The Immortal Affair | Zamasu x Caulifla

Absolute anger and fiery frustration fills every inch of the Supreme Kai's body. He absolutely hated both mortals and saiyans, and Caulifla happened to be a good mixture of both. So, her existence was just as much in danger as just about everyone else on this puny planet. He would've murdered her infuriating worthless body a long time ago, if it was for his partner growing a deep love for her. Correction. It wasn't love, it was lust. No matter how many times the dark god declared his so called love for Caulifla, in the end, Zamasu knew that once she had fulfilled her purpose in being a play thing for him, she was as good as dead as the rest of the mortals.

It didn't help that his partner had met the stupid saiyan first. He still remembers the romantic story of how Goku Black met her, and he would ramble on and on about how they were saiyan soulmates. Destined to be together for all of eternity. And of course, Zamasu showed his genuine disgust. Several times had Zamasu hinted that they should kill her, but Black warned him every single time, that if he ever laid a hand on his mate, that Zamasu would be killed. Even when Caulifla was throwing a temper tantrum, screaming her head off at Goku Black, or bawling like a baby, Goku Black refused Zamasu's offer at peace.

One day. One day, Caulifla would die by Zamasu's hands.

That day, apparently wasn't today.

Her back is pressed against the wall in one of the hallways. A smile is painted on her lips as her obsidian orbs widen at the sight of the handsome dark god in front of her. He smiles back, looking down at her with much love. He brushes his knuckles against her cheek as Caulifla's smile continues to grow. Her eyes convey such a sparkling glint for Goku Black that it was almost the embodiment of love itself.

"Caulifla~." Her name falls from his mouth lovingly as he then leans forward, kissing her lips softly. His arms wrap around her body as Goku Black lifts her up from her feet. Her legs quickly wrap around his waist as whimpers escape her mouth.

One of Zamasu's eyes twitch as an eyebrow raises up at the sight. Were they really planning on having sex in the hallway?! What if he happened to walk by while they were in the midst of their passions, and then everything would be awkward? Did Goku Black want Zamasu to stumble upon the horrific sight?

As Goku Black begins to pull down her dress to reveal her black undershirt to him, Caulifla was quick to break the kiss. Goku Black gropes Caulifla's breast as she gasps, placing her hands on his shoulders, gently pushing him back. "W-W-Wait! Wh-What if Zamasu sees us?!" Caulifla squeaks, the radish red that takes her cheeks shows her embarrassment.

"You read my mind, stupid saiyan." Zamasu inwardly thought, smirking as he darts back towards a corner of a hallway that led to the living room. He knew Caulifla's eyes were going to roam around for evidence that Zamasu might just so happen to walk by while they discussed this, further proving her point.

Goku Black chuckles pervertedly, running his fingers through her legs. "You're so adorable when you're flustered." Instead of Caulifla, he was the one to look around the hallway. "I highly doubt Zamasu's nearby and if anything, he's probably out at the balcony enjoying himself some tea."

Zamasu's eyes widen in disbelief, blinking several times to take in Goku Black's words. Did he seriously not sense Zamasu's ki from the moment he neared the hallway? He just so happened to stop as he saw them strike up a make out session, surely his anger bubbled up his ki? But then again, Zamasu had a very good job at masking his ki so perhaps Goku Black hadn't sensed his ki.

"Still . . . I don't wanna do it in the hallway, what if he sees me naked?" Caulifla throws another reason why they shouldn't do it in the hallway.

"Oh babe, we don't have to take off our clothes, you can just let me take off your panties and start it up here. What's wrong? Does getting caught in the act scare you?" He lightens up his last sentence with a baby talk voice. The dark god is then greeted by Caulifla's enraged face, making him sweat drop. "Okay, fine. Fine. Let's take this to the bedroom shall we? Don't want to kill the mood." Zamasu peers back to see the sight of Black bridal style carrying Caulifla down the hall before they ultimately disappear to one of their bedrooms.

"Disgusting." Zamasu mutters, then walking the opposite direction. He was going to make a batch of tea before he stood out in the balcony. The green god knew that whenever those two would engage in sexual activity, they would take a long time.


"What if Zamasu sees me naked?" Zamasu didn't know why, but those six words rang in his head repeatedly ever since he heard Caulifla say them. It got Zamasu genuinely thinking, what if he saw her naked? He's never seen her naked before, but if by chance they did manage to end up doing it in the hallway, Goku Black would've tore off all her clothes. And then Zamasu would just so happen to be passing by, repulsed by such a sight. He would only see her for a few seconds, maybe even thirty.

What was Zamasu thinking?! He was slapping himself for thinking such a thing, and the only way to pull himself away from such mortal thoughts was to chug his tea. After he had enough tea, he quickly left the balcony and made his way back to his room.

As he continued to walk down the hallways, he pauses at the sound of moans and cries. He arches a silver eyebrow as he could hear Caulifla whine. It sounded like she was being tortured. Was Goku Black finally murdering her? Caulifla's cries were getting louder, and it led Zamasu to an open door. He cautiously steps through, staring at his white boots before his eyes look up.

Immediately, the god regretted it.

He stares upon the sight of the transparent curtains that surround the canopy bed. From what he could make out of the silhouettes, Goku Black was on his knees, his hands on Caulifla's waist. The small saiyan was on all fours, before she sank her head down the pillow, gripping the sheets as it seemed. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Zamasu should look away. He should! They were participating in a mortal sin!

Yet, he wasn't looking away.

One hand curls into a fist as he tightens it up, another, begging to let his ki blade be formed.

Minutes later, Black flips his saiyan over on her back, dropping his body down on hers, growling in an animalistic and predacious way. "Who do you belong to?" He commands while pausing in his thrusting, raising his body up a bit. Zamasu's eyes widen. Had Black figured out that he was watching?!

Caulifla pants, Zamasu watches as her legs raise up to lock around his waist. "You . . . I belong to you." She is gifted a kiss, one that sounded so passionate, before being followed up with the lewd wetness of Black thrusting into her again. Something was stirring up in Zamasu when he heard the way Caulifla's insides sounded, and he had to quickly get away.

He was absolutely disgusted with himself, and once he reached his bedroom, he laid in his bed and forced himself to not think of anything that he witnessed.


Zamasu sits up in his bed, bare naked as his knees are bent upward. The dark navy covers that are thrown over him cover him up to his waist. He grins down as he can make out her ass sticking up in the air, the spikes mold out of the blanket as well.

