Attack on Saiyan | Perfect Cell x Gohan

Years had passed since the cherished and kind hearted Goku had sacrificed his life in order to protect the planet. From then on, Gohan went on to properly attend school and train his baby brother Goten. Gohan knew that the world needed someone to protect it from the evils that lurked beyond their world and into space, and he was willing to be the hero it needed.

It's a warm summer morning as Gohan stretches, sighing once he was able to get the blood flowing to the rest of his body. The birds were already awake and chirping while the laughter coming from his brother could be heard. "Boy! I sure am excited about this camping trip! It's gonna be so much fun!" Goten declares happily, stuffing his backpack with spare clothes and food.

Their mother Chi-Chi approaches from behind, carrying a pack of bento boxes for her sons. "I packed some food for you guys, please enjoy your camping trip!" Chi-Chi says sweetly.

"We will, thanks for the food, mom." Gohan says, looking down at Goten who smiles up at him. They then take flight and head on toward the forest.


As Goten splashes around in the water, Gohan began to set up the tent for them. He was glad that they were going to spend a week out here in the wilderness. It was a bittersweet memory washed up in his brain about the past when his father would take him to go camping. "Gohan! What are we going to eat for dinner?" Goten asks, once he pulls himself away from the water.

"One of mom's bento boxes, we can eat those tonight and in the morning we can make a fish stew." Gohan responds, smiling as his little brother trots his way over. The two then proceed to pull off the lids to their first round of packed dinner.

Finally, it was time for them to go to bed with their tummies full and excitement flooding them. Goten tended to show it more than Gohan but deep down, Gohan was also excited.

After Goten asked a million questions, he was out like a light. Gohan on the other hand, stared at the stars through the fabric of the tent. Late night thoughts kept him up, but he knew eventually he would fall asleep too.


Goten was the first to be awake, collecting shiny rocks that he would beg Gohan to allow him to keep. The hybrid filled the bucket up with multicolored stones with endless patterns sprawled on them. The small saiyan then proceeded to head over into the lush forest that wasn't far from their campground. He turns around to look at the tent, still making out that Gohan was sleeping in it. He wouldn't mind if Goten went off on his own for a bit, right?

With his bucket in one hand, Goten ventures through the forest, admiring the cute little animals that smile at him. The tall tall trees tower over him as birds chirp sweetly throughout the forest. If it  wasn't for this man made trail, Goten figured he would've lost himself at this point since all the trees looked the same.

Before the saiyan could move any further, an eccentric yet somewhat deep voice alludes from within the trees. "I didn't think Goku would have another son. That poor wife of his must be exhausted from raising two saiyans, huh?" The voice says as a matter of factly. Goten's eyes widen, with bent knees as he looks around his surroundings.

The mysterious man chuckles, shaking his head as he lowers himself down to stand behind the small saiyan. "In fact, just the spitting image of your father."

"M-My dad? You know my dad?" Goten stuttered, not hearing that anyone else knew of his dad minus his family and Trunks' family.

The tall perfect being smiled to himself, nearly chuckling at the innocence of this hybrid saiyan. However, the innocence of this saiyan was one he didn't want. He wanted Gohan's innocence all to himself. "Why yes, I knew your father. In fact, I'm the one who caused your father's death. What an idiot he was."

Goten pouted, although he didn't know much of his father personally, he wasn't going to take some creepy big bug man talking about him like that. "Stop calling my dad names! I'm pretty strong, so you don't wanna mess with me!" In a flash, Goten turned super saiyan as he pointed his finger at the monster. "I'm gonna beat you up for my dad."

The monster chuckles as he shook his head. "I'm charmed, young one. But you're not the one I seek vengeance on. It's your brother Gohan."

Goten's jaw is agape as he couldn't believe this dark green speckled creature also knew Gohan! Goten felt ice prickle at his skin as he was starting to fear such a creature that knew so much about his family. What if he knew everything!


In a flash, the green man was in front of Goten, smirking down at him. "On second thought though, it would be a real shame if Gohan also lost his only brother. A feisty little boy you are! You radiate so much delicious power inside of you . . ."

