
Chapter 1

       Emily let me see your thighs,am fine oliva drop the first aid box,I don't need it,hell no Emily!!.when are you going to stop Emily?Emily please let me help you;talk to me please.drop it already Olivia,please leave my room Olivia,I want to be alone right now,"your joking right"leave this instance unless I would slit my wrist open right in front of no fool Emily!!!haha you want to slit your wrist and die!!!!Well Emily have you thought one tiny seconds about me?okay let's say I am not worth considering,what about yourself?what about the pains you've being through?don't you think you deserve justice ahh,don't you think you deserve for them to see the damage they have done?Emily please let me tend to your wounds please,I beg you,your losing enough blood already....Olivia promise me not a single soul would hear about this,...I promise you Emily,I would trust you to know you need help,and I would help you realise the sooner you get it the better for you,I don't want you to end up like this!!!Olivia sit let me tend to your injuries,oh dear God !!!you've reopened all the scars again,okay stay still Emily this might hurt...get on with it Olivia,I am used to it already .

    What in the name of God is going on here!!!Olivia what is,O my God your bleeding,mum calm down,I can explain please I can explain...


    Okay Okay allow me take you guys  back a little,let me tell you exactly how I got here to this very painful moment.....