"What are you plotting, sexual saiyan?" Zamasu asks, lifting the covers as he hears her sweet giggles, the saiyan continuing to stroke Zamasu as she pleased. He then watches as the innocent looking saiyan starts to lick the tip of his member, before taking it in her mouth and starting to suck.

Zamasu closes one eye as he grits his teeth. Damn, how could her wet and hot mouth feel so good enveloping him like that. "Good mortal, continue to pleasure your god!" He ruffles his fingers into her hair as Caulifla begins to suck him off faster, Zamasu loving every moment of this. His breathing was becoming ragged, as he continues to watch the saiyan do her work. He then asks her the question, "Who do you belong to?"

The saiyan stops her sucking for a few and looks up at the god with a big smile. "You, Zamasu!"

Zamasu returns the smile as he lowers her face towards hers, proceeding to plant a victorious kiss on her lips. "That's right, Caulifla. You belong to me."

Zamasu gasps as he awakens from that horrible nightmare, nearly screaming. However, he forced said scream down his throat since he didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to himself. He pulls the covers up and in absolute horror, Zamasu's eyes widen at the sight of his once permanently resting member, erected and hard in his pants. His pants felt uncomfortably wet, and it took everything in his power not to throw up then and there.

Quickly now, Zamasu discards of his pants and boxers, throwing them on the ground as he would burn them later. Not a single ounce of him wanted to be reminded of the nightmare that had made him disturbed. Zamasu dresses himself with a clean pair of pants and boxers before setting out to balcony. It was early in the morning, absolutely no one would be there. He could sit there and be alone with his thoughts.

Upon arrival, he is greeted by the sight of his partner sitting at the round table, tea cup in one hand, book in the other. Zamasu forces a smile, he didn't want to see Goku Black this morning but at least it was him and not her. Without looking up from his book, Goku Black says in a husky voice. "You're up early, is there anything on your mind? Or do you simply plan on murdering mortals this morning?"

"Oh nothing really, I'm just forcing myself awake instead of staying in bed sleeping all day." Zamasu responds, fighting off the urge to say 'like your saiyan' too. He didn't want to talk about Caulifla for fear that the gastric memories of the dream would come back to haunt him. A voice behind him, made him wince within his skin as he couldn't believe his ears! Following the voice was a pair of clicking from boots as she giggles.

"Good morning, Goku Black~!" She says cheerfully, walking over to the sitting saiyan who places down his book and greets her with a smile. She quickly gifts him a kiss too long for comfort as she spins around.

"You're up early too, huh?" Black says, taking a sip of his tea before indulging in his book once more.

"Yeah, I am! I couldn't really go to sleep anymore." She then makes her way over to the chair next to Zamasu and pulls her dress down so she can sit down without it bothering her.  Those engulfing and trapping black eyes then linger towards Zamasu's direction, and although he noticed her looking from the corner of his eye, he fought the urge to not look in her direction. "Good morning to you too, Zamasu." She says this at a monotone voice, and Zamasu eases a small smile. One that was fake and burning with hate for her as usual.

He finally works up the courage to actually look at her, their eyes locking for a couple of seconds as he says. "Why, good morning to you too, you're very happy today. Can't imagine why." Zamasu eyes her up and down and notices she's wearing her dark grey outfit with the red rope belt. The shade of grey was the same as Zamasu's so he wondered if she did this on purpose.

A streak of tomato red paints her cheeks as she stares back at Zamasu for a bit, and when she realizes she was blushing she turns away to look somewhere else. "I uh, I'm always happy." She declares.

This caused Goku Black to chuckle, looking up from his book to stare at his mate. "Zamasu always sees an angered or annoyed version of you, so you don't have to lie. You have a reason to be in a good mood." Black proceeds to close his book and sets it down the table. "I'm going to make another batch of tea, green tea to be precise. Do any of you want some alongside some breakfast?"

"Ew, not tea with breakfast! Make me some coffee!" Caulifla answers, Goku Black resisting a laugh as he then turns to Zamasu.

"I don't even have to ask you."

"Please and thank you." Zamasu responds, then watches Goku Black sliding the patio door open before entering.

Zamasu and Caulifla were now all alone. Together. Out of all the moments for his nightmare to be replayed over and over again in his head, it had to be now. Right next to the girl who he dreamed was under his sheets. Zamasu slowly turns to look at Caulifla, who simply seemed to look toward the bright blue sky.

"Goku Black mentioned earlier that you have a reason to be in a good mood, why is that? Normally you're whining or complaining about something." Zamasu asks with a curious yet devious little smile. Obviously he knew the answer to that question, but he wanted to hear her say how Goku Black fucked her right last night.

A deep scarlet takes her cheeks as Caulifla looks away. "It's nothing . . . Where the hell were you yesterday?" She asks, huffing as she faces the green god, the red in her cheeks fading away.

Zamasu shrugs, "Wherever you thought I was . . . Out in the balcony, murdering mortals, or you know . . . I could've been watching a movie." He then stares at her with a mischievous grin. "So now, are you going to tell me why you're in a good mood?"

Caulifla blinks. She hated when Zamasu played mind games to fuck with her. So instead of responding to his words, she crosses her arms. "You oughta know already."

Before Zamasu could carry on with getting the words out of her, the sliding door was heard along with the cart's wheels. Caulifla was quick to jump up out of her seat and say, "That smells great! You're a great cook, babe!"

Goku Black gives her a cute smile as he mouths a thank you. He then proceeds to fix her a plate and himself one. Zamasu made his own plate as he had his cup of tea. His eyes linger towards the happy couple who now chose to sit very close to each other and eat breakfast.

What a long day this was going to be.


It's nighttime as Zamasu and Goku Black stood out at the balcony, conversing with each other about their plans. Zamasu made up a story about how he left yesterday to go check up on how Trunks and Mai were doing and said how they were building more weapons, taking some from other countries in attempt to bring down Goku Black and himself.

"And what were their intentions with Caulifla then?" Goku Black asks, since Trunks and Mai didn't seem to have Caulifla in mind for this.

"Well, I did overhear that they plan to convince her to be on their side again, and that they ensured that you would never go near her again. They also mentioned how they planned on getting . . ." Zamasu pauses for dramatic effect, but also to make sure that Goku Black have enough rage "Goku . . . To convince her."

