you guys intervened, it would save us some trouble. We would need to thank you."

If Lu Ze used a [Crystal], these guys would be easily dead. Since the Blue Yan Race already provoked them, Lu Ze didn't intend to let them live.

Si Lie and the others narrowed their eyes.


They just needed to pay a little price to get rid of the Blue Yan Race. These guys came from a big background.

Although they seemed to have killed Willis easily, it was before Willis could react. Otherwise, even if the three of them ganged up on Willis, they might not be able to stop him from getting away.

The Grey Giant smiled. "Let's not talk about this. Now that the tigers are sent off, this Green Hill Fruit Forest is ours. Let's share it."

They all looked at Lu Ze and the girls before falling silent.

After being silent, Si Lie smiled and said, "The Blue Yan Race had a share, but now…"

"Half of theirs can be given to you friends. Us three teams will split the remaining half, how is it?"

Lu Ze and the girls smiled. They didn't even put in any effort and could get half the share, they were embarrassed.

As Lu Ze thought in his heart, he reluctantly opened his mouth and said, "In that case, we won't be too polite."

Si Lie and the others breathed easy. They were scared Lu Ze would get too greedy. They didn't want to fight Lu Ze and the girls.

The four teams picked all the fruits and split things up based on before.

Lu Ze and the girls got nearly 100,000 Green Hill Fruits. This was a Cosmic Cloud State Spirit Fruit and could increase Spirit Force quality!

This was a huge gain.

The treasures they got from the other team couldn't even make up one tenth of this.

After this, everyone in the team was very satisfied.

Si Lie smiled at Lu Ze and the girls and said, "Since we've split things up, we'll be leaving now. See you again."

The Gray Giant also smiled and said, "We're going back to Blood Rock City."

Purple smoke beings said, "Us too."

They didn't feel safe keeping this much treasure on them. What if some boss robs them!

Lu Ze nodded. "In that case, goodbye."

After they left, Lu Ze asked Lily, "Where's the Blood Rock City?"


>Chapter 1166: This Isn't Too Good!<


Hearing Lu Ze's words, Lily smiled and said, "The Blood Stone City is a city made by a few Cosmic Monarch State Civilizations. It's very famous in this region. Because the Blood Stone Race is the strongest, this city is named after them."

"Most adventurers would choose to bring their earnings back to the city to trade. The city is very prosperous. You can find many treasures in the Xavier Ancient Ruins there. And…"

"Other than special passages, we would need to leave the Xavier Ancient Ruins through the Teleportation Formation there."

Lu Ze and the girls understood. This city was like a trade center and the exit to the Xavier Ancient Ruins.

Lu Ze and the girls were curious. They had never seen Cosmic Monarch State Civilizations before.

Lily curled up the corners of her mouth, smiled, and said, "We will probably be leaving through the Blood Stone City. We'll definitely be able to see it.

Lu Ze and the girls nodded.

Then, Lu Ze said, "By the way, half each for what we got before."

Lu Ze gave half of the Green Hill Fruits and half of the storage rings to Lily.

Lily was stunned. She knew what the Green Hill Fruit was, but what was this pile of storage rings?

Lily scanned across them. She saw a pile of Cosmic Cloud State and Cosmic System State Treasures. She looked at Lu Ze strangely. "Where did you get this from?"

Lu Ze smiled. "From business, of course!"

Lily was even more confused.

Louisa explained. "Princess Lily, this is what happened…"

After hearing how Lu Ze earned half of the others' treasure through this method. Lily's mouth twitched. This was… bloody well done!

She grinned and took the things. "In that case, I won't be too polite."

These things were far from being as valuable as the Green Hill Fruit, but it wasn't bad. It was a decent income for a Cosmic Realm State Elf.

Lu Ze smiled. "Okay, let's head off to the ruin then?"

Lily nodded. "Yes, there's not much time left. We have to hurry."

The Space in this small world was rather stable. Even Cosmic Cloud States and suppressed Cosmic Realm States would need to spend quite some effort to tear open Space to travel.

However, this was different for Lu Ze. He had [Space God Art]. He didn't forcefully tear Space apart. Instead, he fused himself into Space.

He said, "I'll take you guys."

He flashed in Silver Light and wrapped around everyone before leaving. They appeared extremely far away.

Lily looked around and saw a patch of Gray Stone Forest. She gasped. "Gray Stone Forest? This quickly?"

This was her first time seeing Lu Ze travel at Full Power. She was stunned by this speed.

Lu Ze grinned. "It's not bad, right?"

His [Space God Art] also reached [Domain Level] due to the [Source Spirit Fruit].

Lily rolled her eyes and smiled. "In that case, we're not in too much of a rush. We can go over it slowly."

Lu Ze nodded.

Under Lily's guidance, he started to use [Space God Art] to travel. It was much less consuming now as well. When his Spirit Force was almost used up, they rested before traveling again.

Usually, they would travel for half a day and then rest to cultivate.


During this time, they've used the Spirit Fruits they've earned and had a basic understanding of them.

The Green Hill Fruit's Spirit Force Condensing Effect was about the same as Planetary State Red Orbs. Of course, it contained abundant energy as it was a Cosmic Cloud State Spirit Fruit.

However, this thing was clearly not as good as [Cosmic Cloud State Red Liquid].

As for other stuff, they were only ordinary. [Mist God Art], for example, was a branch of the [Elemental God Art]. If you had high enough Mastery, you could mimic it.

Such [God Art] was useless to them. However, it would be a treasure for others, right?

They would bring it home for the elders to distribute.

At night, they still went into the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] to hunt.

Super Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State Beasts were no feat for them now. They've acquired quite a few [Summoning Crystals] for them.

Because Lu Ze had a [Domain], they could even clash with Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast. However, it wasn't too plausible to kill them.

Lu Ze felt that when he reached Level-3 Peak Cosmic Cloud State and had the help of the girls, only then would he be able to kill Super Beasts of this level.


One week went by quickly.

In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], the group appeared in the desert.

Lin Ling looked around. "There's no prey here."

Lu Ze nodded. "Let's go somewhere else then."

The Wind kept blowing in the desert. It was scorching hot, but they were used to it.

Soon, they found a Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State Python.

It was defenseless after Lu Ze opened his [Domain].

They weren't short on [Super Liquid] anymore, but [Sand God Art Orbs] were still quite useful.

They kept on searching for prey.

In just a day, they killed three Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State God Art Beasts and plenty more below.

Lu Li looked around, teasing her black hair, and couldn't help sighing. "We haven't seen an Overlord battle for a long time."

Everyone else nodded.

Alice blinked her sapphire eyes with confusion, and said, "Did those Overlords make a truce?"

Hearing this, Nangong Jing said, "No way, if that was the case, we can't freeload."

At this moment, Terrifying Chi suddenly soared up.
