Fuck the Fever | Goku Black x Caulifla

"Achoo!" Another sneeze roars out of the lips of the small saiyan who was currently bundled beneath seven piles of blankets. She was getting tired of sneezing over and over again, but if this was any other circumstance then she would definitely want the sneezing out of her system. No, these sneezes were obnoxious, bringing chills that shivered her entire body, and then making her nose drip with the horrendous snot that she would attempt to rid herself off through mountains of tissues. Not only that, but the sides of her nose itch incredulously as her bright pink nose showed it. Itchy eyes, and a very high fever. All of these were things a saiyan wasn't suppose to endure, because saiyans never got sick.

An extremely rare phenomena and it was probably because of how much this stubborn saiyan overworked herself in attempting to perfect her rosé form, and she just kept pushing and pushing herself until Kami punished her with sickness and suffering.

Thank goodness he was off somewhere else in their perfect utopia, because if there was anybody she didn't want to witness her in such a state it was him. No doubt she would hear a dosage of his scolding and being told how she should've listened to him, and quite frankly, Caulifla didn't want to hear it.

It's been probably two days since he's left, and he shouldn't be back until next week. So hopefully by then, this stupid fever should be gone. It wasn't long until the spiky haired saiyan succumbed to a sleep painfully slow.


Perched on a cliff, his eyes stare blankly at the clouds above him. Normally, his beloved saiyan would be sitting next to him, striking up a conversation, or throwing herself at him as she starved for his touch. Which he didn't mind, but now that he really thought about it he really missed her. Wondering why on earth she chose not to accompany him this time was beyond him. Maybe she needed space, or time to herself. Reminisce the past that was painfully buried among the corpses of those who sinned. After all, it did take a heap of convincing for her to become his mate, and he'd be dammed if there was one day she decided to kill herself off.

She tried in the past, but by the time she tried the first time, she was already immortal by his doing. So now she was his, forever.

Before the dark god could consume himself with such victories, did a shrouding chill spread throughout his body. A warning. His heart was pounding unwillingly, and it was then he realized it had to do with his prize possession. Upon instinct, he raises himself up on his feet, placing two fingers toward his forehead and thinks of only her.

He sighs in relief once he was firmly placed down their cozy cabin, and once her intoxicating scent brushes up against his nostrils did he follow the trail to the room.

His boots were heavy with intent as Caulifla now realized he was back. Shit. Shit. Shit. He was back. She forced herself to lift her body up from the bed, the heavy blankets shoving her back down as she tries to crawl out to gather up every disgusting tissue, pile of her sweat-drenched clothes that she shrugged herself out off, and pill bottles that were empty. Remnants of the pills were scattered on the floor, a miserably failed attempt of trying to rid of her excruciatingly exhaustion of a fever. Her body was weighted down that her arms and legs tremble of trying to pick her up and heeding to work with her.

Without warning, Caulifla's poor pitiful body fell down on the harsh cold floor as she forced back a squeak. With shaky and severely spasmed fingers, she attempts to gather everything, but all of this was such a chore to do. His footsteps were getting closer and closer as she curses under her breath, feeling tears prick at the edge of her eyes, as she fought the urge to whimper in despair. She didn't want to think of what he was going to do once he saw her.

Goku Black twists the doorknob open as he threw the door wide open. One eyebrow arches upward as the other stays narrow. His eyes lower downward, bewildered by items scattered around the female saiyan. Used up crumpled tissues, utterly useless pills, and her clothes gathering on the floor. Judging by the sweat that slicked down her skin, she wasn't in a good condition.

Caulifla stays on all fours, refusing to turn around to face the man who now stood behind her. Black's eyes were plastered on the sight of her trembling, her black undershirt clings to her while a black pair of panties were the only thing that covered the lower half of her body completely. Her butt was raised up to him as he makes out the barrier of her bra.

