I'll Like To Hear It

"So yaa, what were you saying earlier Miss Eletha."

"Yes we need a singer, and we can both match the singers timing, isn't that a cool idea."

"Like I said, it's not a cool idea but it sure is a good one."

"You still think like that."

"But it's rather surprising that you are the one who came up with such a good idea. I thought giving lectures and rocking the bass are the only things you are good at."

"Hey that rude, I'll pretend i didn't hear that so moving on, do you know anyone who can sing good."

"Someone who can sing good huh."

"Yaa, anyone you know?"

"I do know someone like that but I don't know if that person will agree or not."

"Don't worry I'll convince her, you just have faith in me."

"No, let's leave that to me and you do...um... you do you."

"Huh!!? what's that even suppose to mean?"

"Oh yaa i forgot about this(pulling something out of the bag) here take this (hands ice cream to Eletha) I didn't knew what flavor you liked so I picked chocolate ice cream, everybody loves chocolate right!"

At that moment Eletha became soo happy that she was not able to suppress her happiness, these might be a small things that most people who won't even feel anything about someone bringing them a ice cream but for Eletha it was more than enough to make her happy.

"My happiness is coming out but I have to suppress it, I have to maintain my image as a strict teacher." thought Eletha to herself without realizing that that image as a strict teacher was already destroyed countless time.

"Yaa I like chocolate, how did you know?" asked Eletha while trying to keep her calm.

"Didn't I just said, I didn't knew your favorite so I bought the most basic one, you can be so silly sometimes Miss Eletha." answered Aiden

"I messed up!!!" Thought Eletha.

As they proceed to eat the ice cream, it started raining and the temperature dropped. Aiden clossed the windows so the rain won't wet the floor and he turned on the humidifier.

While seeing Aiden do everything Eletha thought to herself about how she would just leave the window open because she gets too lazy or how she broke the humidifier while trying to make it more hot. Most of the time Eletha just took the blanket over her when she felt cold or remover her clothes when she felt hot. (she got a female roommate so she is comfortable) Most of the stuff that Aiden was doing, it was first time for Eletha seeing anyone do it.

After seeing Aiden do everything and Eletha just sitting and seeing him do everything, she thought to herself, "Oh Ma Goddo, he is a perfect man."

"No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!....No!!! He is my students, So what if he is just 5 years younger than me, he is still my student. I can't think of him like that."

"Miss Eletha should I bring you some hot coffee or will you drink some more beer?"

"Hot coffee please."

"Noooooo! I'm totally being spoiled by him!!!" Thought Eletha.

And so they drank beer till 12 and then went to sleep, Eletha slept on the couch which turns into bed and Aiden slept on the floor.

Eletha woke up early in the morning and saw Aiden sleeping on the floor.

"If I can be honest with myself for once then I would have said what a cute sleeping face, but i have to maintain my image as the strict teacher." said Eletha and continued to look at Aiden for about a minute then she looked at the clock.

"Oh look, it's 7 am. he he




It's 7 am!!!? It's Monday today, I have to get ready for the classes!!!... but wait, I took a paid leave for today. What a relief. (turns aroud her face to look at Aiden) Oh No this dummy is gonna be late!!!!"

It was a chaotic morning today at Aidens apartment.

after 2 hours of trying to wake Aiden up, Eletha had lost all her hope thats when suddenly the doorbell of fate rang

"Hellooo Aiden, we can hear sounds from your house, did some miracle happened and you woke up!!?" Said someone from outside the door.

Eletha went and opened the door to see a bunch of people standing infront of Aiden's apartment.

"Wait!! you guys are the ones who said they broke the door!" Screamed Eletha.

"Yaa we came to wake Aiden up." Said one of them.

"I've tried everything I can but that dummy just don't wake up at all." says Eletha.

"Ya we know, we go through that everyday." said the old man from the 1st chapter.

"Now I get it why you have to break the door everyday, now it makes sense why Aiden was calm about it, well anyway please come in and wake him up. I'll prepare some coffee for everyone." says Eletha and goes to make coffee for everyone.

Trying everything they can try without getting any results, every one gives up. Eletha comes bringing coffee for everyone.

With Aiden sleeping on floor and a bunch of people including Eletha sitting surrounding him as some kind of ritual and drinking coffee, I can't even imagine what a ordinary person will think if he saw something like that.

"So Miss teacher-"

"Oh please call me Eletha."

"So Miss Eletha, you are his teacher aren't you?" asks one of the girl.

"Yes I am his teacher."

"You are just his teacher and nothing further right?"

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-what are you talking about, I'm just his teacher and nothing more."

"But a teacher spending the night in a students room is rather questionable."

All of the girl in the group started to look at Eletha with jealousy.

"No it's not like that, we just play some music together that's all."

"Oh, just a while ago you said you are just his teacher and now you play music together, isn't you relationship progressing a little too fast."


"Stop making trouble for the teacher you little devil." says the girls big brother.

"sorry for what my sister said." apologized the big brother and he continued, "you two play music together right, if I ever get a chance, I'll like to hear it."