Goten cringes in disgust at the tone of the man's voice portraying such excitement. Before he could allow himself to be distracted with his own disgust, Goten began to punch and kick at the villain. He was quick to dodge everything until he found an opening to Goten's punch and swung a mean fist up at his stomach, causing Goten to rasp out. As the small hybrid toppled over in pain, the creature then kicked him to a cliff, proceeding to chase after him with continuous blasts.

Through the debris of the crumbling cliff, Goten sped his way out, wiping the blood off that trailed down his lip. As the green bug charged at Goten, he threw his arms up in defense and continued their match of punches and kicks. Deep down in his stomach, Goten's fear was still lurching deep within.

"I've held back long enough, your brother must've sense our ki already. So, let's give him a sight he won't forget." He says with a grand smile, slamming Goten's poor small body into the ground repeatedly before recoiling his tail from his resting position. "What a feast! I'm sure with your power I'll overpower your brother!"

"What're you talking about—" before Goten could cast a look up at the monster, he was captivated in a darkness. Swollen with an excruciating tightness that squeezed him. He was uncomfortable and scared and could feel himself go up into wherever he was. "G-Gohan!!!" He cries out through sobs, wanting this nightmare to end.

As if on cue, a grand yellow ki ray slices across the creature's tail, causing the tail to fall off with Goten inside. Before the bug could comprehend what was happening, a huge gust of wind hits his eyesight. Goten was scooped up in an embrace and taken off to another part of the forest.

"G-Gohan?" Goten wipes the tears off his face as he clutches onto the fabric of Gohan's dark violet gi.

"Goten! I'm sorry I didn't come sooner," Gohan then stares at the dust bowl that formed around the one person he'd never imagine he'd see ever again. "Cell is back, and is incredibly dangerous if allowed to consume power . . . I fought him years ago and defeated him, most likely he's here for a rematch." Gohan declares.

Goten held his grip on Gohan and shook his head. "Please, Gohan don't fight him! He's so scary! He tried to eat me with his tail!" He hiccups through tears. "I don't wanna lose you!"

Gohan eases a smile. "Don't worry Goten, you won't. I'll be here for you. But right now, what I want you to do is run back to Capsule Corps. and let everyone know what's going on. I need all the answers I can get."

Goten nods, giving Gohan one last hug before flying off.

Gohan sighed. He didn't want Goten to stick around and potentially get even more traumatized from Cell. He made sure Goten made it out safely as he then turned around and on-looked at the sight of Cell standing there with folding arms. Gritting his teeth, he thought of endless possibilities of how Cell could be back, but none of them made sense.

Taking a deep breath, Gohan soars down below toward the perfect being and stood a few feet away from him with narrowed eyes. "So you're back from the dead, really can't imagine why."

Cell chuckles, continuing to stare daggers straight at the once little boy he fought so long ago. "I was pondering the same thing, one moment I was in hell for eternal damnation and the next I woke up on this planet again. It seems fate has brought us back together again, Gohan."

Ignoring his theory, Gohan gets in a fighting stance, continuing to give Cell that menacing glare. "That's real messed up of you to try and absorb my brother! You have nothing against him, the only one you should really be trying to get at is me!" He declares angrily.

Slowly now, Cell takes a couple steps forward. "I was thinking the same thing, but it would've been nice to see you in a bigger fit of rage than what you're showing me now. And you're right, I seek everything from you. Absolutely everything."

Gohan grins. "I'd like to see you try!"

In a flash, the two throw themselves in a much anticipated match, throwing punches and kicks that the two continued to dodge endlessly. Gohan could sense that the bug was holding back, and before he could throw another punch, Cell sped backward and threw a big ray of ki blasts towards Gohan to distract him. Gohan of course, having learned at this point managed to dodge most. Before he could even think, Cell was upfront and close, pulling Gohan into a crushing hold.

One that brought back memories for the two of them.

Cell then proceeds to tighten his hold, causing Gohan to scream out in pain, panting soon afterward.

"Here's the deal, Gohan. Either you let things go my way and be a good boy or you make this harder than it needs to be and I will force you to submit. Your choice!" Cell declares, his pink pearls staring up at Gohan's pain dazed face, his screaming music to his ears.

