[Chapter 1169-1170]

>Chapter 1169: Cosmic Cloud State Peak Super Beast<


Lu Ze and the girls looked at the Fire Wolf's [Drops].

[Super Red and Purple Liquid], as well as a [Fire God Art Shard], came without saying. There was a [Fire Ball Divine Art Shard] and two [Red Crystals].

They were surprised.

"There are two?" Lu Li asked.

Lu Ze glanced at the two [Crystals], then smiled and said, "Whatever, let's just take them first."

They could check it when they got out.

Lu Ze picked up everything, and then, the group came to the Warhorse.

There were five [Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State Super Red and Purple Liquid], one [Crisp Green God Art Orb], and one [Green God Art Orb].

These two [Orbs] looked similar, but one [Orb] showed a Tree growing, where the other one was just [Crisp Green Energy].

One was [Wood God Art] and one was [Life God Art].

There was also a [Crisp Green Divine Art Shard]. This was probably the [Divine Art] the Horse used to heal itself.

He just got the [Life Blossom Divine Art] from the Elf Race. He didn't even get to use it, and now, he acquired a [Cosmic Cloud State Life Divine Art].

The last item was a [Crisp Green Crystal].

It was probably the [Summoning Crystal] for this Horse.

Lu Ze and the girls rejoiced.

[Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast Summoning Crystal]. This was definitely their biggest trump card!

This wave of loot was major!

Lu Ze quickly picked the stuff up, fearing there would be a boss that suddenly killed them. If they died right now, they would be furious.

After seeing Lu Ze pick up the things, Qiuyue Hesha said, "Let's go."

Others nodded expectantly, and Alice said with a grin, "We might find even better stuff!"

The group was very hopeful. They continued their search.

As they neared the central battlefield, they gained more. They found dozens of Peak Cosmic Cloud State Beasts.

As for Super Beasts, they killed another two Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State Ruby Scorpions, one Level-6 Warhorse, three Level-6 Sand Serpent, one Level-6 Super Lightning Eagle, and one Level-6 Super Earth Wolf.

This was a huge loot!

Their faces were full of excitement.

With this many [Summoning Crystals], Lu Ze felt he could go wherever he pleased at the first level. However, he only found one Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast.

They also went past a few oases and acquired quite some [Golden and Blue Dew].

As their Powers increased, they could go to some places that were originally dangerous. These places had the most heavily injured beasts.

Their speed increased, so they could search more areas too.

In just three days, they were almost near the central region.

The group came out of a boundless sea of fire.

Lu Ze's face was pale.

The closer they were to the central region, the stronger the remnant power of the Overlord's [God Arts] were. Even though he learned the [Fire Domain], Lu Ze felt he was struggling in this region.

Of course, if he opened his [Fire Domain], he could ignore this, but it would cost too much Energy. They wouldn't be able to search the entire place in a few seconds.

He could only keep using [Fire God Art] to interfere.

Despite this, Lu Ze was completely drained after they finished searching this place.

Nangong Jing and the others looked towards the central region. Those terrifying remnant powers shocked them despite being far away.

Nangong Jing opened his mouth quietly. "Ze, let's just search around here. If we go any deeper, no beasts can survive there except for the Overlords."

Lu Ze thought about it and nodded.

Indeed the Overlords were Cosmic Realm States. That was a completely different level. This place was pretty much their limit.

Lin Ling looked around and she once again smiled excitedly. She pointed, "There's a situation there. There's a Peak Cosmic Cloud State Beast with just one breath left!"

The group was shocked.

Peak Cosmic Cloud State!

To be able to survive here, it was a Super Beast for sure. If they got its [Summoning Crystal], then they would truly be satisfied!

He didn't believe ordinary suppressed Cosmic Realm States could beat beasts of the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] at the same level.

Lu Ze took a deep breath and said, "Wait a moment, I'll recover for a bit, and we'll go!"

Lu Li added, "Mhm, that region seems to be left behind by that Silver Wolf Overlord. Space is too chaotic there."

No one had [Space God Art] except Lu Ze. One Space Ripple and they could die.

When Lu Ze was recovered, he said, "Let's go."

He wrapped the girls and stabilized the nearby Space. He felt the Space Lines were very chaotic here. His Spirit Force was being rapidly depleted.

He frowned. "Let's hurry."

Soon, they found an extremely large Sand Serpent lying in this Chaotic Space. It was a few thousand meters long and had a thick layer of sand scales.

The Twisted Space seems to be grinding this Serpent. It was resisting but its armor was still cracking. It was already covered in wounds.

Its Chi was extremely weak. It would probably soon be ground to dust.

Lu Ze calmed himself down and said, "I'm going to attack with Full Power."

Lu Ze formed a [Fire Ball] on his hand.

Perfect Mastery of [Fire Ball]. This was his strongest attack.


The [Fire Ball] smashed into the Serpent.


Even at that State, this Serpent wasn't something a [Fire Ball] could finish in one go.

When he was about to fire another [Fire Ball], Space seemed to have been influenced by the explosion.

Almost instantly, the Distorted Space crushed all of its armor and tore hideous wounds on its body.

The Serpent shrieked.

Lu Ze also felt a greater pressure from Space. His Spirit Force was being consumed faster.


>Chapter 1170: [Divine Art Fusion]<


Shit! At this rate, his Spirit Force would be exhausted!