A ghastly shadow casts over the dark god's eyes as he takes in every word Zamasu had to say. He didn't stop him, nor did he ask him to keep going. ". . . I see, so the hybrid and his human have grown smart. Well, you know what that means. No one, and absolutely no one can have my girl. So I'm going to put a stop to their rampage before it begins." Goku Black declares, turning super saiyan to show he meant what he said. "Tell Caulifla I'll be back within five days." He gives Zamasu a look that he couldn't read as the green god could only smirk.

"Enjoy your trip."


Before the morning sun rises up in the sky, Zamasu was quick to do research on the mortal sin he once hated. At first, he would steal adulterous movies from the store and proceed to watch them. Then he moved on to the disgusting humans who even considered to have sex during a time like this. He watched every dirty thing they did to each other until they achieved their climaxes or simply finished their session. He didn't even bother killing them. It was disgusting anyway. Finally, he went to the library and bookshops to find books on the subject matter too.

Finally, after doing hours of studying, he went back to the hideout. After taking a quick nap, he woke up to the sound of Caulifla complaining about how Goku Black wasn't here. This in turn, shocked Zamasu since the small saiyan should be absolutely thrilled that her kidnapper was no longer around. In the first months that he got to know her, he learned that she used to attempt to run away and escape as much as she could, but Goku Black would track her down and take her back every single time.

"Oi, Goku Black! Where are you? Don'tcha know that breakfast was two hours ago? Why aren't you in bed with me!" She nearly shrieks.

Zamasu grins at her anger as he cautiously steps towards her, whispering into the back of her neck. "He told me to tell you that he's taking a five day vacation, but that he'll be back very soon to see you." He turns around to be able to analyze her face. "I'm surprised you haven't fled at this point."

Caulifla gives him a pout. "How do I know you're not lying, eh? And the reason I haven't left yet is cuz I know this is one of your cheap tricks so you can watch me get dragged away by him!"

Zamasu shrugs, chuckling to himself. "Why would I lie about that? I told you he left and that he's coming back in five days. What more do you want me to say? Just don't be surprised when it's day three and he's not here. And please, I wouldn't dream of telling him that you left. Surely, you're not really happy being forced to be his mate."

Caulifla glares at Zamasu, squinting at him out of confusion and suspicion before she brings her face close to his. "What are you plotting? What are you even saying? Have you lost your mind?"

"No, but I believe you have. Not wanting to leave while you have a chance. If I were you, the moment I found out that my captor had left, I would've ran for it. Probably started a new life in some planet." Zamasu says, folding his arms as he smirks at her, not pulling away from her being so close to him.

Caulifla seemed to realize this closeness and cringed in disgust, removing herself as she spun herself around away from him. "Something's off about you, but I'm not willing to find out why." She shakes her head as she moves herself away from the god. "I'm going to my room. I'll come out for dinner. If Goku Black's not back by the time dinner is suppose to be ready, I'll believe you."

And that simply made Zamasu's heart skips a beat.

Zamasu didn't know how he should carry on with his plans of fucking Caulifla. He didn't even know how he could even convince her. After all, who in the right mind would fuck someone they hate? She hated him, and now he was growing an infatuation over her. Zamasu had this lingering thought that if she could love Goku Black, then she could love him as well. So now he sat on his bed, rereading through his informative books, staring at condoms he wasn't even going to use, and possibly the sex toys he would use on her.

The bulge in his pants hardens as Zamasu flinched, not yet accustomed to that. After all, he only got a boner when he thought of Caulifla. He needed her, he absolutely needed her, and there was no way he was going to resort to masturbation. When compared to sex in his books, they said sex was way better.

It was time for dinner, and Zamasu was already out in the balcony, greeted by the cool crisp air. A delicious hunk of meat sat in the middle of the table alongside some salmon and chicken seasoned rice. He had the tea kettle settled to the side with a cup for himself. He stares at the moon as he grins to himself, cutting into his dinner.

His ear twitches as he hears the sliding door being firmly opened, followed by a pair of stomping boots. They still sounded too light to be Goku Black's. It was then that the voice he grew attracted to that made his lips curl up. "Why didn't you tell me dinner was ready?" Caulifla growls at him, storming herself over to sit across from Zamasu. Her eyes never once looked around for her so called mate.

Zamasu shrugs, smiling to himself as he takes a hearty sip of his tea. "I didn't know you wanted to eat, my saiyan seductress. You never were too fond of me anyway." He proceeds to take a forkful of the nice warm hunk of meat and chews, savoring every bit the bite had to offer.

Caulifla hurriedly piles up a plate of food and cracks a cold green apple soda open. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. It's not like you like me either—" she drops her silverware down the table, replaying the green god's words into her memory. "Wait, what did you just call me?!" She tilts her head in confusion as she stares long and hard at Zamasu.

"I simply called you saiyan. If you heard anything different, you're just hearing things." Zamasu chuckles, forking down another piece.

"But you just called me your saiyan seductress! Don't just pretend you didn't, cuz I know you did!" Caulifla accusingly points a finger at him, scowling at Zamasu.

Slightly slamming his silverware down, Caulifla flinches as he opens his eyes and gives her a cold sleek stare with those silver eyes. "And so what if I did call you my saiyan seductress? Do you have a problem with that? After all, Goku Black and I still are technically the same person. Just different bodies. You know, he's not the only one who harbors feelings for you."

Caulifla's eyebrows arch up in confusion as she didn't know what to think. Why the hell was he saying all of this? Ever since the two of them had met, Zamasu has always hated Caulifla! So why give this phony confession now!

She shakes her head as she then responds to him, "I don't know what the hell's gotten into you, but I don't like it. You just want me to fuck you so that you can tell Goku Black I threw myself at you and so he can think I'm a cheater. And no, you two are different. Way different. For starters, he loves me and you don't. You've always hated me from the start and you know it. You've always wanted me dead just like everyone else on this damn planet. So stop trying to confess to me your fake feelings cuz I am not going to do anything with you." And before Zamasu could retaliate, Caulifla quickly got up, everything on the table moved as she then fiercely turned away. "My appetite's ruined." And she finally disappears back inside.

Zamasu sighed as he proceeded to finish what remained of his dinner.

He was playing a wicked game, but he was prepared to win it.


It was now the second day as Caulifla refused to step foot outside of her room. After yesterday's mind fuck she didn't dare join Zamasu for breakfast and bullshitting her to believe he had feelings. She never saw him that way and he definitely didn't see her that way either. Zamasu just wanted Caulifla to be killed by Goku Black, and if that meant sleeping with her he was prepared to do it. Zamasu was smart, but Caulifla was also smart. Even though she had a tendency not to show it.