There was no way Gohan would back down that easily, and as his limbs were sinking down with no movement he couldn't really pick now.

"Well? What will it be?" Cell continues, loosening his grip as Gohan pants, raising both hands up to his forehead, preparing to launch a Masenko. Cell clicks his tongue in annoyance. Of course Gohan was going to be a brat and rebel. Cell then spun the hybrid's body until his back was against his chest and before Cell allowed Gohan to comprehend what was going on, he slammed Gohan down into the ground.

Gohan's face was greeted with the rough and hard surface as Cell grips the back of his black strands of hair and slams his face down into the surface. "You refuse to submit, and now you give me no choice! I've been waiting for this moment for a while now! All my thoughts rage of only you Gohan! From the moment you sent me straight to hell!"

Gohan says nothing, but spits the dirt out of his mouth as his arms and legs begin to scramble in panic to get out of his situation. Cell seemed prepared for this too as he lowers himself down on Gohan's back, wrapping his newly regenerated tail around Gohan's waist and proceeds to lick the back of Gohan's neck.

Feeling the cold wet tongue of the perfect being sliding up and down his neck made him shiver. His obsidian orbs shake within the pool of his white eyes. He was trembling as he felt Cell's fingers trail across his left shoulder, ripping a fat piece of the fabric off to expose the shoulder.

"W-What are you doing, Cell! This isn't a re-rematch!" Gohan stutters, his fingers digging into the dirt as panic flooded his very being even more to the point that it hurt.

"No, it's not!" Cell says dramatically, "It's revenge my dear saiyan, and I won't stop until I'm satisfied . . . After all I am your demon." Cell breathes down his neck, then moving his face towards his shoulder and takes a bite down, sinking his teeth in until he could feel the warm gush of blood. With his free arm, Gohan covers his mouth, nearly screaming into it as he could feel Cell's sharp teeth tear into his flesh, practically sucking his blood like a thirsty vampire.

Gohan's heart was pounding within his ribcage as he forced himself to wait until Cell was done with the deed. Once Cell believed he got a good taste of Gohan, he removed his face from being planted on his shoulder. His lips and cheeks were painted with the crimson red flow as his tongue licks at what remained on his face. Sweet sweet blood that was like nectar to the bug. His pink eyes then proceed to stare down at the shoulder, admiring the work of his teeth marks and blood trickling down at every corner.

"This world could've been all mine, I could've been known as the strongest in the universe! I even liked you enough to be the only other person alive! But now you've chosen this route, naughty saiyan." Cell declares darkly as he then spun Gohan around until he laid on his back.

Gohan glares up at Cell, shaking his head. "You know that would've never happened!" He fought back, attempting to work his hand up, and before he could move either hand, both were greeted with sharp ki blades piercing down at the wrists. His screams were louder than before, turning into gasps for air before subduing to whimpers.

"Like I said, Gohan! I will make things rough if you don't submit, and right now it seems you want pain over anything else I could possibly give you! The sooner you submit, the quicker this will end!" Cell then stares at the strong neck of Gohan and a wicked idea crossed his mind so quick. Before he could get an answer out of the now restricted hybrid, he licks up and down at his neck, loving the texture of his surprisingly soft skin.

Confusion still remained in his body as a deep flood of radish red takes his cheeks. He couldn't believe that Cell was even doing all of this, and that it was earning this kind of reaction from his body. Cell's tongue was ravishing his neck, then traveling down his chest as Cell finds sweet spots to suck on. With Gohan's wrists still painfully pinned down, he wasn't able to cover his mouth, but biting down his lip he was able to sustain a moan or a groan. He didn't understand what was pushing the parasite to do this, why he was doing all of this!

"Ahh," Cell exhales, pulling away to admire the areas of Gohan's skin that would soon be covered with his markings. "Your virgin little mind probably doesn't understand what's going on here, so I'll enlighten you. I plan on taking your virginity to remind you who was your first time, and I won't be doing it out of love, no. I'm going to be enjoying myself at the expense of your pain."

