Cabba’s First Cycle | Cabba x Frost

Cabba knew this day would come. It was almost like fate. An absolute curse. For a very long time since he first was introduced to his cycles, was he glad he didn't have a mate. He never really did like any saiyan girls, minus Kale. They tried dating once upon a time, long ago . . . but due to her joining Caulifla in some planet mission for Frieza, she met another saiyan. Darker, mysterious, older. And of course, they had something in common so eventually Cabba and Kale ended things for the better.

Fast forward to the present, and after bonding with Frost through some training and the tournament of power, Cabba found love again—and this time it felt nice, different, and weird. Cabba knew he liked the opposite gender, but when he met Frost it had him doubting. Of course, he then discovered that he could have an attraction to both genders.

And now, he was digging his nails into the dirt and cursing under his breath. Of course he was in a new cycle when he was dating Frost! His body shivers as it tries to cool itself down with his own sweat trickling down his body. Usually training took his mind off things, but his senses were all heightened, and the smell of Frost was making his tail frizzy and prickly. His blood felt cold in his body, as a deep hard swelling sensation wouldn't leave his groin area alone.

He couldn't go home to Frost like this now, he would absolutely maul him in bed! But, he had to go home now, he was absolutely famished, and he didn't like starving in both categories at the same time.


Frost stirs up the broth that was cooking at the stove, the rest of the dishes he prepared tonight for dinner were already settled on the table behind him. As he proceeds to pull out the buns from the oven, he hears the door knob being toyed with. The tip of Frost's tail begins to wag as he knew who that was. Quickly now, he starts to move the food toward the dining table. As he pours some broth into both of their bowls, the door swings open, revealing a very sweaty saiyan. His spikes of hair were now all over the place, some pressed down due to the sweat, as he storms past his beloved in a pink apron with red ruffles to it. Cabba gave one quick glance before he forces himself into the hallway.

There was no way he was going to stare at the icejin wearing such a cute apron. Any longer than the seconds he spent staring at him, and Frost would've been thrown down the living room couch. Cabba would not take the apron off of him, but proceed to fuck the icejin beneath him.

Cabba bites down his lip, there was no way he was going to go through with that! Frost would be sobbing through the roughness and pleading for him to stop—and quite possibly would be traumatized from then on from doing anything with Cabba.

"Oh! My sweet saiyan, how was your training? It seems as though you went all out today! I cooked some food for dinner, if you want to have that in a few—" before Frost could possibly say any more than Cabba allowed, the saiyan was quick to cut him off.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll join you for dinner when I'm done." Cabba murmurs, quickly tossing his shirt off which was sticky with his sweat.

"Oh!" Frost delicately runs his fingers on Cabba's chest, the saiyan flinching at his touch. "Then allow me to join you, Cabba. I'll make sure every inch of you is clean~."

" . . . Sorry Frost, I kind of want to shower alone, but I'll join you for dinner." Cabba assures his icejin, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze before shutting the door behind him.

Frost blinks. It wasn't like he was going to be disgusted showering with a very sweaty Cabba. But then again, maybe Cabba wanted to focus on himself to scrub himself clean. So by the time they went to bed, Frost would be sure to give Cabba pleasure beyond what he would receive at the shower.

So while his saiyan was busy showering, Frost was quick to go back with organizing the table with the dinner spread.

Cabba tore off most of his clothes, disgusted with how they cling to him. He throws them in the hamper as he approaches the shower, turning it on as the coldness of the shower greets him. He was fine with cold over hot today. Maybe for the rest of the month too.

As Cabba stood naked in the shower, he stares down at his throbbing cock. Veins parade around it as it almost hurt due to how strong his animalistic urges were. Animalistic urges that he refused to take out on Frost. So while the shower roared down him, he held his hard member in one hand and began to pump it in his grasp slowly. Giving himself slow strokes wasn't enough, but the pleasure that ached through him needed to be released somehow. Cabba began to pick up the speed as he slams a fist into the tiled wall, continuing his work as he huffs, the temperature rising the more he pawed himself off. "Fuck . . ." He curses under his breath, squeezing his eyes shut as it didn't help that he was imaging Frost bent over, hands pressed on the tiles. Frost would be whimpering beneath him as he would take in inches of Cabba's dick, begging for more.

Just like that, and thanks to his dirty imagination, Cabba finally came. It wasn't enough to quench the thirst, but it would have to do.


Dinner was filled with such an awkward silence that was so loud, Frost was embarrassed to hear his own breathing. Despite the many questions roaming deep inside his head, and mere confusion still in there too, he just wondered what was wrong with Cabba. It wasn't like him to have such a silence today. He always had to be smiling about something, or he always had a story to tell about Master Vegeta training him, or the latest antic Caulifla and himself got into.