Once breakfast time was up and she heard him wash the dishes and proceed to go back to his room, Caulifla was quick to get up on her feet. She took a quick exit out of her room and tried to sense Goku Black's ki. Sighing, she realized he wasn't even close to being in the hideout. Not even out in the lush green forests, or beyond out into the cities. She began to walk through the hallways, considering on a nice hot bubble bath to throw herself in. Before she could even think of walking that direction, she hears the infamous voice of the man she grew to hate, especially after yesterday.

"Sure is quiet without him, isn't it?"

Caulifla chose to ignore him and not give him the slightest reaction as she continued to walk.

"You miss him, don't you?"

"Like you would care to know." Caulifla folds her arms as she proceeds to walk faster, but she could feel him getting closer.

"You know, I meant what I said earlier," Zamasu then slams Caulifla up against the wall and closes any unnecessary space between them. "That I have the same feelings for you as he does. Haven't you ever been the slightest curious?"

Caulifla had no time to react, so quickly she was on the wall, having Zamasu uncomfortably close to her. The next, their eyes and face were dangerously close as he held her arms down by pinning her wrists. "What the hell's gotten into you?" She screams at him, squirming in his grasp. "You only want to fuck so that it gives Goku Black a reason to kill me."

"No, Caulifla. I don't want you dead, I want you to be mine." He growls out the last word as he creates a ki like barrier to cuff her left hand, proceeding to lift his free arm away and placing a thumb on her bottom lip. "I know you won't last five days without sex, you're practically a nymphomaniac. I'm simply offering you myself to you." He creates another ki cuff as he dips his other hand between her thighs, thrilled to see she wasn't wearing the usual skin tight leggings. He felt her warm skin, and almost brushed up at her panties. He smirks once he watches Caulifla flinch, her jaw dropping as her eyes widen in disbelief at his sexual movements. "Just give me five days . . ." Caulifla was stuck in her trance as Zamasu leans closer, whispering into her ear.

"He will never know . . ."

And then quickly before she could fight him with her legs, Zamasu brings his lips towards hers, trapping hers in a deep and newfound kiss. His first kiss. Her first kiss with another man. He keeps kissing her over and over, her lips a drug to him. Caulifla's eyes narrow along with her eyebrows as she now realized what he was doing. She fought with him and she fought with him hard. She kicks at his legs before breaking herself away from the cuffs, although she did struggle to do so. She threw a punch to his gut, as she then slapped the green god across the face. Never once did Zamasu fight back.

"Don't ever pull anything like that again!" She roars in such anger, before teleporting herself away.

Zamasu simply stood in the hallway, gushed up with pain from her attacks. Yet a victorious smile never seemed to fade away.

He simply couldn't wait for what he had planned for tonight.


Caulifla couldn't sleep that night, no matter how hard she tried. She laid on her bed, her lips haunted with the intimate sensation of Zamasu's lips kissing hers over and over again. She dared not bite down her lip or think of his touches. She felt as though she betrayed Goku Black, even though she didn't return Zamasu's displays of desire.

Why did he go through with all those sexual motions? Especially now. If he's always had feelings for her, or if he's always thought about these things then why didn't he act out upon them earlier? Was it now that Goku Black was gone that it made it much more thrilling to pursue her? Because the game of cheating was all about the thrills and new passions while still being with another.

Caulifla threw a pillow over her head in attempts to shut up her brain from having so many annoying and confusing thoughts. Time seemed to pass by slower and slower.

"Can't sleep?" A voice says clearly as Caulifla flinches, knowing all to well who it was. She proceeds to throw off the pillow and scramble to get the covers off of her.  It seems as though Zamasu read her mind and threw the covers off of her, making those cursed cuffs a thing, planting her arms above her head. "Let's ease each other's boredom shall we?"

In the midst of everything, Caulifla gasps out in pleas, "Za-Zamasu wait! I don't want this, please stop!"

Ripe in his delusions, Zamasu smiles down at her, the light of the moon casting through her windows as it flooded across the curtains of her canopy bed. "Shhh, you do want it. When you saiyans are in need of sex, you produce this scent. The scent only your mate will know." He winks at her, proceeding to pull down her equally grey top down and happy to find she didn't wear her usual black undershirt or a bra. Her plump and delicious looking breasts were now revealed to him as both nipples were perfectly placed. He was getting hard at the sight of actually seeing them instead of fantasizing of them.

The cold air strikes against her exposed breasts, causing chills to spread and her nipples to harden. She tries arguing with Zamasu again, but the green god was quick to attack her neck with rapid kisses that turned into him sucking on spots of her skin. She cries out, in disbelief that this happening, and she couldn't do anything to fight him in this moment because the ki cuffs were draining her.

After Zamasu breaks away from kissing her neck, he moves down to stare at her breasts, absolutely mesmerized with them. He licks his lips as he brings his head down to the left breast, licking the perked nipple. With his right hand, he finds the other breast and begins to massage it within his grasp. Touching them like this got his gears going, and now Caulifla knew he was serious.

Once Zamasu had taken her breast in his mouth and sucked harder, Caulifla could only hold back whimpers through clenched teeth. Her mind tried to think of absolutely anything to distract her from all of this in the moment. Finally, when she had a thought conjured up in mind, it quickly went away. Zamasu had started to undress her, down to her legs.

Zamasu's silver eyes carry a perverted glint in them as he stares at that beautiful body of hers. All that covered her body was her black lacy underwear and black tights that reached above her knees. The bulge in his pants was growing and sweat was trickling at the sides of his head. " . . . I have been waiting to do this for a very long time." He repeats that phrase for the hundredth time. Caulifla didn't want to give him the satisfaction of responding or giving him a reaction. She just wanted this to end as it started.

He throws off his dark grey cloak and pulls off his purple long sleeved undershirt, throwing it all down to gather on the ground with her clothes as well. He wasn't as muscular as Goku Black since he didn't participate in much of the fighting as he did, but he did have a good built. Throwing his blue sashes down to the ground, he pulls down his pants as he stares at the precum that soaks his tip. His eyes slowly linger up to meet hers, and in triumph, he witnesses her eyes looking at his boner. "Do you like what you see?"

" . . . Just put it in."

He meets her gaze with his own as he held a smile. A smile that wasn't all that innocent, but it didn't hold fake intentions either.

"Put it in . . .? I don't think so."