Gohan's eyes widen as he couldn't believe the words that escape Cell's mouth. He planned to fuck him?! All because Gohan defeated him many years ago, and now that he was older, Cell wanted to humiliate and degrade him until he became the insecure little boy from long ago—was that it?! "W-Why, Cell! You don't even like me! Why don't you just save yourself some time and kill me!" Gohan declares, and although he had no prior knowledge of gay sex, judging by the way Cell talked, it wasn't going to be pretty.

Cell roars out in laughter. "Killing you would be far too easy! And what good is the dead body of a saiyan if it isn't alive to be tortured with? Absolutely nothing you say or do will stop what's coming."

Cell watches as Gohan's mouth moves to open, probably another poor attempt to beg Cell to stop so before he could speak, Cell quickly latches his lips down on Gohan's kissing his lips over and over again. The hybrid probably hasn't even experienced his first kiss either so that made Cell smile into the kiss. Gohan squeezes his eyes shut, disgusted with the feeling that Cell was kissing his lips, even licking at the surface of them and before he realized it, Cell's tongue had swarmed inside of his mouth.

"None of this is real, Gohan! You'll wake up back in your room and mom will yell at you for sleeping in so late!" Gohan inwardly thought, but it was too real and he was just living in denial.

Cell's tongue wraps aroundg Gohan's tongue and begins to suck away at the saliva he had to offer. While Gohan was distracted with that, Cell's fingers edge down towards the red belt that securely held his outfit into place. A couple of fierce tugs and it was loose. Gohan's cries muffle through the ongoing make out session as Cell pulls off the belt and throws it to the side. Digging his nails into the waistband of the pants, Cell pulls them down, then breaking the kiss so he could properly work with them.

He found the second layer—his boxers, pulling those down too to reveal Gohan's penis to him, nearly erect with all that Cell was doing. Poor Gohan probably felt ashamed with it poking up like this. "C-Cell! W-Wait, stop! Leave me alone down there!"

With the wicked grin Cell gave Gohan and the darkness that drowned in his pearls of eyes, Gohan knew he wouldn't listen. If he didn't listen the first time, what's the point of him listening now?

Cell stares at the boner a lot longer than Gohan thought he would've, this made Gohan blush in embarrassment with being so exposed. Cell allows his curious wandering hand to coil around it, greeted with its warmth and firmness.

"C-Cell . . ." Gohan whine's the l's dragged on a bit longer than it should.

"You're pretty big, aren't you Gohan? Oh, how a girl would be lucky to have you." Cell comments, as he rubs the tip with his thumb. "Too bad, though." The perfect being begins to stroke Gohan's member up and down in his hand, earning soft groans from the hybrid that was beneath him. Gohan couldn't stop watching Cell touching him like that, and surprisingly it felt good. This whole situation was still very sick to Gohan though. "Do you like it, Gohan? Do you like how my hand feels rubbing your penis like this?" Cell chuckles, quickening the pace as Gohan's groans turn into loud moans. With arched eyebrows and a redder blush than before, Gohan arches his head back in the pleasure that was bursting throughout him.

Cell grins as he watches Gohan fall apart, rubbing him a little while longer before stopping. The hybrid was panting, just as the bug expected. Cell then gets on all fours and angles himself so that his face was near Gohan's boner, his tail uncoiling from being wrapped around Gohan's waist for a good majority of the hybrid's time being on his back.

"C-Cell, what are you doing?" Gohan whines, as Cell smirks at him, saying nothing. Actions spoke louder than words, as Cell stroke him a couple more times before opening his mouth and taking inches of the hybrid's boner in his mouth. Gohan gasps out, forcing himself to look down at the parasite's mouth down on inches of his cock. "Gah! C-Cell!" He cries out, moaning as Cell began to bob his head back and forth to keep the sucking pattern going strong. His blush darkens as beads of sweat pool up on his skin. He couldn't believe that his villain was doing this to him!

Cell felt Gohan's dick in the back of his throat, and luckily he had a big throat to let it hit back. His tongue licks all around the surface of Gohan's dick and began to massage at his chest. "Come now, Gohan! You should be cumming right now!"  Cell inwardly thought as he squeezes the rest of him, preparing for the hybrid's load. Gohan must be very overwhelmed with it, and true to what Cell thought, Gohan's cum began to spill onto his tongue. Gohan yelped out loudly, shivering with his first blowjob's orgasm.

