[Chapter 1167-1168]

>Chapter 1167: Can't Stop At All!<



A Vibrant Spirit Light glimmered, and in that instant, its glamour surpassed the sun.

Lu Ze and the girls felt an Extremely Terrifying Spirit Force Wave coming from afar. It was crashing towards them like a massive wave.

Lu Ze's expression changed drastically. "It's so close! Run!"

He flashed with Silver Light as he took the girls away. They reappeared extremely far away.

Lu Ze's face was pale.

Qiuyue Hesha said, "Little Brother Lu Ze, are you okay?"

Lu Ze shook his head. "I'm fine. We were too close to the battlefield before."

Even Space was distorted. He was affected when he used Space Transmission to get them away.


Thunderous sounds filled the world.

The group looked back. Violent Spirit Force stirred up the distant skies. All sorts of Spirit Light flashed. One could even hear the roars of the Overlord Bosses.

Nangong Jing said, "This time, the commotion is bigger than last time."

Lu Ze and the girls nodded.

In this battle, all five Overlords went up immediately. By the looks of it, they were fighting with Full Power right at the start.

The Beasts in the desert started to flee once again.

Lu Ze and the girls concealed themselves.

There were quite some Level-6 Cosmic Cloud States and above Super Beasts fleeing.

Lu Ze even felt a few Chi that made his body stiff. It was a Super Beast that was at least Level-8 or above Cosmic Cloud State.

With their current Combat Power, such a Boss could easily clap them. They hadn't even begun to freeload. How can they die so quickly?!

They didn't allow this!


The battle grew more and more intense.

The entire desert was ravaged by the battle. Fire Seas, Ice Glaciers, Lightning, Trees, and Space Ripples spread.

This was the Prime Combat Power of the five Overlords, right?

It was terrifying!

Lu Ze saw the Ice Overlord flash across a region. Blue Light shot out, and the endless desert was frozen to glaciers. All the fleeing beasts were frozen into statues.

From Cosmic System State to Peak Cosmic Cloud State, none were an exception.

This was absurd!

The Ice Bird was only the weakest of the five Overlords like the Firebird.

Despite this, it was still so terrifying.

Every time the battlefield was about to shift towards them, Lu Ze used [Space Transmission] to run away.

The battle lasted a few hours. It was longer than ever before.

The five Overlord's Chi became weaker than ever before.

The Silver Wolf howled, and Sharp Space Blades swept across.

The Lightning Eagle sensed this and quickly shifted a few hundred kilometers to the side and barely dodged it.

Despite this, a hideous wound appeared on its chest.


The Bird roared and a Lightning Domain appeared.

The other Overlords retreated immediately.

The Golden Eagle flapped its wings and disappeared from the spot. It ran away.

The other four remaining Beasts clashed together again. This time, it didn't last much longer. They soon stopped. They were all bruised and bloodied.

The Wolf Overlord had the least wounds. Despite this, it didn't have much Combat Power left.

The Overlords roared and threatened each other, but no one dared to attack first. After a stalemate, they turned to leave.

The desert immediately became silent.


Ten minutes later, Lu Ze and the girls peeped their heads out.

Nangong Jing patted Lin Ling excitedly. "Lin Ling, hurry and see if there are surviving powerful Beasts."

Lin Ling nodded. "Don't worry, I'm already looking."

This battle was very intense. The Beasts that can survive would be stronger than before!

Lin Ling shook her head. "There's none nearby. Let's go deeper."

They flew towards the battlefield.

They had seen it a few times, but every time they saw it, they were still shocked at how powerful the Overlords were.

Soon, Lin Ling found one. "This way!"

She pointed at the Lightning region.

Lu Ze and the girls flew over. Soon, they found the target.

A roasted Ruby Scorpion was twitching on the ground. It was a Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State.

Lu Ze came before it and freed it of its misery. It left behind the usual stuff, and a [Fire Ball Divine Art Shard], including a [Summoning Crystal].

Lu Ze picked up things happily and said with a smile, "Freeload is the way to wealth."

The girls nodded.

After picking up the things, Lu Li smiled and said, "Let's continue."

Lin Ling started searching again.


Ten minutes later, she found something else.

It was in a Sea of Fire.

They found an unknown beast that was burnt to charcoal.

Lu Ze ended it with a punch.