" . . . What? Didn't you simply want to have sex? Just put it in." Caulifla sounded impatient and not the kind where she wanted Zamasu to fuck her. No, this kind of impatient was the kind where she wanted him to do it so that it could be done and over with. And Zamasu hated that. He wanted her to want him. He wanted her to cum so much because of him. He wanted this night to be absolutely perfect.

"No, I don't simply want sex. I want the whole loving experience. I want this to end when our bodies allow us."

Caulifla simply closed her eyes, and in order to satisfy his sickness, she says four simple words. "Do as you like."

At her words, the god presses his bare upper body against hers. Caulifla flinches at the how unfamiliar his body felt against hers. She wanted so badly to imagine this was Goku Black, but their bodies were completely different. So when Zamasu finally gifts her a kiss, Caulifla could finally squeeze her eyes shut and not stare at him.

While he distracts her with a kiss, Zamasu's fingers rub up against the fabric of her panties, bringing them down to her knees by the waistband. At this point he had already broken the kiss between them, and he watches as her legs tremble. He takes them off completely as he tosses them on the ground, proceeding to reach up back to her and pressing a thumb to her clit. "You're only naturally wet, you need to be even more wet for me~." He says this with a widening grin as Caulifla could only stare at him.

What was he going to do? Put his fingers in her, or was he going to eat her out? Whichever one it was, she wanted him to hurry up and choose.

Zamasu's forefinger then moves down to her entrance to her heat as he whispers into her neck, "I bet you absolutely love it when Goku Black allows his fingers to pump into you—" Before Zamasu could say any more he was abruptly cut off by Caulifla, but he couldn't understand what emotion hid behind those words of hers.

"Not another word of Goku Black tonight . . ." She had to force her words out, because as much as she didn't want this whole night to happen, she just felt like thinking about him would make her cry. She was betraying him by allowing another man to do this to her. " . . . Let this night only be about us."

Zamasu was overjoyed over her words, kissing her lips again, sliding his fingers down against her clit and begins to rub at a soft pattern. The bud was already denied so much pleasure from being touched by Black that she couldn't help but mewl softly. This in turn causes her mouth to be open, allowing Zamasu to slide his tongue in. Her tongue was easy to find, and Zamasu battles hers while continuing to rub up and down her clit a couple times, wanting to stimulate it as much as possible until she came. Although it was a bit tricky at first, his middle finger slides down into her entrance, feeling around the wet and hot insides of the saiyan.

Her soft sounds were now becoming louder, echoing toward Zamasu's mouth as their kissing continues sloppily. Zamasu slides the finger that was rubbing her clit now inside as he breaks the kiss, pumping them together in a pattern that made his cock twitch and Caulifla breathless. "I wonder if I'll be able to feel your climax on my fingers." He notes dirtily as he then continues to kiss down her shoulder, biting down as she gasps, the green god hearing her cry of either pain or pleasure. Soon he'll know the difference. Addicted to the sounds that escape her mouth, he increases the speed in his thrusting and curls his fingers up every now and then causing her to cry out louder.

"That's it, Caulifla . . . cum on my fingers!"

Her walls clench around his fingers, as she orgasms on his fingers just like Zamasu wanted.

Zamasu pulls the two fingers out of her and examines them, thrilled by the fact that she came by his doing. He sat up on his knees as he puts his fingers in his mouth, savoring every sweet sample she had offered to him.

Sweat trickles down Caulifla's nearly naked body as she couldn't help but turn a radish red out of embarrassment at the sight.

"Delicious . . . Now then," Zamasu pulls off his pants and boxers completely, now throwing them down the ground to gather with the rest of the clothes. Caulifla then couldn't help but stare at the naked god who once hated her, because after all . . . They were going to have sex. "Let's start this now, shall we? If I'm going to lose my virginity, then I would prefer to lose it the girl I made my mate the moment she was gifted to me in this world. You're the goddess of this universe."

Caulifla flinches, because it sounded like something Goku Black would say. She fought the tears off as she watches Zamasu lower his body back down on hers, rubbing his member within his grasp as his tip rubs up against her clit. He was new to all this, so in the dark he had to work with himself to get his boner going inside of Caulifla.

She inhales sharply, preparing herself for this. It was just one big nightmare that was taking too fucking long to end.

The tip of Zamasu's member then nears her entrance, the god was a bit shaky because he couldn't believe he was choosing to lose his virginity to Caulifla—of all people, the one mortal saiyan he was suppose to hate the most! But now, now she was going to love him. She was going to choose him over the dark god she wasted years loving. Now she was going to belong to him. Zamasu thrusts the tip inside of Caulifla a couple times, before finally pushing himself into her wet heat. Zamasu gasps out lightly, absolutely thrilled with the way his penis felt inside of her! He was practically pulsating with his virginity being taken like that, and it felt so so good! Kami, if he knew this was how sex felt like, he would've done it a very long time ago.

He just hated how it took him so long to realize that.

He was practically panting, not moving himself in and out of Caulifla. The saiyan too had realized this as he seemed hypnotized by being inside of her. If it wasn't for her hands being restricted, she would've caressed him or nudged him with her arm. So instead, she could only ask, "Are you okay? We can stop . . . If it's too intense." Deep down, she was begging for it to be too much for Zamasu so that it could finally end.

Zamasu shook his head, "Absolutely not! Why, I'm finally indulging in a mortal sin!" He nearly laughs at the words that came out of his mouth but instead chooses to lean towards her face and kiss her.  In the midst of kissing her over and over, he begins to move himself in and out of her again. Deep inside the furthest he can go, before withdrawing himself out painfully slow.

Caulifla's knees bent upward as the green god starts up a thrusting pattern that's amateur and needy. Caulifla finds her tongue battling against his naturally as he continues to thrust in and out of her. Waves of pleasure crash through her lower stomach as she can't help but moan loudly. Being without sex for a couple of days made her body hot and needy. Both of them were getting fulfilled tonight.

"So . . . Good!" Zamasu whines as he kept his dick inside of Caulifla, his face a bright red as he loved the way it felt when he slid in and out of her, picking up the speed, he was enjoying the great sin that was adultery. Every rapid thrust, movement, any way to just be close to Caulifla made him on the edge and wanting absolutely more! He was mesmerized by the sight of her breasts bouncing up and down with every thrust he gave, and she was moaning louder and louder. She was doing this because of him! Zamasu liked that very much.

"Tell me, Caulifla . . ." He says between each thrust. "Who . . . Do you belong to?"

His thrusts were pushing her to her limits, and going without sex was making it stronger than ever. Everything was a blur. Through her pants and her heart pounding to how familiar those words felt, she felt as though she was going to cry. She had no choice, for fear he would hurt her.