Pants fill the air as Cell pulls away, wiping the fluids off his mouth. Before either him or Gohan could say another word, Cell flips Gohan around and pushes the hybrid back down onto his stomach. Gentler this time, Cell then proceeded to pull Gohan's pants down to his shoes. He stares at the hybrid's ass as he licks his lips. "You're a virgin, so . . . I'll make this easy for you . . ." Cell felt his own penis slide out from being kept inside of his black shield. His own dick was already wet with his sexual advances on Gohan. He was practically dripping with the lust for the hybrid.

Gohan couldn't see now, but the fresh air wasn't exactly pleasant for his rear. Gohan gritted his teeth, he knew sex this much to know that Cell was going to put his cock in his ass—he just wasn't prepared for the pain that it would bring. Squeezing his eyes shut, he didn't even want to think. He just wanted it all to end, as his eyes started to ache with an unbearable weight.

Cell slides his boner in between Gohan's butt cheeks, savoring the feel as his fluids begin to coat Gohan, the hybrid shivering with the coldness of it. Cell growls lowly as he slides it back and forth, grinding away as he smirks down at Gohan, proceeding to wrap his tail around his waist again and dig his hand into the waves of his hair. "My, my! You feel splendid Gohan! Perhaps, I'll drag out our little session here that will commence very soon!" Cell declares, massaging himself with the insides of Gohan.

"Just start it already!" Gohan cried out, the tears pricking the edges of his eyes as they dared to escape. "Please!"

"Ah, ah, ah!" Cell shook his head, massaging Gohan's exposed shoulder, causing Gohan to wince. It was still searing with pain and he didn't like it. "I want my penis to fit inside of you, Gohan!" Cell quickens the grinding as Gohan couldn't help but moan. He hated to admit it, but he was going crazy due to all this torment. It felt good, really good. But this was all wrong! This was the monster that murdered his father! This was the monster that tortured thousands, possibly millions of lives! And now here he was, in some fucked up logical way doing this to Gohan.

Cell then proceeds to pull himself out and stares at the mess he created and grins with pride. It was now time to start this, and there was no way he was going to stop until he was completely satisfied. He aims the tip of his member at Gohan's ass, rubbing against the entrance as Gohan flinches just like the bug expected him to.

Gohan snapped out of his trance as his head jerked upward, whimpering through clenched teeth. He despised the way Cell's tip felt poking at him! He could practically throw up at any moment, and it didn't better justify the situation they were in because he was pinned. Not a single warning, no words escaped from Cell's lips, but one low grunt. Cell forcefully shoved his penis all the way inside, into Gohan, causing the hybrid to scream out in pain, a continuous pain of scream mixed with gasps for air. Before Gohan knew it, the once preserved tears were rushing down his face as he couldn't take the pain of him being deep inside. His cries were childish, soft, as his sobs raged on.

Cell grins, enjoying the tears of his favorite enemy. He kept his boner deep inside Gohan, not moving out or starting a thrusting pattern. The gush of warmth that flowed around him however was no doubt Gohan's blood. "Awww, what's the matter Gohan? Can't take it? I thought saiyans were the strongest race ever! Surely you can handle something like this!" The android declares, lowering his lips down to the shoulder he bit and proceeds to sink his teeth deep down again. Gohan screams out in pain as Cell begins to move his his back and forth, having a bit of difficulty sliding himself.

None of Gohan's words wanted to come out, they were downgraded to just whining and crying. Gohan's face was now wet with his tears as he tried his hardest to find his happy place. Fighting alongside Piccolo? Playing outside with Goten? Being saved by his father? Enjoying his mother's cooking? No matter where he ran, Cell was always there in his thoughts. Gohan always had to be reminded that Cell was his first everything.

"Ahhh," Cell exhales. "You feel so good, Gohan. I think it's time to quicken the pace." He says once moved on from scarring Gohan's shoulder any more. The android then moved back to get on his knees as he bent Gohan to get on his knees as well. Removing his tail, he then holds the hybrid's hips and starts a moderate thrusting session, forcefully pushing his penis in and out. Gohan sniffles as his fingernails scratch at the dirt, unable to say anything in response but cry.