Lu Ze's face changed, sensing how fast his Spirit Force was flowing away.

If he couldn't use [Space God Art], he wouldn't be able to stabilize Space. His body would then be exposed to this Distorted Space.

Even the Peak Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast would be crushed, let alone a noob like him?!

Lu Ze's face kept switching, but it eventually became adamant.

How could he give up now?

He said, "Attack together!"

The girls realized the crisis too. They burned their Spirit Forces, and used their [God Arts] and [Divine Arts] at Full Power, and attacked the Serpent.


The Serpent finally died.

The next moment, its body was shredded to pieces under the Twisted Space. Distorted Space became even more chaotic.

Lu Ze's face suddenly changed with a wisp of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Jing felt a little worried. "Ze, are you okay?"

Lu Ze waved his hand.

All his Spirit Force surged, and the Silver Light around him shone brighter. He could feel the pressure of Outer Space increasing.

He looked at the dust of the body and gritted his teeth.

[Peak Cosmic Cloud State Drop] was too rare. He didn't know when he would get such a chance again. He had to get it, regardless!

In a second, the Serpent had completely turned to dust. At this moment, Silver Light flashed vigorously around Lu Ze.


Everyone's face changed.

This solid Space was about to get crushed.

Lu Ze boiled all his remaining Spirit Force. Immediately, an invisible wave spread out.

The originally Distorted Space seems to have been frozen, and the Space Lines stopped moving.

The Serpent finally dropped the loot.

Lu Ze appeared before the dust and took everything without even looking at it.

Then, Lu Ze's Spirit Force was completely used up. His [Space Domain] crumbled, and the Frozen Space sunk into Chaos again.

Lu Ze felt a huge pain, and his consciousness sank into darkness.


In their rooms, Lu Ze and the girls sat on the Round Race bed. They opened their eyes at the same time and fell to the bed writhing in pain.

When the pain receded, Lu Ze grinned. "Hahaha, we earned big this time!"

The girls' pale faces smiled.

Lin Ling sucked in the air, the corners of her mouth twitched, and then, she said, "This death was worth it!"

Alice curled the corners of her mouth and couldn't help but vomit. "Sister Ling, why do you describe death as worth it or not now?"

How can she be so happy about dying?

… Alice seems to be right?

Why were they so happy about dying?

Nangong Jing rolled her eyes. "Whatever, we have to be happy about the loot this time."

The rest nodded.

They sat up on the bed. All the girls looked keenly at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze knew what they meant and said, "Come, let's count our loot."


They earned so much this time, that they didn't even count the ordinary beast loot.

The key was the harvest of [Super Beast Drops]. There were 14 harvests of below [Level-5 Super Beast Drops].

There were five harvests of [Level-6 Super Beast Drops] and three harvests of [Level-7 Super Beast Drops].

Three of the [Super Fire Wolves] dropped three pieces of Equipment. It was a Breastplate and two pairs of Boots.

Lu Ze took the Breastplate and one pair of Boots.

The other pair was given to Nangong Jing.

The Equipment dropped by the Super Fire Wolf was different from the ordinary one. It not only buffed Spirit Force but also buffed the Power of [Fire God Art].

If he wore this set, he felt that he could kill a Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast.

Only Alice and Lu Li were missing a Breastplate and Wrist Guard for the ordinary Fire Wolf Set.

They fused two [Fire Ball Divine Art Runes], but they all had the [Divine Art], so they stored it.

As for [Sand Divine Art], they all had it as well, so they stored it.

Next was the [Lightning Ball Divine Art Shard]. They managed to form two [Runes], so Lu Ze and Qiuyue Hesha learned them.

Lu Ze finally had more [Divine Art] to learn now.

Lu Ze suddenly thought of a problem. That was [Divine Art Fusion]. He had a [Poison Ball] and [Fire Ball] already.

They were different [God Arts], but the way the [Divine Art] was used was quite similar.

Lu Ze wondered if he could fuse the three [Divine Arts] together.

[Lightning Ball] and [Fire Ball] would become a [Lightning-Fire Ball]. [Lightning Ball] and [Poison Ball] would be [Poison-Lightning Ball]?

[Fire Ball] and [Poison Ball] would be [Fire-Poison Ball]?

He had seen the power of [Fusion Divine Art] with the [Light and Darkness Beam]. It was almost a grade beyond the original [Divine Art].

What if he fused three [Divine Art] together?

[Lightning-Fire-Poison Ball]? How absurd would that be?

Lu Ze was keen to try.

With his current Combat Power, he felt that even if he reached Peak Cosmic Cloud State, it wasn't too plausible to kill Overlord Beasts even if they were injured.

But if he fused the [Divine Art] and the Overlord was injured, he might have a chance?

Lu Ze planned to try the Fusion next time he goes into [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. He wouldn't die in there anyways.

Of course, he would learn the [Lightning Ball] first outside.

Lu Ze kept counting.

The Level-8 Emerald Horse dropped a [Life God Art Orb]. It wasn't useful to Lu Ze, so he gave it to Qiuyue Hesha.

It only dropped one [Divine Art Rune Shard], so they couldn't complete the [Life Divine Art] yet.

As for the [Crisp Green Crystal], it was a [Summoning Crystal].

Lastly, it was the [Serpent's Drop].
