Surviving the Android | Android 17 x Future Mai

Sometimes, Mai wishes she was never born into such a cruel world like this. Hell, she's thought about killing herself daily, but once she officially became a soldier under Trunks Briefs she forced that mindset away. So now, she lives everyday in fear, but fights for those she wants to protect for their eventual freedom. The train station was a place she called home as she found herself snuggled up in a bundle of blankets. She was fairly well acquainted with Trunks, but he would spend his nights with his mom back at their house that was rotting away.

Some hours passed as almost everyone who camped out in the train station were asleep. Only in their sleep were they able to escape the reality they were born into. Mai however, with the curse of insomnia couldn't fall asleep. Her mind was always restless of the endless possibilities of the world and if there was a likely scenario for salvation.

Taking a walk would ease her troubled mind as she threw the blankets off of her and gathered herself up from where she slept on a dingy old mattress. Pulling a long coat over her body, she didn't bother grabbing her beanie as she quietly made her way outside. The cold night air bites as she shivers, walking ways away from the train station.


The twin androids had finished demolishing a building where poor helpless people were taking shelter. A national broadcast was played throughout the town, declaring that the building was the absolute safest from any sorts of evil, since it was low profile. Unfortunately for them, the androids just so happened to be listening in on the broadcasts when they were storming through houses.

Now the androids sat on top of piles of cars, the two having a stack the cars game competition amongst each other and they didn't even care that people were in these cars.

"We should raid another mall, Seventeen." Says the blonde android as she stares at the tears on her clothes. This was a new outfit too, and while she was chasing down some humans, some of them tore at her clothes in hopes she would stop. "This outfit is already in rags and I don't want to wear them anymore."

"What about the rest of the clothes you got the other day? Surely you have outfits to wear." Her brother responds as he flips a few of strands of hair that had fallen toward his face.

"I left them in another city Seventeen," Eighteen says lowly, shaking her head as she jumps off the car. "Forget it, I'm going to go raid a mall by myself." She wasn't necessarily in the mood to have her brother complain the whole time.

"Good, you know me. I'll be here." Seventeen says, grinning to himself as he watches his sister take flight. After a few minutes of just relaxing, Seventeen jumps off the car and proceeds to take a leisurely stroll. No humans were nearby so there goes his first attempt of having fun. Then again, he was walking, not flying. He chuckles to himself at the silly ordeal and then starts to fly. Still no humans were around. He could choose to blow up houses one by one, but what was the point in that? They'll just die in their sleep and he wouldn't be able to hear their screams of agony.

As if he was being heard by the devil downstairs, his bright blue eyes look down at the sight of a walking spec. One lonely spec that had nowhere else to go, possibly searching for one of her missing family members. Poor girl, sheltered from the cruel world that belonged to the androids. Perhaps this was going to be the first time she ever met them, and Seventeen was going to make sure that his existence left an everlasting impact on her until she took her last breath.

He starts to watch her from the roof of a building. Long black hair, and dark obsidian orbs for eyes. A long ugly teal coat covers her body as the clothing she wore underneath wasn't any better. She was dressed up like a true soldier, some of which attempted to gun down the androids. "A cute soldier." Seventeen says out loud, then walking back into the shadows of the night.

What was Mai thinking when she thought of taking this so called walk? Where the hell was she even going? Answers Mai didn't have whatsoever. She was just winging it at this point with a mental health that was deteriorating along with the rest of the world. She didn't really care what happened to her at this point.

She was going to wish she never thought that in the first place.

The more she aimlessly walked through this ghost town, the more she felt an eerie feeling shroud her body. It was like feeling a thousand thorns prick her skin all at once, and before she knew it, there in front of her stood one of the androids. She's never crossed paths with either one of them, only hearing the horrific stories of them from the radios and television. And now here one of them stood, medium length black hair, wicked icy blue eyes staring her down with a grin etched on his lips.

For a few moments she just stood there, unable to convey a single emotion in her face. What can she do in a situation like this? Run? He'd catch up to her quickly and begin murdering her. She couldn't fly like Trunks and damn how she wished he was here right now. The worst part of all of this was that she was able to do absolutely nothing. Her chances of surviving him were zero.

"How have you not attempted to run away yet? Fragile girl."

Mai swallowed. Of course, she knew the answer to that question and so should he. Unless he wanted to be entertained by her answer. His footsteps draw closer as she forces herself to look down at her boots. "Because, I'm powerless. Running away won't do anything. You'll still catch up very easily and kill me," The moment she looks up, he was very close to her, in fact right in front of her. He kept that same wicked grin on his face as he stares at her, trying to decipher the emotions in her face. Only there was none. And out of the craziest things the android has seen, she was now smiling. Smiling with widened eyes. "And you'd be doing me a favor! So go ahead and do it, I've been wanting to die."

Seventeen tilts his head, it was getting extremely difficult to read her. Was she bluffing, or was she being serious? And if so, what the hell did a human have to go through to wish death upon themselves? She certainly hasn't gone through him, Seventeen would've remembered a face like hers. He starts to howl out in laughter, shaking his head before taking a deep breath. "What kind of fucked up stuff did you go through for a pretty head like yours to think like that?"

"Lots of stuff," Mai replies as a matter of factly, "So just go ahead and do it. I want to be dead anyways, us meeting is fate."

Seventeen stares at her as she continues to stare back with that crazy smile. He stares back with his own, closing his eyes as he takes a deep breath. What he was about to say next, he never imagined he'd say in a thousand years. "I'm afraid, I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to take you as mine. I'll make you want to live." He declares.

And before Mai could say anything or attempt to flee, her whole world turned black.


When Mai woke up again, she was on a soft and comfortable mattress. This bed was the best bed she has ever slept on in years. Confusion flooded her above everything else as she sat up in the bed, trying to look around in the darkness. She couldn't remember how she even got back in bed, even if she came back to the train station.

And then, it hits her like a truck.

Mai was kidnapped by the android known as Android Seventeen.

Panick flooded her very being as she tore the bed sheets off of her and proceeded to look around the bedroom by patting everywhere, trying to make out where any possible furniture was without making noise.

The door finally swung open as Mai in panic drops down to the floor, sitting a few feet away from the bed. Golden light illuminates from outside as she makes out the body of the android.

He grins in amusement as he stares at the human girl sitting there, frightened and shaken up.

"You're awake," Seventeen approaches her. "That's good."

"Why am I here?!" She demands.

"Good question, why are you here? Your brain is probably still trying to comprehend our first meeting, but like I said. I plan to make you mine and make you want to live." Seventeen says this as Mai slowly gets up and edges close to the bed.

"Why me? I'm just an ordinary girl." She declares. "I'm nobody."

Seventeen laughs. She was such a bad liar. "You're not just some ordinary girl. You're Mai. Your one of the top soldiers in Trunk's squad. You're known as one of the bravest people who would sacrifice their lives for a commoner."

Mai froze from where she stood. How could he have possibly known her existence? She was ordinary, so the chances of him knowing her are slim. Unless . . . He had been stalking her for a while now.

"How the hell do you know all that? The radio broadcasts don't go about talking big about people who risk their lives! And I know you don't let a human talk to you for more than ten seconds!" Mai bit back.

Seventeen shrugs. "Like I said, I know you're not some ordinary girl. I've been following you for a while, getting to know you from afar."

Mai just continued to stare at him, portraying no emotion now, since she didn't want to be laughed at. Only one word can escape her mouth. "Bullshit."

Seventeen starts to move closer to her, pressing her down the bed as he grins down at her. He finally had her all to himself, and he never intended on letting go.