"So, you choose to throw off most of your clothes and choose to wear only undergarments. I'm surprised you at least kept your bra on." He muses, edging closer to her like a predator. He bends down to scoop her up from the floor, his cold hands brushing along her hot skin as she flinches. Caulifla couldn't contain herself anymore as she belts out another sneeze.

"Achoo! You think," she sniffles. "After everything you put me through I would wear only tops? I'm good with wearing bras twenty-four seven now."

Goku Black says nothing in response as he drops her down the bed, getting a good look at her now. Bleary eyes that probably ache, a stuffy pink nose, and pale pale skin that made the redness that splotched her cheeks stick out. She was an absolute mess, beads of sweat prominent on her skin and just about everything screamed mortal perils.

"You're sick." He comments, placing a hand on her forehead and winces once he feels how much she was burning up. "A fever mixed with flu. What a wicked combination." He leans his face towards hers, Caulifla's eyes failing to meet his in either embarrassment or humiliation. "Aren't you a saiyan? Saiyans aren't suppose to get sick."

Caulifla rolls her eyes, pushing his arm away with dainty fingers. "You don't think I know that?" She inhales sharply, almost sneezing again. "You think I like being sick? Saiyans don't get sick and I guess this is a once in a lifetime opportunity that it just so happens that one does get sick." She coughs before throwing her piles of blankets back on top of her for shelter. Caulifla then remembers the mess she left on the floor as she says through coughs, "Don't worry, I'll clean up that mess on the floor when I'm feeling better."

Black grits his teeth, shaking his head over her stubbornness. With a swipe of his hand, all the tissues and pills were thrown in the trash. He picks up her damp clothes and throws them in the hamper for laundry to be done eventually.

"I'll be back with a bowl of hot soup and tea." He says, then exiting the room to leave her to attempt to get some much deserved rest. Though he had a feeling that she wasn't going to submit to sleep so easy.

Caulifla groans, as if she needed some hot soup—unless it was ramen, then she was perfectly fine with that. Caulifla was left in the security of her blankets to suffer through a pounding headache that could be felt on the front and back of her head, a stuffy nose that itches and didn't allow her to breathe, and eyes that were teary thanks to all the sneezing. She hates it, she hates it all.

Black had made his way to the library, attempting to find any books he had on saiyan biology, saiyan studies, or possibly anything that could help him with making his little saiyan better. Pulling a couple saiyan books out, he skims through them and finds nothing on any of them that would be useful. Now he had a growing fear deep in his bones that since she was a saiyan incapable of getting sick, that this sickness was going to kill her softly.

He then found a very interesting title above the rest. The Sexual Stupors of Saiyans. Written by a scientist who used to live on planet Vegeta and did well on her research, diligently working hard with her observations, theories and whatnot. So he did just about anyone would do: he takes out the book and has a good read with it.

Caulifla eventually woke up again, staring at the bowl of ramen placed down on the desk next to her. A mug of hot tea was there as well, but smelled rather bitter than the rest of the teas Black has ever made for them. "Ughhhh . . . I don't wanna eat . . ." She moans in discomfort as she crawls weakly towards the food, finding a note within it. She carefully takes it with shaky hands and begins to read.

I hope you enjoy resting more than you do being awake with the fever and flu. I expect you to eat and drink both the ramen and tea. If I find the tea cold and full, you'll earn more than an earful of my scolding. I've went out to do some research on as to why you attained your sickness. I'll be back within a couple of hours and I'll see you then to take care of you, my mortal saiyan.

Much love, Goku Black.

Caulifla swallows, wincing once she realized that the pain in her throat was worsening as well. She hoped that Black didn't discover why she attained illness—because if he did, she'd be fucked for weeks. Of course, she knew the reason why she was sick, she just didn't know how she had to get rid of it. She was surprised that Goku Black hadn't conjured up the idea yet, but as quickly as she could, she worked on eating and drinking both what he made, before she threw herself beneath the sheets for another well deserved sleep.

