[Chapter 1171-1172]

>Chapter 1171: Super Treasure<


Soon, Lu Ze took out the drop from the Peak Cosmic Cloud State Super Serpent.

The usual [Liquids] were present, but they had higher densities. They were almost gel-like. There were hints of Gold Light glowing inside as well.

They could sense the Overwhelming Power inside.

There was a [Sand God Art Orb]. Lu Ze gave it to Nangong Jing.

There was a [Sand One Divine Art Shard]. This time, Lu Ze kept it in his Mental Force Dimension.

There was also an [Earth Crystal]. It appeared as though the Sand was flowing inside.

Lu Ze unlocked this [Crystal]. After a flash, a small serpent was revealed. It was swimming inside the [Orb].

The group smiled excitedly.

[Peak Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast Summoning Crystal]!

With this, Lu Ze deemed his group invincible.

There was one last thing. It was a [White Crystal].

The team looked at this curiously. It was their first time to see one.

Lu Ze sent his Mental Force inside, and a piece of information immediately appeared in his brain. Right away, Lu Ze understood what this [Crystal] was.

He looked at it in shock.

Lu Li asked, "Lu Ze, what is this?"

Lu Ze grinned. "Use this [Crystal] and you can have a Peak Cosmic Cloud State Cultivation Level for a short while."

Nangong Jing and the girls gasped.

Qiuyue Hesha was in disbelief.

The group rejoiced like crazy.

If this [Crystal] fell in someone else's hands, it would be far less valuable than the [Peak Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast Summoning Crystal].

After all, ordinary Peak Cosmic Cloud States couldn't compare with Peak Cosmic Cloud State Super Beasts at all. But to them, it was all too valuable!

Even Nangong Jing's and the girls' Combat Power surpassed Super Beasts of the same level, let alone Lu Ze?!

If Lu Ze, who had a [God Art Domain] used it, how powerful could his Combat Power become?!

It was unimaginable!

To them, this [Crystal's Value] was far beyond the [Peak Cosmic Cloud State Summoning Crystal].

After a while, Nangong Jing took a deep breath and said, "This [Crystal] is best for Ze. Take it."

Lu Ze agreed with a nod.

After making an account of the things they earned, Lu Ze thought about it and gave the girls a [Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State Summoning Crystal] each.

They had five in total anyway. They were going to the ruins next. Who knows what sort of danger they will encounter?

It is better safe than sorry.

Lu Ze then shared a large pile of [Super Red and Purple Liquids], as well as [Golden Dew], [Blue Dew], and [God Art Orbs].

Thereafter, they closed their eyes and began cultivation.

Lu Ze used a [Blue Dew], [Blue Crystal], [Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State Super Purple Liquid] and started learning the [Lightning Ball Divine Art].

On the second day, Golden Lightning flashed around Lu Ze. A Terrifying Power seeped from him.

The girls had finished cultivation.

Nangong Jing remarked, "This [Lightning Ball Divine Art] is about to reach Beginner Mastery. Ze's learning capability is improving better and better."

Qiuyue Hesha nodded. She used the same resources, but it might take her three days to reach Lu Ze's level.

Lu Ze's learning capability greatly increased after using the [Source Spirit Fruit], and he had [Lightning Domain]. That was the reason why he was so fast.

This speed was unbelievable outside as it was a [Cosmic Cloud State Divine Art] after all!

If it were someone else, they would take at least two to three hundred years just to reach Beginner Mastery. Ordinary prodigies might even need tens of millions of years.

Alice said, "Senior is really amazing!"

Lu Li rolled her eyes.

At this moment, the [Dim Rune] around Lu Ze fused inside his body.

The Golden Lightning receded.

Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes, only to discover that the girls were all looking at him.

'What is going on?'

He felt like he missed out on something.

Qiuyue Hesha went to him and kissed him on the face.

Right then, Lin Ling said, "Okay, let's go out. It has been 11 hours."

Lu Ze raised a brow. He reached Beginner Mastery in only 11 hours. His learning capabilities improved once again. He felt quite happy about it.


Outside, Ying Ying was still watching cartoons on the couch.

Lily and Louisa were there. Both of them were holding a cup, drinking the Golden Fruit Wine.

Lily complained, "You guys took so long!"

Nangong Jing grinned. "Ze was cultivating, we waited for him."

Lily and Louisa turned around curiously. Did this guy learn something again?

Lily said, "Then, let's head off. In three days, we can reach the Ruin Region."

Lu Ze proceeded to take them using [Space Transmission].


Half an hour later, they suddenly stopped.


Lu Ze and the rest of the group looked over. There was a Vibrant Spirit Light flashing.

Qiuyue Hesha grinned. "There are beings fighting there."

Lily asked, "Should we take a look?"

Both the sides who were fighting had a Peak Cosmic Cloud State Chi.

Lu Ze grinned. "Let's go and see."

'Perhaps he could do that business again?'


>Chapter 1172: Abyss<


Lu Ze and his group quickly moved in the direction of the battle.