It left behind [Spirit Liquid] and a [Sand God Art Orb]. By the looks of the [Liquid], it was probably a Peak Cosmic Cloud State Beast.

Pity, it wasn't a Super Beast.

Then, the group kept searching. Freeloading was really addictive. They couldn't stop at all!


>Chapter 1168: Why Doesn't It Die?<


In the following time, Lu Ze and the girls kept searching for heavily injured beasts.

Perhaps, because the conflict between the Overlords was growing more intense, the battles were getting more and more heated.

The Beasts that could survive were rather strong.

They even found a few Peak Cosmic Cloud State Beasts. They found two Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beasts too.

In a region of Golden Lightning, Lu Ze's eyes flashed with Lightning as he parted the sparks away.

His [Lightning God Art] was a far cry from the Golden Eagle's, but he was able to deal with these remnants.

Lin Ling kept searching, and suddenly, she pointed to the right. "There! There are two Beasts there!"

Lu Ze's and the girls' eyes lit up.

"Go, let's go over!"

Lu Ze's eyes surged with Golden Lightning as the group moved forward. Few meters of thick Golden Lightning ran around the ground like an Anaconda releasing Destructive Chi.

Lu Ze and the girls sped up.

Soon, they found two Beasts there. It was a Fire Wolf. Its huge body was charred and bloodied. It was panting on the ground.

The Lightning Arc seems to be conscious and keeps encroaching its body. With each flicker, the Beast's huge body would tremble in pain.

Not far away was a Warhorse that seemed to be made of emerald. It was cracked and seemed like glass that was about to shatter.

There was also Golden Lightning circulating it.

Lu Ze and the girls rejoiced.

The Fire Wolf was a Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State, but the Horse was a Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State. However, these were both Super Beasts!

Just that Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast was far from something they could handle now.

As for the Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast, it definitely had Cosmic Realm State Combat Power.

Lu Ze felt he could go and buy lotteries with such luck.

Lu Ze grinned. "Wait here, I'll go kill them."

The girls nodded. They could only barely defend against the Lightning, so they wouldn't really be able to attack the Beasts.

Lu Ze came before the [Fire Wolf]. Its Life Force was extremely feeble.

Lu Ze felt he was too nice. He felt he needed to end its misery!

He punched heavily at the Wolf's neck.


With Lu Ze's Full-powered strike, huge Power went inside its body and wiped its feeble Life Force away.

Only then did the Lightning on its body disappear. It didn't stop until the target was dead.

Lu Ze then looked at the Warhorse. Its injuries seem a little better than the Wolf. There was Green Light flowing on its body that slowly repaired the cracks.

[Life God Art]?

This was his first time seeing such a Super Beast. However, it was still a sandbag to him now.

Lu Ze came before it and struck two punches.

The Horse let out a strange growl, but it was clearly painful. Its body was numbed by the Lightning. It couldn't even resist.

Immediately, the cracks expanded quite a bit.

Lu Ze raised a brow. His attacks didn't seem to be ideal. His Full-powered Attack only did that much damage, and this was the Horse not defending at all.

One could imagine just how strong its body was.

It was indeed a Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast.

Well whatever, it was not like this guy could jump up and start hitting him.

Lu Ze kept throwing punches on the Horse.


Its defenses were too strong. Lu Ze punched for ten seconds and only then did the cracks spread all over its body.

Lu Ze grinned. It was finally about to die.

Just when Lu Ze was about to punch again, a Green Light flashed, and the cracks were being healed.

Lu Ze's smile stiffened. I don't believe it!

As if he couldn't kill this guy. He punched again.


A Violent sound spread throughout the world.

The Lightning Arcs also shot at Lu Ze. But before they could reach him, they turned a corner and landed somewhere else.

For a few minutes, every time Lu Ze was about to shatter the Horse, there would be a Green Light repairing it.

This thing was unkillable!

However, Lu Ze wasn't going to give up. He kept punching.

This time, the Green Light only repaired half of the cracks.

Seeing this, Lu Ze grinned. He was finally able to start exhausting its power.

One could see just how powerful it was.

Eventually, the Horse finally shattered. But Lu Ze was almost out of breath too.

Lu Ze flew back to the girls and helped them dispel the Golden Lightning around them and grinned. "Go over, both beasts are killed."

Nangong Jing dragged Lu Ze towards them. "Hurry and see what they Dropped."