"Y-You . . . Zamasu."

And Zamasu pushed on until he experienced his first climax.


The morning sun rays seep their way through her window. Caulifla was finally cuff free, laying on the bed naked, next to the second man she's had sex with. Not by her choosing. She wanted to vomit and she wanted to cry. Regardless if she couldn't do much with him overpowering her with those stupid cuffs, she still betrayed Goku Black. She couldn't bear to stare at Zamasu, forcing herself up out of the bed. Quick now, she makes her way to the shower, starting one up to rid herself of the night she shared with Zamasu.

She scrubs away every inch of the sex that remained stuck to her skin, and especially between her legs, even if that meant whatever disgusting Zamasu cum slimed down her legs.

Today was the third day, and the third day was going to be much better. He got what he wanted right? He should be satisfied with finally having his way with Caulifla.

Caulifla was relieved that Zamasu no longer laid in her bed, and as quickly as she got dressed, she burned the sheets that smelled of Zamasu. Luckily, his clothes were gone from the floor so that meant he didn't intend on coming back to her room.

Now, she attempted to find Goku Black's ki, and again was she unsuccessful in her attempt. She wanted him back here, beating the shit out of Zamasu and quite possibly killing him for making Caulifla go through all that. As she guided herself out of her room, her head rampant with thoughts, she found her way towards the balcony, the smell of pancakes, sunny side up eggs and steak were high in the sky. Alongside coffee and tea.

Shit. Now he was going to want Caulifla to join him for breakfast. It didn't help that the sliding door was open, inviting her to the outside. She turned her heel away from the door as she was going to make a run for it, but Zamasu's gentle almost angelic voice cuts through. "Good morning, my sweet saiyan! Come eat breakfast, I made your favorites."

Caulifla bit down her lip, a shadow casting over her eyes as anger bubbles up inside her stomach and chest that it hurt. Her fists were on her stomach so that he couldn't see that they were fists. This was absolute hell, to be sharing a breakfast with the man that raped her last night! There was no fucking way he was expecting her to join in for breakfast after what he made her go through! But Zamasu was sick. Very sick, so of course he would!

None of her prayers of Goku Black coming home were being answered, and if she made a run for it, no doubt Zamasu would just easily catch up, make those ghastly cuffs and have his way with her as punishment.

So she chose peace, no matter how much it hurt and humiliated her to do so.

Caulifla sat across from Zamasu, avoiding eye contact as she stares down at the food in front of her.

"Aftercare is very important, my beloved saiyan. I need you nourished and happy."

"Bullshit. If that were any truer you would've cleaned me up, held me and did anything to make me feel better like him. But you're not Goku Black, you will never be Goku Black, fucker." She inwardly thought, but said nothing as she picked up her fork and spoon and began to eat.

Zamasu smirks as he raises his cup of tea toward his lips. "After all, you'll need your energy today."

This made Caulifla wince, and she could swear that she could see Zamasu almost laugh at her reaction. He still expected her to have sex with him after last night? What a monster! "What the hell do you mean I need my energy? You got your wish of fucking me, so we move on and pretend none of this happened!" She says her first words to him since last night.

Zamasu shook his head. "No, I simply said that you would give me five days. In those five days Goku Black wouldn't know what we were doing." He chuckles dirtily, then proceeds to take a sip of his tea.

Caulifla shook her head, she knew she couldn't do much in her situation and if she cried he would just mock her. Slamming a fist down the table, she watches as some tea spills onto Zamasu's shirt, with quick words she says, "No cuffs and I'll let you touch me, got it?"

Zamasu wipes the tea off of his shirt as he nods once. Finally, things were going his way.


Caulifla's boots click through the hallway, echoing the closer she got. Zamasu stood, his back turned against her as he waited in a particular spot where their next sexual session would commence. Caulifla comes closer, and it seems as though it was a mutual silence between them of what was to come next. He slowly turns around, staring down at the small saiyan who looked up at him, anticipating his next moves.

Zamasu then lifts Caulifla off her feet and pins her up against the wall of this particular hallway. He kisses her as he then tugs down the black leggings and panties off of her quickly. She held onto the green god for support as she lowers the top to her dress down and allows her breasts to be free from being tucked. Zamasu pulls down his pants and boxers to let his member free. He gave himself a couple strokes before pushing himself inside of Caulifla. She winced as Zamasu's penis somewhat struggled to slide inside of her, but that didn't matter. She just wanted it to end as it began.

Zamasu gasps lightly as he begins to roll his hips back and forth, leaning his face towards the crook of her neck. Kami, Caulifla felt so good! Zamasu was already so addicted to sex, even though this was his second time experiencing it. The more he thrusted, the more the wall thumped with his actions.

He pins her arms up as he quickly meets her lips with a passionate kiss, this was one of the rare instances she kissed back. He opened his mouth to give her the hint that he wanted her tongue to slide its way into his mouth. Her tongue soon swarms on top of his, enjoying what she had to offer in a fight for dominance.

Once his thrusting became rough and faster than before, Caulifla locked her legs around his waist, moaning as her arms wrap around his back. Zamasu kissing down her exposed neck before proceeding to suck on one of her breasts.

"Z-Zamasu!" She cries out, moaning as he continues to thrust deeper and deeper, enjoying her wetness and warmth.

"I-I'm cumming . . ." Zamasu declares to which Caulifla shivers, awaiting his climax to fill her up. Zamasu quickens his pace as much as he was allowed, and finally he came inside of her, Caulifla gasps as she feels the warmth of his semen rushing inside of her. His thrusting becomes slower as he held her in place, panting as he laid his head on her chest. Only the sound of their harsh breathing remained.

After having sex in the hallway, Zamasu never pursued her for the rest of the day. Caulifla went on to wash the filth of their sex in the bathtub, scrubbing every inch of her before turning on the shower and letting every bit of Zamasu wash down the drain.

She then puts on some fresh clothes and moves on outside to enjoy some fresh air, staring upon the nightly sky as she wished for Goku Black to return. It was nearing the fourth day, so whatever vacation he had taken needed to end.


Finally, the fourth day had made itself known, and Zamasu was already wallowing in the fact that today was the last day of their affair. Knowing Goku Black, when he said he would be back within five days, meant he would be back on the fifth day at the earliest convenience. After he made Caulifla breakfast, she was quick to go to her room. Zamasu on the other hand, knew she would come to him, since this was the last day they had.