"Did you visit Caulifla and Goku Black today?" Frost slowly asks as he finishes swallowing his current bite.

"No." Cabba quickly says, taking a long sip of his mango milkshake that Frost made him.

"What about Kale, how's it going with her and Broly? Did you guys train?"

Cabba shook his head. "Goku Black and Caulifla are too busy in their universe with things and Broly and Kale are exploring stuff . . ." The saiyan says bluntly. It was already awkward enough that all saiyans were going through heats thanks to the spring season.

"Oh, care to tell?" Frost asks with a smile of interest.

Cabba bit into his food and shook his head again. "No . . . I'd rather not say. It's a saiyan thing. You wouldn't understand."

A cold chill ran down Frost's spine as he shrunk in his seat. He knew he wasn't a saiyan, and he didn't know much of the saiyan culture, minus a few things Frieza and Cabba told him about. His heart began to ache in his chest as he frowned somberly. Of course he wasn't a saiyan—all of Cabba's saiyan friends had saiyan mates—minus Vegeta. Vegeta also had a preference in icejin.

"I would like to understand. Please Cabba, tell me." Frost delicately slides his hand atop of Cabba to which the saiyan quickly withdrew his hand and stood up so fast that it made Frost wince.

"No, Frost. You wouldn't want to understand. Look, I'm sorry. I had a really bad day, I don't want to talk about it." Cabba says quickly as he began to gather his dishes. "After I do my dishes, I'm going to bed on the couch."

"But Cabba . . ." Frost says at a mere whisper.

Nothing more could be said, because Cabba had already gone to do the dishes.


Frost watches the wine dance within the glass as his face is planted on the table. His eyes were soft and held a gleam that seemed to reveal that he could cry at any moment.

"Oh, out with it Frost. I know you didn't stop by just to have some wine with me." The much older icejin says, rolling his eyes as he sighs. He takes a sip of his wine as he then clears his throat. "I know you're a sensitive little creature, but nothing gets you so worked up. So spit it out, I don't have all day you know."

Frost groans. He knew that a simple visit to Frieza's spaceship out of nowhere would catch Frieza off guard. It didn't help that one of his soldiers answered before the emperor did, meaning that Frieza was busy with something. Or someone.

"It's nothing really, it's just that . . . for the past couple of days, Cabba has been very distant. He won't speak to me much, he doesn't really smile, and he sneers at my touch." Frost takes a sip, in order to distract himself from the knots that were forming in his heart. ". . . He's always mad about something but he won't tell me what, and he's always sweating profusely. Even though he's not training or exercising . . . Which doesn't disgust me, but still I'm worried. What else can I do? Nothing I do reaches him, and I'm just scared and stuck. Scared that I'm going to lose him, and stuck in this loop."

Frieza finishes off the last bit of his wine as he exhales deeply, shaking his head as he rubs his fingers into his temples. "Oh, Frost. Pardon my language, but how stupid can you be?!"

Frost's jaw drops at the words of the emperor, staring deeply into his crimson colored eyes. "Forgive me, Frieza! But my relationship with Cabba is very valuable and—"

"Yes, yes. You cherish it soooo much, little frost demon. Tell me, Frost. What season are we in?"

"Spring, but—"

"Can you tell me what Caulifla and Kale go through every spring with their equally dark mates?"

Frost pauses. He remembers talking about this once with Goku Black, how Caulifla was a lot more submissive during this time and wanting Goku Black at every moment. Kale giggled as she discussed with Frost her excitement when spring would come and she would share it with Broly. Yes! The saiyan mating season! A season where saiyan are much more sensual about their sexual appetite and . . . oh. Oh!

"Saiyan mating season? Isn't that just a normal's couple thing? I'm sure that—"

Frieza begins to chug his wine at this point. "Frost, my mate is Vegeta who also happens to be the same gender as me. He's currently going through his cycle right now as well. So I'm there for him as much as he needs me there. Your monkey Cabba is only avoiding you because it's his first cycle. It's so intense for the boy that he fears he will hurt you. Yes, saiyans bite, will want more sessions out of you, and are much more possessive. But that boy is purely suffering. His cycles are eating that poor thing alive. So I suggest you get up, straighten up that back and march right back to your saiyan and help him through his heats."

"Yes, Frieza! Thank you for the advice!"

"Anytime, Frost."