The heat had become so strong around her that she couldn't take being snuggled under blankets any longer. Annoyed with it all, Caulifla threw off the sheets and laid there, shivering with the intense heat that washed over her body. "Oh Kami, I hate this so much . . . I just want it to end!" She coughs out.

"And so it shall." A voice declares huskily a few feet from her as Caulifla groans, shifting herself upward as she turns to face the owner of the voice. Her eyes widen as much as they could as she stares at the unbelievable sight in front of her.

There the dark god stood, wearing a black dress shirt that hid his muscles with a red and black striped tie draping over it. A stethoscope drapes around his shoulders as a white doctor coat covered him, making the man look like a doctor. But deep down, Caulifla knew this must be some role-play bullshit and frankly she wasn't up to his sex antics. Especially not now when she was suffering her sicknesses.

"Oh. Hell. No." She shakes her head at the sight as she grabs a pillow and throws it at him. "No. No. No. I am not gonna play any of your nasty games! I don't have the energy for this!" Caulifla screeches, picking up the covers and throws them over her in protection. She then remembered that she only donned three articles of clothing on at the moment still, and it didn't help how utterly naked she felt.

"Oh come on, don't be like that babe," Goku Black says darkly, ripping the sheets off of her. "There's no way I'll let my favorite patient suffer any more! For Doctor Goku Black is here!" He cheers.

"I'm not in the mood for sex, especially not now you twisted bastard now get out!" Caulifla fought with him as Goku Black topples over his sick saiyan dropping every last blanket to the ground until it was Caulifla and himself on the bed.

"Shhhh~ relax my beloved saiyan, I'm only going to do a checkup alright? And as your doctor I'm allowed to do whatever it takes to heal you." Black whispers into the nape of her neck brushing his hands beneath her black undershirt and then proceeds to slide it off of her completely. He tosses it behind him as it lands down on one of the blankets. "Now, first your body temperature." He clicks his tongue a few times. "It's no good! Your body is far too hot for a saiyan! The only exception for your body to be allowed to be this hot is if you were going through your heats during mating season. This absolutely won't do!"

With a smug smirk and a sniffle to fight the urge to sneeze, Caulifla manages to say. "And you would know that how? I've never experienced my heats, so how do I know you're lying, doc?"

"Hmmm, as your doctor I know you haven't experienced your first heats, your incredibly handsome and amazingly powerful mate would've told me so." Doctor Black says with a wink. "And besides, even if you did experience your first heats, I would immediately drag you to my office for a check up. Now, be a good obedient patient and I'll give you a sweet lollipop to suck on."

Caulifla stays sickly down on the bed as she pauses to think, then turning to face her so called doctor with a glare. "I know for sure that the damn lollipop is going to end up being your dick, you fucking perv!" She says, sniffling as she braces herself for a sneeze. Her doctor immediately hands her a couple tissues as she sneezes into them. "Who in the right mind would fuck their sick saiyan?"

"Hmmm, Goku Black would! That man doesn't care how sick you are and how smeared with such germs you are either," the doctor brushes a hand down into her panties, feeling her clit before seeping down her naturally wet insides. Though, she wasn't wet for him yet. He was surprised she wasn't wet with this sweet charade. She shivers against his cold fingers touching her as she squirms underneath him, trying to shove him off now. "Hmmm. Since you have come down with influenza, your fever and whatnot, my first advice would be for you to drink and fill your body with lots of bodily fluids."

Caulifla kicks at his shin, though her knee wobbled, causing the kick to falter. "Knowing you, that bodily fluid is your nasty cum." She snarls.

The doctor gasps dramatically as he presses a hand on his chest to seem extra offended. "Oh, how can you say that! I would never take advantage of the situation by filling you up with something so repulsive! Besides, you need injections from needles."

Caulifla still didn't trust him. Whatever it was that would poke her, she knew it came down to it just being his penis. "I don't need a needle, all I need is rest!" She argued back with her doctor. But of course, her doctor was always right.

