I'm Sorry I'll Do The Dishes Right Now

"We sound terrible! why!!?"

"Hmm.. Now that I've somehow fully seen the recording I can say that it's your fault Miss Eletha."

"My fault!? How is it my fault!!?"

"You clearly aren't matching your timing with me!"

"Well if it's timing then you can match your timing with me!"

"Huh!? If you keep being so stubborn then we will never match the timing and we will continue to sound terrible."

"Well then you better match your timing with me or else we won't get anywhere."

"Maybe we should both try to adjust our timing."

"Although I don't want to say this but it's worth a try."

"You didn't had to phrase it like that, but let's start, I'll pick up my pace and you should drop you pace, so ready?"

"Oh I'm more than ready!"

"3...2...1...let's rock!"

They kept playing again and again and again and again till it was evening.

"Why are you doing this Aiden!"

"I'm doing what!!?"

"You are either pacing yourself super slow or super fast!"

"Oh I could say the same thing about you Miss Eletha."

Sound of both of their stomach rumbling fills the entire room.

"I guess we had a long day, let's take rest now and eat something." Said Aiden with in a tired tone.

"Ya you are right, but can you even cook or do you just drink these cheap beer."

"Hey! they are pretty good beer, so what if they are cheap, they are better then many of the expensive ones."

"I'm not a good cook and looking at you I don't think you can cook so I'll order something, tell me what you want to eat."

"Wait you don't cook Miss Eletha!!?"

"Nope, not at all."

"Then what do you eat."

"I order food, me and my roommate split the cost."

"But that's not healthy."

"It's our only option since even she can't cook, well let's leave that stuff and tell me what you wanna eat and Let me take care of the bill."

"No! you wait here, I'll go cook something up for you."

"Oh you can cook!"

"Yes I can!"

Aidens goes in the kitchens and cooks up some delicious food.

While cooking a random thought came in Aiden's mind.

"Is is just me or the narrator ain't talking much this chapter."

Oh that's because my throat hurts so I'm keeping the talking to a minimum- wait did you just-

"No No, you might be imagining things like you always do, anyway Miss Eletha the food is ready so please take care of the dishes after the dinner."

"All right."

"Finally the wait is over, here is my pride and honor (intense music) steak!!!"

"Wooooow! what a pleasant smell coming from it."

"Don't call it smell."

"Then what do I call it? Odor."

"No! That's even worse. Call it Aroma."

"Ya ya, but it does smell good or should I say, it has a good AROMA."

"Ok Miss Funny jokes, Let's dig in now."

They proceeds to eat, and after taking the first bit Eletha starts eating like crazy.

"Woooow it's sooo good, you really do make good food."

"Yes and it's balance too."

"Is it tho?"

"You still doubt me?"

"Not really, with these amazing dishes you have already proven what you are capable of."

"Glad to know that you liked them."

"So, now that we are having such a great dinner let's talk about how you play the drums either super fast or super slow."

"Don't bring that up now Miss Eletha, don't you know that you shouldn't talk while eating."

"Hey! I'm the teacher! so you are not allowed to teach me."

"What kind of logic is that!!?"

"If you wanna fight then bring it on!"

"Phhh fight you? are you sure?"

"What do you mean?"

"I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone not being a man when it's convenient."

"Huh!!? You are making a reference now!!?"

"So what if I am!!?"


"Calm down or you will die from laughter."

"Oh Gosh you are right."

"Oh it's 10pm! I'll go get some beer."

"Oh let me come with you!"



"What am I going to do if everyone thinks I'm friends with a crazy woman?"

"Huh!!? What did you call me!!?"

"Oops did I blurt it put loud."

"Ya you did you freak!!"

"I'm sorry I'll get some more beer for you as a compensation."

Aiden makes his escape by being scared of his life

"Holy cow! my heart beat is getting faster and faster now that I'm not with her.

I feel pretty calm when I'm with her but when I'm not with her and I think about her, my heart beat just gets crazy. I'm just confusing myself with my own words now."

Aiden was experiencing this for the first time as for most of his life he was home-schooled.

As Aiden was trying to figure out what he was feeling, he thought to himself

"I think I've seen something like this happen in the drama and movies."

Aiden was getting closer to the answer.

"This feeling that I'm feeling..."

Just a little more Aiden


Yes Aiden you can do it.



Aiden didn't knew how far off he was from the truth.

What kind of drama and movies was Aiden watching to reach this conclusion!!?

Aiden went and bought the beer.

"Crazy women huh, I guess that's what he think about me." Eletha felt insecure about herself.

"I can't even blame him, I guess I am just a crazy women who barged in a students house and shouted at him all day..."

Eletha was sad but also happy.

"I don't know why I'm feeling soo happy about us fighting, I guess it's because I never experienced something like this before."

From a very young age Eletha wanted to become a elite teacher teaching at one of the best colleges. She was bad at studies so she wasted all her school life in studying and trying to get good grades. After school she did the same thing in college and degree. When she finally became a teacher, it was like she almost lost her purpose so she started feeling empty. She never experienced any friendly fight before so this was new for her.

"A new experiences does have a positive impact on life Huh! New experience... New experience... New-.. aaaaaaah!!!"

Aiden comes back from the shop and Eletha comes and grabs him which scares the hell out of Aiden.

"Aaah I'm sorry Miss Eletha, I didn't mean it I swear!!" Said Aiden while being scared.

"I did feel bad about it but now's not the time about that."


"I got it!! The way to improve!!"

"The way to improve!!?"

"Yes we need a singer, and we can both match the singers timing, isn't that a cool idea."

"It's not cool but yaa good work."

"What do you mean it's not cool!!?"

"Let's talk about that later! but first, I cooked the food and even served it and I told you something, is that true?"

"Yes it's true~"

"So I thought it was pretty clear that you will be doing dishes then why are the dishes still not washed?"

"Oh yaaa about that~"

"No Excuses today Miss Eletha."

"I'm sorry I'll do the dishes right now."