Cabba finally came back from training again, the sexual frustrations were so high on this day. He was an utter sweaty mess, and he continues to rub off the beads of sweat that slicked his skin. Before he could move on any further to the bathroom to pursue a cold shower, Frost's voice calls to him from the bedroom.

"Hey, Cabba! You're finally home! Come inside the bedroom, I have a surprise!" The icejin declares. Cabba's cock twitches, as he knew that his little mate was in their room. If Cabba didn't have as much self control as he did, by the time he had stepped foot into their house, Frost would've already been thrown down the bed. Fucked like no tomorrow.

"I didn't see any lunch on the stove," Cabba mumbles, wiping his face clean off the sweat that remained. It was only after he was done and took a great long gaze at the frost demon that was sitting on the bed, did he drop the towel, and almost his shorts as well.

There Frost stayed still on the bed, knees bent as he allowed every frilly and patterned inch of his scarlet and black lingerie to be seen to the saiyan. With a seductive smile placed on his lips, and those beady red eyes so bewitching. The bulge that was already in Cabba's pants were already suffocating his member, and being without sex for so long especially with the whole heats made Cabba extra horny.

"Frost, I'm—"

"No Cabba, not a word out of you. I want you down on this bed now." Frost commanded.

Excitement rushes through the blood of the saiyan, as he did as he was told, clambering up on the bed and laying down on his back. Frost was quick to follow and begins to pull the shorts down, throwing them off to the ground to gather. Next was his boxers, and Frost couldn't help but swallow at how big Cabba was today. Cabba notices this and lets out a chuckle, his voice so dark that it sent chills across Frost's body. "What's the matter, Frostie? Didn't think I'd be this big? Of course I would," the saiyan then slips a hand up the bra that Frost wore. "Especially when you're dressed up in something like this. It's taking every ounce of me in my power to not slam you down our bed and fuck you over and over again."

Frost resists the urge to swallow again, proceeding to slide those boxers off of Cabba, revealing him as  naked as he could be. Before Frost could think of doing anything else, Cabba raises his body up by the elbows, leaning his face towards Frost. His voice was harsh and in a tone of warning, "Now Frost, before we keep going, I'm going to warn you just this once, there's no stopping once we do this. Every day for the rest of spring I will want my appetite to be quenched, and if that means having sex with you when you're not in the mood . . . Well, don't say I didn't warn you."

Frost brushes a hand on Cabba's cheek, planting a quick kiss on his lips. He whispers back to his saiyan, with such sweetness. "I know that Cabba. I know about the whole saiyan mating season and the heats you go through . . . I just wish I was a female saiyan so that I could properly please you." Frost says, lowering his face.

Cabba sits up now, pulling Frost up and settles him to sit on him, Frost's tail swarming toward's Cabba's. Cabba's bushy tail immediately tightens around the icejin's much bigger tail. "Frost, I don't want a saiyan—and I'm into guys too. You know that. Besides . . ." He grips one of his Frost's butt cheeks as the icejin immediately gasps out. "I think I love fucking you way too much in here, you know?"

Frost turns fifty shades redder as he turns to look away, hoping he wouldn't cry with the mushy words.

It was then, Frost realized that his member was slowly edging out of him. Frost lowers the matching panties to his lingerie, revealing his member coated in his internal fluids as he begins to rub it up against Cabba's already hardened member. The saiyan hisses in desire as Cabba coils his hands around their dicks and presses them together, allowing Frost's juices to lather on his.

"Ohhh . . . Cabba!" Frost cries out, feeling the saiyan's tail start to rub up and down on his own. Cabba groans under his breath, trying to not sound as audible as usual as he continues to rub their erections together.

"I forgot . . . How good this felt . . . Kami I'm so stupid." Cabba breathes out, continuing to let this grinding session go. "Fuck . . . Sorry I . . . Ignored you . . ." Frost shook his head and then slowly pulls his own penis from rubbing up against Cabba's. The saiyan growls out immediately, sexually frustration continues to grow much stronger inside of him. "Why'd you stop?" He demands.

"Don't apologize, I know you were trying to hold back to not hurt me. Let me relieve you a little longer." Frost says, lowering his head down towards Cabba's length, rubbing his erection within his hand. "Abstaining from sex has really made you like this huh?"

Cabba laughs, throwing his head back on the pillow as he says soon after, "I want you to ride me after you're done teasing me, alright? And do you accept my apology?"

"Maybe after this month ends." Cabba says with a wink. Before Cabba could say another word, Frost had maneuvered himself so that his lower half of his body was near Cabba. "Do me a favor, my sweet saiyan and suck me too?"