"Shhh, let me take care of you, Caulifla." Doctor Black repeated for like as many times as he pleased. Though his beautiful saiyan had a brain cooking with a fever, blotched cheeks and a runny nose, she still appealed to him. He moves to kiss her lips, as Caulifla didn't dare to move an inch to meet the kiss. Because of how weak her body was and obviously it didn't want to work with her very well. Aside from that fact, she knew her personal doctor simply wouldn't allow her to move an inch. Doctor Black's lips finally capture hers, kissing her very deeply.

While the mischievous doctor distracts his mate with a kiss, he grips the waistband of her panties and pulls them down effortlessly. Once the panties reach her knees does he finally break the kiss and move on with taking them off completely. Tossing them to gather on the ground as he bent her legs up and open to examine what he loved between her legs. "Let's bring that fever down, shall we?" Doctor Black quickly slips on some examination gloves as he lowers his face towards her clit and grins at it. He always enjoyed eating her out, and the doctor was going to do his very best to help make his poor patient feel miles better.

Doctor Black's tongue caresses her clit ever so delicately, before playing with the bud and sucking on it as he pleased. Caulifla whines from where she laid as she began to weakly squirm, gripping the bed sheets as she felt his finger pry into her entrance, nearing it teasingly slow. There were no words that could come out of her mouth, only the smallest cries. Caulifla wishes she had more energy to sit up and shove his face deeper and so that she could erotically sway her hips. Everything aches and everything fought with her to stay down.

Removing himself from doing his dirty deed, he keeps his finger in. He sits up as he looks over at Caulifla, who was in fits of huffing. "Hmmm, it seems as though I have much work to do." As he says these words he slides another finger in, Caulifla gasping once she felt it go in. Goku Black grins at his beloved as he moves his other hand and with his forefinger circles her clit slowly.

The pleasure crashes with the pain as she fought with letting her words coming out. Something about how it felt uncomfortable or intense? Regardless, the doctor was unable to decipher those muddle of words. He shakes his patient's words off as he simply begins to thrust his fingers in and out, in and out. Forcing his fingers deeper, Caulifla's cries grow stronger, Black chuckles to himself. "Good! You're reactions are growing stronger!" He curls his fingers as the sick saiyan that laid on the bed helpless, arches her back into the pleasure. Kami, did it feel so good when it hit her so right and sent waves of pleasure crashing through her stomach.

"B-Black, it's too much, I'm gonna cum . . ." Caulifla whimpers, dragging her words out longer as it didn't help the fact that he was also playing with her clit still. "Oh Kami, please stop!" She gasps, the headache hitting the back of her head if she dared move her neck an inch.

"Ah, ah, ah. We need to do a full examination, and work with our checkup all the way. There's no way I'm letting you leave without feeling miles better!" He leans down to meet her gaze, keeping up with the finger fucking and clit rubbing. "So I want you to fucking cum as if your life depends on it." He growls each word out deep and evil.

Caulifla winces as those aflamed dark eyes and narrowed eyebrows with a twitching smirk met her distraught face. He tilts his head in amusement as Caulifla squeezes her eyes shut, forcing every small possible tear back into her eyes. He chuckles as he watches her place her palms down her eyes to mask them from his sight. He waits patiently, pushing Caulifla over the edge as much as he could, rapid finger fucking, rubbing that gem faster . . . Absolutely anything that would get her to cum. And finally, a loud cry escapes her lips, a warm gush of her climax spills onto his fingers. "That's it, what a wonderful patient you are, Caulifla! You've even made quite the mess." He says this as he pulls his gloved fingers out of her and examines the mess that started to drip down. "You even got the bed sheets dirty, but that's my fault. I should've grabbed some underpads before your examination." Caulifla's whining mixes into a hum, causing her to sound like a little girl who was throwing a tantrum.

Doctor Black discards his gloves and throws them into their already full trash bin, though it wasn't towering enough to let the garbage tilt to one side and allow some of the garbage to fall to the floor.