And when she did, he would make sure this last night lasted and counted for what it was worth.

Zamasu laid down on his bed comfortably, reading a book that Goku Black was reading a week ago. A princess who was engaged to a dark emperor. His most trusted advisor disliked the princess, and was going to do anything to make sure the emperor was going to end the engagement.

Zamasu looks up from his book as he hears his door opening, and in strides in his saiyan, wearing nothing but dark blue lingerie. Her stomach was the one area that was mostly exposed and Zamasu sat up on his bed with a grin. "What's the occasion?" The green god asks.

"Like there needs to be an occasion for you to fuck me." Caulifla declares, sauntering towards the bed as she crawls sexily towards the god. Zamasu grin stays plastered to his lips as he hoists the saiyan up onto his lap, sitting her down on him. He nuzzles into the back of her neck as he becomes aroused at her scent, massaging her down to her sides and kissing her shoulders.

"Mmm, you're right about that saiyan. Since it's our final night together, we should make it count. You've been such a good girl, and so I allow you to do whatever you wish with me." Zamasu offers, watching as the sexy goddess turns her body around so that she straddled him. Zamasu's hands roam her bare back as he find her ass and gives it a spank. She squeaks in response, and he realized how much he was going to miss this.

Caulifla shoves the god down his back and proceeds to rip off his cloak, the blue sashes and belt, and work with taking the purple shirt off. Zamasu chuckles at her quickness to strip him down. "Impatient are we?"

"You are too." Caulifla reminds him, leaning her face down to kiss him, her curious hand digging its way down his pants and strokes the resting member in his pants. He was hard after seeing her in such a outfit, but she needed him all the way up. Zamasu groans into the kiss as he feels her soft hand stroking his cock and massaging the tip, causing him to shiver. He continues to kiss her back as he begins to grope both her breasts, massaging them as they kissed.

Once she felt he was hard enough, she then lowers herself back down his waist and begins to grind on him, Zamasu becoming a moaning mess beneath her. She had him trapped in her spell. Zamasu bites down his lip as he loved the way she felt grinding on him, and watching the way her body moved.

Finally, she pulls down his pants and his erection was free from being tortured in his pants. Caulifla slides her panties off, then getting on her knees and close to his member and licks the surface. Zamasu watches her as she then pries open her mouth and takes inches of his dick in her mouth and begins to suck. Zamasu moans, running his fingers through the spikes of her hair and absolutely loves the way her tongue licks up and down and all around his member. "That's a good little saiyan . . . Yes!" He watches as she bobs her head back and forth, sucking her fastest now, Zamasu winces as he feels the tip of his dick near her throat. She wasn't gagging so maybe she was used to doing this. Zamasu keeps his hand on her head and smirks at how this current situation reminded him of his dream.

Caulifla sucks Zamasu faster, wanting the god on the edge of his first climax of many tonight. She needed him absolutely drained and exhausted, even if that meant she had to fuck the god all night. Zamasu groans lowly, finally cumming in her mouth. Quickly the saiyan pulls away, but Zamasu pinches the bridge of her nose and tilts her head upward. "I want you to swallow it . . . That was a pretty good blowjob, so you've done this before, lewd saiyan." Caulifla dared not look at him and swallowed slowly, wiping her mouth clean with her arm. "That's my girl." He says with a smirk, awaiting as to what she had next in store.

Caulifla then moves herself back on top of Zamasu and raises herself up, angling herself so that his tip would match up her entrance. Zamasu grins, realizing that she was going to ride him. Once she felt his tip, she drops herself down on him, moaning as she watches Zamasu lay down on his back. He placed his hands on her hips and supports her by guiding her. She closes her eyes shut, imagining it was Goku Black she was riding. He would be praising her for soldiering through this and making sure he touched something of hers, pleasuring her until she couldn't stand to be on top anymore and he would switch them over. She imagined his groans, his lovely waves of black hair and his eyes on hers at all times.

She was being thrilled by her own imagination, dropping her body down on top of Zamasu's as she thrusts him in and out faster. Their bodies pressed together as Zamasu wraps his arms around her waist, grunting as he was lost in the sensation of her heat. Kami, was he going to cum inside of her! Her breasts press up against his chest and the urges to suck on one were high! She was moaning loudly and sputtering out words that he couldn't understand. He never wanted this night to end.

Finally, Zamasu came inside the saiyan, watching as she rocked him back and forth a little while longer until she herself was satisfied with her own climax as well. Zamasu was panting for air, as sweat slicked their warm bodies, their hair messy from their sex. "That was . . . Amazing." Zamasu chuckles to himself, holding the saiyan close him.

"Yeah," Caulifla says, rolling off of Zamasu's body and laying down beside him. "But I'm not completely satisfied yet, I want more."

Zamasu blinks as he turns to face her, then eyeing her body, the lingerie still on her. It was probably uncomfortable now due to the sweat. "Oh really? Is the saiyan up for another round of sex?"

Caulifla sits up, nodding as she grins down at Zamasu. "Yeah, that's if you're up for it."

Zamasu chuckles, running a hand up his waves of snow white hair. "Of course! I would love another steamy session from the goddess that is my first." He sits up as he discards of his pants and boxers. He pats the bed as he ushers her closer. "Come here, Caulifla. Let's commence our new session."

Caulifla smirks, clambering up on the god, settling up nicely on him as he proceeds to take off the rest of her lingerie, leaving her equally bare as him. She sits on him as she rubs his boner up against what laid between her legs. The god groans as he wraps his arms around her body, biting down her shoulder awaiting for Caulifla to slide him back inside. With her back on his chest, she aligns her legs with his, guiding his member inside once more.

Zamasu hisses, thrilled with her wanting this just as much as he did. Zamasu places his hands on her hips and begins to bounce the saiyan up and down on him. She whimpers as he fills her up nice, the sound of her wetness turning on Zamasu even more causing the god to thrust faster. "You feel good, Caulifla, yes . . . sway your hips like the goddess you are!"

Caulifla grips the bed sheets as she rolls her hips on him, taking in his words as she proceeds to bounce up and down on Zamasu's cock. The green god stares down at her ass, admiring the way it jiggles every time she bounced on him. He licks the back of her neck, as he then proceeds to push her down on all fours, placing his body on top of hers and thrusting in and out, in and out, quickening the pace with the wet thrusting. For some reason Zamasu liked it better when she was extra wet with their juices.