"You don't have to ask. I'll suck that intoxicating cock of yours any day." Cabba says, staring at it before bringing his open mouth towards it and sucks on it. The taste of Frost was absolutely amazing! His juices were so addicting, and he wanted more.

Arching his back to the pleasure, Frost gasps out. "O-Oh!! Cabba!" Squeezing his eyes shut, he then proceeds to lower his face towards Cabba's tip, proceeding to do his end of the bargain. Gripping the rest of it with one hand, Frost begins to suck the first inches to Cabba. Frost was getting turned on with the wet noises of Cabba sucking his own wet dick, and it didn't help that it felt so good!

Cabba unravels his tail from being so tightly knitted to Frost. With his hand, Cabba grabs Frost's tail and begins to massage it, stroking what he could within his grasp as he felt his frost demon crumble on top of him. This made Cabba's lips press into a smile as he continues to suck Frost off, pushing the ice demon further. Frost's face was darkened with a deep flush of fuchsia, and it didn't help that Cabba was taking him all in, sucking as fast as he was able to. Frost in return, began to bob his head back and forth, savoring Cabba. He absolutely missed this, he absolutely missed being so sexual with his saiyan. Now he had him here in the bedroom, mesmerized by the sight of him in lingerie.

Cabba was sucking his fastest now, allowing every drop of what Frost had to offer go down his throat. Finally, after fighting with himself to not cum so quickly, Frost had came in Cabba's mouth. He had to pull away from sucking Cabba to let out a great moan of pleasure. Moments after, Cabba had came as well, some of it getting on Frost's face.

After Frost wipes it off with a nearby shirt of his, he turns around to face Cabba, who was impatiently waiting for him to crawl back to him. "Well, Frost? Don't keep me waiting now . . . We're not done yet. I want you to ride me. Ride me as long as you can." Cabba says with a challenging smirk. Frost was practically red already, he could feel his face grow even hotter at Cabba's words. He was never so controlling or this dominant with Frost. Sure, the saiyan was the top in the relationship, but he was gentle and sweet.

Saiyan season brought out a whole different Cabba for Frost to enjoy.

"What's the matter, little frost demon? Don't think you can handle being on top? Having my dick inside you, engulfing your insides and reminding you who you belong to?" And certainly possessive, Frost had to admit. But he liked that too.

Frost gulped, giving the saiyan a pout as he hugs himself, nearly forgetting he had lingerie on. "I'm no coward! Watch me! I'm going to ride you until you cum inside me, Cabba! You're gonna be whining and moaning just you wait!"

"We'll see." Cabba continues to taunt, watching as his pastel blue icejin gets up on his feet, proceeding to pull down the panties. Before the could completely come off, Cabba cuts in. "Ah, ah, ah! I want them on. Move them to the side to let my boner up in your butt."

Frost blushes fiercely, immediately dropping himself back on his knees. "Y-You like me in lingerie, Cabba?"

"Mhmm," Cabba nods. "So come here and let's fuck. I want to be inside already!" Cabba was almost screaming at this point. Of course he would, he was denying himself of plowing his mate, and now he was itching for their sex to commence. Frost was getting more and more turned on just by hearing his words. Utterly barbaric, but new. This new Cabba was one that Frost loved.

Frost was quick to slide the fabric of the panties to the other side, raising himself up to angle himself to put Cabba in. Cabba assists Frost by guiding his member closer to his rear's entrance, and once Cabba felt the tip go in, Frost drops himself completely on top, taking every single inch in all the way. He almost winces at how fast Cabba filled him up, and if it wasn't for Cabba already being lubricated it probably would've hurt.

"Fuck!" Cabba roars out, squeezing Frost's tail tightly. "Oh Kami that feels good!" He gives Frost's ass a spank, causing Frost to squeak out. "What're you waiting for? Start moving!" Cabba continues to rub Frost's tail in one hand while squeezing Frost's side with the other.

Frost resists the urge to blink several times, this new Cabba certainly was interesting and thrilling. Doing as his saiyan commanded, Frost began to bounce up and down Cabba's dick. A wicked grin spreads across the saiyan's face as he watches his icejin erotically sway his hips back and forth, rocking along with Cabba's dick. Every inch inside of Frost spasms with such pleasure that it practically throbs, the frost demon starting to moan. Cabba wanted to hear him lose it, so while Frost started to ride him in his own little high, Cabba peels down his panties enough to make Frost's member spring free. Releasing his tail from his grasp, Cabba's hand moves towards Frost's member and begins to stroke it.

