
Chapter 2

   Happy birthday to you,Happy birthday to you,Happy birthday dear Emily,happy birthday to you!!! parents and siblings sang with so much laughter,any one could tell they were really enjoying themselves...and yes you guessed right!!!!I had this big fake smile on my face,and my entire face hurts from smiling to wide,I really wasn't feeling the joy my family were feeling at the moment...yes I do appreciate the little surprise birthday party they put together...buttt which 25 years old girl,would be feel happy,when you literally have no life,yes no fucking social life,and with my family doing all of this it's just kinda reminds me, I might just die alone lmao....

   Okay first let me run a quick introduction about my self,am Emilia,likes guys my parents did name a child Emilia,like guys I only see adults with the name Emilia,yes I no it doesn't make sense,but guyzzz!!!!okay before I start telling you guys,how much I really don't appreciate my name...Well am 25 years old,and I have a super power,yes I really do have a super power,well I am blessed with the gift of sarcasm,yass girl!!!,that's a super power of its own,to turn every bad used English around to a funny joke,trust me it isn't just gold its priceless!!!Well if you asked any one to describe me they would tell you,I am just a regular happy girl,who doesn't take life seriously...Well for my looks,I am definitely beautiful yes yes,not your average type of beauty!!!yes you can get jealous,lmao,okay fine let me say the truth,well am not so bad looking ,I guess you could say I did pass the ugly word a little,I am tall,standing at 6ft 1nche ya I am sometimes proud about that..I have a light skin tone,you no the type of Beyonce skin shade,yes that's it...Well God save me from stretch marks!!!I have them like every were,they are like sleeves in my hand,and I have this really ugly ones on my thigh..but guys I am really way past talking about how imperfect my body is,like I have this rows,and a very chubby tummy,okay Emily is okay,that's enough!!!