"Ahh, ahh! Shit! I'm going to . . ." She grips the bed sheets as she could already feel cum seeping down out of her. "Cummmm!! Zamasu!" She cries out, arching up into him as he bites down her shoulder, feeling her climax down his cock. This in turn, made him thrust as fast as he was permitted, and finally, he came as well.

They both collapse down the bed, screaming out in pleasure as they have another fit of catching their breaths. As Zamasu indulges in his climax spreading through him he then realizes how wonderful it was that he listened to his sultry thoughts of Caulifla being naked. That wet dream was a dream come true that allowed him to pursue her even further than before. And now here he was, laying next to a stunning and sexy saiyan who now was going to choose him over Goku Black. She will no longer want  Goku Black, and instead want Zamasu instead.

As he closes his eyes, Caulifla gets up on her feet, turning to him as she says, "I'm going to get some water and senzu beans, are you up for more rounds?"

Zamasu drags Caulifla back into his arms and gifts her a kiss, grabbing a handful of her ass. "You say that as if I'm going to say no."


Caulifla's body was absolutely sore with last night, but her plan should be successful. Zamasu should be out like a light, unable to wake up until the evening at the latest. That way, Caulifla could finally rush into the arms of Goku Black, and tell him what Zamasu did to her. And after her shower, Caulifla throws on a long sleeved black undershirt to hide all the hickies and bite marks Zamasu had left. She decided not to put on leggings or tights for fear that she might draw too much attention to herself from Goku Black.

Once she was freshened up, a chill goes down her spine feeling the all too familiar ki of Goku Black. He was finally back!

She hurries on and rushes out toward the balcony, where his ki radiated. She pushes on and quickly opens the sliding door open, and to her absolute horror, Zamasu was already standing next to Goku Black, their heads facing forward, looking toward the skies. Before either of the two could sense her, she was quick to take a seat at the table, her heart pounding in her rib cage. Goku Black luckily was the one to realize she was there and turned around and greeted her with a smirk.

"Hello, babe. Did you miss me?"

Zamasu doesn't turn around, as Caulifla could feel her heart sink to her stomach and tears dare to escape. "Go-Goku Black! My love! I missed you so much!" She got up on her feet, flying toward the god as she crashes into his arms, the dark god was quick to catch her within his arms.

"Oh, my sweet saiyan. I missed you too. It was hell." He tightens his embrace on her as she trembles in his hold. He lifts her up and carries her in his arms, proceeding to kiss her. She kisses back, missing his kisses more than ever.

"Ahem," Zamasu clears his throat, causing Caulifla to flinch. "You should get the tea, Black." Zamasu says.

"Oh yes. I also made your favorite breakfast Caulifla!" Goku Black says, setting her down on her feet. "I'll be right back."

Caulifla watches Black go as she then proceeds to take a seat across from Zamasu, next to Goku Black's chair.

"Why don't you take a seat next to me, Caulifla?" Zamasu suggests as Caulifla swallows, then walking over, slowly taking a seat next to Zamasu. She doesn't say a word, so he continues. "As I promised you, he won't know what happened between us." She sighs in relief. "But I want to keep this affair going." He says, and before Caulifla has a chance to scream her head off, the sliding door opens, Goku Black bringing the cart along with him.

"Alright it's time for some breakfast, do you have any plans today, Zamasu?"

Zamasu hums, lowering a hand down Caulifla's bare leg, giving it a squeeze under the table. "Yes, my partner. I do have plans." He rubs her leg lovingly as Caulifla grips her silverware, wanting him to stop. She could only look towards Goku Black, hoping he caught how miserable she was.


A couple days have passed, and luckily Zamasu hadn't made a move on Caulifla. She never went to her bedroom again and only slept in Goku Black's room. In moments, he wanted to make love to her, strip her down and make her feel good. Caulifla knew Zamasu's marks were still all over her body, and after that non-consensual affair started, she couldn't bare to make love to Goku Black. She betrayed him.

On this fine night, Caulifla sat on her bed, curled up in a ball as she sobbed into her knees. She never wanted anything to happen between her and Zamasu, and now wherever she went he was most likely there. She keeps her sobs quiet into her knees, for fear that she would draw attention to herself.

A hand is placed on her shoulder as the man leans his head toward her other shoulder. "What's wrong, Caulifla? Do you really miss me that much?"

Caulifla shakes her head, trying to shrug him off of her. "Go away Zamasu. I never wanted this affair to begin with!"

"Too bad. Because it's never going to end." He hisses into her ear as he proceeds to shove her down her back. "Goku Black has already left, said something about killing Trunks and coming back in a week! Isn't that wonderful? We can hurry up and produce a child so that way Goku Black never wants you again!" Fiercely, Zamasu rips off her panties as Caulifla screams, begging him to stop as she begins to thrash.

"No, Zamasu! No!"

"Too bad, we are soulmates! We're destined to be together forever! We're immortal!"

"Is that so?" A dark and husky voice says behind the pair as Zamasu quickly stands up from being on top of Caulifla, but the evidence of his doing was the panties that were in his hand. He quickly threw it behind him as Caulifla sat up, cowering as she stares towards Goku Black, tears rushing down her face.

"Goku Black, I—"

Zamasu moves away from Caulifla as they both proceed to onlook at Goku Black, emotionless. The dark god then proceeds to storm up to Caulifla, eyeing her for a few seconds before ripping her chest area of the shirt, revealing every hicky and bite mark Zamasu has left. She's still trembling as she hugs herself, having no idea what to do in this situation.

"You think I'm stupid, don't you Zamasu? I know exactly what you've been doing to my mate. You've been forcing her to fuck you throughout the days I've been gone. You've broken my girl, and manipulated her!"

"She came onto me, Black!" Zamasu argues as Goku Black shook his head, walking up to Zamasu and slamming his fist into the green god's cheek.

"I want you to leave, and I want you to leave now! Don't you ever come back here, because if you do, I'll kill you!"

Zamasu stood there, then staring at Caulifla. Words couldn't be said, as he awkwardly went off.

Leaving Caulifla and Goku Black.

"Now, what am I going to do with you?" He says as he approaches Caulifla. She was still shaking, clutching to herself as he picked her up, placing a loving kiss on her lips. She kisses back with much love and hope. "I'm sorry I left you." He whispers as she continues to bury herself in his arms.

"I'm sorry I let him touch—"

Goku Black stops her words with another kiss, sighing as he rubs her back. "No, don't apologize. But I promise I'll never leave you alone again. Ever." He declares as Caulifla held onto the man she truly loved.