Frost gasps, whimpering soon after as the pleasure started to spiral from both sides of him. "C-Cabba!" He bites down his lip, savoring the hand job. He bounces up and down on Cabba's member sloppily, whining softly as Cabba squeezes him for a few seconds before rubbing him again. "Aghh!" Frost was going to absolutely lose it, and he fought to gain control as he rode Cabba and was getting stroked by him. He arches back, rapidly picking up his thrusting before Cabba could mock him.

A smirk spreads across Cabba's face, as if he knew this. It was kind of cute watching Frost force himself to topple himself with this. "You're so cute, Frost." Cabba says, stroking Frost faster, the icejin's moans grow louder that they almost hit the walls. "Trying to not lose control's hard huh? But you're pretty strong, you can handle anything thrown at you."

"C-Cumming!" Frost whines, the saiyan jerking him off faster, to make his climax even stronger.

"Then cum for me Frost!" Cabba pants, feeling his climax come close as well. "I'm gonna burst as well . . ." Cabba trembles as he arches his back, growling out as Frost moans loudly, followed by his cum dripping down Cabba. Soon enough, Cabba came deep inside Frost.

Cabba wipes himself clean with a nearby towel, shuddering with his climax as Frost collapses beside Cabba, his tail slithering up to be held by him. All the frost demon could hear was their harsh breathing and gasps for air. Besides that, he could still feel Cabba's throbbing climax inside of him. He blushes with the thought that he was filled by Cabba. Frost closes his eyes, his breathing slowly calming down.

Cabba sits up as he stares at his mate recovering in such a submissive curled up pose. Slowly, he allows his super saiyan transformation to take over but he knew Frost would feel the rise in ki. "S-Super saiyan?" Frost asks, and before he could receive an answer, he had been flipped over on his stomach. The loud sound of fabric tearing made a chill run down his spine. Cabba had ripped the panties right off of Frost!

Cabba raises Frost's legs up so his knees were bent and spreads them apart. Cabba grips Frost's tail with one hand while he brings Frost's rear close to his waist with the other. "I'm not completely satisfied . . . I need to fuck you again." The saiyan says lowly.

Frost shivers, gripping the pillow in front of him. ". . . What's stopping you?" He replies innocently as Cabba smirks at his response, letting go of Frost's tail once he felt movement. He gives Frost a quick spank before guiding himself inside his frost demon once more. Cabba grits his teeth once he's met with the familiar feeling of being inside.

"Fuck . . . The pleasures just keep growing in me!" Cabba says this as he places both his hands on Frost's waist, admiring the view of Frost's back. Aside from craving Frost every chance he got, the pleasure was unmeasurable—feeling absolutely triple times better than normal. It would eventually push the saiyan into a state of euphoria. "I'm gonna keep fucking you until I'm satisfied, every day in this damn cursed season . . . I have to!"

Frost gasps once he feels Cabba start to thrust in and out of his ass slowly. Frost was embarrassed at the sound of his wetness being audible while it turned Cabba on a lot more. Rocking his hips back and forth, Cabba's penis continued to plunge in and out of Frost's entrance. He grits his teeth over how insanely good Frost felt, and Cabba knew he was going to absolutely lose it.

The more his saiyan proceeded to fuck him, the more Frost was becoming a moaning mess. Tears began to prick at the edges of his eyes, and it didn't help that Cabba was fucking him hard and rough. He winces as he felt the saiyan dig his nails into his hips, quickening his pace before flipping Frost over on his back.

"Look at you! Already on the edge! My poor little mate!" Cabba lowers his body down on top of Frost. He bites down on Frost's shoulder, the icejin's cries music to his ears. Frost wraps his arms fiercely around Cabba, bracing himself for the roughest pounding session of his life. His tail swiftly wraps around Cabba's waist, deepening the thrusts for Cabba's pure pleasure. In return, Cabba continued to bite on his chest and shoulders repeatedly, savoring his sweet blood as Frost screams his loudest, cumming over and over again as Cabba growls, slippery with Frost's cum.

After Cabba dropped a couple more loads into Frost, he admires the mess they made. He brings Frost close to him in a warm embrace. They catch their breaths and cling to each other, in amazement of how mind blowing this whole mating season thing was.

" . . . So, are you sure you're prepared to deal with more days like this?" Cabba asks, stroking Frost lovingly as the icejin wipes his tears, forcing a smile as he nods.

"Yeah, I'm strong like you. And I'm your mate, so I'm willing to get through this with you," Frost squeezes Cabba into a hug. "And I'll make sure you enjoy every moment of it." Cabba smiles at Frost's words, tangling his tail with Frost's once more. The saiyan mating season was far from over.