Once he returns to Caulifla, he notices how much she was covered in sweat. Practically gleaming in it. So much so, that Caulifla felt the all too familiar shivers crowd through her body, and before she could disgustingly sneeze into the open air, Black quickly handed her a couple of tissues to sneeze into. "Stupid fever, and stupid cold!" She groans as she rubs her nose into extra napkins before Black quickly takes them with a gloves finger and disposes of them too.

"That's why we're working on getting rid of it, however many times it takes for you to work those fluids, I'll be here as your loving doctor." He grins as he crowns her forehead with a kiss.

Caulifla swallows whatever fear was penting up in her throat, though she regretted it once her scratchy throat reminded her of what else was getting sick. Black seemed to notice, and lucky he had a hot pot of tea waiting for her. But for now, he had to work with all of her body.

"Alright, let's check on your heart." He moves up towards her chest, the bra clinging to her tightly as he slowly turns her around and begins to unfasten her bra. She couldn't argue, mostly because when she was turned over on her stomach, she felt like all her weight followed her down the bed, making her feel like she was sinking into the mattress. The doctor was quick to yank the bra free, pulling the straps off of her shoulders and throwing it to the ground. He carefully pulls Caulifla back on her back as he continues, "Now then, let's check up on that little heart of yours shall we?" He pulls the stethoscope's buds into his ears as he moves the cold metal down her chest. The small saiyan wincing once she felt that coldness.

"It's cold, hurry up with the gimmick!"

Her heart beat still was in acceleration due to her climax, but he noted how it a tiny bit faster than usual. He hums, getting a good result as he places the stethoscope away. "Hmmm, very interesting indeed." He nods as he then casts a quick look at his sick saiyan, who continued with her sniffling and shivering.

"W-What?" She manages to cough out.

"Oh nothing, my patient shouldn't worry about something so insignificant." Doctor Black then places both hands on her soft breasts and begins to massage them, feeling their tenderness and heat in the palm of his hands. Caulifla couldn't wriggle from where she laid, but whatever got her out of this sickish hell. Black was quick to remove his attention from his breasts and got up on his knees.

Caulifla wonders why he pulled away, and aside from her harsh breathing, her eyes widen at the sound of his belt unbuckling, shivering in absolute delight this time as it fell to the floor with a thud. "I guess it's time now." She hears some more commotion go on, but she's too weak to force herself to see. A click is heard, and soon, the sound of a vibrations follow. Immediately, she knows that he grabbed a vibrator from wherever he came from. They've played with toys before but she feels as though he might force a little bit too much from her.

"Now then, prepare yourself saiyan. Once I've started, I won't stop." He warns, though it wasn't much a warning because no matter how much she cries, begs, and pleads, he will still keep going. "Not until you orgasm about three times." He moves the red vibrator up her clit, placing it down as it hums against her. Caulifla could feel the first level vibrations surrounding her clit as every limb shakes. Doctor Black hums as he gathers as much lube from her, to make it easy to slide it inside her ass, but the moment he moves it down that direction Caulifla squeals out.

"Wa-Wait! Don't put it in! Don't put it in! At least get the lube!" She cries. Regardless of how her cum coated the vibrator, she held onto the fear that it was still not going to be easy to slide that inside and she wasn't in the mood for any kind of pain.

The doctor chuckles, shaking his head. "What? Afraid a little vibrator that pales in comparison to the thing that fucks you is gonna hurt? Since I want my lovely patient to be as comfortable as possible with a pain free ordeal, I'll go get the lube." He moves off the bed, proceeding to look through their drawer.

Caulifla sighs in relief, noticing the vibrator off on the side of the bed. Her eyes then linger towards Doctor Black as she watches him come back with the bottle of lube. He pops the cap open and squeezes out a plentiful amount of it on his palm. Caulifla braces herself for its coldness as he kneels down the bed and proceeds to lather it in between her cheeks. "Mmmm, wouldn't it be nice if I'd fuck both your spots today?" He turns the vibrator back on and proceeds to shove it in without warning.