Soon, they saw figures clashing with each other. The shockwave ravaged the nearby region and crushed the surrounding landscape.

Both sides were Races they had not seen before. They didn't know why these two were at odds with each other, but they were very powerful.

They had six members on each side. The strongest was just an ordinary Peak Cosmic Cloud State. The rest ranged from Level-5 to Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State.

This power was too weak for Lu Ze and the rest of his team.

The battle lasted a few minutes.

The strongest on each side clashed again.

Both of them fell back.

Thereafter, they remained in the air without launching an attack on each other.

The one wearing red armor and had two tentacles below its head spoke to the dry-skinned humanoid wearing blue robes. "Baileys, why are you guys here?"

Baileys responded, "What? Are we prohibited from coming here? Bus, make yourself clear."

Bus sneered. "Hmph! As it turned out, you have heard of that news too."

Baileys clutched his wooden long spear. "It seems like you guys are here for that ruin too."

Bus frowned and looked at Baileys.

They were here for the exact same thing.

After a while, Baileys said, "Bus! It seems like a lot of Races know about this ruin. If we fight to the death here, we won't have the Power to go to that ruin."

Bus breathed easy on the inside, but he sneered. "For this ruin, I'll let you guys leave unscathed for now!"

He followed up with, "Stop fighting!"

Baileys yelled, "Stop fighting! We came here this time not to fight with them!"

Baileys exclaimed, "We'll go our separate ways!"

Bus nodded.

Lu Ze and the girls heard this conversation too.

Upon hearing that they were here for the ruin, they frowned.

Lu Ze looked at Lily. He asked, "Lily, are those the two Races who had entered the ruin last time?"

Lily shook her head. "No! Last time, there were only six Races that entered. They weren't part of it!"

"It seems as though the news has gotten out…"

Everyone's faces turned serious.

If that was the case, there would probably be a lot of Races vying for it. Most likely, there would be very intense competition.

Lu Ze and the group rejoiced. Luckily, they acquired numerous trump cards yesterday, as well as from before. They might be able to benefit a lot from it.

Suddenly, a cold voice interrupted. "Leave? You won't be leaving."

Lu Ze and the girls turned around.

A Black Spirit Light flashed in the sky and instantly came before these two Races.

The Demonic Chi disappeared, revealing a dozen figures.

Lu Ze's group was taken aback.

Lily remarked, "Advanced Demon Race? I didn't expect to encounter them here."

Louisa frowned. "It's the Advanced Demon Race's Prince Lucia."

"Demon Prince?"

Lily nodded. "It's that White-haired one."

Lu Ze and the girls looked over.

Out of the two leading Peak Cosmic Cloud States, one had white hair with two small black horns. The man was exceptionally handsome and had a [Blood Rune] on his forehead.

Lu Ze asked, "Who is the other one? Do you know?"

There was a middle-aged man next to Lucia. He too was very good-looking.

Lily replied, "Advanced Demon Race's Cosmic Realm State, Burberry. I didn't expect him to be here. He was the Demon Prince of the previous generation. He's very powerful. He had reached the Cosmic Realm State ten thousand years ago."

"Lucia acquired quite some fortune during the last time he and I entered the ruin. He's probably a Cosmic Realm State too."

Lu Ze raised his brow.

'Two Cosmic Realm States?'

Should he summon a [Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast] and detain them all?

He had many of these [Crystals]. If he could kill these two Demon Princes, it would be a pretty heavy blow to the Advanced Demon Race.

He would do that.

Lu Ze looked at the Advanced Demon Race with cold eyes.

At this moment, however, his body suddenly felt cold.

An extreme sense of danger arose.

Without hesitation, he used [Chi Concealing God Art] and formed a [Domain] to wrap everyone.

The girls were surprised at this when six figures suddenly landed next to the Advanced Demon Race. They were a Race that looked very similar to the Advanced Demon Race.

They had Black Chi flowing around them.

After the six appeared, Burberry and Lucia quickly bowed.


Lu Ze and the rest were shocked.

Lu Ze scanned across the six and looked at the strongest.

It was a man with long black hair. He had a [Complex Black Rune] on his forehead. He was handsome, and his Chi was extremely terrifying.

His Chi was much stronger than Lily's and Burberry's.

It felt like he embodied the abyss just by standing there. Even though he only looked at him, Lu Ze felt that his Spirit Force was rapidly being depleted.

He quickly said to the girls, "Let's leave!"

The black long-haired man looked in their direction. His pitch-black eyes flashed with Spirit Light.

One short black-haired man asked, "What's wrong, Lord?"

The man shook his head. "I felt a weak wave. It's probably a local Beast."

If there were other Races here, how could they escape their senses?

The short-haired man nodded.

Lucia and Burberry looked at the man with respect.

The long-haired man said to the short-haired man, "Guli Xisi, handle it."

Guli Xisi let out a bloodthirsty smile. "Sure, Lord."

In an extremely far away location, Lily said with a pale face. "Damn it! Abyssal Race! The Advanced Demon Race brought them here!"