The android stares at Gohan's back, bare and naked from any of his touches. What a shame, and besides . . . It was time for Cell to get a good look at Gohan. Cell flips them over so that Gohan was resting down on Cell's body, his head on the parasite's chest. "C-Cell?" Gohan manages to say through his sobs, his arms finally free from being restricted. He couldn't do much with them because they were numb and heavy with the time they didn't move and they still hurt from being stabbed.

"What? It looks like you need a hug." Cell talks to Gohan in a baby voice as he adjusts his legs so that he could thrust easier into Gohan. The hybrid's sobs vibrates on Cell's chest as Cell smirks, enjoying every tear and noise that Gohan made. His black nails trail up on Gohan's back as he digs them in, piercing at his skin. Running them down his back, four trails of blood followed as Gohan's nails dug into Cell's arms, screaming into his chest. Possible words were muffled. Once Cell's fingers reached Gohan's waist, he firmly wraps his arms around Gohan and continued to pound him. This in turn made Gohan hold onto Cell, screaming into the chest of his enemy.

Cell slammed the hybrid down the ground as Cell was now able to see his face and his dick erected because of their sex. He stares down at Gohan's tears and cuts that formed through him being handled so roughly. The hickies were now becoming noticable alongside the bruises Cell left on areas of Gohan he firmly held. Almost everywhere, there was a mark from Cell. A mark that made Gohan Cell's property. His and only his, and this in turn turned Cell on even more as he sped up with the thrusting, lowering himself down so that Gohan could hold onto him. Now Gohan's moans and Cell's groans fill the nature they fucked in, Cell was riding out his high as he felt the burst of pleasure dare to explode.

His groans were becoming messier, and he realized his first climax was very close. He pushed his penis all the way in, gasping out lowly as he came inside Gohan's ass. The hybrid screamed, squeezing Cell tightly into an unexpected embrace as he too could feel his own climax on his stomach. For a while, Cell laid there on top of Gohan, allowing the two to catch their breaths. The sound of the bodily fluids dripping out of Gohan's ass was audible as Cell gifts Gohan a kiss, deep and dirty with tongues involved.

Cell rolls off of Gohan and lays there beside the hybrid, staring at his purple dick lathered with his cum and the blood of Gohan. He then turns to look over at Gohan who was turned the other way, huddled up in a little ball. Humiliation was eating him alive, and he couldn't believe he allowed his villain to viciously fuck him. The blood on his back was splotched together in artful patterns as Cell could make out his scratch marks. His ass was splattered with the blood and cum as Gohan dared not look back at Cell.

After a few moments pass by, Cell sat up as Gohan took this opportunity to try and crawl away. Cell immediately picked up Gohan into his arms, and Gohan couldn't fight him. He didn't know if it was the fear of being fucked again, or simply because he knew he couldn't fight him. Cell was ridiculously powerful right now.

"And just where do you think you're going? I was planning on originally letting you go . . . But you feel so good Gohan. I intend on keeping you as mine." Cell declares as he watches the hybrid's eyes widen in absolute horror. Gohan knew that his friends would save them, they would! As if Cell could read his mind, he maliciously grins down at Gohan. "The good few of your friends won't be saving you at all." Cell raises up on his feet as he held Gohan. "Don't worry, Gohan. I'll make sure every day is filled with pleasures and being beside me. I love you Gohan." Those last four words made Gohan begin to scramble in Cell's arms, but Cell kept his hold. "This world will be ours!"


Goten, Trunks, Vegeta and Chi-Chi rushed on to the camp grounds, attempting to search endlessly and hopelessly for any source of Gohan. When Goten led them to a familiar area, all they found was dried up blood and Chi-Chi couldn't stop her tears. Vegeta held her in an embrace as he just allowed Trunks and Goten to try and look for Gohan.

After Chi-Chi had finished her crying, they kept looking. No one could sense the ki of Gohan and Cell, and mysteriously, the good majority of the Z fighters were missing as well.

Search parties looked for the missing Gohan, but no one could ever find him, or Cell.