In reaction to him doing so, Caulifla cries out. "Ahhh! Too much!" Gasping, she watches him work with his boxers to pull out his erected penis from doing all the things to her. Kami how he wanted her to suck on that lollipop now, but he needed to fuck his saiyan first. Doctor Black gives himself a few strokes before easing a few inches inside of her. Turning the vibrator up a notch, every nerve inside of Caulifla's butt spasms in the weirdly good sensation it was receiving as the pleasure was about to be doubled.

"Fuck!" Black curses out as he slid himself all the way in, engulfed with her heat and her wetness as he gives a couple thrusts, examining the heat rising on her face as perspiration pricks every surface of her skin. "Feels good, doesn't it? Getting fucked by your doctor and by this piece of plastic." His hips move back and forth at a moderate pattern as he keeps the vibrator in. "How's it feel?" He wanted her to splutter out the words.

Caulifla's body boils with both of her holes being filled to the brim with pleasure. Eventually she will get overstimulated so of course her words were already starting to be a hot mess. The bubbling grows in her stomach again as he trembles with her words. "F-Feels good-! Oh Kami! Please, keep going!" She moans once he starts to thrust into her, again and again in a pattern that picked up the pace. He moves his member all around deep inside her, enjoying what she had to offer as he turns up the levels on the vibrator.

"What a good little patient you are! Telling your doctor how your body feels," he wraps his free arm around her waist as he continues to fuck his saiyan, deepening the thrusts as much as he was able to, the vibrator humming below him. "Such a good saiyan! Taking everything I give her, regardless of how much  pleasure she's receiving!" Doctor Black then reaches into his coat's pocket and pulls out a bullet vibrator, Caulifla being too distracted with the way his boner hit her walls, and the way the vibrator sent out all the pleasures deep in her butt. "Now then, we still need you to achieve orgasms on top of each other to get rid of your sicknesses that shouldn't have been here in the first place!" He firmly places the tip of the bullet vibrator on top of her clit, Caulifla's moans becoming as loud as her throat permitting her too.

Her eyes widen as a dabble of drool escapes the edge of her bottom lip, her face bright as her body was overwhelmed with overstimulation. Her stomach and legs were swelling with so much pleasure that a couple orgasms kept sliding down one after another. Her cries were so loud as sweat continued to slide down her body. Doctor Black was starting to sweat too as he continued to slide his dick in and out, in and out, leaving every single vibrator on until he counted enough orgasms. "Shit . . . I can't hold back anymore! Regardless of how sick you are, I still want to fuck you senselessly! Come on, babe! Keep on cumming!" He growls out animalistic and low. Again he kept up with all the fucking, vibrators, and Caulifla again became overwhelmed with it. She lost track with how many times she had cum and soon everything was becoming hazy.

Before she could pass out on him, Doctor Black finishes off inside her. Pulling every vibrator away from where it was, he moves to clean them with the available wipes. All the while, his small saiyan was left on the bed, an absolute mess. Caulifla however was already forgetting that she was sick, though a couple things that bothered her before were already seemingly fading away. Checking off on a clipboard, Caulifla hears her doctor hum as a pen furiously scribbles throughout the paper. "Still playing Doctor? I'm surprised you're keeping up with the charade." She says through breaths, feeling every ounce of her cum drip down her leg mixed with the doctor's.

"Hmmm, you've passed every single part of the checkup." He ignores her, then moving back to the bed and throwing some sheets over her. "Now's the fun part, get some rest."

Once the pleasure had finished flowing through her body, she would probably fall asleep thanks to exhaustion. She watches as the doctor disrobes himself of his clothes and tosses them in the hamper, joining her in bed. After much reading, the doctor knew that she would no longer have all her ailing sicknesses, and she'll be good as new. All it took was to fuck the fever.